《Luna》Chapter 26 - Allies


"L-Luna!" I shouted, standing up from the table but it was too late.

Luna lunged at Mayu with her switchblade. She raised her hand up, preparing to strike the knife down at Mayu's neck. The blade shot down and stabbed itself into the ground as Mayu rolled sideways, narrowly avoiding the attack.

"W-what the hell, Luna?!" Mayu breathed out, staring at Luna. Mayu's arms were on the ground behind her, keeping her upper body up where she sat.

Luna wrenched the blade out of the ground unfazed, she faced Mayu again.

"Luna..." Mayu edged away cautiously. "What are you doing?"

Luna moved towards Mayu nonchalantly. "Killing you."

She lept forward with her knife and Mayu snapped her dagger out from behind her, unsheathed. The scabbard made a loud clanging noise as it met Luna's blade but the force of the attack pushed Mayu's dagger downwards. Her wrist twisted in an awkward angle and Mayu yelped, dropping her dagger on the ground.

Luna immediately pushed herself on top of Mayu, using the weight of her body to sit down against Mayu's hips. Mayu flung her arms out, making a desperate attempt for Luna's knife but Luna raised the knife up, keeping it away from Mayu's reach.

Luna then shot her free hand down, lifting Mayu's upper body up by pulling on her collar, then without warning she slammed Mayu back down against the ground, causing the back of Mayu's head to crash against the ground, stunning her.

"Mayu, do you want to know how I killed Kaori?" Luna asked, her knife dangled dangerously above Mayu's face. "Kaori was really scared when I got on top of her like this. She couldn't even open her eyes. I had to slit them open for her."

Luna moved her hand up from Mayu's collar and grabbed onto Mayu's cheeks tightly. Luna turned Mayu's head sideways against her will.

"I started with her face first." Luna leaned down closer to Mayu's face. "I didn't like how pretty she was, so I started cutting into her face. She kept begging me to stop but she couldn't talk because I tore out her tongue. I didn't stop cutting until I thought she was going to die from all the blood she lost."


"Luna..." My mouth gaping.

"You must had seen her, her entire jaw was falling off her face." Luna giggled. "She looked pretty funny like that."

I stood there in disbelief staring at the scene. How did things become this chaotic all of a sudden? I snapped out of my trance and rushed over.

"H-hey Luna! Get off her!"

I grabbed onto Luna's hand that was holding the knife and pulled her up. To my surprise, there was little resistance. She bit her lower lips as she stood up, her hands curled into fists by her side. "Why do you always help Mayu, Ryo?"

"Mayu's our ally, Luna..."

"But things would be so much easier if she disappeared, Ryo!"

"P-please don't."

Luna sighed at my response. "Okay, Ryo..."

I jumped as her switchblade make a sharp metallic noise as it retracted. With that, the tension in the room disappeared and Luna returned the switchblade behind her skirt as though nothing had happened.

Mayu got up from the floor shakily, her face pale. Small droplets of blood stained the floor from where her head had slammed the ground.

"That, was for going near Ryo." Luna said to Mayu. "Anyways, I hope you learned your lesson."

What lesson? I thought to myself. That she was going to kill any girl that ever came close to me?

"Hey, Ryo. Wake up!" Eiji snapped his fingers at me.

We were at the classroom and it was lunchtime. After Luna's attack on Mayu last night, we called it a night and decided to go to sleep. Mayu didn't say much last night or this morning which was unlike her usual self. I guess she was scared of Luna.

I pushed Eiji's fingers away from my face. "What is it?" I asked annoyed.

"I need to ask you something." Eiji replied, then in a lower voice. "It's about Akane."

I groaned. "You're still trying to go after her?"

"Y-yeah." Eiji said, his face reddened slightly as he looked around which shocked me. Eiji had always been a playboy so why would he be embarrassed talking about Akane?

"You know yesterday when you and Luna left me with Akane. I tried everything to get her to go on a date with me." Eiji continued. "I offered to pick her up, pay for shopping, go to the movies, I even tried to use the sympathy card. Literally nothing would work."


I nodded my head. No wonder Eiji was embarrassed. He was probably feeling insecure since he was used to girls swooning over him.

"I mean, all she kept talking about was wondering where you and Luna went." Eiji said in disbelief. "She wouldn't stop talking about it. It was almost like she was worried, and that got me thinking..."

I stopped nodding. Could Eiji have found out about Akane?

"I'm just wondering, Ryo..." Eiji stared at me in the eye. "Does... does Akane like you?"

"W-what?" I stammered. He completely missed the mark.

"I mean, it sort of makes sense now, why Akane's always trying to butt in between you and Luna." Eiji said.

"Listen, Eiji." I sighed. "You've got the wrong—"

I was interrupted when a ball of paper hit me in the head. "Ow!"

Eiji and I turned to face the direction where the ball of paper came from. A boy dressed in the school uniform with an athletic build and a tall figure met our gaze. It was Suzuki, the class bully. He was a popular and handsome guy that came from a well off and respected family, as most people in Hibiya High did but his was an exceptional case. Standing next to him was his gang of like-minded individuals.

"Oh, sorry. Did that hit your face?" Suzuki said, his gang snickering behind him. "I was trying to aim for the trash can but I guess I was mistaken."

The other students in the classroom edged away from the conflict, ignoring what was happening. This always happened whenever Suzuki found his target. Everyone in the school was too afraid of being the next victim that whomever Suzuki was targeting would always be shunned away and isolated from the rest of the school. I was only wondering why of all people he would pick me.

"Suzuki, don't do this." Eiji warned. "Ryo is a friend of Luna's."

The classroom went quiet at the mention of Luna's name. Being the most popular student in the school, Luna held a large sway over the school. Even Suzuki seemed to hesitate for a second. I looked around for Luna but she wasn't in the classroom. Maybe she went to the restroom, Akane wasn't here either.

Suzuki regained his composure. "So what? You think I'm scared of Luna?" He shrugged. "What is she going to do? Kill me?"

"Uh..." I started.

"Anyways, did anyone here even see me throw that piece of paper?" Suzuki asked loudly, then waited. As he expected, the classroom was silent. He smiled, satisfied with the response. "Exactly. For all we know—"

"I did."

Mayu stood up from her desk, staring eye to eye with Suzuki, her cheeks puffed out.

"You. You're the new transfer student?" Suzuki raised an eyebrow. "You might not know about this since you're new but in this school, I own the place."

He nodded his head to his group, and they nodded back at him as they moved towards Mayu.

"H-hey!" I yelled. "Leave her alone!"

"Suzuki, what the hell?!" Eiji said behind clenched teeth.

The group around Mayu grabbed onto her hair and dragged her towards Suzuki. She couldn't resist because everyone in the classroom was watching. If a girl with a petite figure like hers overpowered a group of athletic guys more than twice her size, the news would spread like wildfire.

I ran over to help but a member from his gang blocked my path, kicking me in the stomach. "Eargh!" My breath escaped me and I dropped down to my knees, clenching my stomach.

Eiji tried to help as well but three of Suzuki's gang grabbed him from behind, holding him back as he struggled to reach Mayu.

I could hear laughter as the gang bought Mayu to Suzuki, holding her in place by her hair and her arms. Suzuki leaned down to look at her face and she flinched backwards.

"Hmm, you're pretty cute." Suzuki said. "Shame."

"Leave her alone!" I shouted

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