《World 2.0(DROPPED)》Chapter 22: More Magic!
We steadily walked down the road while looking around. We had already walked 200 meters and had not seen anything that even reminded me of a mages shop.
Maybe it was hidden from prying eyes? Only those with certain talent may see it?
“Are you sure you saw a mage shop here? We have walked for a while now, and I haven't seen anything but normal shops”, Eros whispered, in that kind of voice.
“I know what I saw! Maybe we missed it”, I say while looking behind me.
That's blasphemy! These Shoggoth eyes miss nothing!... Except when I'm not paying attention... Or if I'm sleepy.
We stop and go over to the side of the road.
“I think I'm going to ask one of the locals”, Eros while looking around.
His eyes focused on an older man in his fifties. He swiftly walks over to him.
“Excuse me. Do you know where the mages shop is? I have been looking around for some time, and I simply can't find it”, Eros said.
The man looked at Eros as if he was retarded.
“Are you blind? Yea, you must be blind if you can't see the mages shop from here. Even I can see it”, the old man said, spitting on the road when he was done.
I quickly look around, and still can't see it. Maybe it is a shop hidden by magic. Oh, wait. If it was hidden, Eros should have seen something.
“Oh, really? Could you point me in the direction of it?”, Eros asked.
The old man didn't say anything and instead pointed to his right, pointing directly to one of the normal shops.
Oh, wait.
I look up and read the sign.
Ewix and Uwix´s magical goods.
The names were big while the last part was very small. Really should have noticed that.
“Well, thanks for that”, Eros said to the man.
The man just spits on the road again and walked away.
I walk over to Eros.
“Well, at least where it is now”, I say to him.
And with that, we walk into the mage shop.
When you look from the outside, the shop doesn't look that big. The entrance isn't that wide, so any sane person would think that it would just be a small shop.
Boy, was I wrong?
While it looks small, its as far from that as it will ever be. After walking in a few meters the whole room opens up. It was easily 500 square meters.
There were many different sections in the shop. Some were big, and some were small.
The notable sections that I wanted to visit were probably magical books section, as it was easily one of the biggest in the whole store.
“Lets just immediately split up”, Eros said, while beginning to walk towards the weapons section.
It looked like he spotted something from afar, but I don't know what. If that means what I think it means, we´re in trouble, big trouble.
I try to ignore what I just thought, and begin to walk over to the magical book sections. While walking, I look to my right and see an elderly man sleeping on a chair behind the counter. That's probably the mage.
I begin to quietly walk, so I wouldn't accidentally wake up the old mage. Wouldn't want to get thrown out of here.
I reach the magical books section and begin silently browsing.
After quite a few minutes of browsing through the books, I begin to get a simple idea in my head.
Shouldn't I learn some new magic? I mean, one of my talents is Primal magic. I can literally cast any magic in existence as long as I have the mana required. I need to spread out a little in terms of magical knowledge. I only know a few elemental spells, a few enhancement spells, and some shapeshifting. While I could focus on only this, I don't want to be a one trick pony. I want to learn magic on completionist levels of knowledge.
But, what should I learn? It needs to be something powerful. Something completely different from my current skill set, so people won't see it coming, but how would I know what that could be?
Okay, let's start with the first problem. Power. I don't need any weak beginner spells. I need something that can help me progress for some time, but how would I find that amongst these books?
Then it hit me.
I stop silently looking through the different books. I won't get any idea of the power level of this just by looking at the titles.
In my current magical books, what defines the spells that I'm not powerful enough to use. Understanding. It's impossible for me to understand the spell if I'm not powerful for it. The books use mana to cloud the words.
Wouldn't I be able to see that with Mana-Sight?
I just have to figure out which book uses the most mana to cloud the words. That's the book I'm going to buy.
But how do I see which book uses the most mana?
I look around with Mana-Sight. Every book has an ´aura´ of mana around them. Every single book has their own distinct uniqueness, but for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out what it is.
