《Mare Nostrum》Chapter 24 Growing Ambitions
"Is that all you can manage!", Titania yelled and pulled out her trident from the corpse.
"Kill the tyrant's allies!", a man in fancy clothes ordered before being impaled by the thrown trident in question.
"Bullseye! Brizo another trident please", Titania said to her right-hand woman.
"I still think this was not a good idea. We are not equipped and trained for land operations", Brizo made her rejection of the plan clear again. She still passed Titania a trident from the servant following them. The man looked like he wished to be somewhere else.
"Those guards fight like peasants. It seems the city planned to defect, but it was their bad luck that we choose Agrigentum as the new main naval base", Titania pointed out. "All men and woman with over a year of serving time to the barracks and gates! The rest secures the harbour and surrounds the core of the city!"
"What if reinforcements from the republic or duchies arrive or are already hiding in the city?", Brizo pointed out while running behind Titania with a loaded crossbow. The bolt was quickly embedded in a guards chest, ignoring the light armour.
"You will never make it far as an admiral. There is always an if, but sometimes you have to listen to your guts. Information about the enemy is not always available or genuine", Titania said and turned to the rows of soldiers blocking the street with hastily erected barricades.
The lid to the sever trembled as a few sailors formed a protective circle around their admiral and vice admiral. A beam of water hurled the barricade, and the soldiers, against the next house facade. The tide of sailors killed the groaning and passed out guards. Running after the rest of the forces shortly after.
"How can you call upon so much power so quickly?", Brizo asked and scanned the main street for further enemies.
"Talent and training. You will get better in a few years", she answered. "Now concentrate on the objective. We have to lock the gates and stop the militia from fighting."
The fighting was short. One gate after the other was secured and guards soon laid down their weapons, when they realized the price for their opposition. When the last gate was locked and manned by sailors, the guards and militia rounded up around the yards of the barracks and the count's mansion surrounded, the official request to surrender was finally sent from the defenders.
A man left the building and headed, under the stares of agitated sailors, to Titania.
"Pluto, right-hand man of the count of Agrigentum. We surrender the city to your control", he fell to one knee and kept his head lowered.
"Where is the count?", Titania asked.
"The count fled the city the moment we recognized the fleet", he answered.
"Did you know about our arrival here?", she inquired.
"No we didn't anticipate such a quick reaction from Neapoli", he said.
"Neither did we, it was a bit of luck on our site to foil the plan of your count. Sometimes chance favours your side. Who knew of the counts plan to flee?", Titania asked.
The man stammered out the names of all the involved parties. Giving his own name only after being probed for a while.
"So you supported an unnecessary defence of the city to help your liege escaping judgement. Costing the population and my own forces casualties in the process. Did I miss anything?", Titania said and her vice-admiral checked the notes.
"No you didn't", Brizo answered.
"Now vice admiral, what do we do with traitors?", Titania said and observed the reaction of the man in front of her and the one of her vice admiral.
"We execute them admiral Titania?", Brizo said, but it sounded more like a question than a statement.
"I didn't hear you", Titania said.
"We execute them admiral Titania!", Brizo shouted and looked a bit pale afterwards.
"You heard her. Interrogate the names he gave us. If all of the information is confirmed, hang them up before the gates of the city", Titania ordered and left for the harbour.
"Please, I just did what my liege asked me to do!", Pluto pleaded to Brizo.
"I understand, but I am also just doing what my liege wants from me", Brizo said through gritted teeth. She began to organize the interrogation of the other higher-ups in the city. The guilty ones would be executed and stripped of their goods and holdings.
Titania finished writing the report about the situation and battle at Agrigentum as her second in command entered the captain's cabin of the flagship.
"You finished with your task?", Titania asked and checked the report for mistakes.
"Yes, the procedures are running. Pluto was placed in the dungeon", the naiad answered. "Why do we kill them all? Would it not be possible to pardon a few?"
"Mercy is reserved for the strong. The last thing we are is being in a strong position. We can't afford to trust traitors", Titania said.
"It could push more people to rebel", Brizo pointed out.
"Unlikely, southern Italia is secured by our remaining legion and with our presence in Sicillia the eastern part of the island should be secured as well", the admiral countered.
"What of the enemies' navy?", she inquired.
"Our land forces may be unable to continue another war, but the navy can take up any threats from the republic and duchies", Titania pointed out.
"I have checked the reports Titania. We lost too many sailors, many retired after the war as well. A lot of ships are in bad shape and the funds are dangerously low. The last thing we have is functional naval forces for bigger campaigns", she said and stared into the admiral's iron face.
"Hmmm, so you did find out. We need time to repair the navy and army. As long as we keep up the appearance of a strong navy, the other three will wait for further actions. See it as a big campaign to fool the enemy", Titania said.
"We are doomed if they find out and blockade the city and its harbour", Brizo said.
"If my dear, if. It is our job to stop them from finding out. No one in their right mind would position their damaged navy right in front of the enemy", Titania smiled at the distraught expression on Brizo's face.
