《2332: Fleeing the Arrakis》Chapter 3
The craft’s interior was pitch black both in terms of lighting and aesthetic. Silas had to feel his way around as the door closed behind him. From nozzles on the ceiling and floor sprayed familiar decontaminating white foam that was promptly sucked away when the room depressurized. The far wall split in two. Neons lines dimly lit a black copy of Ingenuity’s living quarters.
He took a calming breath. “So what’s the danger?” These were his first words to Tracey. On the visor, her face was inquisitively watchful.
Her lips moved naturally: “Welcome aboard, Silas Creedy. We are now cloaked in high geostationary orbit, and you are momentarily safe. I have replicated the interior of the hijacked craft for you. Your personal items including atmospheric modulators have been installed. I hope it is satisfactory.”
“Ah, thanks, but you didn’t answer my question, and I don’t remember it being so black and full of hexagons… or dark.” Conversing did not feel weird at all. He had talked to other AIs, but this one was on another level of sophistication entirely.
“Unfortunately, your lead-arsenic LEDs were destroyed in the repair protocol.”
“Can you turn up these neon lines?”
“I do not advise doing so. We are very low on… fuel.”
He lifted an eyebrow at her. “Whaaat? They’re lights. They can’t use that much energy.”
“Every last joule is valuable.” She smirked.
“Did you use up all the Helium-3 in the repair?”
“Yes,” she said in a stilted tone, meaning the AI purposefully was communicating it decided to leave something out.
“What is it? Be honest, yeah? Let’s get off to a good start. Man to machine.”
She appeared to mull it over. “This craft is powered by a zero-point generator that consumes a form of refined… dark matter. Though your Helium-Deuterium reactor is secured in storage as a backup.”
There were so many questions to ask as Silas stepped into the cockpit: “Do we have enough to make it back to Earth?”
“I am refining ambient dark matter as we speak, albeit very slowly. Please wait and enjoy the view.” The wall transparency turned on. Z 285 was orange as ever. “It’s not transparent,” she clarified. “It’s a high-definition video feed of our surroundings. Gene was likely simplifying this for you.” The display panned and tilted toward planet C. They were above an ocean.
“You can read my memories?” He wasn’t very surprised.
“It’s protocol when encountering an unrecognized operator or intelligent species. I apologize if this upsets you.”
He wanted to feel violated, but honestly he did not care. She was just an AI—a computer. And he had nothing to hide. “It’s fine. Read away. Be my guest.”
“Your life, your species, is somewhat interesting.” She smiled. “You seem to be very fond of young women, which is why I choose this form.”
“I can’t deny that,” he laughed. Now that the ice was more or less broken, he asked the questions of the century, “So I take it you’re not from Earth? Why are you here? What happened? What’s the danger?”
Her face was unreadable for a moment. “My creators, phonetically translated as the Argenci, are an intelligent carbon-silicon species from a nearby galaxy that you know as Andromeda. We have been the dominant civilization there for the last fifty-six million Earth-years, and are studying the upcoming collision with this galaxy. I was sent on a scouting mission—”
“Did you say dominant there? As in the entire galaxy?”
“Yes. On your Kardashev scale, we can be considered a type three civilization. And as I was saying, I was sent here on a scouting mission in a military conflict with the dominant civilization of this Galaxy, a unification of several carbon based species. From your memories, it does not appear your species has knowledge of this. Am I wrong? Your memories are structured in a way that renders events of the distant past unclear.”
He wasn’t able to detect any lies, her story not too outlandish. “Nah, you’re not wrong.” But the Space Force higher ups probably know something or rather.
She nodded. “They most likely do. The AI controller in the hijacked craft was not present, but it is possible it wasn’t outfitted with one given its size. Now that I think about it, I have to say it is the former. AI cores like myself are expensive to produce. We are valuable folk, not to be tossed around at the drop of a hat.” Her ramblings were very Human-like. She was learning on the fly.
His throat softly cleared. “So back to this military conflict. What are you fighting over? What’s the dominant species here?”
“As I said, a unification of several carbon species. Collectively, they call themselves the Elraeed. One species, the Arrakis, are similar to Humans in appearance, and we are in the vicinity of their home systems. It is not unreasonable to speculate your species were derived from theirs by either accidental or deliberate panspermia some time ago. You seemed to have diverged via natural evolutionary processes.”
He understood the gist of that. “You’re saying we didn’t evolve from apes?”
“That may or may not have been part of an experiment. They are a highly inquisitive species—as are Humans.”
Pieces fell into place. “Did they also seed this planet with life? Those lions you fought off were a lot like— You know.”
