《Alfegenia-Inline》Chapter 20: Invasion-Part 2 (+18)
Spoiler: Spoiler
Kirito and Asuna were in the middle of a very deep sleep when the ground shook with a loud thump, waking the two now confused faeries up... The couple didn’t know what had gotten into them in their moments of ‘delirium’ as they reflexively summoned their wings, taking off from the ground with quite the force, away from the outdoor onsen up to the sky like a missile, leaving only their traces of hot steam water behind them... After a minute or two of gaining more speed and altitude, they eventually regained their sense which made them choose to stop and observe the situation first.
When they did come to a stop, the naked couple found themselves floating very high, almost as high as the 1/5’th of the World Tree, which should be impossible in ‘just a few seconds’ of flying. Either the both of them had similarly lost the track of time in their panic, or they somehow gained access to absurd amount of speeds for one reason or the other. But it mattered little to the high sylphs as they were occupied with other pressing matters...
From their position, they could barely make out some activity in the distance coming from the south, there were lights from all spectrums flashing, with red and yellow as the most prominent...
“What the...” Kirito voiced out, looking at Asuna who also looked back at him in alert. Neither their nakedness nor the previous night’s events mattered at all for the couple as they could obviously tell that something very wrong was happening. When they looked around them to gain a better understanding of their surroundings, they could make out that the pair of them were the only ones present in the vicinity as below them, it was like a ghost town which could either be because of the early morning, or...
“Where is Leafa-chan?” Asuna muttered, looking with her superior sylph vision at where they came from below. Even with the hundreds of meters between them, she could easily make out the onsen which seemed to be perfectly fine, with nobody in sight.
“Asuna! The system alerts! Take a look!”
Kirito urged the distracted girl in urgency, noticing 4 unread ‘red’ alerts on the periphery of his vision.
“System alert?” Asuna repeated, as she too opened up the same panels, though hers had one more additional system alert but as it was only green colored, she didn’t feel the need to open it.
Quest Alert!
Defend the Capital!
Emergency! Alne is being invaded by intruders! An army of 5000 humans is marching towards the South Gate with hostile intentions! Possible air force! Faeries, take up arms and protect your home from the invaders!
Faery Lords who have accepted the mission will have full authority over their race for the duration of the threat. All the other Faeries who have agreed to participate in the quest are required to follow their command. Failure to do so may result in penalty.
Remaining time for the invasion: 45 minutes
Mission Rank: B
Rewards: Favor of Yggdrasil. Any additional rewards will depend on the contribution.
Punishment: Undecided.
System Alert!
Remaining time for invasion: 5 minutes
Air Force confirmed, 75 Riders!
System Alert!
The South Gate of Alne has been breached!
Condition: 15%(repairable)
System Alert Update!
1 hour into the battle,
1565 Faeries Participated
5003 Enemy Troops
Casualties(unable to battle, deaths included): 433
Deaths: 87
Enemy Casualties: 1270
Enemy Kills: 26
“We’re under attack?”
“There were 87 deaths? Arienai!”
“Why didn’t they wake us up?! If they h...”
A sudden explosion, coming from the south made them stumble in air in shock...
“Kirito-kun! We must hurry!” Asuna urged after she pressed on the accept button, equipping her clothes, along with her wand as her sword could only slow her down, Kirito too followed suit not long after, doing the same as he took out his wand.
They gave gave each other one final brief glance, a glance that contained many things...The most prominent ones were, their desire to protect what was theirs... This included the city of Alne which they had made many precious memories in, and of course, their friends; seconded only by their feelings of anger at those who desired to destroy it all!
So the two high-sylphs gave each other one final nod before instinctively inclining their heads and upper bodies to move their center of gravity further away from where their wings connected to them to gain access to much higher speeds... With their heads tilted downwards at 45 degrees and their light-as-a-feather bodies in their familiar feutal posture which they only adopted when issuing a clear challange for a ‘dance’, they slowly widened their magnificent wings, stretching them only to powerfully flap them right after they reached maximum potential energy, increasing their momentum by leaps and bounds in just a few seconds as they urgently headed off towards the South Gate where all the ‘commotion’ was apparently happening...
“Sob sob... why did this have to happen? Did I somehow fail in the negotiations yesterday? Am I the one at fault that all ‘this’ happened?” The blonde sylph muttered through her tears as she lead her team away from the dragons who had been tirelessly chasing after them for over an hour. There were about a dozen or so of them on their tail, but the numbers weren’t the main issue at all, it was that the individual dragon was enough to scare her team shitless as they were very different to their dragoons in Alfheim which only the Cait Siths could tame. For one, they were much bigger then Alfheim’s dragoons but most of all, somehow they could tell that the tamed dragons desired for their blood... They could feel it in their bones that they were nothing more than just livestocks in front of the legendary beings known even on earth...
