《My Life in Dragon Ball》Return of Frieza(2-in-1)
I landed with the Z Fighter and see that everyone was already here. Well, everyone that's supposed to show up anyway. I can see Gohan, Master Roshi, Krillin, Tien Shinhan, and Piccolo is here with me.
"So, do you guys know who's coming?" I asked as I shouldn't know Frieza.
"Frieza!" Piccolo said gritting his teeth.
"Frieza? You mean the guy who got killed by Goku on Namek? So that why the Dragon Balls was used."
Piccolo turns to me "You knew that they used the Dragon Balls?" Piccolo asks
"Yes, I saw the sky darken and as I made my way over I sense his Ki but when I got here the ship with his Ki already left. Only a group of children are left behind with some Ice Cream."
"Ice Cream?" Krillin
"Apparently they wished for it from Shenron."
"Enough talking, there here," Piccolo said when a ship landed in front of us. As the ship stop, Frieza in his space chair along with his army fly out of the ship.
"Did he have to bring so many soldiers?" Piccolo
"It doesn't matter anyway. I have an ability I learned that'll be handy against an army so you don't have to worry about them." I told everyone.
"That's nice but where are Goku and Vegeta." Krillin
"They are off training with Whis," I answer
"I guess that's ok, we have Ken and Buu here." Krillin looks around. "Eh? Where's Buu?"
"Well… Once Buu is asleep, he won't wake up for a while. No matter what we tried it was useless." Gohan
"Hm, if Ken can deal with the army as he said then just the six of us should be fine. If not, I brought some Senzu Beans with me." Master Roshi said as he pulls out a bag. After Master Roshi finish speaking, another ship land. Bulma and Jaco come out of the ship. She explains that she wasn't able to contact Goku and Vegeta so she forces Jaco to join the fight.
"Who's that?" Tien Shinhan ask
"Oh, I recognize the symbol on him. He should be a galactic patrolman. They are basically space police but like the police on earth, they are bad at doing their job when someone powerful is involved." I answered him
"Hey! I heard that!" Jaco yelled
"Haha but you're not denying it."
"You…" Jaco
"Focus, we have a more important matter to deal with." Piccolo.
Everyone looks back to the army and see that Frieza already arrive at the front of his army.
"Hm?... The Galactic Patrol and a Namekian eh?" Frieza
"What business do you have with Earth?!" Piccolo
"What else. Revenge. Isn't Son Goku here yet?" Frieza
"He's not here, in the meantime why don't I keep you company," I call out
"Oh? and who might you be." Frieza
"My name is Seru Ken. You can just call me Ken."
"Well, Ken. What makes you think you are worthy of my time?" Frieza
"Oh, I don't know. How about this?" I answer as I release the full brunt of my current base power.
"Oh look, some of your armies have fallen already." I mock Frieza as some of his people fainted from the pressure of my aura alone.
"I guess you'll be of some entertainment until Son Goku gets here," Frieza said not fazed by my mockery. "Men attack."
"Why are you trying to anger that guy," Jaco calls out, sacred.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of the army and Frieza. You guys get the commander."
"You sure you can do this." Gohan
"Yes, now let's go," I said as I cross my fingers in a T shape in front of me. "Shadow Clone Jutsu," I yelled out and poof, a blanket of smokes cover everything behind us.
"CHARGE!!!" I yell and in return, a load roar of voices can be heard from behind that shake the mountain as thousand of clone fly toward Frieza's army. "Always wanted to do that," I said happily as the rest of the Z Fighters and Jaco just stare in disbelief.
"What are you guys waiting for? My clones are not strong enough to fight Frieza's commanders." I said breaking everyone out of the surprise state.
"Uh right. Let's go guys." Gohan yelled out taking the charge as he lead everyone to join the fights.
Me on the other hand, I fly lessurly in front of Frieza. "I heard you have a few different forms than this one. I suggest you get out of your chair and transform before you lose the chance."
"Hohoho and what makes you think I need to do so." Frieza
"This." I smile as I fired an energy beam strong enough to knock Frieza back and destroy his chair.
"You made your point," Frieza said, angry that he got know back and his chair destroyed. "Now I'm going to personally kill you. HAAAAA" Frieza transforms straight into his final form.
"Oh, going into your final form already. I guess I should get serious too. HA!" I transform into Super Saiyan 2 to pressure him. My base form is already stronger than him but I went SS2 to get him to transform into Golden Frieza quicker.
"A Super Saiyan? No wonder you are so confidence but it won't change the outcome." Frieza
"You're right, it won't" I smirk "Let's get started then." I charge at Frieza and punch him in the face sending him flying into the ground below.
