《Necrobyte》Chapter 8: A Mission


Chapter 8: A Mission

A basic drone consisted of only a few main parts. The outer shell, the motherboard, the sensor system, and depending on the type of drone, land or aerial maneuver system. These types of drones were good for reconnaissance. Offensive drones were larger as they also include a weapon system. Their shells were also harder, and their motherboards were more advanced.

There are almost no limits to what shape a drone can take on. A land drone can be any shape that can move easily. An aerial drone had more limits though, due to its aerodynamic nature. The company’s standard drones were large wide silver metallic beasts that looked like smooth clouds of metal. They were not given any features that made it distinct. This allowed the drones to be more easily sacrificed when necessary. Employees won’t grow attached to featureless smooth metal blobs.

Gin looked at the basic drone blueprint in his hands. The various parts listed could be replaced with a huge variety of different pieces, but they all must be within a certain threshold to ensure the basic functions of a drone.

The easiest part was the outer shell. Basic drone shells could literally be made from any material. Wood, aluminum, plastic, carbon fiber, anything you can get your hands on.

The motherboard would be the most difficult part. Standard drone motherboards were tightly controlled by the company. Gin would have to go to salvage broken ones and pray that he could piece them together. Even then, the company had a very high salvage rate. Those that were abandoned were either far beyond repair or not worth the money to recover.

The sensor system will depend on how complex the user wants them to be. Basic types of sensors like temperature, radiation, heat, and motion are very simple and easy to get hold of. The more specific and highly calibrated sensors are also controlled by corporate.

What all of this meant is that Gin would have to dumpster dive just to get started.


“Nothing in the database said that monsters would drop manufactured machine parts.”

“So, I have to get a hold of them in real life…”

“I pity you. Don’t fret idiot, the company sells the parts to employees as recreational or R&D material.”

“But I’m broke.”

“Ever heard of spending money to make money?”

“Isn’t that the motto for a pyramid scheme?”

“Even a pyramid scheme is better than what you have now.”


Rakia stared at Gin and Zin have their personal conversation from the side. The constant shifting of Gin’s facial expression looked like he was having a stroke.

“It’s a good thing we mastered the art of talking in secret.”

“Mead, please warn me if I make weird random facial expressions when talking.”

“Will do.”

Finally, the morning came and the shuttle to return to the room pods arrived. Gin reluctantly left Rakia’s homey shop after promising to visit for every meal. Rakia only smiled and waved.

“Cute kid.”

“Come on Mead, let’s prepare to finish our plan.”


The following day, Gin finally received a notice from the company about his next job. Actually, it was a note from his boss that detailed it.

[Notice to all employees of Maintenance Team Alpha Gamma Delta Zero Five, a mission has been assigned to your group under the Corporate Defense Team. The CDT requires your service in repairing a reconnaissance drone 250 miles North, North West of Company Zone. Coordinates 28.079929 Latitude, -80.603523 Longitude. An escort team of 6 CDT units will accompany you. Your team shall report to the exit hub on Area 59 at 0900 Hours tomorrow.]


The notice was long. It included several waivers that each employee had to sign. But after Gin read what the rewards for the mission were, he almost immediately signed all of it.

Every risk had its rewards. Maintenance teams were assigned repair missions outside of city limits every once in a while. It was often in a round-robin system to ensure every team got equal amounts of missions. The rewards could be either a significant amount of credits or something the employee wants from the company.

Depending on how far the repair area was, the survival rate changed drastically. Everywhere within 100 miles of the city was relatively safe with a survival rate of above 99%. After the 100-mile mark, things become more dangerous as there were fewer patrols. The survival rate drops to 80%. Past the 200-mile mark, things differ greatly. Some areas were concentrated pockets of radiation and thus were far more dangerous. The highest survival rating past that mile mark was 70%. The lowest was of course 0%.