I can see that they are different, but I can't see what that difference is.
I sit down on the ground and begin to just stare at the different ´auras´ that the books have.
I'm gonna sit here until I figure it out!
Ten minutes later, and I still can't figure it out.
I have multiple times thought about asking the old mage for help, but I have begun seeing this as a challenge. If I can't overcome something as simple as seeing the difference, what am I going to do when an actual magical challenge comes.
Am I just a dense blockhead or something?
Wait… That's it! Density!
I look around and see it. The density is different. That means that I just have to find the book with the most density, and I will be well on my way to becoming more powerful.
I begin looking through the many different magical books.
With the help of my Eidetic memory, I quickly find the books with the most density. When I get to the last ten books, finding the book with the most density became much harder.
Though, I found the book with the most density out of all the magical books in the store after about fifteen minutes of debating.
Finally! Now, what is the name of this book?
I deactivate Mana-Sight and look at the name of the book.
Psionic: The basics of mind.
Psionic? What the hell is that? Maybe, some kind of rare magic.
I try to open the book to see what it was generally about, but it wouldn't open in any way.
Maybe the pages are stuck? This book looks kinda old, so it would need a good push to open.
I try to open the book, slowly putting more force behind my efforts. It reaches the levels of me being amazed that the book is not destroyed by the force is pulling. Maybe it isn't because of the age- No scratch that. It's definitely not because of its age.
“No matter how much force you put behind your efforts, you will never open one of my books without buying it first”, I hear an elderly voice say behind. While the voice was old, it was filled with power.
I look behind myself and see that it is the old mage that was sleeping.
How did I not notice him coming close? I should definitely have heard him coming close. Was I too focused?
“Sorry about that. It's just that I don't know what a Psionic is, and wanted to get a general idea of what a Psionic is. Would you explain the basics? I will buy the book either way”, I asked the old mage.
The mage thought about it for a few moments, while softly humming. I was almost certain that I also hear a deep hum from behind me, but I didn't want to look.
“I suppose, I could explain the basics behind it. Do you have the time though? You have already been here for twenty minutes”, the old mage asked.
Maybe I should go see how Eros is doing… Nah, he can wait.
“I have the time, so you can just go ahead, please”, I say to the mage.
“Okay then. Now, what to explain. First of all, A psionic isn't a magical talent in the traditional sense. While it perceived the same as Magical Talents, it's very different in one aspect. It doesn't use any of your mana reserves, and Instead uses something we call Psionic Energy. The size of this energy is determined by a single thing. Your mental capabilities. The smarter you are, in the general terms, the more Psionic energy you have.
Now, to what Psionics can actually do. They are mostly known for two abilities; Telekinesis and Telepathy.
Telekinesis is The power to manipulate objects and matter with their mind, and Telepathy is the ability to transmit words, emotions, or images to someone else's mind. All of the other abilities build off these two simple abilities. Mind Control comes from Telepathy, and Flight comes from Telekinesis.
Before you get all excited about doing this, there's something you have to know. You most likely can't do it. The ability to even be a Psionic comes from a certain mutation in the brain. If you don't have it, there are ways you could get it, but it will be expensive. You could hire a Shapeshifter or maybe hire a Beastmaster with a Mind Flayer as a pet. Hope that explained some of it”, the old mage explained.
Would require a Shapeshifter? Now, where would you find one of them? Oh, wait! Luckily, I am a Shapeshifter!
“Thanks for explaining so much about Psionics. How much is the book?”, I asked the mage.
“The book is 60 silver, but for you, I can go down to 50 silver”, the mage said with a glint in his eyes.
50 silver! That's ten percent of all my money! I need this though, so it should be okay.
I fish out a gold coin out of my bag and hand it to the mage, who then takes out his pouch, and takes out the change.
He hands me the change, and I put it in the bag.
“If you would hand me the book, I can take it out of stasis. If I don't, that book will just be a decoration”, the mages said, while sticking out his hand.
