《The Queen's Rogue》Chapter 4 - Connections
Beau woke up at 6 am, same as every morning. A good night sleep was a fond memory at this point. Nightmares and flashbacks threatened him every time he closed his eyes. He got up, washed and donned his usual clothing, not before doing morning exercises and stretching, though.
A sharp blue suit and overcoat that hung down to his knees, he quickly looked in the mirror and tried on his smile, it looked believable enough. He headed downstairs and went to the shops to buy breakfast. With a croissant hanging out of his mouth he went home to give his shop a clean. He then rode his bike to Sheila's shop. The cobble roads made his bottom sore, by the time he had arrived he was glad to relieve himself of the torture.
He knocked on the door of the shop and saw Sheila dusting away inside. She hurried over to the door when she saw him standing outside with a little half walk half jog, which Beau thought was awfully cute. “Beau, lovely to see you, what brings you here so early?”
“Why, I came here to thank you of course!”
“Oh, you shouldn't.”
“I must, here this is for you.” He handed her a beautiful blue scarf.
“Beau, I couldn't”
“Ma'am, you must. I bought it especially for you, after all, I don't think anyone could wear it as well as you would.”
“You flatterer, what are you trying to say to this old lady.”
“Speaking of ladies, there was an oddly large number of them at the shop's opening. Did you have anything to do with that?” Sheila laughed but did not confess. “Not that it matters to me. Do you need a hand with cleaning?”
“Of course not, I can manage this much!” By this time she had graciously accepted the scarf and hung it up next to her jacket, no doubt planning on wearing it on her next trip out. “Thank you, Beau, glad to see you're settling in well, that reminds me, I have a little girl around your age working here on weekdays. You could pop by if you would like.”
“Sheila, are you trying to play Cupid, or are you telling me I'm lonely?” He said with a smile.
“Oh, nothing of the sort. Feel free to come by!”
“I'll think about it, see you soon Sheila, thanks again.”
“Anytime, love” Beau's mother had known Sheila for a very long time. Beau still hadn't told Sheila what had happened, she just assumed Beau had left home. After leaving Sheila's shop he headed back to his shop. Again, falling victim to the dreaded cobbles and bad quality roads.
He opened up the shop and got to work creating new magical items. After all, before all this drama with the Creed, he had wanted to be a magical inventor. His plan was to register with the MCR and become famous. He already had so much to show the world, unfortunate events forced him to give up that dream at an early age. Either way, he needed to make a new voice recorder.
It was after school, Marianne was bored out of her mind, she couldn't wait to gossip with Sheila about all sorts of things. When she arrived at the shop Sheila was sitting at her desk, Marianne headed straight to the back and donned her uniform. She headed back out to give Sheila a hand.
“Afternoon, darling.”
“Good afternoon Shiela.”
“Not such a good day?”
“I had expected that learning magic would be a lot more fun.”
“Well that's life for you lovey, it's never quite what you expect.”
“I'll take that to heart.”
“Talking about not expecting things, how was the 'beauty parlour' I sent you to?” She put a lot of emphasis on the words beauty parlour.
“So you did trick me!”
“Oh, dear me I wouldn't call it a trick, after al, did you see the man. He's probably one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. If that isn't a beauty parlour, why then I don't know what is.” Marianne laughed, after all, she couldn't deny her words.
“He was quite the looker, although a little extravagant.”
“I'd say that was more of an advantage than a disadvantage.”
“I suppose you're right.”
“Of course I am. Look at this! He came in early morn today just to deliver this to me.” She wrapped herself in the scarf like children do in curtains when playing hide and seek. Marianne laughed again.
“It's beautiful, why would he bring you a scarf?”
“I think he's smitten with me.” Marianne tried unsuccessfully to hold back another laugh.
“Okay, you got me. The real reason please.”
“Oh, I've known Beau since he was a child, very good friends with his mother I am, although she hasn't contacted me in donkey's years.”
“His name was what, sorry?”
“His name's Beau, child. Beau Ignatius.”
“Beautiful Fiery One”
“Oh, you know the meaning. Yes, their family has a lovely surname and his mother knew French, hence Beau.”
“My name feels inadequate now.”
It's not something you had any power over so I wouldn't fret over it.”
“That's easy for you to say, Sheila is a beautiful name.”
“You got that right, however, I find Marianne to be very charming. There's a very good reason it's a popular name.”
“Thank you...” They got on with work, it was really quite busy at this time of year, all the new wizards at the academy were buying their first wands and staffs.