"So you are risking it all on a ruse?", she asked in disbelieve.
"Welcome on board. Serving under Jagu and Duran is all about deception and taking risks. They just can increase their chances for success to unfair amounts", Titania confirmed Brizo's worries.
"I can't believe that the ruler of our realm is a gambler", she said.
"Neither can I. Now see to it that this report is delivered to our liege. We need a few guards, funds and materials to transform this city into a proper naval base. We should also start to repair the ships and refill the ranks of the sailors", Titania said.
The next days were spent reorganizing the city. Traitors were executed and their funds used to train a new militia force and to improve the defence capabilities of the walls and harbour.
The victory at Agrigentum had secured the eastern half of Sicillia for Neapoli, at least for now.
"We took the coastline Queen Aurelia, but general Caelus can't push further inland. He says the Numidian cavalry will destroy our three legions on an open field", a woman said.
"What did the other generals say about Caelus statement, Rutillia?", the queen asked her closest adviser.
"Some agree, some claim they could manage to conquer all of Numidia", Rutillia answered.
"And what do you think?", Aurelia asked.
"In hindsight of the general's previous successes, it would be wise to trust his judgement. There is not much to win by conquering inland anyway", Rutillia answered.
"My thoughts exactly. Their pathetic excuse of a navy is destroyed and their wealthy cities have been taken. They can keep their 'desert capital'", she said. "What about Neapoli and their war? I remember they asked us for help but refused our offer. One of my daughters had been so excited about the marriage."
"They finished the war with the east and official peace has been made. An alliance formed out of the duchies of Sardinia, Corsica and the Carthaginian Republic took control over western Sicillia, when the lords there rebelled against Jagu", Rutillia summarized
"And the response of Neapoli? Will, there be more war?", the queen inquired.
"They seemed to accept the loss of the west. No movement indicates another war. However they will probably take measures to secure the eastern half", the adviser informed.
"How unfortunate. We could have picked up a bit more territory with them fighting under each under", the queen said and did look a bit disappointed at the loss of a good opportunity.
"The heir of Neapoli has yet to be engaged. A marriage between him and your heir will turn into a personal union. Their first children would inherit a realm from Italia to Hispania", Rutillia said and looked at her queen who was deep in thought.
"I'm not sure I want such a marriage. Neapoli is far from stable and I doubt house Vespasianus would let their country be absorbed through marriage. The current partner of my heir will fit her just fine", the queen decided. "How is the situation in other countries?"
"Mauretania has started to fortify their coast against an invasion from us. They will also likely enter an alliance with Numidia the moment we end the war", she said.
"They will turtle up, but we wanted to expand east anyway. Their alliance is no threat to us. We might be able to appease Mauretania with a new trade deal and the hand of one of my sons", the queen said. "Continue."
"The tribes of the Alani are still raiding the kingdom of Suevi. Both will not be able to pose a threat to us. They could, however, put their differences aside should we pressure one of them too much", her adviser pointed out.
"Let them weaken each other, we will collect their territories the moment they exhaust each other. I never understood while both of them still fight against each other. They seemed to hate each other as much as they hated the Roman Empire", the queen said.
"The Kingdom of Suevi fought one time with the Western Empire. This is enough reason for the Alani to punish them", her adviser informed.
"I like it when those fools dance in my hands", the queen said with a satisfying smile. "Continue my dear Rutillia."
"The Kingdom of Aquitania, the Archduchy of Raetia and the United Kingdom of Illyricum are forming plans for a joint attack on the Northern Alliance. They will most likely succeed and divide northern Italia up under each other", her adviser informed again.
"Don't be so hasty. Many invasions aimed to conquer the heart and jewel of the empire. I would not be surprised to see this one fail as well", the queen said.
"The Northern Alliance lacks allies. Neapoli can't and won't help them. They stay alone and will fall alone", Rutillia countered.
"Maybe, maybe not", the queen said mysteriously. "I would not be surprised if the invasion ends with the humans unifying Italia into a single nation again. What about our biggest competitors?"
"The war between the Franci Empire and the Empire of Britannia has reached its climax. We do not know the winner yet ", the adviser said.
"I hope this ends in a draw. The Franci will turn their attention to southern Gaul and northern Italia if they win. That region needs to stay divided for our sake, after northern Italia, we would be the next goal for their conquests", the queen said and rubbed her temples. "That elf even proposed a marriage between me and him, his ambitions are endless as is his stupidity."
"You should not underestimate him", Rutillia said.
"I am not. And should the Britons win, their plan to control the west coast of Telluris will clash with our interests in Hispania", the queen sighed. "We will have to wait and see for the best. Any news from the Eastern Confederacy?"
"Yes, but it is mostly minor news. There are some power plays for land and positions owned by the elves and humans after they lost the war, but nothing major to destabilize the east. There are also no signs of a planned campaign of the Confederacy. The east will stay at peace if our informants are right", her adviser reported.
