《Another life another chance》Chapter 27
The next few days an unnatural silence descended over the castle.
They had heard about the maid that had dared to poison the princess, earning herself
inhuman torture and finally a painful death.
Fear spread thru the servants, unrest could be felt as they didn’t know how to judge the
Their king became a monster in the eyes of most, rumors spread about his cruel deeds and
the population of Praestolatio held their breath, feeling that something would soon happen
that would have a great impact on their island.
In the castle, Spera had finally recovered from the effects of her injured Manaveins.
To celebrate her recovery, Daphne and her brothers had commissioned a few toys being made by a very famous artist of Praesto.
One evening a few days after Spera had received the toys, she finally got the opportunity to play with them. They were all small objects made out of wood, which had different colors and smells, making it very pleasant to play with them and try to build large and small structures, even trying to build the little cottage of Warthon that she had loved at first sign. Thinking about it, she became a bit depressed. She hadn’t seen Warthon for a few weeks or went back to his house since the last time and that was when he had been injured.
Just as she absentmindedly placed a slightly bigger piece of green wood over two others, balancing it so that it looked like it was suspended without touching them, the piece slipped thru her fingers and when she grabbed it a sudden sharp pain spread from her hand. In a reflex she flung the toy from her hands, making it bang against the wall. In bewilderment, she looked down and was shocked to see her palm smeared with blood.
It took a moment for her to register what had just happened, and when it clicked into place, she couldn’t hold the scream that had build in her with tears in her eyes.
Her door flew open to reveal a frantic Emerthelil, Mesanth only a few paces behind her.
What Emerthelil saw when she entered her daughter's room in a fluster after hearing her soul rendering scream, made her feel like a knife had been plunched in both her heart and gut.
There on the floor staring at her with scared and pleading eyes was her little precious baby, her hand smeared with blood and the smell of it permeated the air. She even feared to take a breath and stood frozen for what felt like hours, only to be jolted out her state by her husband's voice right beside her, cursing in a loud voice.
„These damn bastard! Wait till I get them! JEANNE !!!“ He screamed fuming on the spot. But his little outburst gave Emerthelil the push to rush to her daughter, taking her hand in her hands and chanting a small verse in a language unknown to Spera. But before she could ask her mother about it, her thoughts were distracted by the light that suddenly covered her hand.
She had seen her mother using magic on a few occasions, mostly when she was injured or something was difficult to achieve with a little magic help. But that couldn’t compare to the power of the magic she used at the moment. Spera could feel the Mana in the surroundings gathering around her mother, giving her a majestic aura that made her shine brightly.
She was so distracted by her mother's supernatural appearance that she didn’t realize the arrival of Lorain, Jeanne, Daphne, Leon, Samuel, Mesana, and Warthon.
All looked with shock at the bloody spot on the carpet and Speras hand that was being healed by Emerthelil and everyone could conclude what had happened.
Immediately, Lorain, Daphne, and Mesana rushed to them while the men started a heated talk with each other.
„Are you alright sweety?“ Mesana asked, hugging her tightly while Emerthelil started huddling to them, brushing her hand over her hair and cheeks.
Daphne looked at them anxiously, knowing that she couldn’t participate since she could only touch Spera and none of the other woman or she would hurt them.
Lorain seeing that looked at her with sad eyes, wanting to console her but knowing that she couldn’t.
Seeing her wringing her hands before her while kneeling a bit away from the others, Spera, when finally calmed down enough to think, she wiggled a bit to signal them to let her free and reached over to take her hand.
„I’m fine.“ She said, looking intensely at Daphne. Rom Wiju she knew that Daphne was akin to a time bomb and only her mental strength kept them all save. She couldn’t be the reason for her to lose to her feelings.
„Baby ...“ She heard her mother's voice behind her, hurt in it at her behavior that indicated a dismissal of her and Mesana for Daphne's sake. She knew that her daughter had started to spend more time with the woman, even touching her, which was still a mystery and a miracle that made them fear for her future but be glad for Daphne.
A silence descended over the room, making the woman and Spera aware that the men had stopped talking and had moved towards the wall, that had a small bloody spot on it, the green toy that had blood on it lying to their feet.
A murderous aura started to leak from Mesanth as he bends down and picked up the toy carefully with his forefinger and thumb.
As he rightened himself and tilted the toy, a glint could be seen by everyone that stared at him.
