《The fallen (?) hero and Aži Dahāka's soul fragment》Chapter 10 - Lavinia
“Allow me to take over from here.”
The general who was quiet finally started to speak.
“To begin with, while our spy managed to get some information as well most of the information we obtained about this demon princess came from Zagrant Empire. It was indeed a dubious information but the empire’s intel has always been right on the money so far thus we decided to take part since it will bring benefit in the war for us human if we could capture the said princess.”
Liz held my hand so I returned her grip. I hope it will make her calmer.
Mr. Razak continued.
“However, the information was too detailed. The princess’ traits and even her coming to Arx Norr were mentioned in it. The existence of the princess was unknown before so it is natural to be doubtful.”
“Then, someone from the empire decided to check the adventurers’ guild of all places. Why is that? I’m sure you already heard it from your captain that was on the scene at the time.”
Everyone except Martlea and Liz looked at me who just said that nonchalantly.
After everyone resumed their previous stance and a short pause Mr. Razak spoke again.
“Indeed. This incident has also shown us that the Empire could know so much and chose to hide some information from the council of three nations.”
Oi, oi… that’s beyond summarizing things, maybe he afraid Martlea might snap if he mentioned that the empire chose to do that on a whim and gamble? But, well… I guess it’s true.
“Although the end result was as everyone knows, I believe this so called princess does exist. The reason would be our second topic, the general of the lake of Estria who came to retrieve her”.
As soon as the general finished his sentence Aylmer cut in.
“As stated by the 3rd squad’s captain in his report, the empire side believes that there are currently two factions within the demon race’s organization structure, one of it being Orcus’ loyalists who wanted the princess to take up the throne.”
“And there comes the empire’s true goal, the annihilation of the general of Estria. I almost fell from my chair when I thought the princess was just a side note to the empire and they chose the adventurers’ guild on a whim for that.”
Wow, Eneas just had to say that…
When I looked at Martlea, she maintained her poker face but I could tell that she is pissed off right now.
“Lastly, and this might be the most important. Who is this demon of Arx Norr?”
I almost cringed again when I heard Aylmer said that.
Nobody said anything so Aylmer continued.
“Yes, nobody knows about this demon.”
At least three people in this room will say otherwise but of course they won’t say anything. And Liz, please stop that -I’m trying hard to pretend that I don’t know anything- face. I patted Liz’s head so she will be calmer but she was startled instead. Luckily, no one took notice of it.
“This demon has never been sighted before and then he just suddenly appeared in a very shocking manner. Although I hoped that it was just an exaggerated tale, he annihilated many imperial knights and defeated that Ruberius single handedly without weapon and magic.”
Adding to Aylmer’s sentence then was Eneas.
“The most plausible explanation is that he is a newly appointed demon general in place of the other three that was killed previously. Or worse, he might be the new demon lord himself.”
“I doubt he is a new demon lord. Why would a demon lord just come out in the open so early like that? There is no such news either from the other side. I’m sure if a new demon lord has been appointed, the news would spread quickly with or without a need of spies.”
Aylmer rebuked Eneas’ opinion.
“I know, just saying. So, what’s the guild’s opinion?”
Martlea put a hand on her chin and spoke.
“Well, the demon in question might be unrelated to the demon race’s political condition and this war at all. He might also be just a mysterious passing by idiot with too much strength to spare.”
Oyyyyyy. What the hell are you saying Miss Martlea? Somehow I felt that some parts of her sentence were directed to me.
The royalties, PM Delan, and Mr. Razak didn’t say anything and just stared blankly at Martlea, dumbfounded.
“That is half a joke. Unfortunately the guild is also in the dark, we don’t even know where to begin to speculate. However, since the condition of the war is still largely unchanging after his appearance I believe it is also safe to consider that the demon might surprisingly be unrelated to the current demon race’s situation.”
Perhaps taken aback of Martlea’s out of character remark, it took a while before PM Delan answered.
“T, that is indeed a sound opinion. However in this case it is better to consider a negative ‘what if?’ than a positive one.”
“It is as you say Prime minister.”
“Then how about you, young man? What is your opinion?”
After Martlea’s nonchalant remark PM Delan unexpectedly asked me. What to say here… let’s just try to have a third person perspective of my demon persona without hinting that I know too much shall we?
