《Iron Saga - A Military science fiction adventure》Chapter 4: Kill house
After the friendly match was over, we hopped back into our pods, getting whisked away back into the plain white room. Only moments after Hale and Burns joined me. "Now we will do some intro-level stuff before we set you loose in the good scenarios," Hale says, gesturing with his hand. Rows of large metal tables appear all around us. With manikins between them, each wearing everything from basic fatigues to heavy exo-suits. Then behind the tables, steel rack appeared each one had small gadgets to large weapons and ammo upon them. My eyes scanning over many items and my HUD displaying small tags linked to each one, each tag had their name, use, and all other basic information, some even had tutorial videos attached. Skimming over the row upon row of military-grade gear, I couldn't help but droll. Hale going up to a weapon rack and grabbing a sleek black rifle. Putting it on the table between us. "Now you must learn to service whatever weapon you're going to use. Starting with the Moritas M43 - Mk2. bullpup rifle, standard issue for the military, known simply as the mark two." "Our military still uses primarily ballistic weapons including this rifle", Hale continues " it fires a variety of different 10 mm rifle rounds. Its standard magazine is a large capacity 50 rounds, firing between semi-auto or automatic fire." pushing the rifle a little closer to me, "now, break it down and check each part, and unload and reload the magazine." Gesturing towards the table one last time. Burns was getting loaded down with anything from different types of rounds to under-barrel grenade launchers, to suppressors and scopes. "Than after you can fire the rifle and try different attachments and rounds before we move on.". With the help of Hale and Zero, I was slowly able to break down the rifle and see what it looked like completely broken down. Some of it was purely mechanical but parts of it were electrical which included the firing pin and trigger system, each in its own housing, easily replaceable if damaged, Hale mentioned that most squads keep a couple of extra components packed away just in case of a critical failure. Reassembling the rifle in a matter of minutes. I did it a couple more times until I could do it within a couple of minutes without help. Hale nods, and I walk over to the table with all the fun goodies for the mark two spread out. This time it was Burns who started to teach, "Now, most squads just have a standard setup for their battle rifles for each member of their squad to use. We in Valkyrie squad are a little bit different, we are all-rounders but we also have our specialties. I for instance am the GR or grenadier rifleman. My kit or load-out mainly has the mark two with an under-barrel grenade launcher equipped. I also use a variable scope for close and ranged fighting. Hale, over there is a DDM or designated drone marksman, he scouts using drones and can use his long-range rifle in conjunction with them and his cybernetic eyes. While Johnny or as you know him Corporal Marko is a DG a designated gunner, He uses a mark two but with different sights and larger magazines or drums in his case with some more attachments for recoil control. He also carries some of our extra gear in his pack. While Sargent Arara is our TL, team leader, she prefers a mark 2 carbine variant, suppressed and with a variable zoom sight. She is also trained as an advanced medic on top of her regular duties. Now enough blabbing, now we'll set you up with this rifle for our mission to the moon though not very likely you'll need it. I suggest some sights and maybe recoil control?" Burns finished, handing me back the rifle I had reassembled seconds ago. Taking the advice from Burns I went with a holographic sight, similar to the one I used in Caliber one, changing the length of the barrel to a shorter one with an integrated suppressor, an angled foregrip on the handguard for added control, and finally, a folding stock to shorten up the rifle's length overall on the go. Being able to alter my rate of fire and modes of fire through the help of Zero. Having the ability to change from a carbine to something similar to a small machine gun with a small adjustment to the stock. Know I wasn't in any spec-ops mission but I had fun thinking about it and all the mods I had to play with. Taking a minute to reassemble the rifle with all the new mods, which was pretty easy since the mark two had a built-in rail system on top and foregrip. The barrel and stock are meant to be able to be replaced easily, just pull a locking pin and twist to remove and replace. Hale and Burns went to a firing range hidden behind the weapons rack over my shoulder. I could see them shoot but the audio was muted between the two areas, probably to keep focus for more than one squad to learn and teach using this program at once. Picking up my modded mark two and two magazines sitting nearby, Looking around I found a tactical vest and put my gear and magazines inside, attached a single point sling on my rifle before walking over to join Hale and Burns at the firing range. Crossing past the gun racks separating the areas, my HUD displaying orange flashing ribbon with the words "Prepare