《Esoteric Skeleton Dungeon Master》Chapter 4


“There you go!”

“What is it?” Lillia asks me.

“It’s a bathroom. I bought it along with the kitchen for only 10 DP.”


“So you could take a bath and have a place to shit.”

“I’m a golem.”I wasted DP!

“A golem?”

“A magical tool, a whittle dollie uwu. The demon king made me to oversee this dungeon. I was doing a good job for twenty years until you came along.”

“Why did you run it so shittly then? A dungeon's goal is to kill humans who enter it?”

“It’s not.”

Her blunt reply stops me. I rest my tired bones on the ground, she looks down upon me. I had been using Earth logic on this world. “Then why do dungeons exist?”

“The Dungeon system was erected in a joint effort between the King of All Humans and the Lord of All Demons to allow aspiring heroes to hone their skills before they fight the demon lord.”

It doesn’t make sense. “Why would the Demonlord train up heroes who are trying to kill him?”

“For a good fight.”

“This world, it’s still full of demons who want to destroy humanity, right?”

She nods. At least that part of an isekai world makes sense. Ugh, the damn demon lord here is an arrogant cunt. Training up humans so they can be stronger when they fight him. In a normal isekai. The kind that Hiro would be seen in. The hero would struggle his way up the ladder of the demon king’s generals. He would overcome them and get stronger until his fight with the demon lord.

Wait a second.

Do all demon lords do that on purpose? Is it just a common trait to help the hero get stronger by presenting him with a curve of challenges?


That’s too problematic to think about.

“Lillia, do you want some pancakes?”


“They are small disks of thick bread. Eaten with syrup.”


“Have you never been outside!”

“Nope! UwU I’m a golem made by the king I can only leave the dungeon to raise more minions.”

Isn’t this a subversion of the normal isekai trope of introducing Japanese food to a European based fantasy world. Normally they’d make something like a melon roll to feed the loli. I make her pancakes with syrup. Speaking of subversion of expectations. I filled the dungeon entrance in with concrete. Let's see them wannabe heroes get inside now! Also, the skeletons are strip-mining hallways out of the third room. It’s starting to look like a Minecraft mine with uniform columns stretching out to great lengths. In theory, they will come into the third room, see multiple paths, and follow the paths without realizing that the core is actually underneath their feet!

“Uwa! So sweet Anon-kun.”

“Where did the kun come from?”

“You’re always mumbling about isekai and other easterner words. Figured I should adopt their speech to earn your favor.”

“What?” Is this not another world?

“Japanreahina. The country to the east.”

“The what?”

“Country to the east.”

“I understand that, but…” I struggle to think of the perfect question that would supply me with the answer to clear my head.

“What year is it?”


“I’ve only been dead for a year!”


“What happened?”

“Well, the virus, then the nuke war, then aliens came and set up the magic system using the radiation as power before they caught the virus and died off.”

I massage my broken skull.

“Are you okay Mr. Anon-Kun.” She looks down at me with genuine concern.

“Just eat your pancakes.”

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