“250 miles…,” Gin frowned. “Zin…”

“Calculating based on map coordinates…Estimated survival rating of 63%.”

Gin was lost in thought. If their entire maintenance team of 24 went with them, only 15 would survive. It would also depend on how capable the CDT team was. His boss would definitely go. The reward was far too tempting for him to resist. But at least he won’t force everyone to participate. Knowing the team, not everyone would agree and the full 24 won’t be present.

“What are my chances if we were assigned an average CDT team?”

“Calculating…Based on the statistics gathered on the average combat strength of the CDT, survival rating has increased to 81%.”

“81% huh…,” Gin pondered.

It was very tempting.

“I suggest you take it.”

Gin looked at the wall terminal.

“Are you sure you aren’t a sadist?”

“I’m serious. You can activate Exceed mode in real life. It would allow you to boost your physical capabilities in a short time. Although I cannot gain full control like in an AR environment, I can at least remove some limiters.”

“What are my chances with Exceed mode?”


Gin made up his mind. 90% survival wasn’t bad. He sent all the signed waivers to his boss. A reply was sent immediately.

[Hey kiddo, I want to remind you that this is an extremely dangerous job. Are you sure about this?]

[I’m sure boss. I am ready for it!]

[Good spirit kid! I’ll make sure you get back intact!]

Gin smiled as he thought about his grizzly sized boss.

[How many are going, boss?]

[A total of 16.]

“So, I was the last to reply…,” Gin sighed and continued to read his boss’s reply.

[Don’t worry kiddo. I know the captain of the CDT team we were assigned. He’s a strong guy.]

A video was sent along with the message. Gin opened it and saw an armored man lifting up a steel beam the size of three men.

“This shit is easy!”

He laughed as he tossed the beam like a basket of feathers.

“Come on Jeral, give me something heavier!”

Gin heard his boss’s voice say, “There’s nothing heavier around here! Stop showing off and come eat!”

Zin quickly did an analysis of the man’s strength.

“Recalculating survival rate. If nothing surprising occurs, survival rate at 98%.”

Gin finally relaxed. The rewards for taking this mission compared to the renewed survival rate was definitely worth it.

“I will ask for an exclusive deal with the company to purchase their lower quality motherboards, sensor systems, and maneuver systems.”


Gin calculated the average price he should ask for.

“I need to hunt and sell raw material for now.”

“Yes, you need an initial startup cash injection.”

Zin agreed.

“Maybe I can ask my boss.”

“He seemed like the most likely investor you have.”

Gin didn’t even consider Rakia due to her age. No one that young had saved enough money to lend to others.

For now, all he could do is prepare. Tomorrow’s journey would decide his future. So, for today, he rested.


Employees who had an immediate job from the company don’t have to wait for the normal transport shuttle. A specialized vehicle came and picked up all 16 members of the maintenance team who signed the waiver.

“Morning boys, we got a big job today! Prepare your asses because if you don’t it’s going to bloom!”

Gin’s boss Jeral said with a wide grin.

He was a large fellow with a sizable beard. Thanks to the company’s dental plan, his smile was pearly white and glowed brightly in the morning sun. His uniform was the same color as the rest of the team, orange and bright. The signature gloves, shoes, and bubble helmet were also worn by everyone on the team.

The vehicle landed in Area 59 in a specialized dock.

A team of 6 CDT members greeted the maintenance team when the hatch opened up.

“Jeral, you old bastard! Good to see you again!”

A powerful deep voice laughed.

“Hunter, you blockhead! Glad you’re still alive!”

Jeral laughed as well.

A hulk of a man over two meters tall stood out from the other five. Clad in full combat armor made for outside exploration, he was a gleaming beacon of power. The outfit was a metal suit of mechanized armor that was sealed tight. It ensured the person inside was very safe, but it was extremely heavy and required tremendous amounts of strength and energy to use. The R&D department always tried to improve upon its design.

Over the years, it had become the company’s signature militia armor that only captains got to wear.