"Hahaha, if that's all you got then you should give up." Even though I know he's dangerous, I can't help but want to fight him at his strongest... must be the Saiyan part of me acting up.
*BOOM. The ground blows up and a barely hurt Frieza appears out of it. "It seems you're stronger than I thought. But that doesn't matter. I was hoping to save this form for Son Goku but I guess I'll give you the honor of being the first to die to my new form. HAAAAAAA..." Frieza screams as he gathers power. In a flash of golden light, Frieza transformed.
"Hohoho, you feeling despair yet. I call this form Golden Frieza. For four months, I train with all I got for the power to kill Son Goku and with this, I'm unrivaled in the Universe." Frieza.
Seeing that he transform already, I release my SS2 transformation.
"Oh giving up already." Frieza.
"No." I smile. "It's time I get a little serious too," I said as an exoskeleton grow out to cover my body. "HAAAAAAA..." I gather God Ki around my body and transform into God Cell.
"Hm?" Frieza frown as he looked at me. He can feel that I'm a threat even at his current power level but he couldn't sense my Ki anymore.
"I call this form God Cell, I'll explain why but it's not like it matter to you. Now, you ready for round 2?"
"Oh certainly. I wanted to test out the full extent of my power and it seems like I can do so here." Frieza said as charge at me.
I also charge at him as we meet in the center. We traded blow for blow to only to find out that we are evenly match. As I power up more, so did Frieza and vice versa. Seeing that it's getting nowhere, I charge a Ki blast in my fist and donated it front of Frieza when I punch forcing Frieza back.
I went into Goku's signature stance as I charge a Kamehameha wave. I fire it at Frieza but he was quick enough to dodge. As he did he fire his death beam at me making me dodge too. I frown as the situation didn't really change, the only thing that did is the fact that we traded close combat for range combat.
Not wanting to destroy the land more than necessary, I teleport behind Frieza using my magic seal I put on him when I hit him in one of our many exchanges of blows. I kick Frieza into the air and fire a few hundred Ki blast after him. A giant explosion happen and after the smoke clears, Frieza appears again with just a few scratches.
"It seems I underestimated you again." Frieza frown
"And it seems I overestimated what you can do. I didn't think you're this weak." I taunt Frieza while thinking 'Damn, he's stronger than I thought. I might need to turn into my Royal God form to beat him… or I need to catch him off guard.'
It seem taunt worked this time as Frieza let out a frustrated scream and fire a multitude of Death Beam at me. I dodge most of them while firing a few Ki ball at the one I couldn't dodge. Frieza saw that he's not going to hit me with the Death Beam so he charges at me and we enter close combat again.
Frieza tried to sneak attack me with his tail this time but I saw it coming and counter using my own tail. Unlike Frieza, I can shorten my tail until it seems like it's just part of my armor and elongate it in the blink of an eye. After countering Frieza, leaving him surprised at the tail that comes out of nowhere, I use that chance to stab him with my tail.
Frieza broke out of his surprise state before I can stab him but he wasn't fast enough to fully dodge. I manage to stab Frieza's arm with my tail and kicked him back before he can recover. Next, I send a barrage of Ki balls at him but he recovers enough to dodge them.
I did not want Frieza to have time to gather himself so I charge at him after my Ki balls and we enter into close combat again. Without one arm hurt, Frieza isn't able to keep up with me putting him on the defensive most of the time.
I can see Frieza getting more and more frustrated and angry as the battle goes on. I'm just waiting for Frieza to missed up once so I can take the chance to get rid of him for real. But instead of that, Frieza sends a punch at me with more power than I expected and knock me back a few meters.
"If I can't beat you then I'll just have you destroy along with this planet! Son Goku can despair at not being able to save his planet!" Frieza said as he charge a massive death ball.
Crap! Should've made him let down his guard instead of angry. "And you think I'm going to let you!" I yelled as I transform into my Royal God form. Frieza couldn't sense my power level but he can feel the pressure on him increase massively when I transformed. The amount of power I have scares him enough that he throws his Death Ball before it fully charged.
I create a clone to slow down the death ball as I charge up a my new attack. It takes inspiration from Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo signature moves. I first spin and compress my Ki like the Kamehameha but as two Ki ball, one in each hand.
"Rasen-Kosen!" I yelled fire my fully charged attack. Two beam of Ki are fire together in a spiraling pattern that drill straight through Frieza's Death Ball, dragging the remaining of the Death Ball's energy along as it head straight for Frieza. I made the Rasen-Kosen big enough that it encompasses Frieza, grinding and burning him into nothing. (A/N: Rasen-Kosen can be translate to Spiral ray/beam of light.)
