《Statless》Chapter 3 - Nice to meet you!
This almost feels like a walk in the park... A dangerous, errie and dark park, with bloodthirsty monstrosities lurking everywhere, no real path to walk on and no human being for who knows how many miles... Like a jurassic park...
Alex, being grateful for his habit of sleeping mostly clothed, only rarely even bothering to take off his comfortable house shoes due to time-concerns/lazyness, clawed his way through the forest in hopes of miraculously stumbling upon some town or just any sign of human supremacy in this world, while at the same time trying to survive and to stay hidden from anything that could endanger his well-being.
He was never very fond of hiking, or forests, or anything related to outdoor activities really, always prefering to stay within the safety and comfort of his own house unless strictly necessary. A trait he didn't regret even in his current situation.
This didn't mean that he was helplessly lost as for what to do when stranded in an unhospitable place. He might not be an expert on survival, but he was perfectly capable of starting a campfire, or even setting up simpler traps to catch something to eat.
Not that he bothered doing any of that currently, since he neither had enough time, nor saw any reason in building traps large enough for the apparently sole residents of this forest. All this time he didn't find any sign hinting at the existence of wildlife smaller than him, probably long lost to the stomachs of creatures like the Reaper Wolf.
And without food or water there was no reason to start a campfire either. Naturally, this also presented the very pressing need for him to find some place that actually offered such comodities. This caused Alex to increase his speed by quite a bit, almost turning into a slow jog, while still maintaining an awareness of his surroundings to avoid becoming a comodity himself.
Ugh, this would be the perfect time for a Pizza-tree to exist... Maybe something like that could actually exist in this world? Not in this damned forest though... And now that i think about it, I don't even know what kind of food they have here... What if I can't even eat it?! Well, I can breathe just fine, so that's probably not going to be a problem. Makes me wonder what kind of food they have here though. Hopefully they have something similar to the stuff from... home.
And with that, Alex finally realized that his chances of ever seeing his home again were rather slim, spending the next few minutes thinking about all the things he'll miss. First and foremost comes Lily.
For years, ever since his descent into depression, she was the first greeting him when he awoke and the last he saw when he fell asleep. It hit him hard that he wouldn't see her again, wouldn't play or just laze about with her. Wouldn't work on his research while she stood by his side, observing and protecting him.
Lily was the only family he had left. Even if she technically belonged to his neighbor Jasmine, he was sure that she prefered his company more. She spend most of her time with him, after all! This didn't mean that Jasmine didn't take care of her. Quite the contrary, she was the one feeding and going for a walk twice a day with her. Things that Alex would've forgotten all too often, if he remembered them at all. Not surprising, considering that he usually either slept or worked during those times.
For similar reasons he didn't enjoy a good relationship with his human neighbor, not a bad one either though. Essentially none at all, aside from the occassional meetings when both happened to leave their houses at the same time. Considering this, it was rather peculiar that Jasmine tolerated her dogs unusual behaviour and allowed her to visit him every day. Another peculiarity was Alex actually going through the effort of installing a pet-door for her, which was part of the reason why Jasmine accepted it, since it demonstrated his affection for his companion.
...I won't see Lily again. I doubt this would be a safe place for her though, so maybe it's for the better... I don't know what I would've done if she had been transported together with me to this world. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to take care of myself...
After several minutes of these depressing thoughts, definitely succeeding in holding back a tear or two, and noticing that all he'll really miss from his old world essentially just came down to her, he slowly regained his focus. Not that his focus was anything to marvel at, considering how often he had and lost it in the past few minutes. But for now he had it, and so he'd put it to use!
Focus Alex! You don't have much time! So... what do I know? Hmm... First of all, I'm pretty sure this is real and not some kind of neurev trickery. There's just no way technology makes such fast advancements without anyone noticing. So, real world means real consequences... Better not die! To do that, I'll need... food!... Which i can't get... What else? Water!... Same problem here... A safe place?... That's what I'm looking for anyway! I can't think of much else though... I need more info!
With that, Alex went on to take a closer look at his System, for even if he couldn't really interact with it, there might still be hope for it to hold some valuable clues as to his circumstances. Or at least allow him to get other insights that might help with anything he is bound to face alone in this forest. Alone in this new world.
