《Another life another chance》Chapter 24
Regaining consciousness, Spera found herself in Delis Main Chamber once again.
Looking around, she found the three siblings sitting around the table and drinking tea in leisure.
Sensing her appearing, all of them turned to her and their eyes widened in shock.
This time her form hadn’t changed.
But why was her soul suddenly shimmering golden?
Deli abruptly stood up and walked towards her, Wiju and Muwa shortly behind her.
“How the hell could that happen? Isn’t it bad enough that she already has this form? Wiju what's going on!”
“Sister I don’t know, last time I couldn’t pick up anything unusual about her. And nothing on Prena could have possibly made her attain that.”
Seeing both of his siblings with such frantic looks on their faces, Muwa couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, causing both of his siblings to look at him in astonishment. He never laughed!
““Muwa ?””
“Sorry, let’s sit down and calm down. You are scaring the little thing …” He said, his normally cold voice warmed with amusement.
Looking at Spera they could indeed see that, now that her facial features were more pronounced, that her eyes held fear in them and she slightly trembled.
Walking back to the table all four took a seat, a new chair for Spera materializing out of thin air.
“So where should we start ?” Wiiju opened the discussion after everyone made themselves comfortable and had one cup of tea.
“Like we already established, nothing on Prena could cause this change … so it has to be something she did here in this Realm …” Muwa pondered.
“But she didn’t really do something special …” Deli contemplated.
“Could it have been because she spend so much time here? “
“That can’t be .. if that would be that easy, Sougua would already be much more powerful ...” Deli answered.
“Speaking of him, how old is he exactly …” Wiju asked, his curiosity piqued.
“Older than you, that's for sure …” Deli said dismissive but gave him a knowing smile. Damn, that was a low blow for the God of Wisdom.
“Wow …” Wiju said, too astonished by the fact that Sougua could be almost as old as their father.
“Guys concentrate! We can talk about that when the midget is gone…” Muwa suddenly interrupted. His voice sounding impatient. /said impatiently.
“Well thank you ?” Spera said, not sure how to take that.
“So going back …” Wiju said but was immediately interrupted by a disgruntled Spera.
“Don’t ignore me !”
“Well, what do you want me to say? You are a midget… live with it!” Muwa exclaimed, ignoring her and treating her like air. I thought he was one of the good guys ...Spera lamented, which caused her to close her mouth and pound thru the rest of the conversation.
“Could it have been her control training ?”
“But she only reached nine seconds …”
“Well, well don’t sound so dismissive or the little one will cry,” Muwa said, causing Deli and Wiju to look at Spera who was turning her head away, not giving them the satisfaction of seeing her upset expression. How dare they say it had only been nine seconds. They were damn hard to reach, alright?
“What else happened last time? I was so focused on the incident that I lost track of her …” Muwa reluctantly admitted.
“Hmm... I showed her my room … we talked and then we went back to meet up with you two …” Wiju explained, still thinking about possible explanations.
“Could it have been your room or the knowledge she got ?” Deli asked him curiously.
“Not possible.” WIju strongly rejected, making Deli recoil a bit b his intensity.
“Than it has to be the training …” Muwa insisted.
“I don’t see how that is possible ...Spera! Stop slurping the tea !” Deli suddenly jelled, causing all three to look at Spera who was nursing her second cup of tea.
“No, it can’t be …” Deli suddenly exclaimed when she saw her like that, her eyes going wide.
“It could be possible,” Wiju said, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Spera in concentration, who was frozen in place.
“I don’t understand,” Muwa explained.
“But I don’t see why it only became visible after she went back to Prena. Shouldn’t the effect come instantaneously.”
“Hmmm …”
“Guys, don’t ignore me ..:” Muwa begged.
“Now you know how I felt don’t you …” Spera grumbled in satisfaction but was immediately focusing once again on Deli and Muwa.
“Well, when everything else is deducted this is the only possible explanation, even if it sounds ridiculous.” Wiju conceded.
“Hahaha …” Deli suddenly started laughing.
Seeing as how the discussion had ended, Spera looked at Wiju hopefully. Maybe he would be so kind as to grace her with his newly acclaimed knowledge.
“Little one. Don’t be shocked. But it seems like you gained a sliver of divine energy by … consuming our tea.” He said, causing Spera to drop the cup on her hands. almost throwing it across the room. She didn’t want that! She wanted to be normal!
Hearing her thoughts, Delis dark personality manifested and sneered at her.
“Too late for that,” she said derogatory.
“What exactly does that mean ..” Spera asked shakily, ignoring Delis remark. She had become kind of used to her abusive remarks the last time she had been here. Every second of her training had consisted of crude and derogatory remarks and cursing, her dark personality being more intense because of the genocide.
