《Mecromancer Chronicles》024 A Tempting Offer
Jade left Cinder’s room to find an eye-drone waiting for her in the hall. She followed the drone through the winding halls and finally reached her unknown destination, though the scent of who lived here was unmistakable.
The double door slid opened to a living quarters four times the size of Zagreus’. There was a thick pungent smell in the slightly hazy air. In the center of one wall there was life sized gold statue of a nude Remnant female in a seductive pose. Layered on top of the gold there were Mecromancer implants behind her ears and a purple leather collar. The rest of the room was an odd mix of ordinary and opulent. Monitors and control panels covered one back wall.
“Heeey.” Came a soft, and quite relaxed little voice. Jade noticed a clear box filled with smoke sitting on the table. The side fell open and out breezed Karimere with a dense cloud of smoke.
“Why do you want me here?”
Karimere leaned over and pulled a short fat pipe out from beside the box. “You should really try this smokeleaf.”
“I don’t like you Purple-Bug.”
“Still with that silly name?” She gave a dismissive wave. “Come on. Try it. This stuff is at least twice as potent for remnants. It’s not like chocolate or hotspice. It’s not going to make you aroused or drunk, just… relaxed.”
Jade cautiously took the pipe. It was heavy, intricately carved gold. It had tiny red and black gemstones in a scales pattern and an upturned dragon head for the bowl. Two of the teeth were small red crystals. She put it to her lips and inhaled. The red teeth glowed and smoke filled her lungs. She held it in as the drug started its work. As she exhaled she coughed hard, several times. “Damn, it burns.”
Karimere let out a giggle. “That means it’s working.”
Jade pounded her chest and took a strained breath. “It’s not working. I still hate you.” She took another hit and held it without choking, like she had seen in some of the movies.
“If you don’t like smoking, I have some edibles, but they are all mixed with chocolate which would create other, stimulating, sensations for you.”
She exhaled. “Why are you acting so friendly? All you have ever done is torment me? How many times have I had to put body parts back together because of you?”
“I heard about you and Zagreus not talking anymore.”
“That is none of your business.”
“Mecromancer business is my only business.” She gave a sly grin. “I could order you two to resolve this issue, physically.”
Really? The wounds were still raw from the rejection. She no longer understood how to feel about him and she knew it would only hurt him right now. But her body and hormones didn’t care about reasons. The offer was tempting. She thought it over for far longer than she would ever admit. Jade shook her head, “No. I can’t do that to him.”
Karimere gave a smiled tipped with devious plans. “What really happened after the party? Lilithana’s being quite mute on the subject.”
“He showed me memories of my mother.”
Karimere rubbed her chin. “That explains much. He knew Sarya Shadowbane, the Sun Goddess, also called the Summer Queen. Her mecromancer power was a plasma-based arc weapon ability. She could melt stone from a kilometer away. Her attacks glowed so bright that all shadows vanished. Hence the name Shadowbane.”
“She was a caring woman.”
“Sarya was a fool.” Karimere’s tone was stern. “And don’t bring her up around me again. I knew her millennia before you were a stain in your mother’s crotch child. If that fool had stayed with us she would still be alive. It was her own damned fault.” The words felt heavy, regretful, personal.
The insults twisted knots in Jade’s stomach, but she knew better than to press the issue.
Karimere straightened herself up, nice and proper. “What are your plans with the Eleventh now?”
“I’m giving him some time and distance.”
“Don’t push him too far away. That man cares deeply for you. He would burn a world to keep you safe. And by the end of this he might actually do it. I fear what he would do if he lost you.”
“You use me against him don’t you?”
She shrugged. “That is who I am. It is what I do. I make no effort to hide that fact.”
“Why have you brought me up here? Do you just want to rub my pain in my face?”
“I have an idea that might benefit both of us but I wanted more information first. If you are willing to discuss the matter I will add smokeleaf to your rations.”
She thought about it, took in another hit then said, “I’ll listen, but I’m not doing what you want,” as she exhaled.
“Thank you.” She bowed. “Why don’t you ever make use of the companion programs?”
“Touching the fake people intimately makes my skin crawl. I would rather kiss Cinder’s asshole than kiss one of those things.”
“That’s an, interesting visual.” She blinked, but continued. “Would you say you are frustrated and lonely? Do you get angry and upset about your situation? Do you long for physical and intimate contact?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes. You know all of this already. You monitor everything I do.”