After the attack end, I don't see Frieza or feel his Ki anymore. I sigh and look around to see how the others are doing. I surprise to see that everyone has stopped fighting are staring at me. Even my clones are not fighting anymore.
Hearing that, all the aliens who can still move run back to the ship they came from while my clones kick the body of those who can't move or is unconscious/dead into the ship too. Seeing that they all left, I sigh again and drop out of my Royal God form. 'Now that that is over, I should go look for Broly.'
I was going to ask how everyone was doing but before I even got the chance, Goku, Vegeta, Whis, and Beerus suddenly appear in front of me.
"Huh? Oh, hi. What are you doing here?" I asked as Bulma didn't try calling them again since she saw that we can handle Frieza and his army on our own.
"We sense an enormous amount of Ki and God Ki here so we came to check it out." Whis politely answer.
"Oh, that was me fighting Frieza."
"FRIEZA?!" Both Goku and Vegeta.
"Where is he!" Vegeta said angrily.
"You just missed him."
"He left? That doesn't seem like something he'll do." Vegeta
"No, I send him back to hell."
Goku frown and ask "You mean that big Ki belongs to Frieza?"
"Yeah, he was way more powerful than you and Vegeta when you turn Super Saiyan God."
"Aww, now I really want to fight him." Goku
"Huh? So you already unlock the next form?"
"Next form?" Goku ask
"This." I transform into SSB. "I called it Super Saiyan Blue since saying Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan is too much of a mouthful."
"How did you do that?! We worked so hard to achieve that form." Vegeta demand.
"Oh, so you did unlock it. No wonder you wanted to fight Frieza. As for how I unlock it, I tap into the trace of God Ki I got when we did the ritual."
"Hohohoho, I didn't think anyone will be able to access God Ki without the ritual or help." Whis
"You are even stronger now," Goku said excitedly. "Let's have a fight."
'Should have seen that coming.' I untransformed. "No, I'm tired after fighting Frieza. I don't want to fight anymore today."
"What! Come on, it'll be fun." Goku
"Fun for you, but I need to rest. Besides if I fight you right now, I won't be able to fight at full power." I lie, it's mostly because I just don't want to fight right now.
"Come on let's..." Goku
"No, we can always do it later." I cut Goku off. "Anyway, you should go check on Gohan and the rest, Vegeta, Bulma is over the. Whis and Beerus, Bulma made a cake and have been trying to call you for a while. Anyway bye!" I quickly teleport away in case Goku still want to battle.
I appear back inside the house where Videl is waiting.
"Ken!" both Videl and Darc run over to hug me.
"What happens?"
"I feel an unknown big Ki even from here and I was worried," Videl said not letting go.
"You don't have to, I'm back here safe and sound aren't I." I said while hugging them back. I decide to spend the next couple of days… no, months with Videl and Darc before I try to look for Broly.
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"If I'm going down, I might as well pick my poison. I pick you."***A Cobalt Bay Billionaires story.***She couldn't be sure whether he was her predator or protector... but she was doomed to love him either way.*** It was a summer they will never forget. Young and naive Cassandra Collins finds herself offered up as interest for her cousin's debt to a powerful man who craves her as fiercely as he resists her. Wary but tempted, she struggles to get through the summer without stripping herself of her virtue, and losing her heart to Sebastian Vice-a man so beautiful and broken, he will hurt her as much as he will love her. Under the blazing sun and amidst the sultry heat of their forbidden desires and secret fears, will Cassandra find the love that will change her life forever? Or will she face the punishment of falling for a wicked Vice? Wrought by secrets and scars, this is a story of two people who hunger darkly and desperately for a love they are strangers to-a love that endures, hopes and sets them free.***WARNING: This story may be a little steamier than my usual ones. There might be scenes and concepts that are objectionable to some people so heed this warning before you start reading. I don't think it's erotica but let's just say some parts are steamy. If you don't mind it, go right ahead and read on. :P***Copyright © 2013 by Nina Tippett. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Nina Tippett.This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.
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Blood and Ink
Abandoned and forgotten, the poor creations are left to rot with nobody to remember them. They lost hope in their creators, all except one. A little devil darling still has high hopes that his creator would come back for him.And to his surprise, he was right.Enjoy this alternate story of the creator and the creation treading deeper into the dark stories of the dreaded ink machine and the monsters that were left. It's gonna be one hell of a time.(Also, I'll allow this story to be used for animations, voice dubs, etc., but only with MY PERMISSION and MY PERMISSION ONLY.)
8 57