"How boring. Let's keep up our vigilance and wait for a chance to strike eastwards", the queen said and with that, the meeting between the Queen of the Federation of Hispania and her right-hand woman ended. The Visigoths were on the rise.
The tension left our party when the walls of Alexandria were visible on the horizon.
"We made it! We really made it!", the family screamed in joy and hugged each other. Jalvund and I observed them with a smile.
"And? Did you make plans for your destination after reaching the city?", I asked them.
"We planned to migrate to another eastern province, but no, a real destination is yet to be decided", Noor informed me.
"You can stay at my mansion for the time and my offer for you to live in Neapoli still stands", I reminded her.
"Yes we will think about it and give you your answer soon", she said.
Quintus growled behind me. He was still bandaged and laid on a rebuilt wagon. The wyvern looked better than before but was still unable to move much. The task to feed and clean him fell on me, but I was happy to care for him, which surprised me. It has probably something to do with the bond between us.
"Yes we are back home", I said to him and he nodded at me. Quintus closed his eyes and went to rest again.
"I still can't believe he survived those wounds", Jalvund said.
"He is a Vespasianus. We are hard to kill", I explained. It was a proven fact after all.
"It seems both of you are hard to kill indeed. A miracle considering how reckless both of you can be", he said and smiled. "An advise for your future way, a bit more caution and planning wouldn't hurt either of you."
We marched through the city and passed the control as members of the caravan. We split up with the merchants later on.
"Well, this is my destination. I wish you all good fortune on your travels", Jalvund said.
There was a heartbroken hugging session with each family member of our party. I settled on just shaking hands with him. Quintus growled in acknowledgement of Jalvund's departure. The man entered something labelled silver mercenaries. He would receive his reward for helping the family later and then search for a new mission. The money would be paid by me because the funds of the family were almost depleted.
We went straight for my mansion in Alexandria and the expression of the present guards was just priceless when he recognized me.
"My lord you are well and here. I have to inform your teacher", the man stammered and ran away before I could say anything.
"Let's follow him. He is not gonna stop until he found Niloticus", I said and we entered the mansion ground. "One of you do me a favour and lead Quintus to the stable. Take this to prove your identity. I will be tied up for the next hours. After that ask the servants for rooms and food."
I gave them a plate with the coat of arms of our house and entered the mansion through the main door. There were only a few steps before a shouting Niloticus and glaring Alaric appeared before me.
"Lucius you are alive", teacher yelled and embraced me in a fierce hug. The wound on my shoulder didn't like this at all.
"Careful the wound is still healing", I said and Niloticus stopped.
"I forgot. It is just nice to see you well otherwise", he remarked.
"I was right", Alaric said and we stared into the eyes of each other for a few moments.
"Yes you were right and I'm sorry I didn't listen to you", I said and he nodded shortly. "First let's sit down and I will tell you all about the things that happened."
We went to the nearest room with a table and chairs and I started to explain my story. The temple and Quintus seemed to not surprise them. They had researched possibilities for Quintus ability and my story was one of a few explanations. The travel with the family and their stay at my mansion were next.
"Yes, the governor of Memphis can't do anything to them here. Still, it is a shame none of his men survived the fight. We could have used one of them against the governor", teacher said.
"How is Quintus? I imagine taking so many arrows took a lot out of him", Alaric inquired.
"He is recovering in the stables. The horses will have to stay outside for now. The animals would go crazy with him present otherwise", I answered.
"That is good to hear. He is most likely the best bodyguard you will ever gain", Alaric pointed out.
I continued my explanations and let the parts out where I failed simple tasks while travelling with the family. Still, both Niloticus and Alaric exchanged knowing looks with each other. They knew something was up but I would not tell them, at least not for now. It was my time to hear what they did in my absence.
"We got the help of the other two houses, but both stopped the cooperation a few days ago. It seemed the higher-ups intervened in this little alliance we had planned. The governor will also likely lose his position soon", Alaric explained.
"Your family sent some guards and funds to Alexandria. You are free to do what you want with either of them, but will have to pay the mercenaries for the reward first and pay more attention to your security", teacher reminded me.
We exchanged further information. My plans to build up influence in Alexandria was also discussed, but real operations had to wait until the funds for them arrived.
"You should meet with all the houses nonetheless, while an alliance seems impossible, other agreements might be possible", teacher advised.
"Yes, I have a few plans. The best thing to generate funds, influence and connections would be my own merchant company. But we lack somebody who knows how to run one", I said.
"You will also have to deal with new suitors. There were a few developments and now the people want you to marry their daughters", Alaric said with a knowing smile. "Try to handle it better than with the elven girl and keep the number of bastards to a minimum".
I went red immediately and only the many scenarios of a woman chasing after me kept me from retorting Alaric. That would also be a challenge to face in the next years. Maybe I should get an alibi engagement. Livia would surely help me out there.
It was time to execute my plans and make new ones. From now on I would be a player and not a chess piece.
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