《Mare Nostrum》Chapter 3 Making friends
A lot has happened in one month. I have made considerable progress with my mana sight and teacher had given me a book about controlling my mana. Mana was deeply linked to our bodies constitution. So if you could control it to a certain degree, it allows the body to resist certain effects.
When a mage poisons, paralyses or charms his enemies, he does it by affecting the mana in their bodies. If you train to control your own mana, then it is easier to resist those effects. And the first step to do that was to meditate and reach a calm state. Something I had yet to accomplish.
Father and mother decided to put me on a magic diet. The food I got had a much higher mana density than it was normal. It also tastes great! Dad told me that it mostly came from plants, which were cultivated at places with high mana density and the cattle who feed on those plants. I could see a lot of blue threads in my meat.
Currently, I was training with Niloticus again, as I did most of the time this month.
"A real magic diet would consist out of magical beasts and sentient plants", told me Niloticus, who was surprised at my progress first and disappointed when he knew of my diet.
"You should have advanced faster with that kind of help. You are still lacking behind schedule", said Niloticus while correcting my mediation pose.
"I'm not. I have reached the goal you set for me. Where is that lacking? I even exceeded those goals. I can see more mana-threads with mana sight and finished your tasks for the books. The pain from using the ability has also diminished slightly", I countered. Can't he for once praise me for my efforts or achievements? What kind of teacher are you?
"I didn't expect your family to invest that much capital into your magic training. We could have saved at least two weeks of training", he grumbled.
"You told me to deal with the things given to me. I did just that. It seems more like you have underestimated me", I didn't speak further, instead concentrating on reaching that 'calm' state.
"Not you, your family. There is a big difference between them", Niloticus added. I stooped trying to meditate. It wouldn't work while discussing anyway.
"Teacher do you know the credo of house Vespasianus?", I looked at Niloticus, who didn't seem to expect that kind of question.
"Something about unity and ashes. I do not have the time to remember the credo of every clan or noble family on Octanian", answered Niloticus evasively. Finally, something that he doesn't know!
"We will rise united, like a flock of phoenixes from the ash. To charge our enemy anew", I repeated our credo, "Family is for us the most important pillar. Without a family, a Vespasianus is a lone wolf. Together they are a pack that hunts the wyvern. At least dad tells us that when I argue with my siblings."
"Well for one, I have never seen a wolf pack hunt a wyvern. It's usually the other way around, but perhaps you are right about unity. It's not a concept I have a lot of experience in. Oh, and phoenixes don't live in flocks. They are solitary creatures", Niloticus finished and didn't continue the discussion.
I would inform dad of the flaw in our credo. Maybe we could change it. Then again who really cares or knows much about phoenixes.
"It's time to step up your magic training", said Niloticus. Several large books were pulled out of his bag. He stopped at 16 books. "Don't look like that. I can assure they won't bite." He laughed at his joke, but I didn't feel like laughing. I would need at least a year to read and comprehend those books.
"I can see a lot of mana in them. Are they made out of magical ingredients?", I noticed as I checked them with mana sight. There were many different shapes of mana-threads in different shades of blue making up the books. I shared my observation with Niloticus.
"Yes, they are and enchanted on top of that. Fine work from a runesmith. It is good that you see different colours, That means your training is working", Niloticus said and continued before I could interrupt him. "Rune smithing is the art to imbue spells to objects permanently. They hold longer on materials with a lot of mana. They can also be charged by mana rich environments or somebody who has a bit of mana control. That could make a great exercise for you now that I think about it."
"What happens if they run out of mana? How do you become a runesmith and how do you make runes?", I asked Niloticus.
"It depends on their age. A very old book would turn to dust without mana, a freshly created one would instead return to be a normal book. Runesmiths are mages that combine their magical talents with their non-magical talents. Craftsmen who became mages for example", answered my teacher. "How they do it is different from mage to mage. There are always multiple ways when it comes to magic. It is also possible to alter runes, though it is limited by your skills in magic and knowledge."
"Can I heath a bath with runes? Where are mana rich environments?", I inquired. Runes sounded awesome.
"The source of the Nile, for example. Mana crystals form there as well. They can be used for many things. Rune smithing amongst others. And yes you can. Costs a lot of coin though", answered Niloticus.
"Was the Nile your old home?", I asked further. Questions about runes and rune smithing disappeared as my interest in his past peaked.
"Yes…….", Niloticus didn't elaborate and I didn't inquire further. Time to change the topic.
