《Moonlit sky》Chapter 15 - Lulu


"Will he be alright?" Asked worried Tanya.

"I don't know, it looks like he is healing, although slowly." Answered Tomm.

"Did you try giving him health potions?" Asked Demian.

"I didn't think of that, give me one lets try it out."

Demian passed one bottle of red liquid to Tomm and Tomm poured it down in Tenebrises mouth, after couple of moments Tenebris started gaining back some color in his pale face.

"Give me another one, quickly." Said Tomm, as he poured another potion Tenebris started breathing normally and was looking normal, but he wasn't waking up yet.

"He seems stable, he is just unconscious, you guys go and check the other rooms and bring the loot, after you do that dissect the bats and take those orbs of theirs, i hope he wakes up until then." Spoke Tomm, Tanya and Demian listened to him and went out, but Diana was still sitting beside Tenebris hugging her knees.

"He will be alright, you don't have to worry too much about it."

"I know..." Whispered Diana.

"Go meditate, i can bet he wouldn't want you guys to be idle now." Said Tomm, he could see his daughters worried look and he was trying to think of any excuse that could help her relax a bit.

"Ok, tell me when he wakes up." Answered Diana before she stood up and went to the corner of the room where she sat down to meditate.

Couple of hours later Tanya, Demian and Diana finished looting the bats, Diana joined them halfway because she couldnt calm herself enough to meditate. They started organising loot when they heard the voice.

"It looks like a lot, anything special?"

They turned around, looking stupidly at a person standing in front of them.


"You, you, you bastard!" Mumbled Diana before she ran up to him and hugged him.

"Why am i a bastard all of the sudden?" Spoke Tenebris while awkwardly scratching his head.

"Well you made us worry, especially her..." Said Demian while he smiled sheepishly.

"Why especially her?" Asked Tenebris with a frown on his face.

"Shut up, stupid..." Spoke Diana as she hugged him even tighter.

"Okay... Uhh so, what about the loot?"

"Well there's around 200 orbs, a spellbook, at least a dozen of potions and we also discovered that some of the bat parts can also be used as materials, oh right there was also a cloak there, looks cool." Answered Demian.

"There is 213 orbs and one of them is medium grade, there is 9 health potions, 4 mana potions and 1 energy potion, bats teeths and wings are usable as materials and that cloak is much better than just looking cool."

A voice was heard again, but this time they didn't recognise who was the person speaking.

"Lulu show yourself." Said Tenebris and suddenly there was little girl size of a palm sitting on top of Tenebrises head."Guys, this is Lulu, she is my new companion spirit, Lulu introduce yourself."

"Hello my name is Lulu, i am this blockheads spirit, nice to meet you all." Spoke little girl.

"I was unconscious for long because we were talking, i've met her in another dimension where i captured her and made her my spirit."

"You captured me? If you didn't sneak upon me while i slept you would have never even caught a glimpse of my tail! You were just lucky this system thing accepted it as that otherwise i would've kill you already..." Spoke angrily Lulu.


"Whatever, get over it, system already bound you under my command, the sooner you get over it the sooner we can work normally." Spoke calmly Tenebris.

"Work normally? I'll work on your ugly face idiot, who do you think you are, bow to me your queen and i might pardon you for your sins!" Said arrogantly Lulu.

"Dismiss companion."

"Wait, wha..." Yelled Lulu before she disapeared.

"Okay, so i guess you guys have a lot of questions, i will start my explanation and you can ask whatever you are interested in after i explain, ok?" Said Tenebris.

"Ok." Everyone answered in unison.

"So here's the deal, i was mostly dead, well not mostly but i was dead, only thing that brought me back to life was a skill i gained just before i died, the skill was called "indomitable spirit" or something like that, what it does is that if i'm dying out of combat and of periodic damages instead of actual strikes, it has a slight chance of clearing all "DoT's" of me and boosting my health regeneration slightly for couple of seconds. Anyway, that skill brought my body back to life but my soul already left my body and was in another dimension, that dimension is like a waiting room for death, its called limbo and that place is, well it is the same thing as this world except it is not, everything looks the same but in the same time its different, kinda hard to explain. Anyway, when i got there i saw Lulu sleeping in the corner so i went over to her to ask her what is going on and where am i, but once i touched her body i got a system notification saying that she is now my companion, that notification woke her up so we started arguing but after a while we calmed down and started talking normally, so she explained some stuff to me and in the end i got another skill because of my limbo visit, its basically like stealth, just a bit more complicated, so in the end i gained quite a lot." Tenebris said with a smug expression on his face.

"How much is quite a lot?" Asked Demian.

"I'm level 10 now, some of my skills advanced, some just progressed a bit, i gained few skills and i got a companion, and to top it all there's loot, oh right Lulu told me another thing about those shadow orbs, they can be used to increase our understanding of laws."

"Understanding of laws?" Asked Tanya.

"Yeah, this whole world is based on universal laws, there are some minor laws, basic laws, major laws, prime laws and so on and on, different size of orbs will give you different amount of law understanding, and different type of orb can give you different type of law, orbs that we got from these bats can be used for all sorts of law, but its mostly useful for me, because you guys haven't even formed understanding of universal laws so they are only materials for you guys."

"I have law of water stream, is that universal law?" Asked Diana.

"What?! You have it?" Asked shocked Tenebris.

"Yes, i got it when i was meditating last time."

"Good, very good, i will explain to you more about laws later, and ill answer all of you guys questions later, go sleep now i have to talk with Lulu about something first." Spoke Tenebris as he walked out of the room, everyone else listened to him and went to sleep.

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