for loud noise" my hearing adjusted automatically from Zero as I crossed the threshold. I was met with automatic gunfire, Both Hale and Burns firing at the same time. Above both was a scoreboard. Hale didn't even have his rifle to his shoulder just tucked into his arm, While not even looking down the sight of his rifle. While Burns had a stance and was in full form, arms taking the recoil of his rifle while he firing it full auto. Corporal Hale: Score 2400 Private Burns: score 1950 Accuracy: 94% Accuracy: 87% The timer on the board came to an end, with a horn sounding the matches completion. The scores didn't change even after the last few rounds hit the targets. "Ahh, those arms are certified cheat codes, Hale," Burns complained. "Sore loser" Hale replies, looking to me as I walk up to them. "So, what did you come up with. You already know we are going to the moons. so CQB is preferred for that scenario." Raising an eyebrow. "Sorry CQB, close-quarters combat, so tight corridors, and hidden angles." Not so subtly gesturing his hand towards my newly modded rifle. "May I?" he asks. Handing over the rifle carefully, Hale looks it over, turning it this way and that. Hale lines up on a target dummy at the end of the firing range, squeezing off a controlled burst. Hale nods and hands it back. "It's a nice design, especially for CQB and even most standard engagements to be honest. Good work, Leo. Why this sight though?" He asks me. "It's what I'm used to using while playing Caliber one to be completely honest, I know, kinda it's kinda stupid to compare real life with a game," I say. "Not at all, Even if it is in a VR shooter, it's still familiar to you. It's a better pick than something you're not comfortable using. These VR simulations are made for training and testing new gear. This is exactly why we do VR training as often as we can, even while not in times of war. Burns says. "We use soft alloy rounds while on ships, they're anti-personnel rounds and will work on most fleshy targets but are useless on most armored targets. Though even if you can use them on a ship, I still suggest you have true aim and choose your shots wisely. No need to put holes in the ship and blow someone into space." Hales says. Hale points to a green metal box full of blue-tipped ammunition, "Now, lock and load. Those rounds are light armor-piercing, self-detonating rounds in those magazines, we are in a simulation and we can have as much boom boom time as we want. Now go practice your aim for a while, empty a few mags and we can move on to some other gear." Hale says. Putting the stock down on the rifle. I line up a shot on a target 50 meters away. My first round goes wide by a few inches just missing the target dummy. My HUD showing me its trajectory. Taking a slow breath, pulling the trigger back gently while I exhale and fire. The round hits true, right through the center of the target. I stay and practice shooting a few mags, I also practice reloading the mags I emptied, a little bit different than Caliber one but easy enough to pick up. Hale and Burns Practicing in their lanes using different guns than the Mark two, Hale had a long bolt action sniper rifle with a sleek black attachment on top, he was shooting at a target I could barely see. While Burns was using what looked like a three barreled shotgun. Switching my gun to automatic, I spray my target mid-torso, trying to control the recoil as much as I can. The recoil was manageable, Zero helped me correct and improve my firing stance. My accuracy at the start was around 60 percent but after about another hour switching between firing modes and controlling my stance I was able to bring my accuracy up to about 82 or 85 percent. Hale brought me to the right of the shooting range, it was behind another wall opposite the shooting range. Right around the corner was out of the place urban setting was set up, looking like a dystopian Earth. Most of the items scattered about I had never seen before, large rubber tires some of them even on fire, the smell of burnt rubber hanging in the air. The building was made up of wood, with shattered windows, and brick with graffiti on almost everything up the roof. There are was similar urban settings in Caliber Ones, this looks even more dated in comparison. "why does it look so different from other courses I have seen before" I ask. "I asked the same question too when the Sarge brought me into the shoot house my first time, she said it's based on one from the original UEF marines used back on Earth before the exodus," Hale responded. Earth was vastly different from current day Gaian. Learning from the mistakes of our ancestors is a way to improve the future I thought. "The timer will start as soon as you pass through the starting line," Burns says. Looking past the marked starting line, It's path cuts right obscuring anything past the elbow. I quickly checked my gear. Still in my gym clothes and the tactical vest that I grabbed earlier, my mark two and two full mags of ammo. Stepping over the line I felt a belt fasten around my waist. "This scenario will set you up with a small medkit, two grenades, and ammo if you didn't walk in with any," Zero said. In the corner of my HUD, a 5-minute countdown begins. I peak the corner