The helmet hatch opened revealing a one-eyed man with white hair. He was clean-shaven down to his eyebrows. Only a few strands of white existed on his head. Sweat dripped off his face as he boiled in his armor under the morning sun.

Gin nearly gasped when he saw the man. He looked so much older than the video he saw last night. But at the same time, his eyes were far more mature and ferocious.

“A veteran.”

Gin thought.

Jeral and Hunter locked arms and hugged each other, but to everyone else, it looked like they were trying to judo toss each other down to the ground. The veins on their arms bulged as they flexed. Creaking could be heard from Jeral’s glove and Hunter’s armor.

Finally, they let go and patted each other on the back while laughing.

“Still as strong as ever huh?”

They both said to each other at the same time. Then they froze and once again began trying to throw each other onto the ground.

The other five members of the CDT could only cover their faces in shame along with the maintenance team. Both their bosses were strong but childish. Solidarity under their idiot bosses brought them closer together.

Gin looked at the scene in awe. Just how powerful was his boss and Hunter? Why hadn’t his boss ever shown his full power before? He could almost feel the level of physical prowess on display in front of him. The video his boss sent him last night also gave him an idea of how powerful Hunter was.

“Zin, are they?”

“No, they aren’t in exceed mode. But it is something similar. The limiter on their body had been lessened over time and they can exert extreme levels of force. But it obviously damages their body greatly over time. If not for their physique, they would have been bedridden by now.”

Gin pondered. Was the exceed mode designed after these veterans? How did the R&D department come up with this?

“Destroying themselves for momentary gain, how capitalistic.”

Zin said with schadenfreude.

The rest of the CDT was wearing standard military gear. A shrapnel proof vest, skin-tight anti-radiation overalls, combat gloves and boots, a standard-issue UI helmet, and two corn cobs on each side full of various weapons. Hot weapons like guns, explosives, and flame-based weapons along with cold weapons like knives, swords, and other melee tools.

Armed to the teeth and full of nothing but pent up physical strength, the CDT was your average mercenary roughnecks in all the usual sense. Motivated solely by profits instead of national pride, they couldn’t be called soldiers anyways.

Their vehicle was a standard bunker style all-terrain vehicle. This old model had been used by the company ever since its founding. Although the R&D department pimped it out with various new features, it was still the same sturdy and reliable beast with just a few new tricks up its sleeves.

It was blocky and had a thick layer of plating on it. It was anti-corrosive and anti-radiation. There were large wheels with powerful suspensions to ensure a smooth ride over any surface. The wheels even had powerful retractable spikes to ensure a smooth climb on frozen surfaces. The fuel tank in the back of the vehicle allowed for three full days of operations without refueling. There was an antenna on top for communication between a command tower or other vehicles. In this case, the communication channel was opened to the project recovery management team.

After their friendly tussle was over, Jeral and Hunter introduced their teams to each other. In total, there were 22 people going into one vehicle.

The safety protocols were reviewed in detail and by the time everything was ready, noon had already arrived.

“We will arrive at the site in 6 hours. That gives us only one and a half hours left of sunlight to set up a defense perimeter. The technician team must begin repairs immediately. If we can get the weapon system on the downed drone online, we will be safe for the night.”

Everyone nodded with Hunter’s explanation. They had a very limited time frame. Staying the night outside was extremely dangerous but in order to fully repair the drone, they needed the time. Although corporate didn’t give them much information on the extent of the damage, they assumed that since the drone had become unresponsive to such extent, the damage must be severe.

Gin entered the vehicle along with everyone else. They buckled in their seat tightly as multiple screens connected to various sensors came alive. The weapon system on the vehicle was added on like a sticker on the front windshield of a car. The R&D department slapped on various gun turrets with limited bullet capacity. They can win skirmishes, but a prolonged fight would end in a close combat situation once the bullets ran out.

