《My Life in Dragon Ball》Buu (2-in-1)
After sleeping for a while, I hear a knock on the door. I went and open the door only to see half the Z fighter there, the one that didn't go with Shin.
"Do you need something?" I said tiredly.
"Ah, Ken. I didn't know this is your house. Anyway, I track the Dragon Balls and it said the last one is in your house. Can you let us use it?" Bulma
"Dragon Balls? Oh right, I pick up the one star Dragon Ball a while back. Hold on, let me get it." I went back into the house and grab the dragon ball from the frame. "Here, now go summon Shenron somewhere else, I'm trying to sleep here." I throw that dragon ball to Bulma and close the door.
"Thank you." I can hear Bulma yell from outside. I went to sleep again afterward. 'Hopefully no one will bother me this time.'
'What is it this time?' I thought as I wake up. Looking at the clock, I can see that I been asleep for a while. I guess that's enough sleep for now. I open the door and see Videl standing there.
"Oh, hey Videl. Did something happen?"
"Evil wizard? Sorry I was asleep until now so I didn't see anything but shouldn't Gohan and his friends be able to do something about the wizard?"
"The wizard is not the problem. The problem a monster name Buu that follows him. I can feel Gohan and his friend's Ki fighting Buu but in the end, Buu won. What's worst is the world wants my dad to go fight Buu." Videl said crying a little at the end. "I'm scared Ken."
I pull Videl in for a hug."Don't be, I'm still here. And you don't have to worry about your father. I can still feel my clone with him so if he's in trouble my clone teleport him away."
Videl didn't say anything and just continue to hug me.
After a while, I broke the hug. "Come on, let me take you somewhere." I grab Videl's hand and teleport to the base of the lookout I found during my travel. "Come on, let go up."
When we reach the top, we can see everyone there beside the Saiyans and Piccolo.
"Hey everyone, where is everyone else?"
"Ken? What are you doing here?" Bulma
"I just heard what happen from Videl. I have been asleep the whole time so I didn't hear the Wizard's message."
"You came a little late. Vegeta and Gohan are dead and Goku already returns to the afterlife." Piccolo said as he landed on the lookout.
"Gohan is dead?" Videl say in disbelief.
I turn to Bulma "Hmm... Bulma, don't you have the dragon ball?"
"I do, but we decide to use them after Buu is dealt with or when we really need it." Bulma
Piccolo looks down toward the Earth "Something seems to be happening."
"Wha.." I was going to ask what going on but Mr. Satan carrying a puppy appear next to me and my clone disappear giving me the memories. I stop for second processing all the memory learning that Buu just split. As soon as I finish, I sense two similar but massive Ki fighting each other.
"What happens? Where am I? What about Buu?" Mr. Satan said confused at how he suddenly appear here.
"DAD!" Videl runs to him.
"Dende, do you mind taking care of them for a while?" I ask Dende
"Sure I don't mind. What are you going to do." Dende
"I'm going after Buu. I think I know what happens to him."
"WHAT! NO, you can't go. Not even Gohan and his father can defeat Buu. I don't want to lose you." Videl said grabbing me and not letting me go.
I pat her head and said, "Don't worry, I'm stronger than Gohan and you should know I can't be easily killed."
"But.." I kiss Videl, not letting her finish.
"I promise I'll be back so don't worry."
"Alright… " Videl reluctantly let go. "I'll wait for you here."
I smile at her before teleporting to a mark my clone left at Buu's house. I should get instant transmission later. It'll make teleporting to a target so much easier.
I appear just in time to see Evil Buu tossing a chocolate Good Buu into his mouth. It seems I'm too late. I was going to kill Evil Buu but I guess I'll have to deal with Super Buu now. I don't really want to kill him along with Good Buu inside.
I watch Evil Buu start transforming until he turns pink like regular Buu and changes from his skinny form into a more muscular form. 'Oh right. Oracle, is there any way I can get Good Buu out?'
[Host can follow what Vegito did and let Buu absorb Host before breaking out.]
'I thought you need the Paterna earrings for that?'
[No, Host just needs to create a Ki barrier to stop the process of being absorbed. Host will need to be twice as strong as Buu to succeed.]
'What's his power level right now?'
[Estimate to be 24 billion.]
'24 billion huh? I'm not strong enough to get Good Buu out and I don't think I can kill Super Buu even in my Perfect Form.' While I was thinking Buu look straight at me. 'Crap, I guess I have to figure it out as I fight.'