and see nothing, moving forward a red mannequin pops up with a gun pointing straight at me. Firing off a controlled 3 rounds burst cleanly into its chest, a set of icon pop up on my HUD - accuracy: 100% K/D: 1/0-100%. before the manikin had time to fall. "Zero dismiss shoot house notifications, all but the timer, please" mentally saying as soon as they appeared. The street ended at a high concrete blockade surrounded by razor wire and other rusty steel poking through the rubble closing the road off. Looking around the doors and windows most are all boarded up, garbage and other trash pushed up against them. The only clear path would lead me through a narrow ally, which is partially blocked by a turned over green dumpster. Peaking over the side of the building for enemies or any other obstacles that could be in the way of the ally. Seeing no enemy or more debris blocking the path, I move carefully past the dumpster. "Above and to the right." Zero snapped off quickly. Without even seeing the target. Bringing my gun up to bear in that general direction and open fire. This would be considered suppressing fire. To force the enemy to take cover and not have the ability to line up a shot on us. The suppressing fire stopped the red dummy high up on a piece of steel scaffolding up on the second floor above me from firing. He dropped behind a wood pallet, but I saw his head moving slightly between the slats. So I knew it wasn't down. Finding a broken door which became my cover right next to me. Pulling up my sights on the Mannequin. It slowly tried to peak over the edge of its wooden pallet, right into my lined up shot. Putting a round through its eye or what would have been an eye if it wasn't a blank mannequin face with little to no features. Continuing, slowly moving down the alley. Peaking my corners, finally coming around the last corner I see two red combatants and a single blue mannequin without a gun. My guess was the blue mannequins represent civilians units and if I shoot them I'll be docked points. The blue mannequin was crouched down in a corner, both the red enemies facing the blue civilian. Taking a breath and turning the corner, quickly taking aim, firing twice, each round hitting the combatant square in the unprotected chest, the one on the left turned while the other fell dead at its feet. Putting another round in the one that turning towards me, too slow to bring it's weapon up to retaliate. Both enemies dead in front of the civilian who didn't even move. Without pause, I move to the door. The only other path out of this area besides the way back. Slowly opening the door, which had all its glass covered in old newspaper clippings. The hallway looked clear. Down the hallway rooms lined both sides. Clearing them as quickly as I can, watching the time getting lower and lower. The 3rd from the last room had a combatant I didn't notice in time. Its shotgun went off, a red mark hit my chest indicating I took a hit, suppressing the pain I felt from the BB's that hit me. It was trying to reload its weapon. Quickly recovering from the pain, I rounded the doorway and put 3 rounds into its chest, dropping it. "Check the surroundings, then check the wound," Zero said. Peaking out the door both ways, seeing the hallway had no movement. I quickly switching my rifle into its smaller form. Now, look at the wound on my chest. it was orange in my HUD, I would probably be dealing with a deflating lung if this was real, seeing half a dozen puncture holes on my left side, while I scanned the damage Zero was explaining to me briefly that some wounds in this kind of scenarios would flunk you immediately if you took too much or any damage. A light orange was still passable for this one, but I needed treatment for bonus points, if untreated it would slowly turn into a deep red than finally into black which meant fatal and I would flunk the scenario. "Check your back pouch, there is a clotting sealant is it, it should stop the bleeding and allow you to keep moving mostly unhindered," Zero said. Reaching back I pull out a spray bottle, pulling my shirt aside, exposing the red dots, liberally spraying the sealer into them. It adhered to my chest similar to spray foam, feeling it slowly crawl its way down the bullet wound leaving behind a cold sensation. The pain was still there but became a dull throb instead. "Time to move Leo" Zero started, "Careful, I hear movement in the hall, clear it, then proceed." Moving to the edge of the door frame, without peaking. I could hear slow shuffling to my left of the door, someone was in the hall slowly trying to creep up on me. "Ammo check?" I asked Zero internally. My HUD now with its tactical display showed a "19" which popped into my left field of view(FOV). Smiling to myself, I angle my muzzle out the hall towards the shuffling and spray. Hearing the distinct sound of the mannequin falling to the floor right after. Peaking the corner of the door frame, seeing the red mannequin laying there, splayed out. Switching mags before moving on. The hall came to a tee, choosing to go left without much thought. "Keep our hearing sharp, I don't want anyone creeping upon us again. I say. "Already on it" Zero confirms A last few doors along the hall was either locked, closed, or