Seeing the situation, Wiju interrupted, “What we want to say, is that because you consumed a heavenly item, in this case, the tea brewed for the Goddess of Death and Life, your soul has been refined to a state, where it is receptive to divine energy and started absorbing it as soon as you once again arrived here. Seeing as it doesn’t absorb more, I think your soul has reached its limit of how much divine energy it can absorb. Seeing as you are originally a mortal soul it isn’t surprising that your soul has many impurities. Normally every soul is cleaned when reincarnated, because of your unique situation, it would be almost impossible to attain divinity, the impurities of your former life heavily restricting your soul. Let's see, maybe for an example, most people have to carry a 5 kg backpack, while running a marathon to reach the goal which is complete divinity, but because of your situation, you are starting with 10 kg and the possibility of you accumulation baggage is also possible. So you see, your soul being in humanoid form, even if it is that of a toddler and also having a sliver of divine energy even with your extra baggage is … let’s say mildly very surprising.”
“Ok …” Spera breathed out, too shocked by Wijus revelation.
But suddenly it seemed that she had thought about something, her head swirling around to stare at Muwa, who was a bit taken aback.
“Could my soul influence my mortal body ?”
“How exactly?” Muwa asked, confused by her sudden intensity.
“I mean could my refined soul cause my body to be sluggish, have difficulty breathing, make my toes and fingers numb in the evening and over the cause of one year let it lose all strength?”
“No, I don’t think so … Is that what happened to you ?”
He asked earning a strong nod from Spea.
“Wiju … could I have ‘that’?” He suddenly said after contemplating for a few moments.
“You know I don’t like it if you touch my stuff …” He said sullenly, but at the same time, a thin book appeared in his hand. He started using it as a fan, baiting Muwa who looked at him in complete indifference.
“Oh come on … you aren’t funny …” He started complaining when not receiving the reaction he had hoped for but handed the book over without any further complain.
Spera being able to finally see the book was surprised when she noticed her name on the cover. Looking up Wiju nodded, indicating that yes indeed it was a book about her.
“What is that book ?”
She asked after Muwa didn’t say another word, just skimming through the book. The only sound in the room is the sound of tea being drunk and the rustling of the pages. If it hadn’t been a situation as dire as it was, Spera could have almost found it relaxing. Of course minus the three psychotic Gods that became stranger the more time she spends with them.
“This is a record of your current physical body. Given that you have a blessing of a high God, and not just one but three even if your two blessings are just minor, there has to be a certain importance attached to your mortal body.”
“You are keeping a journal like a crazy scientist aren’t you ?” Spera asked, quite confident in her assessment, and seeing the flustered look on Wijus voice she had just hit the bullseye.
Seeing him blush, Deli couldn’t refrain from murmuring “Cute …” Which caused him to blush even harder. And Spera could only agree, at that moment Wiju looked really cute.
“Well back to the topic …” Muwa interrupted after a few moments of awkward silence. He had stopped flipping thru the book and his finger seems to point at a specific content.
“Let’s see … Given the injuries of her Mana veins thru the unraveling seal placed by the …”
But before Muwa could speak or more like reading aloud more of the content, Wiju had already recovered enough to slap his hand over his mouth, muffling the words to come.
Surprised Spera, Muwa and Deli stared at Wiju who seemed like someone that had just prevented a disaster.
“Wiju …” Deli said in a sweet voice, “let your big sister hear what you are calling her would you ?”
With fear in her eyes, Wiju grabbed her hand, looking at her with puppy eyes.
“Sis I am so sorry. I didn’t remember to change it afterward. I had a bad day when I wrote it so please …” He begged but Deli ignored him, reaching out and taking the book from Muwas hands. After reading the passage that Muwa had just wanted to say, her aura darkened and a tick started at her left eye corner, revealing just how angry she was at his written words.
The next moment her being once again regained tranquility, as she lifted a finger and moved it along the words, small puffs of smoke becoming visible as she burned out the words her younger brother had written.
“Now you can continue …” She said, handing the book back to Muwa while Wijju cried at the damage to his precious report.
Spera could only look on, curious just what he had written but too scared to ask.
“Muwa, can you just tell me what is going on ?” She said, not wanting to waste more time. She knew she still had training to do, and this time she wanted to reach the f**king ten seconds.
“Well according to this entry …”He said, clearly avoiding the word ‘journal’,” Your condition was caused by the combination of your weakened body, because of the loosening seal, your advanced healing abilities which prolonged the condition and made it sometimes even seem like you were getting better, and the culprit of your state, a very special toxin that was administered orally. I would guess through food and, or beverage.”
“So I was really poisoned …” Spera muttered, feeling relieved at knowing the truth but feeling hate for the unknown assailant.
“ Well, you were ..” Muwa suddenly said mysteriously.
“Huh?” Spera looked at him in surprise.
“Well, you see … it seems like this time the seal loosened enough for a bit of my blessing to manifest. Given the boost from the freed mana, it cleansed your body of the toxin.”
“So that means I am going to be alright ?” Spera asked him, hope shining in her eyes.