“If what the rumor says is true about him annihilating the imperial knights led by general Ruberius himself then this demon’s strength must be more than just a threat, if we are the target of the demon’s hostility it is.”
Silence… well, I was just stating the obvious eh?
Guess I should continue…
“However there remains a question here. What is his purpose of exposing himself at the time after being hidden for who knows how long? I could not grasp what it is since there is not enough information. But there might be some connection with demon lord Orcus’ death and the possibility of a demon princess’ existence. While it is hard to say that he is not a threat, the fact that it was the demon’s first appearance suggests that there are still more than it seemed to us.”
Liz reacted slightly when I said about Orcus’ death. I’ll apologize later but please let me be with holding your hand like this for now.
“You’re unexpectedly a deep thinker eh?”
Here I tried hard to say something sensible and that was what first came out of your mouth, Eneas? With that in thought I smiled wryly.
PM Delan nodded while closing his eyes while Aylmer cupped his chin while looking serious.
Aylmer next sentence finally gave sign of this boring meeting’s end.
“Thank you for the opinions. Our lack of information is severe so I believe it is too early to reach a conclusion. Therefore should this demon appear again, I would like to request the guild to share any information of the matter in the future as well.”
“… Very well, the guild will accept this request.”
With that, the meeting is over. I took the chance to apologize to Liz when everyone else wasn’t looking. She smiled and said to me
“It’s okay, I’m not angry or anything since Erik is not one to say something like that thoughtlessly.”
What is with that beaming smile of trust directed at me, Liz? I felt like something heavy just got placed on my back on top of an already existing huge pile.
We were then guided by the maids who waited for us in front of the meeting room to our respective rooms. Originally, Liz should have been in the same room as me since we ‘are’ siblings but Martlea convinced Liz somehow to be in the same room as her. Liz looked a bit reluctant and looked at me but I just waved at her, pretending to not notice her expression and entered my own room. Come to think of it, this would be the first time we are sleeping apart from each other so it should be a good experience for Liz.
As we are to attend the royal dinner tonight, we were told to change into the formal wear the maids have prepared for us in the closet in our room before the 12th hour bell. The maids will be sent at the specified time to bring us to the dining hall.
The bells are the indicator of time used by the humans in this continent. There are 20 bells a day although a bell is longer than an hour and it felt like the length of day is slightly longer than in my world. Huge automatic magic powered bells located at several place in the city, and in the castle will be rang simultaneously when it is time with the exception of the 15th to 20th bells when a smaller bell will be rang since it is the time when most people are asleep. I heard the bells were to be rang manually until before the war but the elves came with their magic tools as a solution for that thus the manpower can be used somewhere else including the army.
Excluding the one in the castle, the capital has more than 10 bell towers but if we are talking about smaller town or village then there is usually only one or even none at all. If I remember it right even Arx Norr only has 3 bells.
I still mostly use the unit from my world unconsciously but let`s ignore it
There should still be at least two more bells before the dinner. What should I do before then?
For the time being I decided to change into the formal wear then came out of my room. There are 2 guards and 3 maids in the doorless room in front of me. There are many other sentry rooms like this in the castle. This one is for guarding the guests’ rooms whether it is to guard the guests from unpredictable harm or to guard the castle from bad kind of guests.
I entered the room to find the guards and maids were chatting while having some tea and breads. Is it break time? If it is not then these guards are rather useless. When they saw me they stopped chatting then gave me a light greeting though. I asked them if I can have a little walk around the castle. The guards hesitated but then a maid offered to be my escort. Thankfully it seemed that they know I’m with the guild and is an S rank adventurer so it was fairly easy to get the approval. Or not… I heard a two other maids whispering about why did the PM told them to allow Miss Martlea and her fellow guild members, just to be fair, with huge emphasis on Martlea to walk freely in the castle and do quickly escort Martlea to his room when she asks for it. ‘What an Old man’ is the only thing passed through my mind. Not that I think that Martlea will do something like that.
The maid who looked to be youngest with brown, short hair that offered to be my escort got closer, bowed at me, and introduced herself. Although the skirt is barely long enough to hide the knees, unfortunately the maids’ uniforms are not the popular modern style but the classic and plain even for victorian style. I personally think that they will need more frills and maybe some ribbons to add more cuteness element. Wait, what am I thinking?