“I wanted to see if you would admit it.” She pointed. “Can you fetch the collar off that statue for me?”
Jade raised an eyebrow at the aerial then looked over at the gold statue and realized it bore a striking resemblance to the tiny creature. Jade set down the pipe, walked across the room. The collar was thick purple leather with green gemstones inlaid in it. It took her a few moments to figure out how it was latched.
“That is the statue of a goddess of sex and fertility from a kingdom that no longer exists. It’s solid gold. It is a masterwork, a nearly perfect copy. But the artist did get plenty of, hands on, experience with the model.” Karimere said with a laugh. She sounded louder, closer, and a little deeper than normal.
Jade removed the collar and turned back to find a susneran woman standing in the middle of the room. Karimere’s skin was now smooth and golden with several long scars carved into her flesh. Her mecromail, form and pose matched the statue beautifully. She had silver and jeweled piercing in her long ears, nipples and several other places. Her outfit was made of a web of finger-wide strands of black leather, thick silver rings and silver studs. It left nothing to the imagination.
“Um… Ok… This is new.”
Karimere kneeled and bowed her head to Jade. “This is my offer. I want you to use me and abuse me. Vent your frustrations on me. Have me fulfill your deepest desires. While I am off work, I will wear that collar and I will obey your every command. When I am working I will be my normal lovely self.”
Jade stared at the woman. “What? This is one of your tricks.”
“I honor my deals and I offer this one to you freely.”
“But you can have anyone you want.” She gestured at the statue. “You are literally worshiped as a goddess of sex. Why would you choose me?”
“Weak pathetic mortals grovel at my feet. You do not grovel. You have never groveled. You spit in my face and defy my orders just to spite me. Put the collar on me.”
“Is this an order?”
“No. I want this to be your choice. I will beg if that will help.” She bowed, “Please Mistress, let me humbly serve your every wish and desire. I respect you Jade Shadowbane. I want you Jade Shadowbane.”
She… wants me? No one had ever said that to her. She had never considered being with a woman. Why would she? She saw Lilithana as half dead mother figure, maybe competition, but the other two were supposed to be palm sized. Now she knew at least one of them was lying about that. She…wants me? Jade struggled to even process the idea. “But I hate you. Go ask Cinder. She likes beating the shit out of people.”
“You don’t have to like me. If anything, your hatred will make it more interesting. I am not looking for romance. The others have rejected me. Now I ask you.”
“You asked Zaggy?”
“Of course. And he rejected me. Completely. No awkward kissing. No haunting memories. No cuddling in bed. Not even a hug. I was truly inconsolable.”
“Do you get off on watching everything I do?”
Karimere’s eyes looked up at her intently, “Tell me Jade Shadowbane. How do you think it feels to be alone for five thousand years? I have been rejected by the world. All I want right now is you. There is no one else. Take me. Use me. Violate me. Get me back for all the times I hurt you.”
Those eyes shook her. Jade knew Karimere was cruel and manipulative. But the loneliness and rejection comments cut into raw, open wounds. How would she feel if she had lived that long? Zagreus was lost, maybe forever. Karimere wanted her, here and now. At least that is what she was saying. “You don’t care about me. You don’t care about anyone. I am just a thing for you to play with.”
“You have it backwards. I will be your plaything. Put the collar on me and give me an order.”
Something deep inside her really wanted to try it. But this was another of Karimere’s games. Jade knew she was losing fast. She needed a plan to get out of this mess. Unfortunately this was the best order she came up with. “How about you shut your stupid mouth.”
Karimere tapped her chin. “Maybe I should order Zagreus to satisfy my needs then put the video on repeat in your room.”
“You bitch!” Jade’s hands went to strangle the woman but her body froze solid. Some contingency features had clearly been installed in Jade’s new mecromail.
“Nice try at talking dirty, but this is getting tedious.” Karimere looked disinterested, her tone dismissive. “If you accept my offer, put the collar on me. If not, leave and I will go find someone, more interesting, to play with. You have ten seconds.”
“You want the collar?! I will give you the damn collar!” The hold on her mecromail released. Jade strapped the collar around the woman’s neck as fast as her fingers could do it.
“Mistress what is your first ord…”
Jade punched her in the tit as hard as she could. Karimere flew back and slid across the floor. Jade followed and continued the assault. Years of pent up frustration flowed through her fists. She pounded on Karimere’s chest and stomach. Her blood boiled, rage burned. Sweet sweet release, it was fucking euphoric. Jade did not let up until she was completely out of breath and had collapsed on her back beside the woman.