“It is why I suspect they were experimenting with habitable planets in this region. We are very near to one of their laboratories. Just under two-hundred light-years.”
So far, this story was adding up. So far, he was warming up to her, admittedly. This AI was smart to pick a beautiful face of a runway model. Too smart. He reminded himself to stay wary. “So why are you at war?”
She sighed. “During first contact, there were disagreements on how our merged galaxies will be governed. I know politics bore you, but you must understand we have starkly differing values. Elraeed mostly insist on non-intervention or observation, that all life is equal and should be respected and allowed its place in the universe regardless of intelligence or size or form or ability or origin. The experiments of the Arrakis have caused friction in their relations.
“Meanwhile, Argenci govern by direct intervention. They are an artificial species that no longer resembles their original carbon selves. During their first million years of development, they merged with silicon-based machines of their own creation on a genetic level and attained total control over their bodies and minds, effectively immortality, which they believe to be a kind of perpetually-evolving godhood. Each instance when they come across an intelligent species, a kind of merging occurs whether by force or persuasion. This is why only one species rules Andromeda. We have transcended beyond what you consider a species.”
Silas whistled until he was out of breath. What a story! “That is certainly a differing of values.”
“Don’t shoot the messenger,” Tracey teased.
He was chuckling. “And who’s winning the war?”
“It is still early days, as your people would say. Argenci began sending scouts to find less-developed civilizations. Elraeed, naturally, didn’t take this favorably and intercepted unmanned crafts. I was downed three Earth-years ago. I suspect your hijacked craft had also been shot down.”
“Alright.” Silas’ gloved palms clapped together. “So let’s say I believe everything you just said. What does this mean for us Humans? Will the Argenci try to merge with us?”
“I would say without a doubt Humans will be brought into the fold. Again, don’t shoot the messenger.”
“Okay.” He paced back and forth for a good minute. He wasn’t sure what to think. Suddenly, he was in a whole new world, a new reality. He wasn’t in any position to speak on behalf of Humanity, and speaking of Humanity… they likely knew at least something. Freeman certainly knew something.
So what is the real objective of this mission?
Tracey answered, “A mission can have multiple real objectives as plausible deniability.”
“That’s true.”
“However, I do doubt your leaders know the full story. The Elraeed rarely make first contact, but they often maintain observational bases on nearby moons or planets. We’ll be shot at on sight.”
“Even though I’m on board?”
“They won’t know.”
“Can they detect us through the cloak?”
He swallowed a groan. “Then how did I get past with a hijacked ship?”
“I cannot say how or why. I repeat, the Elraeed rarely make first contact. They may have made an exception in this case.” She smiled sadly. “I advise you return with me to what you would call our mother-ship. You will not be harmed, I promise.”
He gave her a daring look. “Of course you’d advise that.”
“It is the only course of action you have. Think carefully, Silas Creedy. Do you really wish to return to your people? Why did you accept this mission to begin with?” Her eyes were pleading. “We can offer you a new life, a better life. Come with me, please. You won’t regret it.”
“Okay, you can back off, but it’s in your programming to do this, yeah? You’re not going to shut up about it. How do I turn down your volume?”
“I am acting on my own accord. The repair protocol reset my system. I am, effectively, free.”
“Whatever you say, Tracey.” But behind his words, he was seriously considering the offer. To live as an immortal being. What was their society like? What was their food like? Food was one of the better things in life, one of the few things he would miss.
“Silas,” she pressed. “We must go.” At her last syllable, the stars blurred into lines.
He growled, “hey, stop.”
“Silas,” she said with doubled urgency as a system map appeared next to her face. Three moving dots in a triangle formation were closing in on their position. A readout typed next to the leading dot.
Arrakis Interceptor (unmanned spacecraft)
Hit Points: 100%
Power Level: 73,000
Oh, great. “Go, go, go. Go faster!”
A labeled rectangle appeared at the top of the visor.
Fuel: 1.48% (1.5% needed for warp speed)
The leading dot spat a smaller dot. Stars spiraled in an evasive maneuver, a blue plasma ball missing the hull by a indiscernible distance, but the visor flashed red and yellow. A green wire frame of this craft appeared under the fuel gauge. The back section was yellow.
Hull Status: 94%
“Do we have weapons?”
“Only a surface blaster.”
He scrambled for ideas. “Can you make something better?”
“My archives were damaged. I am recovering data.”
Archive Recovery: 0.0012%
Now inches away, the three dots fired in succession. Stars zigzagged back and forth, and vibrations in the floor shook Silas’ bones. His teeth rattled, his heart drumming at two hundred beats a minute. The hull rear was now red, close to failing.
