《Luna》Chapter 6 - Insanity
A black rectangular box dropped from Luna’s hand, hitting the ground and spilling food messily.
I froze in my place. What was Luna doing here? Was she going to kill me after my escape from last night? A sweat ran down my temple. Luna made no effort to pick up the box she dropped and stood staring blankly at me and Yumi.
"What's wrong, Ryo?" Yumi asked. She looked at me then at Luna. "Do you know her?"
I opened my mouth but I couldn't find my voice.
"Get away from Ryo." Luna said silently. She had a dark expression on her face.
"Huh?" Yumi blinked. She was still holding onto my arm.
Luna started walking towards Yumi. I saw her reach behind her skirt. She couldn't be… was she actually going to kill Yumi? My brain snapped back to reality. I had to do something.
"R-run!" I grabbed Yumi and started running the other way.
"Ryo!" Luna cried and I looked behind me. She had the most pathetic look on her face and I could see tears welling up in her eyes. She held a hand to her chest and looked at me desperately. "Don't leave me alone again…"
I felt a stabbing pain in my heart. Wasn't she mad at me for running away last night? Maybe she wasn't so crazy after all but… I looked at Yumi. She had a lost look on her face but she held onto my hand tightly. I had to at least get her away from Luna safely.
I kept running and I heard Luna crying in the distance.
We eventually stopped after I realised Luna had not followed.
"What was that all about?" Yumi gasped, she fell on the ground and panted. Her face was red from running. I could tell she wasn't very good at sports.
"Never mind about that," I glanced down at her. She was sweating and her cleavage… why did I always have to look there? I offered a hand and looked away. "Are you alright?"
Yumi grabbed my hand and I pulled her up. She leaned onto me breathing heavily.
"I-I've got asthma." She panted, as though that explained everything. She closed her eyes and held onto me. Her face was really hot and I started to get worried.
"Here, let me take the doll." I took the bear off her back and helped her walk. What was I going to do? I didn't know she had asthma. And this damn bear was in the way. It would be night by the time we reached her house at this rate.
"I'll carry you." I lifted Yumi off her feet and she let out a cry of surprise.
"W-what are you doing?" Her face reddened and she struggled helplessly to get off. "I can walk by myself, I'm not a kid."
"Stop moving or I'm going to drop you." I kept walking and Yumi gave up with a look of embarrassment on her face. Although Yumi was light, it was an effort to carry her and keep the bear on my back. Yumi wrapped her arms around my neck and I could feel her face close to mine.
"W-what are you trying to do now?" I stuttered trying not to look down at her cleavage.
"I'm just keeping the bear from falling off." Yumi said embarrassingly, she rested her head on me and closed her eyes. I could feel her hair on my neck and she smelled nice. It reminded me of Luna. I hope she wasn't going to do anything crazy. She looked so sad when I had left her for Yumi.
Eventually we arrived at Yumi's house. She got off awkwardly and I handed the oversized doll back to her. Yumi's face was red and she seemed to be waiting for something. I didn't know what so I stood silently waiting for her to say something. She didn't.
"So… I guess I'll see you then." I said and waited. Yumi was staring down at my shoes intensely and her face was really red. I hope she wasn't still sick. But I guess she'd be fine seeing as her house is right there.
I turned around and Yumi grabbed my hand. I turned back. What did she want? Was she still mad at me for carrying her? I really didn't understand girls. I stood silently with Yumi holding onto my hand, refusing to let go.
"Aren't you going to kiss me…" Yumi finally said, her eyes still staring down.
"Uh…" What the hell was going on? Did Yumi somehow fall in love with me in the short time we've spent together? I thought her friend had simply forced her to come out on Valentine's Day. What am I supposed to do? I mean… wasn't it okay? Since I wasn't really going out with Luna, was I? She was crazy but I felt a stabbing pain in my heart.
Yumi looked up at me and her cheeks reddened. She was actually really cute especially with the bear on her back. I saw Yumi close her eyes and got up on her toes. She was leaning towards me and her pink lips parted slightly. I leaned in towards her. What was I doing? I stopped in front of her lips. We were so close that I could feel her breath. I couldn't do it.
"Sorry." I moved back and looked away embarrassingly.
Yumi opened her eyes. She had a depressing look on her face. I rubbed my head and stood silently.
"I should get going now…" I turned away.
"Is it because of her?" Yumi blurted out and I turned back. Her cheeks were really red and I could see that she was fighting back tears. She sniffed and pulled the bear close to her. "Was she your girlfriend?"