“Not really. You see because your Mana veins not only had to endure the freed Mana but also the additional strain from the cleansing, your body was more hurt that it should have originally been. This caused a great stress on your system, so it shut down.”
“What do you mean shut down !” Spera almost screamed, only in the last second remembering that they were still talking telepathically and too much noise would lead to her imminent doom.
“Haa ~I mean, that you fell into a coma. given the intensity of the injury, your body will not let you wake up until at least a quarter of the damage has been repaired.”
“Of how long are we talking about?” Spera whispered depressed.
“Depends … given the high recovery rate of your system and the high-tier healing spells cast on your body I would say at least one week.”
“That would be almost half a year here !” Spera exclaimed.
“Well, you don’t have to stay in this Main chamber…” Wiju suddenly interrupted.
All three turned to him and gave him a questionable look.
“What? Just let her stay at one of the faster Main chambers and everything is alright. I would even sponsor a few books … of the harmless variety!” He exclaimed seeing Speras excited and Delis worried look.
“Didn’t you say you wanted her to meet your friend? After that, you can just let her stay in one of the minor gods main chambers where the time difference isn’t implemented and she can spend the rest of the time training and reading.” He said to Muwa giving a glance at Spera who was relieved by the suggestion.
“But you have to meet me once a day for tea !” Deli said, not wanting to be left out.
“No problem!” Spera said joyfully, still worried about her parents for a week-long coma would make them anxious but at least she would be getting stronger while here.
“h right !” She said when she remembered a thought that she had before,” Muwa you said something about your blessing manifesting .. what exactly is going on?” She asked scooting closer to the cold man, that looked at her with warm eyes.
“You know that my blessing affects your body right ?” He said which earned him a nod from Spera.
“Well, additionally to that it also helps with resistances, making it easier for your body to acquire them. Now that you have been poisoned, the entire blessing is used to counter it, giving you a poison resistance. But don’t mistake it for an immunity. Until you have your awakening ceremony you can still be killed by a strong poison so be careful not to overtax your system, quantity can also be a problem, not only quality.”
“You said until my awakening ceremony … what is after that? Do I then get the immunity or what ?”
“No … but your enormous mana capabilities would boost your resistance and natural healing abilities so that no poison found on Prena could kill you.”
“Wow ~ ” Spera exclaimed in wonder.”Thank you!” She said while showing a brilliant smile.
Suddenly a voice sounded next to her, that seemed like it came from the depths of hell, even if Spera now knew that such a thing didn’t exist.
“Why are you thanking him …”The voice growled out. Turning around Spera was face to face with the darkest side of Deli that she had seen until now. Shuddering in fear, she leaned back.
“Urm … I mean … his bl-blessing is so good. I … If I did-didn’t have it, I w-would be d-dead ri-right ?” She stuttered, thinking that she had done something wrong.
“Hooo~?” Deli breathed out, a vicious smile playing around her mouth. Frightened Spera closed her eyes in fear.
“Interesting ... “Delis' voice sounded once again, but this time sounding almost normal.
Opening her eyes once again, she saw that the dark side of Deli was still dominant, but not as deep as before.
Wanting to desperately change the topic, Spera turned towards Wiju who also looked slightly intimidated by his sister.
“Wiju! You have a book on everyone right !” She hurriedly said. Wiju thankful for her interception looked at her in gratitude and nodded his head, not hiding his little hobby anymore.
“Do you have a book on my grandpa Fon?” Spera curiously asked, still glancing at Deli that seemed to work at balancing her personalities at the moment.
Relucent Wiju gave a nod, but this time taking a bit more time.
“Than can you tell me what he does? I mean as his job. Daddy doesn’t want to tell me and I am really worried about him. When he came back the last time, he was only a shell of his former self !” Spera suddenly said desperately but saw the reluctance in Wijus face, which was confirmed when he denied her request.
“Why !” Spera said in frustration.
“Your parents don’t want you to know and I will respect their decision,”Wiju said to justify his decision.
“But you are a god !” Spera said, a little bit angry at his attitude.
“And? Even if I have divinity my mother taught me that I have to respect other people's decision if they don’t endanger another. Me not telling you what is going on is in no way dangerous to you or others in your surroundings.” Wiju said, offended by her tone of voice.
“Alright, alright I get your point …” She said, seeing that he wasn’t to be swayed.
Deli and Muwa looked at her in understanding.
“Don’t think too much about it, even I lose to his stubbornness at that topic,”Deli says with a smile.
“As the God of knowledge is my responsibility be careful what I tell others. Even if my position makes me able to know everything that is in existence, I set myself a few rules to be able to interact with others … “Wiju said, suddenly feeling like he had to defend himself.
“We know …” Deli and Muwa pat his shoulder.
“Well then do you want to continue the training?” Deli said, wanting to end the topic with that.
“Yeay …” Spera exclaimed unenthusiastically, still remembering her last training session.
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