“Damn child.” Karimere gasped. “Have you ever heard of foreplay?”
“Shut up bitch.” Jade panted as she gave her a limp backhand to the face. It barely had enough force to move her arm. “Using Zaggy against me was a dirty trick. You got exactly what you asked for.”
Karimere sat up, clearly wincing at the pain. She got on her knees and bowed with her forehead touching the floor. “Permission to speak Mistress?”
“No. Bring me a drink.” She ordered, firmly. She wants orders?! I’ll give her some damned orders! The collar is on! I am in charge now! I am a mecromancer! No scared mortal girl here!
Karimere brought her a glass of apple cider with ice cubes and a silver straw.
She wants to be abused? Jade sat up, still tinged with anger. She took the drink and gripped Karimere’s bruised breast. She squeezed the flesh as hard as she could. The woman squirmed. Jade pulled the woman to her knees and forced a kiss. The woman kept her arms at her sides offering no resistance and taking no initiative. When Jade pressed harder, Karimere kissed back, their tongues flicked against each other. Karimere’s lips were softer and fuller than Zagreus’. Stop thinking about him! Jade let go with a little shove as she tried to ignore the painful memories.
“Thank you Mistress.”
Did all that just happen? Is this real? How hard did I just get played? Jade drank slowly, trying to calm her racing mind. Karimere stood quietly in place. Fresh bruises covered her torso. Jade had sparred with Lilithana before. Karimere could have blocked most, no all, of that damage with her powers. Or easily defended herself. She took that beating because she chose to. She begged me to do it. No, she tricked me into doing it. I don’t understand. There has to be something else to it. She is still playing some kind of game. Let’s see if she really wants to play. Jade fished an ice cube out of the glass and held it out to Karimere. “Stick that up your ass and stand at attention.”
“Yes Mistress.” She complied eagerly.
Jade stared for a long moment then laughed to herself. She stood and walked around her new plaything. She pulled at a leather strap. “Remove this trash.” With a flash the outfit vanished. She was finding giving orders quite, stimulating. Jade slapped her hard on an ass cheek leaving a stinging handprint.
“Thank you Mistress.” Karimere shivered.
“How does that ice feel in its new home?”
“Cold, and degrading, Mistress.”
“Do you like it?”
“It pleases me greatly, Mistress.”
“I can’t keep calling you Purple-Bug. And I don’t want to use Karimere for this. What should I call you?”
“Anything you wish Mistress. I am your pain-slut. You called me Bitch earlier.”
“Bitch will do for now, but I’ll have to think on this.” She is giving direct responses to things I do, but she is not really talking. Is she still waiting to speak? “Bitch. You may speak now.”
Karimere gave a quick, pleased smiled. “You are inexperienced, so if you have any questions please ask. I will teach you. I live to serve you Mistress. That being said, you are taking to this better than I expected Mistress. You have already used me and humiliated me of your own choosing. You are so confident with your orders. Your voice makes me tingle. Are you enjoying yourself?”
“You have no idea how much fun this is. I damn near creamed my shorts when you hit the floor. And that kiss was hot. Give me a few minutes to rest up and we can go for round two.”
Karimere had been trying to keep her eyes low and play the meek servant but with that last sentence she practically radiated desire. “What are you going to do to me? Or have me to do to you for round two?”
Jade thought Karimere trying to act timid was completely adorable. In as much as a nigh-immortal-sociopathic-pain-slut can be adorable. “You are really enjoying this aren’t you?”
“Pain, fear, humiliation. It’s intoxicating.” She trembled. “Please touch me everywhere you wish.” Then Karimere’s devious grin returned. “May I speak on a sensitive matter Mistress? There is something I wish to share.”
Jade started slowly running her fingers over Karimere’s flesh. No borders. No rules. She had complete freedom to do whatever she wanted to this body. She had to make active effort to stop herself from devouring her new prize immediately. “Go ahead.”
Karimere did her best to be still but an occasional gasp escaped her lips. “I’m glad you refused my offer to order that sentimental fool to breed with you. It showed maturity.”
“It was a tempting offer.” She said.
Karimere giggled. “I said I could order him, I never said I would. If you had accepted, I was going to make you wear the collar. Or if you had tried to leave, I was going to make you wear the collar. I would have pushed you hard until you were really pissed at me then I would have suggested a swap. I truly meant it when I said I wanted you to be my Mistress. And I do not play fair. You chose well child.”