"Ah, hello Sheila. What brings you here?"
"You really mustn't leave your door open while you're upstairs Beau."
"You're right, I'm afraid it's become a bad habit."
"Well, you must fix it. Anyway, I came to pass this over. It is an invitation to a dinner that my friends and I will be hosting. No fear, you shan't be the only man, although you will be the youngest. It is on Friday so make sure you keep a spot open, even if you only pop round for tea."
"That would be lovely. I'll bring some wine."
"Oh yes, do!"
"See you Friday then Shiela!"
"Ta-ta then. Lock your door behind me!" *Click*
"One of these days I'll get robbed. I know I will." Beau muttered
The week passed slowly, the police took their time finding Johnathan Toole, it turns out he was out of town. He was due to return on Monday night. The police would pick him up early Tuesday morning and bring him to the station for questioning. Friday came around and Beau was cycling down the high street whistling a somber tune on his way to Sheila's shop.
He parked round the back of the building locking his bicycle to a lamppost before straightening his sharp blue suit, tipping his fedora at the immaculately dressed Sheila who had opened the door to welcome him.
Upon entering the classy Bath high street shop, he was lead upstairs to an equally classy apartment which was significantly cleaner than Beau's. He found Shiela's husband and another older couple already seated, then there was that girl again. 'What on earth is she doing here?' He thought. "Well come now Beau, don't be shy. You remember Richard don't you?"
"But of course, lovely to see you again Sir. And I don't believe we've had the pleasure." He held his hand for the new couple to shake."
"My name's Jane, this is my husband Timothy."
"Just Tim is fine."
"Just Tim it is then." They had a chuckle and he swept his gaze over to the pretty girl sitting rather uncomfortably now. "And I believe we've met, I can finally put a face to a name."
"Marianne. I've heard a lot about you from Sheila." Marianne managed to muster the necessary volume.
"All bad I hope!"
Sheila chimed in. "Now now Beau, you may be mischievous, but not bad." He smiled an empty smile at no one in particular.
"Well, I hope I didn't keep you all waiting."
"Not at all, I'll go and get the food, you lot help yourselves to the wine in the stand." Shiela shuffles off to the kitchen, Beau following closely after asking Tim to open the wine that he had brought. After helping Sheila with the food they settled down for the meal.
"I must say, that was delicious thank you for that Sheila."
"No problem Tim, it was my pleasure." Beau started to clear away the plates and the table, resting his hand on Shiela's shoulder to signal for her to stay seated, she happily obliged. Marianne jumped up to help as well, they left the older ones chatting in the dining room whilst they washed the dishes.
"So, is she a good boss?"
"Pardon? Oh, yes, she's lovely." She was off in her own little world before being brought abruptly back to earth thanks to Beau.
"Oh good, she's always going on about you, she loves having you here."
"I see... Beau?"
"Yes, Marianne?"
"I was actually asked by my teacher to ask you something."
"By your teacher? What on earth could that be about?"
"You see, she's very interested in magic items and the like and considering you own a shop and you're new to town and I don't know maybe if you're not too busy during the week there may be a few people interested in it in school that might..."
"Ah sorry, she just wanted to know if you could do a demonstration, maybe teach a lesson about them. It's part of our curriculum after all."
"I deeply apologise Marianne but..."
"Of course he will!" Sheila suddenly appeared in the doorway, apparently having overheard most of their conversation. Beau turned around looking hesitantly at Sheila. "You will, won't you Beau." It wasn't a question.
"But Shie..."
"Won't you BEAU."
"Yes... yes, fine. Which day?
"Marvelous, isn't that nice Marianne?" Marianne let out a long sigh, that would have been embarrassing if he had managed to turn her down. Not to mention Mrs. Saunders would have been incredibly disappointed.
After saying polite goodbyes and obtaining the information necessary for the school visit, Beau left, mounting the bicycle and riding back to his shop. He fell asleep relatively quickly, maybe thanks to the wine, maybe thanks to the tedious engagement that has been arranged without his consent.
The next morning brought rain with it, cascading onto rooftops, seeping through the cracks in the cobbled road as sorry pedestrians did their best to hide away from the downpour. In short, just another day in England.
The rain continued for most of the morning, then after stopping for a miraculously long time during lunch, started again in the afternoon. Sheila was experiencing her slowest day to date when the sopping wet Marianne ran into the shop quickly closing the door behind her.
"Deary me, it's really not nice out there. Come over here we'll get you some dry clothes and the fire going."
"Thank you, Sheila."