We stood staring at each other silently. I didn't know why I couldn't kiss her. Yumi was a cute girl, not as beautiful as Luna obviously, but at least Yumi wasn't a psycho… so why? A part of me wanted to hold Yumi and wipe away her tears. But I couldn't do it.
"I… I don't know."
I looked down grimly and turned away. I didn’t want to stay any longer. Yumi was making me feel extremely guilty and I needed to get back to Luna to figure out exactly what was going on. If I stayed any longer, I would probably do something stupid. I trudged my way back home solemnly.
When I arrived I saw a figure lying at the doorstep of my apartment. I moved closer. It was Luna.
She was looking dully at the horizon and her face was wet with tears. She made no effort to wipe them. I hoped she was alright. I moved slowly towards her.
"Luna." I kneeled down and she turned her head in my direction. It took her a few seconds to recognize me before colour jumped back to her face.
"Ryo!" Luna cried and wrapped her arms around me. She was really cold. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"I won't kill anyone again, I won't kill." She sobbed into my shirt. "So please don't go out with another girl."
"L-Luna you're really cold." I pulled her up to her feet and searched my pocket for the keys. "Let's just get in first."
I opened the door and led Luna to my room. This wasn't normal. Her hands were freezing! I sat her down on my bed and noticed something trickling down my hand. It was blood. "W-what the?—"
I looked at Luna and saw a dark red smear trailing down the arm of her shirt. I pulled her sleeve up slowly and saw several deep cuts on her arm. Blood was still gushing out and I stared in disbelief. "W-what the hell did you do to yourself Luna?"
I ran into my bathroom and flung things onto the floor as I searched for bandages. There was so much blood and the cuts were so deep. I felt my legs trembling as I carried the bandages back to Luna. Was she going to die? I didn't know a single thing about first aid.
I returned to the room, and leant down to her, wrapping the bandages on her arm clumsily.
"I-I'll call an ambulance." I stammered. My hands were shaking and I couldn't put them on properly. I managed to get them on loosely but I could already see a dark stain spreading on the bandages. I had to call for emergency. I got up. "I'll go get help—"
"Don't!" Luna cried. She grabbed me with her other arm and pulled me towards her. "J-just stay with me, Ryo."
"But there's so much blood! Y-you'll die if we don't stop it." I tried to move away but I couldn't. Since when was she this strong?
"Please." Luna whispered and she pulled me closer. "I just need you Ryo."
I looked at her arm. She was still bleeding and it didn't seem like it was going to stop. "Come on Luna, we'll just get you to the hospital and you can come back when you're feeling better."
Luna didn't say anything. And I felt a sweat trickle down my forehead. She wasn't letting go. I heard her whisper. "I don't like white walls."
"I-I'll get you one with pink walls." I replied hastily. If I wasn't quick enough, Luna could die from the loss of blood.
Luna looked at me grimly. "Are you trying to leave me again?"
I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth and closed it again. I couldn't get out of her grip.
"Are you going to go back to that girl?" She asked, then her voice grew eerily soft. “Do you like her more than me?”
My knees began to shake and I tried to say something but I couldn't find my voice. I think the bleeding was starting to slow down.
"You like her more than me…" Luna said blankly. She was answering her own questions.
"N-no." My voice was shaking and the word came out weak and uncertain.
"Why…?" I could feel Luna's grip tighten and it was starting to hurt. "Why do you like her more than me? Is she rich?"
"L-Luna stop, you're hurting me." I tried to pull her hand off but I couldn't.
"Is it because of her breasts?" Luna's head lowered, her fringe covering her eyes. "It's because her breasts are bigger than mine, isn't it Ryo?"
"L-Luna…" Her nails were digging painfully into my skin.
"Is my body not good enough for you, Ryo?" Blood was beginning to trickle down my arm, but Luna showed no signs of stopping. “Just cause my chest is smaller than hers…”
"Snap out of—"
Luna jerked me towards her and I fell forward into her body. My head landed on her shoulder and she hugged me tightly.
"Why, Ryo?" She cried, tears falling from her face. "If you want money I can steal it for you, if you want bigger breasts I can get it done, if you want to sleep together we can do it anytime. Why do you have to go out with another girl?"
"S-stop it Luna, we didn't do anything." I tried to push her off but I couldn't. She really was crazy.
"Do you like her?" Luna murmured, her head was resting on my shoulder.
"Then you won't mind if I kill her?"