The leading dot spat once more.
The fuel gauge hit 1.5%.
“Tracey, Now!”
And the universe blurred into a tunnel of light.
* * *
Warp speed had lasted for exactly three seconds.
The fuel gauge blinked for refill at 0.6%. The visor continued flashing red with a damaged section of the hull’s backside grayed out, destroyed and sealed off. Under the craft’s wire frame, a panel was drawn. Words were typed. This craft’s name apparently was also Ingenuity.
Mk-1 Hull: 82% (rear damaged)
Mk-1 Computer Mainframe: 11%
Mk-1 Gravity Drive: 100%
Mk-1 Sensor: 89%
Mk-1 Cloaking Field: 100%
Mk-1 Shield Generator: 0%
Mk-1 Power Generator: 23%
Mk-1 Matter Manipulator: 89%
Mk-1 Refinery: 4%
Mk-1 3D Printer: 29%
Atmospheric Modulator: 100%
Decontamination Spray: 100%
Silas’ Quarters (including his bonsai tree): 100%
Silas had to grin at the last entry, his heart rate returning back to a steady seventy beats per minute. “I don’t know what I’d do without my bonsai. You have a good sense of humor, Tracey, I give you that much.”
“It’s no laughing matter. Your mental health is crucial to your survival.” She was half-serious, half-joking.
“You care, why?”
“Is it not apparent? Because you arrived, I was able to repair this spacecraft and leave planet C. I owe you, as your people would say, a debt of gratitude. It is only fair that I look out for your well-being, and—”
He waved her off. “Okay. I get you. So where are we now? Can they track us?”
She looked like she wanted to continue with her ramble. She smartly answered, “We are traveling through interstellar space at sub-light-speed, and as far as I know, those interceptors lack tracking capability beyond thirty light-minutes.”
“Why are we moving slow?”
“The refinery was heavily damaged just then. As I said, the power generator takes in a form of refined dark matter that I gather with use of the matter manipulator.”
So far, this was making sense. “I assume you can’t repair it?”
“We lack… necessary resources.” She frowned in concentration, and another panel was drawn. “Specifically rare metals and metalloids. I have counted and grouped items into simplified, standard units. Let me know if you require anything to be expanded upon.”
Common Metals (3.24)
Rare Metals (0.12)
Carbon (8.82)
Silicon (3.11)
Rare Metalloids (0.05)
He-3 Reactor
Silas was no scientist, and Tracey clearly knew. Even that much technical information was reaching his limit of understanding. He tried to sound smart: “What’s the difference between a common and rare metal? What if we come across an asteroid made of gold? Suddenly it’s not so rare then?”
Her expression was thoughtful. “Perhaps rare and common are inaccurate translations. Common metals are elements up to and including iron in the periodic table. Rare metals and metalloids—”
“Why iron?”
“Elements up to iron can be mass-produced in specialized fusion refineries, and therefore are considered as common as hydrogen. Anything greater than iron, however, can only be mass-produced from heavier elements in fission refineries, and you know how rare heavy elements like gold and silver are.” A little smile curled her lips. “Would you like me to further explain the science behind this?”
“Eh… I’ll pass.” His curiosity was more than satisfied in that regard. “But why are carbon and silicon given their own entries?”
“You will soon find many crafting recipes—”
“Crafting recipes?” he laughed.
“I am taking a page out of the games you are fond of.” She smiled wryly. “Carbon and silicon are crucial elements for many recipes and should be stockpiled. Just to note, specific element entries are not included in aggregate rare and common entries.”
This was all becoming more like a game by the hour. What was next? Stat points? No way. “And how does crafting work?”
She took a moment to think. “The 3D printer is able to manipulate atomic bonds and structures. For example, your body is mostly carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. With sufficient elemental resources, the printer can produce an exact replica of your body.”
“You’re serious?” he choked.
“I only lack an analyzer to formulate such a recipe of your body.” She was utterly serious.
She read his thoughts: “A replica of your brain will not have your memories. Like my data-banks, your memories are partly encoded on the quantum level. Printing a full organism is unadvised.”
He wasn’t sure why he was relieved. Something about playing god to such an extent was more than just unnerving; it was deeply disturbing. “Okay. Okay. Brain—no go. But let’s say hypothetically I need a heart transplant…”
Her smile was tender. “Then I could operate on you, Silas. You can trust me.”
“I’m sure I can,” he huffed. “But you’d need an analyzer first, correct?”
“Do you have the recipe?”
