《The Ability User of Modern Day》Chapter 5 - Disappearance


Chapter 5 - Disappearance

(POV) – Class 2-C

After Kazuki came back to his senses after reminiscing about the first meeting between him and Shiroyuki. he turned towards her with an aloof expression and addressed Shiroyuki with a smile.

“I can see your eager to continue this discussion so we can continue it later, just go take your seat as we are disrupting the class you know” He pointed out the interruption the 2 had cause with a mischievous smile.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, you should be free after school, right? If so we can pick this up from there” Shiroyuki replied with a nod as she made her way towards her seat.

“Also, I am sorry for interrupting the lesson with our conversation, if you wish to give out a punishment I will not go against your judgement” She turned towards Kimura-sensei then bowed and apologized with an earnest expression.

“Oh no, Shiroyuki-san there is no need to apologize it must be surprising to reunite with someone after a long time apart. At least you apologized and aren’t as shameless as others” Kimura-sensei added with a flustered expression and then turned towards Kazuki with an expression filled with annoyance and mocking.

“Anyways class after our slight delay let’s get on with the lesson I have planned today, everyone gets out your History textbooks and turn to page 134” Kimura-sensei started to take control of the previously chaotic classroom before continuing with what he had planned to do from the beginning.

Once Kimura-sensei had begun to control the classroom again the atmosphere died down and everyone started getting on with the lesson. There were still people whispering and staring towards both Kazuki and Shiroyuki with gazes filled with curiosity.

The lesson seemed to drag on for Kazuki, who put his head down on the desk and began to try and sleep mid-way through the lesson, which was met with a chalk rocket delivered towards his temple at lightning-fast speed by Kimura-sensei.

Despite the frightening speed and impact of the chalk it still didn’t manage to wake him up, mainly due to a barrier of mana cast around his body which he had prepared for this specific situation, which had occurred many times over the year.

Skill - Mana Body Effect - This is a aura of mana which surrounds the users body to block any external disturbances

Kimura-sensei just signed and got on with his lesson, it seemed as if he had given up on attempting to wake-up Kazuki as his attempts usually failed no matter how hard he tried.

In the past he had tried several techniques to wake up the slumbering youth, this included shouting as load as he could into the youth’s ear, throwing objects at the youth’s head, and even repeatedly shaking the youths body. None of the attempts had worked which at first shocked him but now he wasn’t even surprised that the youth remained unaffected by the chalk rocket.


The classmates also stared towards Kazuki who was unaffected by the chalk rocket blasted towards the youth with unsurprised gazes as they had witnessed first-hand the techniques used by Kimura-sensei to wake up the youth which had never been to successful.

The youth usually woke up when the class was about to end which was surprising as it was as if he had alarm clock inside of his head to indicate when classes would end, this theory was partly true.

Kazuki had many different physical abilities he could use on his body by utilizing the different parts of his body to perform them, this included his brain which was also enhanced along with his body.

The enhanced brain allowed for Kazuki to gain many benefits which included a photographic memory, as well as being able to sense the things around him when he was in an unconscious state like right now.

The ability allowed him to be able to shut out all external forces and sleep peacefully without any interference, he could sense when he was in danger or when there were any threats nearby which was why the attempts at waking him up from Kimura-sensei didn’t work as they weren’t done with malicious intent which aimed to kill.

The familiar sight caused his childhood friends and co to sigh at his usual antics, having been with Kazuki for many years Luna and Daichi understood that Kazuki was a very shameless person and didn’t really care about what the people in the surroundings though about his actions and whether they were right or wrong.

Looking at the youth performing his usual routine of sleeping throughout the class they could only express a wry smile and get on with the lesson, however the childhood friends and co still had the memory of what happened before fresh on their mind.

‘He is my fiancé’ Just what the heck did she mean by that and how did a girl like her become engaged to him?

This concerned them as they thought that they knew Kazuki well enough to be able to know if he was engaged, they knew Kazuki seemed to have his secrets which he kept to himself but they still had mixed feelings about not knowing this information.

The one most surprised by this was of course Luna, she was shocked to find out that Kazuki had a fiancé. She had no idea that Kazuki was in that sort of relationship as he had never really shown to much interest in love and getting into a relationship with a girl.