non-existent. Finding no more combatants in any of them. To my right was a staircase blocked by a makeshift barricade, blocking the upper floors. My nerves starting to get the best of me, giving me a slight nervous shake in my hands. At the end of the hall was a door similar to the first one that I went through, papers blocking the view to the outside. Walking up to it, I place my ear against it, I heard a little noise through the glass pane. "How many you think, Zero?" mentally asking Zero "At least, 3 but there could be more. In the pouch next to your mags, there are grenades. There are a couple of flashbangs, indicated by the three blue stripes along its length. Toss one, then move after 3 seconds." Zero instructed. Pulling the small tube-like grenade out, indicating it was in fact an M168 stun grenade or some know it as a flashbang due to the bright flash of light and extremely loud noise when it detonates deafening people. Slowly crack open the door and tossing the grenade, closing my eyes, counting 1...2...3... as soon as I mentally said 3 a loud pop followed by muffled ringing, and shouting could be heard from the other side of the door. Opening the door, having my mark two at my shoulder, I move into what appeared to be a courtyard. I spotted four red mannequins and 2 blue ones. Hitting the two closest to me in a burst of fire, taking them both down. Snapping my sight up, aiming at the 3rd which was halfway across the courtyard still disoriented with its weapon by his knees, and both hands holding it's non-existent ears. It was probably the closest to the grenade when it detonated. Squeezing off one round, hitting him squarely in the chest. The last one, the one furthest away, had a blue mannequin it was using as a human shield. It was already recovered from the effects of the flashbang. Ducking behind a raised planter, as automatic spray splashed against the side of the planter. "What do I do Zero, do I take them both out?" I ask. "Give me a second, okay, on my word come up and follow my directions," he said, taking a bated breath, running different scenarios in my head. Zero's voice comes back. "Ready, set, go," he says. Coming up over the makeshift cover. A blue target radical gets paints over the head of the red combatant peaking over the shoulder of the civilian. The line traces from his forehead towards me in my HUD. "Now line the HUD vector up with the targeting vector in your sights, it will change color indicating a perfect shot, then just pull the trigger like you always do," Zero said the whole time I was standing, taking careful aim, time seemed to stop or slow as I lined up the vectors. Finally, my sights and vector came into contact it turned from blue to red, I didn't question it and just fired. The round slowly blasted out of the rifle and then time speed back up, like the sound of a crack of a whip the head of the last combatants snapped back. Dropping its weapon and finally falling back into a pool of stagnant water. The blue mannequin crouching to its knees once released. I quickly checked for any more combatants, looking clearing. Spotting the next alley open to my left. Moving down the alley slowly, clearing it as I go. Only a blue mannequin was at the end facing away from me, leaning against a brick wall covered in graffiti I couldn't make out. I was withing a couple of meters from it when Zero chimed in, "Shoot it" Zero said. Quickly taking aim, firing a single round into the side of the blue mannequins head. It slumped over into some trash scattered next to it. Walking up to it, it had a small automatic submachine gun in its hand hidden under that very trash. Noticing the timer was about to hit zero, I sprinted for the gate right in front of me. Opening it and bolting through without thinking of the consequences. To my surprise it was actually the exit. Burns and Hale both looking at me like I grew a third head. "What?" I ask. "What?!" I ask you again. The two looked at me before breaking the silence. "You sure you haven't done this before?" Hale asked. "No...why...did I do good?" "Come check this out," Hale says bringing me over to a scoreboard, similar to shooters giving a breakdown of statistics of the match. Map: Marine kill house - Scenario: Standard - Unarmed combatants - 5 minutes - Score limit(max):10,000 - First attempt scores Placement Score: Kills: Deaths: Accuracy: Hits: Time: 1st - Sgt. V. Arara 11,873 11 Bonus points for eliminating all targets 0 100% 19 4:30 2nd - S.C. Leo Connors 10,771 11 (Bonus points for eliminating all targets) 0 (took 1 hit) (bonus points for repairing damage) 89% 38 hit, (9 misses used all in suppressive type fire Bonus points) 4:57 3rd - Cpl. L. Hale 9,785 10 1 99% 21 (1 miss) (Headshot bonus) 4:49 4th - MSgt. D. Yatckoske 9,784 10 1 86% 30 (8 misses) 4:55 5th - Cpl. J. Marko 8,989 10 1 67% 59 (38 misses due to spray) 4:01 (speed bonus) "You're fracken in second place Leo, you beat my score, how, how'd you do it?" Hale was dumbfounded, kept looking between me and the scores board. I studied the board, trying to come up with a solid answer. Seeing Hales one miss. "how'd you miss?" is all I could think of. "Flinched on the hidden enemy at the end. we traded but I got sprayed with that uzi before it fell, eliminating