“M, my name is Cherll. Please allow me to guide you around the castle, however please be aware that there are several places with prohibited entry.”
It’s not that I knew every face in the castle when I was a hero but I don’t think I’ve seen her before. Judging from her clumsy bow and how she spoke nervously she might be a new recruit or an apprentice maid.
Saying that I want to see the treasury is stupid. I know most of the castle’s layout so I asked her to show places like the castle’s inner garden, main kitchen, and so on while gradually getting closer to the treasury. Since I just wanted to test the water I won’t just jump in and get close to the treasury while looking for spots that can be used to hide and infliltrate it without being seen.
The treasury is obviously guarded. I looked around to find anything I can use to hide but since it is located in the middle of a wide hallway, apart from small decorations like flower vase which obviously is too small for me there is basically nothing. There is also the problem of numerous lock and magical seal. What to do now?
Accompanied by the guards’ glare, the nervous Cherll and I walked past by the huge metallic door to the treasury at a distance.
“Did you say something?”
“E, eh? No.”
I thought I heard a girl’s voice but Cherll denied it. The guards behind me are male so it shouldn’t have been them. Maybe it was just the wind? Thinking so, I walked again and urged Cherll to continue as well.
Too bad I don’t have thieving skills or the knowledge of it… I looked around once again but I still couldn’t find anything I can use as hiding place since the treasury is located in the middle of a wide hallway with basically nothing in between. I guess I can use the darkness of night and throw something like pebbles to lure the guards away but they aren’t stupid enough to check something like suspicious sound together and one of them will stay to guard the door. I can’t incapacitate them since they will quickly notice something is wrong later on and the most suspicious ones would be Me, Liz, and Martlea who just came today.
I then chose to go back to my room. I stopped before reaching it since in front of the door to my room I could see someone I wouldn’t have expected. The second prince Aylmer is there standing with two female, members of his elite personal knights. In truth I knew who they were since we have fought together several times before.
Not long he noticed me and beckoned me over with his hand. Cherll immediately bowed deeply, not at me but at the prince and left heading to the sentry room after she bowed to me as well. After Cherll left I myself gestured at the prince with the nobles’ way of greeting, right hand on the chest, left leg a step to the back, then followed by a slight bow, out of habit from when I was a hero which was a bad move since commoners shouldn’t be doing something like that as it is considered to be very rude. No, a commoner imitating a noble is a grave offense in this world’s or at least this continent’s society. Depending on whom the other party is and the TPO, a commoner might be subjected to heavy punishment so I immediately apologized.
“Ah, forgive me for my rudeness. I have done something very unbefitting of myself.”
Aylmer just nodded with his eyes closed in response while the knights behind him were glaring daggers at me.
“Ah, you may worry not of such matter. However perchance were you of a noble descent? Yours weren’t a movement done out of imitations for it is too fluid to be so.”
This is a troublesome one to answer so let’s just say something to evade it.
“I have to apologize but it is a matter which is too painful for me to say.”
It would be good if he would think something along the line of me being that of a fallen noble or noble who’ve lost all territory to the demon race’s invasion.
“I see, I won’t force you then.”
I don’t understand the reason behind his smile as he said that. Well, even if it could be said that I got along rather well with him compared to Eneas I never did could guess what he was thinking anyway. It is good that he didn’t ask any further though.
“If I may ask, why would someone of such stature as your highness stand in wait in front of the room of a nobody like myself?”
“I don’t have much time since something urgent happened and I have to return to my post in the frontlines so I won’t be able to attend the dinner. So let me get straight to the point. Adventurer Erik, I am offering you the chance to be my vassal.”
What? I wasn’t the only one surprised since the two knights behind him opened their eyes wide and seemed to want to say something, an objection maybe, but they managed to hold it in.
“May I know the reason before answering?”
I wouldn’t accept it anyway but I can’t just reject it flatly as well.
“You are a rank S adventurer so your capability in a fight is guaranteed. I could see that you are not merely someone with more brawn than brain, unlike most adventurers I have met so far. You also seemed to know the manners beyond a commoner. Let’s just say that I am currently in need of capable vassals. And if I have to add more, I’m also interested in you.”
Spare me from BL please. I know that’s not how he meant it but my mind reflexively shouted such.