"Just kidding." Luna giggled. She laid me down the bed and went into the living room. My heart was racing and I slowly got up. What the hell was that all about? There was something seriously wrong about Luna. How could she still move after losing that much blood? I glanced at my bed and saw the sheets soaked in blood.
Luna came back into the room and my heart jumped as I turned back to her. She leaned down to me, smiling. She was holding something behind her back. My hands were trembling. The blood on her arm had stopped completely.
"Guess what I got you for valentines?" Luna sang. She pulled her hands out from behind her back and revealed a box wrapped in ribbons. I saw her cheeks reddened. "I spent the whole of last night making it."
"Thanks…" I took the box from her hands and opened it slowly. It was a heart-shaped chocolate. Oh right, Valentine’s Day. I had completely forgotten after being in the same presence as Luna for a few minutes.
"I made you a bento for dinner but I dropped it when I saw you at the mall with that girl." Luna sighed. "I'm so clumsy."
I didn't know what to say. Luna was emotionally unstable. If I said something to offend her, she might end up doing something even more crazy. I felt like I was walking on eggshells.
"It looks really good." I said looking down at the chocolate. I tried to change the topic away from Yumi.
"R-really?” Luna blushed.
I picked up the chocolate and stuffed it into my mouth, chewing. It felt awkward having Luna watch me as I ate. She seemed nervous about what I would say. I swallowed, then smiled weakly.
“That was really good.” I said, and I wasn’t lying. Luna was a top student back when she attended cooking classes. She was pretty much good at everything. This wasn’t the scenario I had imagined where I would be eating her cooking however.
Luna seemed glad that I liked it. She let out her breath. “I didn’t have much time to make it so I thought it wouldn’t be that good.”
"Haha… it was great…"
Luna glanced down at my arm and gasped.
"What happened to your arm, Ryo?"
I raised my arm and looked at it. I had completely forgotten that it was bleeding. There were five short cuts along the side and a mark from when Luna had gripped me. It was nothing compared to Luna's cuts though.
"D-did I do that?" Luna touched my hand gently and I could see a distressed look on her face. "I-I'm so sorry, Ryo… I-I was just holding you. I didn't want you to leave me again…"
I could see tears well up in her eyes.
"I'll get you some bandages." She got up and ran to the bathroom. Now it was the opposite scenario. Interesting turn of events. She returned quickly with the bandages and wrapped them around my arm quietly. Her handiwork was a million times better than mine, and I gazed at her own arm where the bandages I had wrapped were falling off. The cuts on her arm were already resealing. What the heck?!
"There." Luna said when she was satisfied with the bandages. She looked at the time. "It's getting pretty late."
"Y-yeah." I got up quickly, grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower."
I closed the door behind me and let out my breath. How the hell did her arm just heal up like that? Could I really trust Luna? She suffered from violent mood swings and I couldn't tell whether she was actually joking about killing Yumi. My head felt dizzy. I took off my clothes and turned on the shower. I could hear Luna humming from outside.
I finished my shower quickly. I just wanted to sleep. And I had school tomorrow. I opened the door and walked into my room. Luna was sitting on the carpet, she had changed the bed sheets.
"Don't you need to go back home, Luna?" I asked wearily. I wondered what her parents were doing. And whether or not they knew their daughter was this crazy.
"They said I could stay again." Luna exclaimed cheerfully and she slipped past me carrying clothes and a towel behind her back. "I'm going to take a shower now."
I nodded and sunk into my bed. I closed my eyes. It felt so relaxing to finally have some peace. I snuggled under the warmth of the blanket and fell asleep soundly.
I woke up when I felt something pressing against my back. It felt soft and tender. I opened my eyes reluctantly. It was still night. I rolled around and found myself face to face with Luna, shocking the hell out of me. She was wearing a revealing negligee and I could see her cleavage. Her eyes weren’t even closed; they were wide open staring at me. I tried to move away but she pulled me closer to her.
"I really love you, Ryo..." Luna breathed, her cheeks flushing. "I mean it."
“Ah, okay…” Our faces were so close that our nose was almost touching. She looked really cute, but I knew that she was actually screwed up inside.
“Do you… still like me, Ryo?”
I hesitated. I didn't know whether I still liked Luna after all that has happened. My crush on Luna seemed so far away ago. Luna was a psychotic murderer slash stalker. Could I really still like her after knowing all this? I know I confessed to her, but I didn’t sign up to be an accomplice to murder!
I looked into her pallid violet eyes and her pink lush lips. I felt my heart jump a beat.
"I like you too…"
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