Despite Kazuki being lazy and shameless he could still be classed as a handsome youth as he had a well-toned body which seemed to carry muscle despite the youth not participating in any sports or club activities. He had quite a mature face which seemed to fit an adult rather than a 16-year-old kid. He also had his unique features which were his sharp green eyes and messy white hair which would allow him to be easily identified by anyone who knew him.


Since when the hell did he have a fiancé and why didn’t he tell us about it, I doubt even Mia would know about this as she would have told us about it, jeez why is that guy so secretive about everything he does. Luna though to herself with a pouty expression. She seemed to be upset about Kazuki keeping this a secret from her.

Wait!? Didn’t she mention meeting him in Britain, and it seems like this was quite a while back. I don’t ever remember Kazuki & Mia ever going on vacation to Britain which means he must of went alone.

The groups mind suddenly jolted at the mark previously made by Shiroyuki. They remembered her stating she was from Britain and moved to Japan 3 years ago to look for someone important to her did that mean that the one she was looking for was Kazuki?

This situation is getting weird I will consult Mia with it later to see if she remembers Kazuki going to Britain in the past, if not it could explain why he disappears frequently and comes back after weeks or months.

Daichi seemed to be piecing together information he knew about Kazuki from before and the information picked up from Shiroyuki’s introduction and conversation with Kazuki. He was going to wait till later to discuss with Mia to see if she knew anything about the youth’s frequent disappearances.

The disappearance act from Kazuki was a very common thing as he would go missing here and there, it was mostly during times when school was on break but there were a few occurrences where he would go missing during school hours with no contact with his family and friends for hours or even days.

When he first disappeared without a trace 4 years ago his family was worried about where he had gone but at first thought he had went to stay at a friend’s house, however after him not going home the next day his parents called up his only friends Luna and Daichi to see where he was, they were shocked to find out Kazuki hadn’t been staying at either of their houses.

The worried parents began to think that Kazuki had been kidnapped by one of their business competitors as a hostage to threaten them into doing something. The worried pair called the police and used all the authority in their hands to look for Kazuki and make sure that he was safe.

Despite their huge search campaign of looking for Kazuki there were no results which upset the parents and made them feel completely mortified. However, after 2 weeks Kazuki just walked through the front door while his parents were talking to the parents of Luna and Daichi who appeared to be consoling the depressed pair.

His sudden appearance caused his parents to suddenly burst into tears and hug the youth strongly as if they wouldn’t let go. After 10 minutes of letting out their emotions the parents suddenly asked what had happened to Kazuki and whether he had been abducted.

The youth just replied, “I was just travelling”, the remark caused the parents to feel reassured but at the same time they became angry at how the youth had been “travelling” around for 2 weeks without saying a word to them beforehand.

The youth apologized for his actions and received the punishment from his parents which was being grounded for the remaining week of the school term which didn’t bother Kazuki to much as he was tired from the “travelling” he had been doing.

He also faced the harsh criticisms of his sister who scolded him for his actions of making his parents worried which seemed to cause him to apologise to her which in turn caused her to cry and leap into Kazuki’s embrace.

These disappearances kept on occurring after that time and they would sometimes last longer than the ones which he had done in the past and some even went as long as a month. This did anger his friends and family a lot as they didn’t have any idea where he was and what he was doing but they kept getting used to it.

And now that he was 16 years old he was already growing into a young man and seemed to be mature despite his laziness. While reminiscing these events the voice of Kimura-sensei’s voice suddenly brought the youth’s back to reality.

“Right everyone that is all for today, please don’t forget we have a test coming up next Wednesday so please study for that, I will remind you once again if you fail you will have to attend lessons in the school break which is coming up shortly”

The reactions from the class spread from nervousness to confidence, and from those who had no problems with studying and those who weren’t very diligent at studying their attention was suddenly turned to a voice which seemed aloof but loud.

“Come on Shiroyuki lets go you wanted to have a discussion in private so let’s go back to my place” Kazuki turned to Shiroyuki and made his way towards the door.

The sentence he muttered just now shocked his classmates as it sounded as if he was inviting someone over for tea, not discussing an alleged engagement.

“Sure, let’s go” Shiroyuki replied with a pleasant smile and following the youth.

The class was left there with their mouths agape as the two youths casually walked out of the door and towards the school gates.

End of Chapter 5

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