"I will turn 11 in three days. I wanted to invite you to the festivities", I said, not mentioning the time I had to use to convince dad. He didn't want teacher there for some reasons.
"A surprising turn of events. I didn't know your father would allow that. I will accept of course. It would be my honour to meet the rest of your family", Niloticus accepted and pushed the books forward. "You will read those books, all of them. They contain spells of all kinds. Furthermore, they will help you to categorize which kind of mana you are seeing and what it's purpose is", concluded Niloticus.
"What do you mean exactly?", I asked.
"If you look at the mana in the books, then you should see mana attuned to the element of life. It should be green, like life magic, but that will happen when you train more. The shapes you have seen will tell you what the purpose of the mana is.", Niloticus continued his explanation, but lost me halfway through.
"Purpose of the mana? What is that supposed to mean?", I asked. A big question mark over my head.
He opened one of the books. Searching for a specific page as it seemed. Niloticus put the open book before me and pointed to a picture.
"If you see this kind of shapes in mana threads, it means there is an explosion coming. Brown would mean exploding stone, red a fire explosion", he explained. I nodded slowly in understanding.
"How many shapes are there?", I asked as I studied the big book. It had at least over a thousand pages.
"Infinite shapes", he said. "You can combine them and alter their structure as well."
"Does that mean I have to learn about every variation and combination?", I asked.
Niloticus shook his head before starting to nod. "It depends. You will understand after training it a bit."
"That sounds like a lot of work. At least I have your help for that", I told Niloticus. He scratched the back of his head and whistled suspiciously. "You will help, right?"
"Only for the first month. I will be gone for around a year.", admitted Niloticus.
I frowned when Niloticus mentioned that. He is supposed to be my teacher and just leaves like that? "How am I supposed to learn all of this without you? I need your help with this. You were hired for that or not?", I asked Niloticus, rather angry at his attempt to ditch his obligations as a teacher.
"My leave is for your education, mostly. I want to finish the magical part of your education fast. 2 years should be enough time for practice and theory. I will leave notes and instructions for you behind. So don't worry so much. You will find yourself able to do just that.", Niloticus looked at me with an expecting gaze. I sighed at that. Fine I will do it myself.
"What are you doing on your leave teacher?", I inquired.
"Making arrangements for our visit to Alexandria. And to get you magical weapons for combat training and artefacts to help you further. Those will save your life one day", answered Niloticus.
"I will allow it then", I replied.
Niloticus laughed when he heard me, "Yes, thank you, your majesty, for your mercy".
We continued our training and I learned to distinguish between mana attuned to the six basic schools. It was still different shades of blue, but I knew wich blue was which element.
Niloticus explained a few of the ground rules for magic-theories to me. I would need them if wanted to identify and counter spells effectively. We concluded our lesson for the day and I packed my backpack with all notes and instructions from Niloticus. A handful of bodyguards carried the books. We didn't go home together this time. Niloticus wanted to moon-bath a bit in his crocodile form.
I stored the books on my shelf and organized the notes on my desk. Once Niloticus returns, he wants me to see mana in different colours and I should be able to identify basic spell combinations and tricks to interrupt them. I would have to train and read a lot to finish everything in a year, but it would be worth it. I heard my door opened and looked at Ivy as she entered my room.
"Big brother mom said I should tell you that a few guests have already arrived. We should play with them. Mom said you need to make some friends", explained my little sister. I sighed at mom's reminder. I really need to socialize more. Many of the guests were nobles from southern Italia or Sicilia. Some were even non-human allies which my father made over the years. Sicilia was contested by several nations and races.
Father has put and still continues to put in more effort into getting more non-humans to settle in our dukedom. It will ease our relations with the east and would help to reduce the tension and prejudices between the races. Most of my family members all put a lot of effort into that reform. I could not see other benefits yet, but I would learn more about statecraft and society management when my magic education finishes. At least I could meet other people and learn about their culture.
"Okay let us meet them. Are Iris and Silas already there?", I asked Ivy.
"No, sister and little brother are waiting downstairs for us. Oh, and Cerberus as well", said my sister and pulled me downstairs. I hope that those kids are more enthusiastically to meet me than I am to meet them. Otherwise, this is going to be an awkward gathering.
The green of our garden greeted me as I followed Ivy. I could see how mother was conserving with the other women. Father sat near her with the rest of the surrounding men. I couldn't understand what they were talking about, but it should be mostly unimportant small talk. And then I saw them. 15 kids were standing near the pond of the garden, not talking to each other just standing there. The atmosphere around them was kinda awkward.