After peeling away her overcoat she trudged over to the back room being careful not to get the carpet wet. After changing out of her wet clothes and into the shops uniform the rain finally stopped and the streets started to repopulate.
As the day came to a close Marianne borrowed some of Sheila's clothes to take home and set off on her usual journey. Walking down the street where it all started she always got overly nervous and aware. This time she had spotted a figure in a coat with long hair standing with her back up against one of the closed shop windows. As she approached the stranger pushed away from the wall and waved their hand in front of Marianne.
"Hello, I'm with the MCR, do you mind if we have a little chat." Marianne turned around only to find she was the only one on the pavement.
"With me? Of course."
"Great, come by police headquarters at any time tomorrow, ask to speak to Ella-Mae Watson, they'll point you in the right direction."
"Thank you, want me to walk you home?"
"No, I'll be alright thank you."
"Suit yourself. Stay safe, I have a lot of questions to ask you.
Marianne was standing outside of the MCR, Sheila had let her go for the day, it's not often you get called in for questioning. She was nervous, how could she not be, she knew exactly what this was about. She steeled her nerves and convinced herself, she had done nothing wrong. She would tell them everything she knew, then she'd leave.
"Ah, you made it!"
"Yes Ma'am"
"Please, relax. What we are about to talk about is not pleasant, but, I'm afraid it is necessary. Follow me, we have a room prepared."
"That would be great, thank you."
After acquainting themselves with the room Marianne moved to occupy the closest chair whilst Watson deflated onto the other. After undoing a button and tying her hair back in a slick blonde ponytail she turned to Marianne.
"I assume you know why you're here?"
"I think so Ma'am."
"Well, just in case you don't. I'd like to know exactly what happened on the night of the 20th, it was a Friday. You were spotted by a couple along with two other men, one was found dead the next morning... You look like you have something you'd like to say."
"Yes Ma'am."
Marianne proceeded to recount the happenings of that night. Everything from the mask to the magic she'd seen seep from the man's hands. All the while Watson was looking at the girl wide-eyed and bushy tailed.
"White mask you say? You're sure about this?"
"I couldn't forget that if I tried Ma'am, it was haunting,"
"Yes, I believe it's not the first time it's been described like that."
"Not the first time?'
"Yes, you see. If your explanation is correct then this sounds awfully similar to a rogue that has gone all over the country. To think it would finally be my turn to have a crack at him?"
"Is he famous?"
"In the MCR, yes. No one's been able to escape from us for this long. Not only has he evaded us completely but he's left no trace of himself. There is one thing I do need to check before making assumptions though."
"What would that be?"
Marianne couldn't help her curiosity from taking the reigns from here on out. This sounded like an awfully good story, and here she was providing vital evidence towards the capture of a serial killer.
"We need to check the bodies of the victims... I think they've been cremated already, damn it." She muttered the curse under her breath.
"The officers noticed that every person that rogue kills has the same brand. An angel with a single wing. If the people showing up in Bath have the same mark then it's safe to assume that it's the same killer... I really shouldn't be sharing this with you, you know that?"
"I'm so sorry! I was just so interested!"
"Deary me, this kind of stuff should creep you out, we're talking about the scum of the earth here. Right, enough of that. The last thing I wanted to show you was this."
Watson brings out from who knows where a small wooden box, after a small pause it suddenly starts speaking which startles Marianne. The same message from before played, the scene sends a shiver down Marianne's spine. Especially that freezing cold voice that penetrated the room like a knife through butter.
"You said you heard his voice. Did he sound anything like that?"
"That's a difficult one, they definitely sound similar but when I heard him speak to me it wasn't as threatening or monotonous."
"Alright, well it was worth a shot. Do you remember what he looked like?"
“He was wearing a fedora so I couldn't see his hair colour.”
“So he has short hair?”
“Or long hair, he could have tied it up...”
“... So, in the end, there's nothing to go on. Well thank you anyway and stay safe.”
"I will. Thank you for listening, I have needed to get that off my chest for a while."
“Did you stop that half-way through. It sounded like someone else was about to talk.”
“I did, but you don't want to hear the rest, it's not exactly pleasant.”
“I understand. Can I go then?”
“Of course, careful when walking home. The night is for the demons, not the faint of hearted”
With a slight nod, Marianne left the station, feeling relatively refreshed considering the weight of their conversation. It must have been causing her more stress than she thought. All she could think about now was how beautiful that MCR officer was. After putting in the work at Sheila's she headed home, finding it much easier this time.
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