me before the scenario ended." Hale said. "That sucks" "You know what else sucks, being kicked from second place by a contractor, how'd you do it? I know this has been leaked on the net but it always gets taken down right away. Tell me, did you practice it before?" Hales grilled me, looking a little deranged. "No, but I have done similar shooting galleries before in other shooter games though, Zero helped quite a bit as well with suggestions and spotting." I continued. "Your AI was helping you with spotting?" Burns asks, "I wonder if its due to all the code Clarice was dumping into it?" Burns questioning Hale. Hale looked at me then back to Burns, "Could be, she had put so much into it since she got out of boot that it was pretty advanced, even on this last mission she was even giving suggestions to the boss." Burns shrugs, then left us, walking back towards the tables of gear. "I'm sad that my score was beaten but that is some fine good shooting out there. I know some marines that would kill for those scores." Hale said patting me on the back a little strongly with his cybernetic arms, though I bet he could break my shoulder if he put effort into it. "Next, we'll get you going for another scenario. One of my favorites, let's get loaded up." Hale says. Following Corporal Hale back over to the table, noticed Burns was getting into a suit. The suit was dark gray, with white accents. UGFM was in black on the chest as well as a painted black patch on the shoulder armor of the United Gaian Federation logo of a sword with 2 stars each one representing the homes we have Gaian and once Earth, Ones bright and close while the other is further behind the sword. The sword represents the ship the Gaian, that cut its way through space to get to our new home. A bold hexagon boarding it. Burns slides the gray helmet on with an opaque visor that has lightly tinted blue lights inside illuminate his face behind the glass. Multiple layers make up the suit. Armor, mesh, then the suit under that which is a spacesuit. Most of the suit is covered in armor and protective mesh and is what is mostly used in Caliber one as a piece of starter equipment. Battle armor. "Suit up, you're going to do another scenario, and this time you're going in fully geared this time," Hale said pointing toward another suit of battle armor. Spending the next 20 minutes getting taught on how to put the armor on and its different functions. Which includes a small endo framework for increased strength, and speed. Armor plates cover all vital organs and most everything else, only not strategic places to allow for better mobility. It recycles all liquids for drinking water and can scrub the oxygen to increase the reserves of oxygen for prolonged periods in space. It was running off powerful nano cells, when fully charged will last 72 hours before life support gives out. Coming standard with tracking beacon, cameras, microphones, and shows your vitals to keep track of all soldiers in the field. Marine standard equipment. "You'll be loaned one of these for real the mission on the moons, just in case there is any trouble," Hale says. Finally getting completely into the suit, bringing the helmet over my head and my ears pop from the slight change in pressure. a smile spreads on my face, thinking how funny that even the change in pressure is even simulated in here. "Pairing with the suit, deactivating contacts," Zero says. Not expecting my cloudlights to not be used, the HUD of the helmet comes alive with more readings than ever. Similar to my contacts HUD allowing for simple text, video viewing, even giving me readouts on vitals of Hale or Burns, just briefly focusing on him brings up his file which is classified to military personnel only. I do see that his first name is Laurence which I may or not said out loud sometimes. Hale, giving me a hard stare and somehow reading my mind. "I prefer to be called Hale inside and outside of the military, though I do see the new HUD is working for you Leo," says Hale through the comms link in the suit. "The eye-tracking on this is insane, along with the analytics, it's like it's pulling data straight from the net," I say, geeking out a little hard from this HUD. Burns chuckles after I say that, "It's all next-gen tech, we are technically testing it for future use, these suits are prototypes of the current standard issue. They look the same standing shoulder to shoulder but way newer hardware and firmware. We don't run ops in them though just VR for now." "Zero, dismiss anything not needed at this very moment, and send it directly to the background, optimize the HUD as best you can as well." My HUD blurs for a second and most of the elements from the HUD go transparent or disappear altogether. Leaving me with a clean looking HUD. "Done," the husky voice of my AI says. "Thank you, Zero" Hale and Burns already suited up in their own battle armor. Hales voice coming through our suits communications system or simply comms. "Ready for the next scenario Leo?, This time we are going into a different kind of scenario, more modern with an objective," Hale says, grabbing his snipe rifle leaning against the table with his gear on sprawled out across it.
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