Standing up, the woman started crowing around Mesanth and everyone could finally see the blade that had been embedded along one edge of the toy, the sophistication of the work leaving no one questioning that this had been deliberate.
Spera, that had been picked up by her mother, could feel her shake. Looking up she could see the emotions warring in her eyes. Sadness, anger, relieve, helplessness. She could see them and many more but she knew that her mother blamed herself.
„Mommy …“ She said while snuggling into her mother's bosom.“I am alright.“ She said, holding her healed hand up right before her mother's eyes.
„Thank you, sweetie.“ She said, forgetting her previous behavior. Relieved she walked to Spera's bed and sat down on it with her, taking distant to the others, that had started searching the toys, and started to observe them while petting her daughter until she fell asleep. After that, she just gazed down at her.
Hearing a small shuffle in the direction of the others, Emerthelil looked up, to see Jeanne, Samuel, and Leon trying to hold Mesanth back while Lorain and Mesana talked to him, trying to calm him down. Slowly easing out of the bed, as to not disturb her daughter, she hurried to her husband, squeezing through Lorain and Mesana to fling herself towards Mesanth, her arms going around his neck and hugging him tightly.
“Shh … Shh..” She murmured, stroking his hair until he calmed down enough for the men to let him go. Immediately he hugged her back, squeezing her against his chest and acting as if he never wanted to let her go.
When Emerthelil could feel that Mesanth was once again under control, she turned around, still encased in his arms, leaning against his chest and nuzzling his neck from time to time.
“What happened ?” She asked the others, her cold voice in stark contrast to her lovely appearance and the warm eyes that observed her husband.
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the uneasy looks that they gave each other. Annoyed, she turned to them, giving them a glare.
“Well ?” She said with a raised eyebrow, but she could feel that Mesanth was unhappy that her attention wasn’t on him anymore, him tightening his hug around her waist making her impossibly closer to him. So while not breaking eye contact with Lorain, knowing that if somebody could tell her what was up, the elderly woman would be the one, she leaned her head back, settling back against him
“Your Majesty …” Lorain started, while stepping forward, seemingly protecting her children behind her even if Daphne stood in a small distance careful not to touch anyone.
Lorain's formal approach, raising the hairs on Emerthelils neck, telling her that this wasn’t good news.
“It seems like every piece of the new toys had been tampered with …” She said, showing Emerthelil a few pieces that had either needles or small blades embedded in them.
“How could that happen !” Emerthelil almost shouted, only holding back since she knew that they also blamed themselves for this incident.
“We are not sure Madam …” Jeanne intercepted seeing that his wife was a little hurt by Emerthelils reaction.
“How could you not be sure? You are the fucking Head of security!” She whirled towards Samuel that stood behind his mother with his head hanged low, Leon patting him on the shoulder to cheer him up and Daphne hovering near him to give her support.
“Don’t scream at him !” Lorain suddenly bit out, positioning herself in front of Samuel and stunning Emerthelil. She looked quite vicious with her flashing eyes and her hands balled into fists at her side.
“Well then what do you think I should do ?” Emerthelil said, a defeated undertone in her voice. She had seen them restraining her husband. This meant that they could once again not take action, even if they wanted so desperately to do just that.
Lorain stepping forward, pity and compassion could be seen in her eyes, even if Emerthelil didn’t want such emotions directed towards her, getting defensive when she was near enough to touch her.
“Your Majesty, one thing is clear, the toys had to have been tampered with after they arrived at the castle. Leon and Samuel inspected them separately before allowing the princess access to them. So this means it has to once again be one of the servants. The maid Yuyan still didn't confess. Maybe …” She looked over her shoulder and Emerthelil knew that she was seeking permission from her husband, that given the headnod that she could feel against her cheek he gave her.
“Thank you, your majesty. Daphne, you got it ?” She asked turning towards her daughter, pride in her eyes that couldn’t be overshadowed by the recent incident.
“It’s an honor…” Daphne said, slightly bowing to the royal couple, giving her family air kisses and then vanishing out of the door, most likely going to the dungeons to finally get the pieces of information that they wanted.
“Your Majesties. I think we should also leave.” Lorain suddenly said, gripping her two sons and dragging them out of the door, stunning Emerthelil. Mesanth had been silent since before so she wasn’t sure if he also hadn’t anticipated their sudden exit. But his next actions proved her wrong.
“Jeanne …” His voice sounded near her ear, the fury and desperation making it deeper and sending shivers down her spine.