That was the game, and I played right into it. I never even considered I might have had to wear the collar. Jade laughed. “You are fucking evil.”
“Thank you Mistress.”
“I have an idea for round two.”
She bowed. “Anything Mistress.”
Jade smiled. “Bitch. You got me all sweaty and dirty. I want you to bathe me using only your tongue.”
Karimere smiled. “Yes Mistress.” She removed Jade’s clothes like a diligent servant, guided Jade to the bed, lay her down on her back and started by licking her feet. She was dutiful at her task, quickly making her way to Jade’s thighs.
Jade’s body was burning with desire. The couple quick licks Karimere put under her green bush made her whole body tremble.
But Karimere continued onward.
Jade shoved her head back down. Then everything took on a purple glow. Jade was bound and gagged with wards, unable to speak or move.
“Mistress, I am trying to complete my task. I know you are excited but please let me work.”
Jade struggled and protested but it came out as twitching and muffled grunts.
Karimere changed into her aerial form and landed between Jade’s breasts. “This is your first time. I am trying to be slow and gentle. I am not good at slow and gentle. I have made it a rule to not screw virgins so I am not sure exactly how to proceed.”
Jade stared at the little figure. For the first time she saw Karimere as a person, almost.
Karimere shook her head, deep in thought.
Jade screamed, “Let me talk!” still muffled grunts.
Karimere looked up then released the ward on her mouth. “Speak.”
“I am the Mistress. Release me.” She said as firmly and calmly as she could.
Karimere bowed, flew then morphed into her susneran form kneeling on the bed beside Jade. The wards vanished. “I am sorry for binding you Mistress how will you punish me now?”
“We can do that later.” Jade sat up, “Did you really break your own rule bringing me up here?”
“Yes Mistress. It is one of the few rules I made for myself that I have managed to keep.”
“Why would you break it for me?”
“The isolation here can crush people. I calculated wrong with the male, so now you have no other outlet. Your mental health is important. I think a little physical release will benefit you.”
“You wanted in my pants.”
“I freely admitted I wanted you.” She nodded then smiled. “New Mecromancers are a rare delicacy.”
Jade laughed at her, “Slow and gentle is good but I have waited too long. You are teasing my brain out of my skull.”
Karimere touched her, covering with wards again, a tingling warmth enveloped Jade’s body. “Is this what you want Mistress?”
Jade shook her head vigorously. “Too much. Too much.”
Karimere ended the effect, released the wards, sighed and frowned.
Jade thought for a minute. “We are going to do this with no powers.”
“No powers?” Karimere blinked at her, “I can’t remember the last time I had sex that did not involve screaming, pain and a lot of arcane. I am truly at a loss.”
“Then it is new to both of us. Just copy whatever I do to you.”
“Yes Mistress.” Karimere nodded then added in a stern tone. “You will not repeat this conversation or me being nice to you in any way.”
Jade nodded. “Yes Karimere.”
They spent the next few hours teaching each other about normal sex. Then lay together for a while.
Jade got up to get a drink and turned back to see Karimere had morphed into an aerial and was working on a tablet. Jade said, “Aren’t you tired?”
“I have work to do. There is a room down the hall you can use to sleep. I will summon you when I have time for you.”
“I was hoping you would sleep with me.”
“This is only sex.”
“I know… But I hate sleeping alone.”
Karimere looked at her, staring with her head tilted.
Jade got increasingly uncomfortable as the stare continued. “What?”
“I am trying to remember if anyone has ever asked to sleep next to me. I mean, since I became what I am. And I am ignoring the groveling, sniveling mortals. They don’t count.” Karimere morphed and went back to bed. “I will accept your offer. But I am often busy at night and I am used to being alone. I cannot say how often this will occur.”
Jade finished her drink then curled up behind her. She squeezed twisted Karimere’s nipple as hard as she could. The woman squirmed and moaned. Jade was thankful that Karimere had been gentle. But Karimere had deep desires that needed to be met too. Jade released her.
Karimere gave a satisfied. “Thank you, Mistress.”
“That was for allowing me to sleep here. I have not forgotten your punishment either. I will come up with something for next time.” Jade snuggled up next to her. It was nice to sleep next to someone again, even if it was Karimere. Maybe this Mistress game would prove a nice distraction.
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