Ugh the eyes of the knights behind him are starting to become dangerous. Aylmer sir, your hardcore fangirls are looking at me with bloodlust so will you just take them away? Was what I didn’t say. Let’s just get this over with.
“It is an honor, however I must respectfully decline. I am just a commoner and if I may be honest…”
I waited and Aylmer gave me the go with a nod.
“I am also someone who values freedom, and I currently have a goal which could never be accomplished were I to accept your highness’ offer.”
What I said was a truth but if I could be blunt I would answer with a simple ‘it is a PITA’.
Aylmer looked at me with a troubled face but he soon closed his eyes and nodded.
“I see, it’s truly a pity but it seems there is nothing I can do. Let’s leave it at that then. However, do tell me if you change your mind. Although it would be rude to the guild master, you can send me a message via the guild when you do.”
After he left I didn’t forget to show my face in the sentry room and thank Cherll for her help. She smiled and heaved a sigh of relief but soon the nervous look returned and she bowed to me while saying “I am glad to be of help.” I know she is a maid but she bows too much. I noticed the other two maids looking at her amusedly while the guards kept their expressionless face.
I got back to my room and spent the remaining time thinking on how to take azanthys and mareritter again, with no result. Should I just go and make a huge mess as the demon of Arx Norr? No, it would be a worldwide commotion. As I was rather frustrated, thinking while sitting on the bed I heard a knock. It was Cherrl, still in her nervous mood, while I could see Martlea and Liz, in their formal wear as well, with the other two maids that were in the sentry room. I wondered how they prepared perfectly sized clothes for Liz but maybe it was originally for the nobles’ children or something along those lines.
We were then guided to the dining room. How many times have I been in there to indulge in my gluttony I wonder? I do remember that meals made by the head chef are really delicious so I have no excuse for that.
The dining table is about 5 meters long and various dishes are already in place but I think that is just for the opening. There is nobody in the king’s seat. I guess he really is not in condition to do something like this anyway. I’m kind of worried but it’s not something the current me should poke into. Aylmer is also absent but Eneas is in his seat, beckoning us over casually and told us to sit as well. PM Delan is also attending this dinner and even though there are still many other empty seats, his seat is next to Martlea’s. Really, you… You already have two grandchildren. Let’s send an anonymous letter to his wife about this.
As I was thinking of such, I saw her enter the dining hall.
Why are we having a dinner with the guild’s representative? When I voiced such, brother Aylmer who was preparing to depart to his post again answered me that we have to maintain good relationship with the guild while brother Eneas told me that since they are staying for the night anyway having a dinner together would be better.
I walked to the dining hall accompanied by Ymi behind me. As I reached the door the maids waiting there proceeded to open the door. I walked inside while glancing at the said guild’s representatives. A beautiful woman, a girl about 12 or 13 years old, and a boy who seemed to be close to my age. Huh? What is happening? My chest hurts. Tears also started to fill my eyes but I managed to look away to hide my face and blinked many times to stop it before anyone could notice it. No, perhaps Ymi noticed my state, she approached me but I stopped her with a gesture of my hand.
Ymi then prepared my seat and as I sat she walked away to stand by the wall behind me and next to brother Eneas’ maid.
I wonder what happened to me? I looked again at the people from the guild and then our eyes met. The boy quickly pretended to be looking around but I know our eyes certainly met. I felt the pain in my chest again albeit weaker than before and somehow a slight feeling of happiness followed after it. I almost said something at the boy however brother Eneas introduced me to everyone before I could.
“You all might already know but she is my sister, Lavinia Vie Rifst.”
Strange, I was sure I had something to say but I don’t even know what that was. I dismissed such thought quickly since I can’t just stay silent after being introduced. With my train of thought not in its normal state I could only simply gave them a smile but although it was very brief I saw the boy also smiled, a very gentle but sad smile. Don’t look at me like that. I held back the urge to shout so.
“I believe her highness already know about me as well, however please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Martlea Nellva, the guildmaster has entrusted me, his secretary to attend the meeting in his place. It is an honor to meet your highness.”
The woman stood, introduced herself, and bowed before sitting again. Ignoring PM Delan’s exaggerated clapping for her.
The boy was about to stand but Martlea stopped him before he could and whispered something. The boy nodded and the girl next to him stood instead, nervously as can be seen from her expression.