I checked each of them shortly as I approached. Four were humans, three elves, three dwarves, two demi-humans, two from the sea-folk and one which I couldn't place. My siblings followed me and they turned around as I greeted them.
"Hello everybody, I'm happy that all of you came for the celebrations. My name is Lucius and it's nice to meet you.", I said with an awkward smile. Nobody answered for a while. I sighed and prepared myself to stay here mute for the rest of the event. But one of the dwarves broke the ice. She was a girl with short brown hair, brown eyes and grumpy look. Her dress did look good on her though and the only obvious sign of her heritage was the short and firm stature. Her arms had more muscle than mine.
"Greetings Lucius. I'm Duvira, that is Thovna, and he is Dartor", she pointed to the blond girl to her left and the blond boy to the right. Both equally short. "We are siblings from the clan of the Oakenshield."
One of the male elves answered next. He had green eyes and shoulder-length black hair. His skin seemed to also have a light green colour. His ears a bit longer than mine ending in a pointy end.
"The name is Aellelorn. He is my brother Arnath. We are from the Cadarn clan, wood-elves." He gave the elven girl behind him a glance. The girl didn't react. "She is a dark-elf, Juladia from the Nightbringer clan", Aellelorn pointed at the boy to his left, who looked like a small copy of him and then to the girl behind them. She had braided silver hair with matching silver eyes and the dark-grey skin colour of dark-elves. Juladia also seemed a bit shy or totally bored, because she didn't even look in my direction anymore.
The next one was a human boy. A bit shorter than me and with short blond hair. "My name is Valerius, and she is my sister Venus. We are from the house of Scipii", spoke Valerius and pointed at the girl to his left. She seemed to be around the age of my sisters. Long brown curly hair and blue eyes. I knew their house. They live near Napule.
One of the other two boys introduced himself next. His hair was auburn, his eyes red, and exceeded my height by a head. "The name is Constantine, he is my little brother Maxentius. We are from the house of Brutii", he pointed at his brother, who was smaller but had the same characteristics as him.
The girl, which I classified as part of the sea-folk, introduced herself next. She had blue hair, blue eyes and some scales on her arms, legs and face. "I'm Anaitis, a mermaid before you ask, house of Triton. She is Brizo, a naiad, house of Salacia", I looked closely at the girl.
Her hair behaved like it were in water. Fascinating, I thought to myself, I would have never guessed she was a naiad. I will have to further increase my knowledge of the sea-folk and their sub-races. Both of them had long ears, longer than the elves, scales upon them. The ears were also facing away from the head. The naiad, which irises behaved like waves as well, smiled when she noticed my gaze on her.
"Like what you see, prince Vespasianus?", I blushed and turned my head to the demi-humans. "What are your names?"; I asked them. Trying to change the topic and succeeding. The girl with fox ears and fox tail spoke first. Both were a mix of orange and white.
"My name is Statilia, this is my little brother Nero. We are from the house of Ruber Vulpes", she pointed at the small fox boy behind her. Why do I feel the urge to pat either of them? I turned to the last guest. A boy, age and posture like myself, white short hair, blood-red eyes, pale skin. He also had fangs. Bigger than the ones from the fox girl.
"Alaric, House of Dracula, I'm a dark one, a vampire to be precise", he said and I nodded in his direction. Now that everybody was introduced it was time to entertain the guests.
"So what would you like to do? I could show you around the house or the garden. Maybe we could do something together?", I asked and got a few glares in return. Okay, that did not work out as planned.
"Who wants to play tag?", asked Ivy, "Or hide-and-seek?", asked Iris in tune. Iris, Ivy and Silas left after a few minutes with Arnath, the small elven boy, Venus the human girl, Maxentius the human boy and Nero the fox boy.
"Lucius does your family have a training ground near your mansion?", asked Alaric with a bit of excitement audible in his voice. His expression though didn't betray anything.
"Yes we do have a private one", I answered. I do think to know what he wants to propose, but it's probably not a good idea. Would father approve?
"How about a bout. To strengthen our houses' 'friendship'. What do you think?", Alaric looked me in the eyes. I could see that he would love the challenge to duel me and the rest of the guest. His eyes awaited a fight. I thought for a moment. It couldn't turn out be that bad, right?
"Sure, why not. As long as we are careful there should be nothing preventing a bout", I said. I noticed excitement in half of my guests and wariness and caution in the rest. We headed to the training field.
