《AOT: Boats》Chapter 5: Bunny Mask, A Black Cloaked Being


Chapter 5: Bunny Mask, A Black Cloaked Being

“She… said to go to that room, right?” Tone asked, laying May on the couch when they got home.

Tone went upstairs to the room she was talking about and opened the door.

It looked completely different than he remembered.

Instead of cobwebs and dirt, it had a clean sheen, shimmer, and shine.

Instead of busted chairs and boxes littered about, there was a sofa, a bed, and cabinets.

On the sofa was a boy, a cookie in his mouth and both hands in use, unable to speak because of said cookie.

“You! You’re the one from before!” Tone exclaimed!

He put down the controller he had been using to play games, and ate the rest of the cookie.

“Alright, first. I have no idea who the heck you are. Second, knock please. Third, how did you find me. Fourth, what do you want?” Evan asked, holding up four fingers, licking the crumbs off of his thumb.

“What do you mean, you don’t know me? You helped me out just earlier today. I’m Tone.” Tone said.

“I’m a dimensional overseer who looks almost exactly the same as most of the other people like me. You probably met one of…. no, that wouldn’t make sense. We can’t easily leave our dimensions…. except one of us. So either you met the real me, god, or you can move between dimensions... Ooooooohhhhh. Right, I was told to look out for you. Forgot about that. I even moved my front door here. Jeez.” Evan said, snapping his fingers and pointing at Tone in realization!

“What? Why was I told to come here, then?” Tone asked.

“Huh? What do you mean by that? There’s only one person on my schedule today. A girl named May. I’m going to guess that you happened to overhear her or something. Anyway, why are you here?” Evan wondered.


“Are you able to restore my memories?” Tone asked hopefully.

Evan was caught off guard, choking on his chocolate milk while he was drinking it.

“Hot damn! What the heck happened to make you ask me that?!” Evan said, surprised!

“What's wrong? Are you okay?” Tone worried.

“Well, yes, but…. you were the one who sealed them away.” Evan said.

“What? You mean I used memory changing magic on myself?” Tone questioned doubtfully.

“No. No memory manipulation magic had any part in this. It’s from trauma. It may be blunt to say that immediately and directly, but you went through something horrible. You took that old you, with those memories, crumpled it into ball, and tucked it in the deepest parts of your subconscious.” Evan said, tapping the side of his head with his index finger.

“That… is rather blunt.” Tone responded, while processing everything else Evan said.

“Yeah, well, this me isn’t a therapist. I don’t much care for others, normally. May be odd for an Evan, but unless it’s people who I find interesting personally, I pretty much hate every person or living thing. I guess. Anyway, where’s May?” Evan asked, looking around.

“Passed out on the couch.” Tone replied.

“Know what? Fuck it. I’m teleporting every single person from back then here.” Evan said, snapping his fingers.

A bunch of people appeared, some surprised, some asleep.

“Who’s the dude in the creepy bunny mask and black cloak?” Evan asked, pointing.

They all stared at the being in horror

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