“Yes, master?” Jeanne stood at attention before them, slightly bowing his head while placing his right hand above his heart.
“Isolate the room, set up the level 3 Barrier I have to talk with my wife.” He said, falling silent once again and leaving Emerthelil more confused than before.
“We have different levels of barriers? And what is a level three ?” She said turning around in his arms.
He gave her a small smile and started petting her head, which helped him calm himself even more.
“A level three barrier is a sound barrier that alerts the people inside if someone is approaching the area of the barrier. The other levels aren’t important right now, if you ever need one, just ask Jeanne he can cast up to Level seven barriers that are almost impenetrable and he knows what kind of barriers are needed for different situations. Maybe later I can teach you but not right now.” He said just as Emerthelil felt a slight pressure descending on her ears and a small ‘plop’ could be heard.
“What was that ?” She asked hectically looking around but not seeing any difference.
“You can’t see it, sweety. The barriers are woven into the walls of the castle, one of the reasons why I told you that it is very safe here …” He said for which he earned himself a glare.
“Very safe? Very safe ?!?” Emerthelil screamed at him, struggling out of his hold and distancing herself. She could see the hurt in his eyes, but her fury was too strong to comfort him.
“My daughter was not only poisoned but just now survived an attempt at her life! And you tell me that she is safe here !!!” She cried out, tears burning in her eyes and to take off the edge of the anger that builds inside her, she picked up a small bowl that lay empty on the bedside table and hurled it across the room, making it shatter against the wall. But just after she had done that, common sense returned and she swirled around to the bed, signing in relieve that her daughter hadn’t woken up. Where did this terrible temper come from?
Dismissing it, she turned back to her husband, that stood rooted to the spot, his hands held up defensively and staring at the shattered pot that had left a dent in the wall, gulping audibly before looking back at his sweet loving wife.
“Sweetheart … please just trust me ok ?”
“I want to. I really do, but these incidents keep piling up and I am just so worried. Why can’t we do something.”
“Because we need proof. I have to obtain waterproof evidence that they are targeting the ‘royal family of Prena that had been reinstated by the draconian ruling house’, do you understand ?” And the funny thing was, she did. But still, she wanted him to say it.
“Why ?” She said, not looking at him but at her daughter. She didn’t deserve this.
“You know I can’t explain sweetheart …”He said, inching closer to take her in his arms but she avoided him.
“So it once again has something to do with your big dark secret that I can’t know ..” She said, scowling at him in anger. She hadn’t forgotten their previous fight. And she damn well made it clear that she wouldn’t forgive him the next time. And here they were, once again fighting over this ‘secret’ that she couldn’t know about.
Disappointment sliced through her.
“I am sorry sweetheart but it’s too important. Just this I can tell you … we need irrefutable evidence of them betraying me. With that, I will have reason to dispose of them.
Anything less will get us in very dangerous even deathly trouble.
Get the perpetrator, I don’t think that Lidiana would make the rookie mistake of dirtying her
own hands, place her under a truth curse and make her tell you about Lidiana being the
mastermind …” He said, his eyes pleading with her, and she knew that she would once again forgive him, he had done too much, and sacrificed tremendously for her, making it impossible for her not to forgive him.
Luckily, knowing Daphne, the biggest part of the plan would most likely be done by tomorrow. The woman was scary when she got her hands on a new ‘research subject’ ...
“But what about the queen? Is she getting away with trying to hurt my baby.” Emerthelil almost screamed as fury licked at her heart just thinking about the woman.
“Don’t aim too high!” Mesanth immediately cautioned her.
”The queen can’t be touched. We have to weaken her support first
and one way to do that is to remove her loyal supporters.” He said, finally getting the chance to take his beloved into his arms, which he immediately did, squashing her against his chest and holding on for dear life.
“Just endure it. I promise that we will get our revenge. But not now, the queen is still useful.
Please trust me.” He pleaded into her ear, and she could feel his desperation.
“You know I do …” Emerthelil sighed, letting her body melt against his and surrendering.
“Mommy? Daddy?” a small sleepy voice bought them out of they own little world. Looking towards the bed, they could see their daughter struggling to sit up, rubbing her little hands against her eyes.
Walking to the bed, they laid on each side of her, hugging her close between them
”Yes, sweety ?” Emerthelil finally asked after all three of them were comfortable.
“Trust you too !” Spera answered cutely, snuggling deeper into her parent's embrace, who looked at each other in shock over Speras head.
Just how long had she been awake?
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