Let's see... That's my name, duh... Level 10... I don't know if that has much to say in the first place, considering that I'm not missing much to reach that giant beast's level, but am still not quite as strong as it... close, but not yet... right... Next! No class... and no way to select one... I just hope I'll be able to get one without having to manually choose or accept it. Same goes for anything else... Maybe there's even a way to distribute stats like that... If I train, maybe they apply themselves? Or maybe I can actually just gain new stats that way! Ohhh, that would be sweet. Same for skills hopefully! Not even an hour in this world and already closer to magic than I was after all my efforts before... Let's get back on track though.
After going through all the stats, Alex came to the following conclusion, which was not far off from the truth, but also not really difficult to guess.
So... Seems like 10 is the average for every stat, but 20 doesn't make you twice as capable... At least I don't think that's the case... Would be nice though, with 29 Intelligence, hehe. Anyway, Strength stands for... just that, strength. My first guess for Endurance would've been bone density, or maybe how much you can resist a force, but I can't see my bones as particularly dense or anything. I've got a rather sturdy build, sure, but that shouldn't help with defense... I doubt I'd pose much of a hinderance to a knife... The only other thing I would associate with Endurance are resistances, like to cold, or pain. Both I'm rather good at ignoring, so maybe resistances are taken into account too? As for Vitality... no clue... maybe general health, longevity and regeneration? Bah, not much going on there anyway, with just 12 points, so might as well just focus on more important stats. Dexterity is kinda obvious, though not as much as Strength. Now the important stats! Intelligence! Haha! 29! Now that feels good! Not that I think it refers to my actual intelligence, but rather represents something like magical capabilities. Like Wisdom for mana capacity and Intelligence for mana regeneration... not that I've seen any mention of that yet... but it has to exist! Otherwise I'd say the stats are pretty accurate, since I might've been born well-built, but always prefered to focus on mental activities. Next up, Skills!
Well... not much going on here... just this one... but it's rather useful, I'd say. Wouldn't want to be stranded in some murderous world without a way to communicate... that'd be bad... very bad...
Titles! Three of those, huh... Having my own title sure feels nice, although, I assume it's just a quirk of the System, like everyone getting a title just for existing. There's probably some reason for that too, but I doubt I'll have to deal with that anytime soon, so whatever... Those other two give me some hope though! Stats and Skills through training! No need to spend my points if I can just train them anyway. Only useful for passive ones, but better than nothing. Now, the question is if that also allows me to gain them in the first place... No point agonizing over that now! Might as well just assume it'll work and leave it at that.
Having sorted through all that new information, Alex gained a lot of new knowledge and understanding of his System and it's related topics. Not as much as any child born in this world had, but he was satisfied, albeit not as much as he would've been if he actually got anything useful out of it.
Well, that wasn't too complicated. But also not very...
Alex heard a sound coming from some bushes behind him. He turned around as fast as he possibly could to identify the threat and start running, only to be interrupted half-way through his motion by another sound, this time far louder and more akin to something hitting wood. The last thing he saw was a blurry motion. Only darkness ensued afterwards.
"Whatcha got there, son?"
"I told you not to call me son! I'm barely a year younger than you, old man!"
"Hah! Dream on! Now, who's tha' fella'?"
"None of your problems! Get the captain, he'll know what do to with this guy."
"Aye sir, I'll get 'im as fast as I can!"
Contrary to his claim, the burly man didn't move an inch, still enjoying some kind of beverage contained in a wooden flask while looking at his surroundings with a relaxed expression, seemingly not taking note of the man in front of him growing more annoyed by the second.
"I'll get him myself. You make sure this guy doesn't wake up, or you deal with the captain. Got that?"
"Sure, kid. Whatever."
"Don't call me kid!"
Ugh... fuckin' hurts! Fuuu... ugh
Slowly awaking from his forceful slumber, Alex's first thoughts were very focused again. Focused on the pain and throbbing coursing through his mental regions, that is. Being knocked-out isn't an everyday experience, not that anyone would want it to be anyway. While still trying to regain control over his body and mind, he heard unfamiliar voices talking in the distance. Or maybe in close proximity. Hard to make out when every sound only increased the pain from his head-ache again...
"Get the captain! Tell him that he's awake!"
Regaining some control over his mental faculties, Alex went on to assess his current situation, identify his aggressors and plan his heroic escape, while at the same time trying not to arouse suspicion, lest the guard found out about his glorious intentions.