“My, my name is Lissa. I am currently an A rank adventurer affiliated to Arkhh... Uuu, I bit my tongue… Fueee!!! I, I am shorry, I am ahhiliated to Arx Norr hranch atvenchurer guild. It his an honor shu meet hyour highnessh!”
What is this cute being who tried to spoke earnestly but ended up doing it too fast and messed up in such a cute manner? Everyone else in this room might be thinking the same as me since they looked at her with warm eyes.
The girl called Lissa who is flustered sat back while letting out a soft ‘Uuuu’ with teary eyes and reddened face. The guild’s secretary, Martlea tried to calm her and the boy patted her head saying ‘don’t mind it, you did well Liz’ then he smiled at her gently, this time without a feeling of sadness. Smile like that to me too! I almost gasped to the strange thought that surfaced suddenly but managed not to.
Then it was finally the boy’s turn, he stood up and as he said his name I unconsciously hit the table with a loud bang.
Not long after she entered the room, Lavinia who just looked at us stopped for a brief moment and looked the other way. Ymi, with a slightly worried face quickly got closer but was stopped by Lavinia herself. Then as if nothing had happened she continued to take her seat.
I couldn’t help but watch her. I had to quickly pretend looking somewhere else because she looked this way as well. After she stopped looking at me my eyes felt like it automatically faced her way though. I wanted to say, ‘how are you?’, ‘It’s good to see you again’, or ‘I have many things to tell you’. Of course I can’t do that. She doesn’t seem to remember me either, if she did, I’m sure she would say something at me first.
Eneas introduced Lavinia, who smiled in response. I also smiled but had to stop quickly since she looked at me again. I’d like to praise myself for being able not to call her name and hold the many words I want to tell her.
After that Martlea also introduced herself, I managed to distract my mind from Lavinia by thinking that it was my first time to hear Martlea’s full name. I was about to introduce myself but Martlea stopped me. Saying
“Wait, you’ll introduce Liz after you introduce yourself right? You’re spoiling her too much. She practiced introducing herself with me so give her a chance.”
Spoiling her? Gahhh, I didn’t intend to but that might be true… as a high ranking adventurer, similar situation as now might happen again in the future. She needs to be capable of at least that much.
“Alright I’ll let Liz go first then.”
After I said so, Liz stood and introduced herself but she bit her tongue. She failed in a way where it wasn’t a failure at all. That was… cute, yeah, cute dammit. The only one that wasn’t affected here was the old man Delan who kept looking at Martlea who tried to comfort Liz, the hell is wrong with you old man? As Liz sat back I patted her head and tried to comfort her as well. Then I stood to introduce myself.
“It is a pleasure to meet your highness, I have been entrusted with the position of S rank adventurer and is Lissa’s brother. My name is Erik.”
Everyone in the room reflexively looked at the source of the sound which was Lavinia. After I said my name she suddenly stood and banged on the table with both her hands.
After a bit of silence she looked down embarrassedly and sat back while saying
“Forgive my unbecoming act. Please heed it as nothing.”
The atmosphere instantly became awkward but with Eneas flustered words ‘Ah, then without further ado let’s begin the meal. There is no need to hold back.’ We started to eat but there was no way I wouldn’t notice Lavinia who kept glaring at me until the end of the dinner.
After some small talk everyone left the dining hall and our group of three was then guided back to our room.
“Please wait.”
I looked back to find Ymi approaching me, with Lavinia behind her.
“My mistress her highness princess Lavinia wishes to speak with sir Erik.”
With Ymi’s words and gaze, the maids who were escorting us urged Martlea and Liz to continue returning to their room although Liz looked somehow reluctant to leave she also consented. Leaving Cherrl who will escort me back to my room waiting at a distance so she wouldn’t hear our conversation, it was then just me, Ymi, and Lavinia.
I didn’t say anything as Lavinia stepped forward and looked at me. No, I just didn’t know what to say.
Lavinia was the first to speak.
“Erik Reynaldi Pratama.”
I couldn’t hide my surprise. How does she remember my full name? Was she just pretending to forget about me? Was she just unsure that it was me? Were some of her memories about me still there?
“That reaction, it seems you really know the words, no, name? Or perhaps it is your own name?”
So it’s not that. I don’t know how she managed to remember, or just know my full name but I shouldn’t spill the beans here.