The vehicle passed by multiple large and heavy gates as the protection became fewer and fewer. Soon, the bunker truck was exposed to the elements outside. Radiation levels skyrocketed as the sensors started giving off warnings. Thankfully, the shielding held up and no leaks were detected. The air outside was full of particulates and was harmful to human inhabitants. The filters worked at full blast to ensure a steady supply of air into the cabin of the truck.

Gin took a deep breath. His bubble helmet would be providing oxygen later once he exited the vehicle so he could only enjoy the fresh cabin air for now.

The six-hour ride was extremely bumpy but thankfully, the extreme nature of the environment meant that most radiated creatures stayed hidden and avoided attacking them. They passed by several ruins of cities of yesteryear. Burnt black by war and baked in the horrors of the sun, the buildings became nothing but a monument of humanity’s arrogance and rage. The old paved roads cracked and became nothing but dust and gravel. Plant life was almost nonexistent as water became scarce. Only a few plants survived thanks to the underground water reservoir.

After two hours into the journey, boredom took hold of the crew. The sights were amazing and dystopian for most but after two hours, it got bleak and boring. Some of the CDT members were quite talkative and were chatting among themselves. Jeral and Hunter were sharing stories of their glory days.

Gin didn’t mingle with anyone. He looked a lot younger than everyone else. Even at the ripe age of 18, he looked like he just became a teenager of 13 years. They instinctively treated him like a child and avoided talking to him.

Even after working with the maintenance team for half a year, their views were too difficult to change. Only his boss treated him as an adult. But for now, he was busy entertaining the rest of the crew. Gin could only chat with Zin.

But before any proper conversation could get going, an alarm blared in the cabin. They had passed the 100-mile mark.

“Rapidly approaching hostiles! Tremors felt underground indicate they might be rodent or insect type!”

One of the CDT members shouted to Hunter.

“Deploy the reinforced undercarriage armor. Keep a steady speed. Our vehicle’s tremors might have attracted them.”

Depending on the size of the creature, they might even be forced to stop and attack it head-on. Small creatures couldn’t even dent the armor on the bottom of the vehicle. Large creatures could flip the vehicle and thus the CDT team would have to attack it.

“Scanning size.”

Using sonar, the vehicle tried to get a general idea of how big the target was.

“Calculating…,” The monitored finally brought up a generated image of what was attacking. “Ten hostiles, two large, eight smalls. Require immediate diversion.”

Hunter frowned. They were already being attacked as soon as they left the 99% survival zone.

“Stop the truck, CDT remembers, get out, and lay down ground spikes.”

They had to take the initiative against these monsters.

Everyone turned on their helmets and the vehicle hatch opened. The 6 CDT members leaped out of the vehicle and started to scatter caltrops on the ground. One of them stuck a rod into the ground to get better sensor information.

“ETA 3 minutes. We can assume they are insect type creatures from the new sensor data.”

The CDT member with the rod said.

“Take out heat weapons, insect types are resistant to blunt force trauma due to their carapace.”

The mercenaries took some kernels off their cob. The body heat of their hand transformed it into flamethrower type weaponry. Some who were fonder of melee combat took out heated blade weapons. At least they can stab the beasts to slow it down.

The 16 members of the maintenance team waited in the truck.

“Anything we can do to help?”

Gin asked politely.

“Stay out of our way.”

Hunter replied as a bloodthirsty aura erupted from him. He took out a huge chainsaw on a stick and turned it on. It was now time for combat.

The creatures burrowed out of the ground and leaped at them with enormous force. Hunter leaped at the same time and swung the chainsaw spear at the bug. It sliced off several limbs as putrid green fluid spewed from the wound.

“Aim for the head! And make it fast!”

Hunter shouted as soon as he saw what they were up against.

Ant type creatures. This was bad. A small group such as this must be a team of scouts. If they don’t hurry, the rest of the army would overwhelm them in seconds.

Everyone began to worry.

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