Buu flies over and stop in front of me "You must be the guy I was promised to fight."
"No, you should have felt it right? His growing Ki, getting stronger by the minute."
"Hehehe. You're right, then I should just kill you." Buu raises his hand and fire an energy blast at me.
I hit the blast away. "It won't be that easy to kill me. HAA" I quickly power up and transform into my Perfect Form.
Buu frown at me before laughing crazily and charge over to fight. He sends a punch at me. I'm able to easily block his attacks and whatever attack I fail to block is easily healed by my regeneration. While this is true for me. The same can also be said for Buu.
Even though he's weaker than me, I'm not able to kill him in one hit so he just keeps regenerating himself. Not to mention the fact that Buu can move any part of his body around like it's rubber making it incredibly hard to hit him.
After fighting him for a few minutes. 'Dammit, I'm getting nowhere like this. If I don't do something different it'll end up like the fight with 18.' I kick Buu in the head sending him flying away and jump back to get on stable ground.
'I'm in dragon ball but I haven't even tried this move out yet.' I cupped my hand and bring it to my side. "KA." I bring as much of my Ki out as I can. "ME." I focus and condense the Ki into my cupped hand. "HA." I spin the Ki in my hand so I can condense even more Ki in it. "ME." I send as much Ki into the spinning ball of Ki as I can handle just in time to see Buu flying back. "HAAAAAAAA" and shoot the Ki blast right at Buu.
"Phew." 'That attack should surpass my current PL but I don't think it's enough to kill Buu yet.' As if Buu was trying to prove me right. A bunch of pink smoke in the surrounding gather together and form into Buu again. 'Yup, I knew it won't be that easy.'
"Come on Buu. Is that all you got." I try to provoke him. It seems to work as steam seem to come out of his head and he charges at me again.
"Haha, you won't be able to do anything being that slow." I also dodge moving faster than Buu can and send a flying kick right into Buu's stomach.
"AHHH!" Buu cry out in pain before stopping and smile "Just kidding."
"Crap!" I try to jump back but I notice that my leg is trap in Buu's stomach. "Double crap." I look up to see Buu gather energy into his mouth. "Triple cra.." I said than Buu blast the energy beam at point brink range taking the top half of my body with it.
"Hehehe. Now I just have to find that warrior and I can have more fun." Buu said as he drops the lower half of my body to the ground.
'Great. This is what I get for being careless... How can I even think right now? I'm pretty sure my head was blasted into ash by Buu just now... and why am I not freaking out when my upper body was just obliterated. Oh well.' I focus my Ki on the upper half of my body and sure enough, the top half of my body instantly grow out again.
"Much better." I stand up and look over at Buu about to leave. "Hey ugly" I send a small Ki blast that explodes on Buu's head. "I'm not done with you yet."
Buu turns around and looks at me. He angrily says "You should be dead. Why are you still here."
"Like you have any right to say that. You have been blown up countless time and you are still here." I glare at Buu. I power up wanting to continue the fight but stop. 'Huh? I feel more powerful than normal. Hmm… Oracle, Stats'
[Name: Seru Ken (Ken Lee)
System Name: Oracle
Race: Frost Demon, Saiyan, Namekian, Human
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Power level:
Base - 2.9 x 1.5 = 4.35 Billion
Perfect - 29 x 1.5 = 43.5 Billion
Zenkai - 0.5]
'Oracle, how come this is the first time I got a Zenkai. I'm pretty sure I got hurt a lot during my training.'
[Zenkai only happens when a Saiyan gets hurt in battle. Host has never been hurt in battle before, that is why Host didn't get a Zenkai before.]
'What abo..' I dodge an energy blast from Buu. 'I guess I'll deal with it later. Now I have to focus on Buu.' "It's not nice to attack people when they aren't paying attention you know."
"It's not nice to ignore people in a fight you know." Buu says grinning.
"Huh? Since when did you know how to talk back like that?" I said surprise.
"Learned it from you." Buu gives another grin.
I stare blankly at Buu. 'Yeah, I should finish this quickly before Buu learn anything else. Oracle, any suggestion?'
[Host can turn into a Super Saiyan]
'Wait. I can do that now?'
[Yes, it has been more than a year and Host build up more than enough S-Cell.]
'Then why didn't you say anything.'
[Host never ask]
'Urgg. Nevermind. How do I turn Super Saiyan.'
[Host needs to focus his Ki onto his near the upper part of his spine where most S-Cell is located.]