“I’m afraid not, I was just surprised to hear my name with unfamiliar parts following it.”
She didn’t say anything but just kept her scrutinizing glare at me for a while before she said to me
“You are lying.”
“I am sorry to ask, however on what basis does your highness believe so?”
Lavinia couldn’t answer right away. She hesitated for a moment but continued with a look full of resolution.
“My heart tells me so.”
I was struck speechless. There was a slight happiness when I think about the possibility that she could say so because of her strong feelings towards me which didn’t get erased by the effect of the spell. I hate myself who was able to think of such in an instant when I was the one who didn’t answer her feelings at that time.
I was shaken. I wanted to tell her everything. I wanted to tell her about all my suffering after I left her. I loathe the me who wanted to use her as an emotional support when I was the one who hurt her emotionally.
I couldn’t look at her in the eyes.
“Please don’t jest. This is the first time I met your highness.”
“Why are you looking away?”
I thought I was strangely calm for someone who strongly wished for revenge but looking at the current me, perhaps my fragile self was just hiding deep inside until now.
“There is nothing to it. As a commoner, I find it difficult to have a talk with a princess.”
“You just kept lying, please… tell me the truth.”
I forced myself to look at her since her voice trembled a little only to find her pained expression with tears already forming in her eyes. Ymi who looks to be worried held back from doing anything and kept her stance behind Lavinia.
I detest the me who made her cry again even when she doesn’t remember me.
“I’m not… lying.”
“Tell me, just… who are you… to me? Why do I feel glad, happy, and also sad when I look at you? Please… just tell me...”
Her tears overflowed and traced down her cheeks. At the same time my vision became blurred as well. I immediately steeled my resolve. I don’t have the right to make her suffer any more than it already is. The current me who vowed for revenge will only make her suffer more and more. If I end it here then her suffering will also end.
So… the stupid jerk called Erik chose to run away.
“I am sorry, I don’t have anything to say on that matter.”
In truth, I wanted to say thanks, and apologize to her. But with this I don’t even have the right for it. I am fine with her remaining feelings turning into hatred for the unknown idiot bastard called Erik.
She deserves to be happy, without me in her life.
I turned myself away from Lavinia before she could say anything else. I almost didn’t notice Cherll looking confused and worried at what was happening until I walked and got close to her.
I urged Cherll to guide me back to my room but almost lost all strength on my body when I heard a soft wailing voice from behind me.
That night, after returning to his room, the world class despicable stupid jerk idiot bastard finally gave in to the emotion that was hidden deep behind his hatred and anger to his enemies and for the first time after losing his everything in this world, wept soundlessly.
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8 203 - In Serial38 Chapters
The Courts Divided
The old guard is now threatened by older evils. Without their legendary king to guide them, an ancient way of life and honor is put to the test. What starts with a string of unexplained murders in the fairy lands, steadily develops into the greatest crisis Western Civilization has ever encountered. Not the dragons and their ilk, not The Trenchlings that gnash in their holes, not even the great empire of Ulteria that holds the power of gunpowder and electricity. This is the oldest, most consolidated structure of evil the omniverse has ever known. Hiding between silent nightmares and the deepest crevices of the human psyche, necromancers, vampires, demons, and all manners of undead hold covenent with this one, ultimate predator upon humanity's hope: The Night God. The West is strong, held up by the remaining bastion of their immaculately-powerful witch knights, but when their sworn nemisis and a beloved traitor are the ones that uncover the great masquerade, will they trust them, or will they doom the planet by holding fast to what they know? Magical power beyond all comprehension is what they're up against, that is of no doubt. The question of the hour is this: can old knights of a dead kingdom stand up once more to put the dark back in its place? The Courts Divided is a massive fantasy project containing humor, horror, and some of the strangest forms of magic known to man or arcanite alike. Daily updates until June. Cover by Shiroasa.
8 160 - In Serial6 Chapters
Naruto: Relit
A complete rewrite of Naruto, from start to (hopefully) finish with a bigger focus on world-building and character dynamics. Born into a life with no parental guidance and complete social isolation, Naruto Uzumaki feels alone and scared in a world that is seemingly content on ignoring everything about him. However, through hardship, he holds onto his dream of becoming the Hokage (Includes rewritten lore, abilites and characters, cannon ships)
8 145