I hand him the book, and he begins to position the book on the table.
Wonder how that will look like.
He begins chanting, while the book slowly rises into the air. It begins to softly vibrate for a few seconds before falling down onto the table.
The mage picks the book up and hands it to me.
“There you go. You should be able to open it now”, the mage said, while wiping away sweat from his forehead.
If it takes so much effort to put a single book out of stasis, I feel bad for him when there is a mass scale sale.
I try to open the book, and it works without a single problem.
“Thanks for that. I have to go now, though. My friend is probably waiting for me right now”, I told the mage.
“No worries. He is in the weapons department right now, actually”, the mage said, while walking over to his chair behind the counter.
How does he know that? Wasn't he sleeping?
With no way to find an answer, I begin to walk over to the weapons section.
I find Eros in the enchanted weapons area, staring at a battleax that was on display. It kinda reminded me of little kids staring into shop windows around Christmas. I think I even saw some drool on his face.
“You see something you like?”, I ask him, with a smile.
He jumps slightly my voice, too focused on the battleax.
“That battleax right there”, he said, while pointing to a particular slightly glowing battleax. “I need it”
Glowing? Must be enchanted.
I look under the battleax where the enchantments are listed.
It was two simple enchantments. Increased Durability and Force Multiplication.
The last one sounded really good until I saw what the multiplier was 1.05. It was only a small increase. You would need some serious force if you wanted it to even be noticeable.
Then its perfect for Eros actually.
“Why do you need this one precisely? I am pretty sure that there is another battle ax better than this somewhere in this shop”, I say to him.
“You don't understand? Oh, you only read the enchantments. Just read what's written under the enchantments. You´ll understand that”,
I comply and read what it says under the enchantments.
Durability can be supercharged. What does that mean? Wouldn't it be better if it was Force Multiplication?
Due to my lack of reaction to it, Eros silently sighs.
“I don't know if you realized, but due to some circumstances, my strength is much higher than any non-enhanced person. Due to that, most of the weapons that they use, I can't use without breaking them. Remember the morningstar I had a while back? I tried to hit one of the wolves with my full strength behind it. Broke like a damn twig. Luckily, I decided to not use the battleax with full force, or I would have had to fight with those brass knuckles. Those things hurt when you used them for too long. Anyways, back to the reason for why I need it. With its increased durability, I can hit a lot harder, and when I supercharge that particular enchantment, I can hit with full force. I don't know if it can handle me hitting with full force while enhanced by you, but there's only one way to know”, Eros explained, his smile slowly growing wider.
I understand that. Overkill is always the best.
“Oh, I get it now. Can you afford it, though? It has to be expensive with that potential”, I said while looking for any price tags.
I couldn't find any at all. Maybe you had to talk to the mage to get the price?
“It isn't expensive at all! That particular battle ax was, in fact, made by one of my friend's apprentices. The kid misjudged where the supercharger needed to be, and put it the wrong place, so he just gave it to me for free”, the old mage says behind me.
How does he sneak up on us? We should have heard him. Eros should definitely have heard him.
“So, can I get it for free”, Eros asked the old mage.
“Of course, you can´t!... But! Because I got it for free, it would be wrong if I profited a lot off of selling it, so you can buy it for a measly 30 silver”, the mages said.
“10 silver”
“20 silver and no further!”, the mage nearly shouted.
“Deal!”, Eros said loudly.
They shake hands, and Eros gives him the money.
“Pleasure dealing with you”, the mage said, with a smile.
“And it was a pleasure dealing with you”, Eros said, mirroring the mages smile.
The old mage leaves again and goes to sit on the chair behind the counter. I am fairly sure that he doesn't sleep, though.
“Have all you need?”, Eros asked.
“Yea, do you”, I asked.
“Great. Let's go to the mansion before it gets too late”, I said.
And with that, we headed to the mansion.
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