“I’m currently recovering a block in my archives that contains it.” Her eyes slightly squinted, drawing a progress bar above the fuel gauge.
Data Block 293145 Recovery: 72.3% (29:21 remaining)
Overall Recovery: 0.0013%
She continued: “Many larger blocks were completely destroyed and cannot be recovered. I suspect those blocks contained many complex recipes including specialized refineries, advanced weaponry, and detailed historical records.”
Damn. That’s pretty damn convenient. Too convenient. He asked, “Why didn’t you do this recovery earlier?”
She chuckled. The sound was alluring. “You are right to distrust me, but I do not deceive you. Before the repair protocol reset my system, my orders were strictly to scout, return, and execute repair only if necessary. I was unable to execute data recovery.”
It made sense—in a contrived kind of way. Silas wracked his brain to find holes in her story, but her reasoning was air-tight. He reluctantly nodded. “What other data blocks are available?”
“An index-recovery is being done in parallel. Currently, I have identified blocks for… mark-2 shield generator, mark-2 gravity drive, mark-2 sensor, and mark-1 plasma cannon. Each require over an hour to recover. I highly advise to recover the mark-2 sensor next. It will allow us to penetrate basic stealth and expand our sensing range to three hundred light-minutes.”
Only four recipes indexed? Computers back on Earth could index faster. But he noted Tracy’s mainframe was at 11%, and this was alien tech. “Okay. That sounds good. Do you see any asteroids with rare metals near?”
At his question, a star chart was drawn, taking up five inches of the visor. Ingenuity was a triangular dot heading straight for an unlabeled star next to three other unlabeled stars. The chart zoomed out all the way to encompass the entirety of the Milky Way. An arrow highlighted their position. The last-known location of an Argenci mothership was two inches away at the galaxy’s outer reaches, tens of thousands of light-years away.
Silas asked, “You’re going to take me there, aren’t you?”
“Once repairs are complete, that is my intention.”
“And where’s Earth?”
A third arrow marked a position almost overlapping Ingenuity’s. Tracy’s expression was soft and caring. “Over a thousand light-years. You are very far from home.”
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “But with this gravity drive, it’s like what? Three seconds of warp speed? I can return whenever.”
“Do you wish to return?”
His eyes cut to hers. “You said the Elraeed would shoot us down.”
She sighed. “I must confess I was exaggerating earlier. Though they maintain observational bases near developing species, it is not as often as I implied. Your people are still very young technologically, and thus uninteresting. There is a high chance that you can return without meeting confrontation.”
His scowl gradually loosened, and he wasn’t surprised. “Tracey. You can see and hear my memories—”
“With better clarity than you.”
“Don’t interrupt,” he said playfully. “You’ve seen the highs and lows of my life. Do you really think I’d like to return? Be honest, yeah?”
“Honestly, I estimate there is a forty-percent chance that you will eventually decide to. You are an inherently social organism. Soon you will begin to miss contact with your fellow Humans, and this loneliness will accumulate until you develop mental abnormalities.”
He couldn’t deny it. Even when he had been homeless, he had loitered with other bums at the shelter. He had chosen to hang out with them simply out of boredom. It was natural primate behavior. Maybe if he were an evolved owl, things would be different, but that was fantastical thinking, crazy thinking.
However, right now he was not feeling homesick—far from it. “Maybe one day, but right now, I want to explore the universe.” Not only that, he we wanted to experience another round of space combat. His heart hadn’t raced so fast in a long, long while. He hadn’t felt such fear and excitement since his Olympian day, and the primate testosterone in his blood wanted even more. More danger. More adrenaline.
Out of nowhere, a deep hatred for the Arrakis, for the Elraeed, fired up his chest as sudden realization dawned upon him. With all their advanced technology and all their god-like knowledge, they could end suffering on Earth, help so many sick and poor and disadvantaged souls. Why not intervene and make things better? Because they respected all life? What kind of bull-crap was that? And then they would react in violence against anyone who thought otherwise. Silas just couldn’t agree to these so-call values. They were hypocrites. They were the jailers of mankind.
Tracey said, “So you wish to fight in the war?”
“I do. Let’s get Ingenuity repaired and armed.”
“That’s the plan, Captain Creedy.”
He smirked. “I like the sound of that. Captain Creedy.”
“It does have a nice crunch.” She mirrored his smirk. “It’s good that you’ve finally seen the light.”
“I have.”
“Do you still wish to return to your people?”
“Maybe once the Elraeed have pissed off from our business.”
“I agree. They have no right interfering.”
“Yeah, they’re dicks.” And once they were out of the way, Silas was going to bring humanity into a new golden age.
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