"Lucius would you give me the honour of the first fight?", asked me Alaric. The rest of the guest stood at the side. Observing our exchange.
"If you want it that badly, then you can have it", I answered and moved to the sidelines.
"I would like to fight you first, Lucius. That is what it means 'to give the honour of the first fight'", Alaric pointed out.
I stopped, looking a bit embarrassed. Oh, I forgot the meaning behind those words. It is all Niloticus' fault! This is going to be my first real fight, and I was never taught to hold a sword properly.
"I'm a bit of a novice in fighting. So please go easy on me", I moved and got myself a wooden sword. Alaric met me in a circle of small stones. The rest watched from our right and spoked under each other.
"Of course, of course. I will watch myself ... to only use reasonable strength. Only a friendly bout", said Alaric. I did not like his grin but concentrated on my enemy nonetheless. Brizo gave the start signal and Alaric was upon me. So fast! How the Tartarus can he be so fast? I tried to parry his first swing, but he managed to disarm me. The tip of his blade now at my throat.
"You lost", Alaric said with a happy expression.
"Yes, that is the case. How about another round?", I asked him and met his smile with my own.
"Sure there is a lot to learn in defeat, prince", answered Alaric. The grin widening.
I picked up my sword and prepared for the second round. I used my mana eyes and could see, that Alaric had done something to his wooden sword and himself. I could see blue lines all over him and the weapon. So he enhanced the sword! Was it magic, an artefact or the trait of vampires? My knowledge of Alaric abilities didn't give me an edge. I lost the next 6 rounds, but I managed to make each round last longer. Alaric had to work to get the last two victories. It did cost me a few scratches and bruises.
"You learn fast Lucius. I have an advice for you. Don't learn melee weapons they don't suit you. Trust my judgement", Alaric pulled me up from the ground.
"You fight well Alaric. I'm impressed at your abilities at your age, my friend". I complimented Alaric, testing the waters with the word friend.
"It is a bit early to call us friends, but I suppose we are something like good acquaintances", corrected Alaric, rather diplomatically. I smiled at that remark. Progress.
There were a few more bouts. Two were really something to behold. Aellelorn ensnared his opponent, Dartor, with massive roots, like the ones teacher had used. Constantine summoned a giant crow of fire who pulled up his opponent, Anaitis, into the air. The mermaid gave up fast, she seemed to dislike height very much. Brizo's abilities to heal our bruises and scratches was rather impressive as well.
I had a few deeper conservations with four people, while the others fought. I spoke with Anaitis about the culture of the sea-folk, and she asked me about our culture. She seemed rather interested in my teacher Niloticus. But I didn't really know him that good myself. I couldn't tell her much about him.
Alaric spoke with me about his house. I was rather interested in his vampire traits and asked him about a few things. Apparently, they don't have to drink blood, and they also don't turn into ash when they touch holy water or religious symbols. He seemed a bit angry at those questions, so I stopped asking about them. Don't blame me, I only read books about dark ones.
We spoke about our hobbies, he loved fighting and training with the sword, and he told me that he had a younger sister at home, but she was only a few months old. A future playmate for Silas maybe? He sounded more affectionate about his sister than when talking about his other family members.
The conservation with Valerius and Constantine was the most interesting. Both of the houses used to work for the Western Empire in Roma. They fled shortly before Honorius march to Napule. And their parents are close allies of my family. One of Belisarius reasons to establish his base of power here seemed to be the presence of the house of Brutii and house Scipii.
We headed to the garden, after finishing our bouts and conservations. The group collected their smaller family members and I meet up with my siblings. We said goodbye to each other. On our way to the mansion, Ivy and Iris used the chance to tell me about the things they did. They played different games together and later chased Cerberus through the garden. The hamster used his magic to hide himself and make the children trip by creating small roots.
Silas also added a few 'words', but I couldn't really tell what he wanted to tell me. We meet our parents for dinner and told them about our activities. Mom frowned when she heard, that we had bouts. A quick exchange with dad followed, and he seemed successful in pacifying her. Ivy and Iris told their story and exaggerated a few parts. Mother laughed a few times and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. And when Silas tried to explain his vision of the events even father started to laugh.
I organized my notes and questions for Niloticus, after dinner, and trained my mana eyes and mediated a bit, but got tired soon. I was excited about my coming birthday and was happy to have made a few friends today. My first real friends. Or at least good acquaintances. I slept and dreamed well that night.
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