'Just like that?'
'That sound too easy.'
[Would Host rather it be harder?]
'No. Pretend I didn't say anything. At least it's better than what I first plan. I was planning just fight Buu until I get enough power from Zenkai to get Good Buu out or until I can kill Super Buu.' I look over to the bored Buu who look like he was going to sneak attack me again.
"Awww, you look over. I was going to blast you to pieces when you weren't looking." Buu
"Yeah yeah, just wait for a second, will you? I'll show you something good."
"Oooo is it tasty." Buu
"You'll have to find out." I smirk as I change to my base form again.
"You just return to being weak again. That doesn't seem good at all." Buu
"I'm not finished yet. You'll see. HAAAAAA!" I begin focusing Ki where Oracle told me and I can feel my PL rapidly increasing until it I feel as if some limit that has been placed on me break. Stopping, I look at the now yellow aura that surrounds me.
"So this is what it feels like to be a Super Saiyan." I pause to feel the incredible amount of power that filled my body. I look over at Buu. "This is the end for you Buu." I charge up an attack. "Take thi…"
"WAIT!!!" A voice that sound like two different voices yell out making me stop. I turn around and I can see who I assume is Gotenks flying over.
"What do you want? I'm in the middle of a fight right now." I said annoyed. "In fact, Why are you even here right now?"
"I'm the one who's going to defeat Buu and I'm not going to let anyone take it away from me." Gotenks arrogantly.
"Sigh, can't you see that the fight is almost over. If you wanted to fight, why didn't you come sooner."
"Hehehe, I was training so I couldn't come." Gotenks
"Just go back, you don't have enough power to beat Buu."
"Are you saying that I'm weak!" Gotenks said angrily.
"Yes, yes I am." I smirk as I see a vein appear on Gotenks forehead.
"I'll guess I just have to show you how strong I'm then. HAAAAAAAA" Gotenks power up and quickly transform into SS3.
"Hahaha, are you scare now." Gotenks
"No, you are still weak." I smirk at him.
"Grrr." Gotenks
"Let me show you str…" I said before I notice a pink blob sneaking up behind Gotenks. 'Finally, time to get Good Buu out.'
As the pink blob jump at Gotenks, I acted surprised "Shit! Watch out!" I kick Gotenks away as the pink blob surround me and absorb me into Buu.
I instinctively close my eyes and when I open them, I can see that I'm in a different place. 'So this is what it looks like inside Buu. Looks just like the show…. Gotenks should be able to handle Super Buu until the fusion wore off so now I just have to find Good Buu.' I wander around for close to 5 minutes before finding a pod with Buu in it.
'That took longer than I thought. I thought that it only took Goku and Vegeta a few seconds to find these pods but I guess that's just anime not wanting to bore the audience with the long wait. I should make this quick so I don't get trap when Super Buu transform back into Kid Buu.' After I finish thinking of what to do, I look around for a possible exit.
After finding what looks like an exit, I quickly run back to Good Buu's pod. 'Well, here goes nothing.' I pull it out like Vegeta did and quickly run toward the exit without waiting to see what'll happen.
"HAHA, Finally out!" I yell as I made it out of Buu.
"ARRGGGG!" ???
I turn around as a hear a pained scream to see Buu start to transform into a muscular form.
"Hey! What did you do to my opponents." Gotenks
"Huh? Oh, I forgot that you are still here." I said to Gotenks as I summon a clone. "You should go back, I'll handle everything else."
"I don't answer to you. I'll do whatever I want." Gotenks
"I wasn't asking." I said as my clone appears behind Gotenks. My clone quickly chops the back of Gotenks neck making him go unconscious. As Gotenks fall, he untransform spitting into Trunks and Goten.
'Huh, so the fusion stops when you are knocked unconscious. I didn't know that.' I thought as my clone grab the boys and teleport back to the lookout. I look over at Buu and see that he still haven't finish transforming yet.
'I guess I'll just finish this quickly otherwise he might blow up the planet.' I thought as I charge up another Kamehameha. I decide to use a Full Power Kamehameha just in case. As I finish charging I see Buu is almost finished.
'This ending is kind of anticlimactic but I guess it's better than having the Earth blown up.' I fired the Full Power Kamehameha at Buu not waiting for him to finish transforming. Buu dies without even knowing how.
'I guess that's over.' I look down at Good Buu. 'Now I just have to deal with you.' I grab Buu, transform back into my base form and teleport to the lookout.
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