Ugh... Where am I? And why does my head hurt so much?! Wait, who the heck is that guy? Did he hit me?! Seriously?! Couldn't you just get my attention and ask me what I was up to? No? Ass...
Or maybe he just wondered what was going on and complained about his aggressor, all while holding his head to try and sooth the pain.
A dark and rough voice, demanding his name, conveyed a feeling of certain doom should he refuse to reply. And so he did, as detailed as possibile, to avoid the voice, and it's associated body, finding any fault with his answer.
"Alexander Weiss."
Slightly releaved upon noticing his cooperative attitude, or at least apparent sanity, something not found often in strays running around alone in a forest, without any sort of equipment, the supposed captain pushed for more information.
"Alexander Weiss... A rather puculiar name, is it not? Where are you from? And what are you doing in this place? Did you enter the forest alone and without equipment? Are you an idiot? Answer!"
Alexander, impressed by the accurate translation, together with the perfect synchrony of the voice and lip movements, provided by his skill Language, considered his options. It would be reckless to tell the truth, on the other hand, he had absolutely no clue about this world and every excuse he could think of would likely result in his situation becoming even more uncomfortable, if discovered.
Deciding not to risk his life, but also to keep some of the more complicated details to himself, Alex answered the captain with his best lost-child imitation. All while maintaining some modicum of dignity, of course.
"I don't know, sir! I just woke up close to an abyss when a Reaper Wolf rushed at me! I barely survived because I slipped from the ledge, before getting caught by some roots and I have no idea how I ended up there in the first place! The last thing I know before that, is that I went to sleep at home, I swear!"
Throughout his reply, the captains expression turned from angry at his first sentence, to contemplative, likely considering the validity of his story. After he was already done with his explanation, the man in front of him grew pensive for some seconds, leaving Alex to his own thoughts.
I really hope he doesn't ask me anything I don't have an answer for. Like the name of this world... Ugh, I need to know more about this place, but trying to get common knowledge from these guys is way too dangerous. Who knows how they'll react if I ask something obvious...
A serious look on the captains face made Alex halt his train of thought and recapitulate what he just told the man, lest he messed up somewhere and forfeited his life with it. He waited for his adversaries next move, hoping not to get a heart-attack from the pressure excerted on him by his growing frown.
"Alberton is in his tent, sir. He's taking a nap."
"Then wake him up and tell him to get his ass over here! Yesterday!"
Wondering who this so-called Alberton was, Alex waited patiently, glad about the fact that the captain averted his piercing gaze from him. Nonetheless, he started to question what this group was.
They don't look like you'd imagine adventurers at all, and there are at least 20 of them, just in their camp alone... Who knows how many more are out scouting or whatever... Their behaviour also looks more like they're on a military campain than what you'd expect from a bunch of bandits... So, what are they? Soldiers on some conquest? Well, maybe I can just ask... Wouldn't be suspicious not to know what complete strangers are doing, right?
"Uhm, excuse me?"
"What? Oh there he is, finally! Alberton, go and check this guy!"
A middle-aged man, dressed in a long robe made of thick black leather, probably from one of these monstrosities out there, came up to them with a tired look on his long-bearded face. Looking at him, you couldn't mistake him for anything other than an old mage... maybe a librarian.
"Ugh... I was sleeping, Garreth! Couldn't you have just... i don't know... Nevermind, let's just get this over with fast, so I can get back! So, let's see what we got here... Alexander Weiss. Level 10... The hell? No class and not a single skill, other than Language. What's wrong with you, kid?! Are you some religious nutcase, thinking the System is evil or shit like that?!"
His uncaring expression strongly contrasted the apparent shock at Alex's lack of skills of any kind, safe the default Language skill granted to every being capable of speech, reflected in his voice.
Hoping not to get bound up like a mad-man by his captors before he could explain himself, Alex replied as fast as he was capable of without revealing too much about his real circumstances, trying to sound as believable as some weird guy found in the middle of a very dangerous forest possibly could. Not an easy task, mind you.
"I just got to Level 10! I received them when I dodged that Reaper Wolf and it fell into that abyss! It's true, I already told your captain before, just ask him!"
The apparent confusion displayed by both of his captors left Alex with a bad feeling. Even though he couldn't find anything in his claim that differed from the information the captain already had, as if he just revealed something he shouldn't have.
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