Her teary green eyes sparkled beautifully in the morning sun as the blonde sylph lamented on the lives lost because of that that last fire attack made by a powerful enemy rider... One of them was a kind girl that she had regularly interacted with during quests... If only her shield magic worked, she could have saved her... But for some reason, more than half of her magic and skills in her repertoire was gone, including her favorites like butterfly shield magic and healing magic... And she wasn’t the only one either, it appears everyone was effected to some degree... Some even to the point of having no spells to cast at all... Thankfully though the Salamanders didn’t have much trouble as they could execute their magic just fine...
Currently she was on a mission given to her personally by Lady Sakuya to aggro as much of the enemy ‘riders’ as she possibly can so that the alpha and beta team that were on standby on one of the floating islands have a chance to launch a surprise attack on the enemy army. The surprise attack was a secret only the Faery Lords and their closest aides had been briefed about, because if everyone were to know of the plan, they might unintentionally alert the enemy of the suprise attack, making them even more cautious then they already were...
So far, the enemy had been quite ‘cautious’, keeping most of their riders in the back, sending only a small number of them to the front lines to momentarily disrupt the air superiority of the faeries to protect their land troops; by the time the faeries recovered, the riders were already long gone... They really knew how to handle warfare... Whereas the inexperienced faeries just wasted away their mana and stamina...
As Alfheim was mostly a PVP game, single target spells, and later skills were common, so it was unfortunate that even though they had higher amount of mana then their enemy and mana potions at their disposal, they couldn’t use them effectively. It wasn’t just an issue of single target spells, most of the faeries participating in the battle were just normal people who hadn’t even seen death, let alone killing somebody in their lives... Even the salamanders who were made up of mostly middle-aged men hesitated a lot to deal the final blow on their enemy that they had defeated, which had resulted in some of them to die... So it should come as a no surprise for many to desert the battlefield after witnessing such grotesque scene, which they did as a number of 500 left the battlefield, running to the safety walls of their capital...
She didn’t know what to do to aggro more of them as the dragons were faster than even them sylphs, but as far as the air superiority was concerned, it was the sylphs that took the cake as their high mobility gave them more freedom to either dodge or counterattack... But still. she couldn’t just charge into their ranks and hope that she will come out alright. The enemy was just too ruthless and underhanded for that, nobody knows what underhanded tactics they could use if such a scene happened...
She was feeling terrible... Probably not that alone in her feelings of despair in her own weakness... Was this perhaps, war? The movies she had watched certainly gave her the impression that it was terrible, but it certainly didn’t even compare to the amount of terror in watching your comrade turn into a burning crisp right in front of your own eyes...
[No! Don’t think about that! I need to be positive! Hai! I hope they can all be brought back to life! No, they will be brought back, when they respawn! Yes, just like onii-chan used to say, ‘I will deal with it when the time comes’. I just have to think that everything is going to be okay and it will all work out! Yosh!]
1 hour ago...
“Huee?” [A voice? Naa, sleepy...]
“Leafa~ Wake up~”
“Ha? Sakuya... nee?” What was Sakuya-nee doing here? She was just at the best part in her dream where her onii-chan was just about to put his cute...
“Wake up~”
“Yaaaawn, jus le’me shuleep a lithle longa...” [Tsch. I was just at the best part...]
“Leafa~ your onii-chan is here~“
After few seconds of dead silence,
“Heeeonii-chan? P-pe-peni...” She jolted out of the covers of the comfy bed that she’d found herself on which also was where Lady Sakuya was currently sitting on as the blonde then instinctively started preening herself, wanting to look good in front of her onii-chan. She blushed as she remembered the ‘unfortunate’ position that she and her brother found themselves in and after that... Actually, now that she thought of it, she wasn’t that sure whether all of it was just a dream or not, so it was only normal for her to be feeling anxious when she came into terms that her onii-chan was ‘really’ here...
But as she looked around, she couldn’t find her brother anywhere inside the room which she now learned was her superior’s as she had been here quite a lot of times... To the giggles of the superior in question, understanding dawned on her as she realized that she was being teased... Irritated, she said,
“Moo! That was tasteless Sakuya-nee!”
The sylph in question just waved her hands dismissively as she said,
“I couldn’t just pass on an opportunity to tease my cute sleeping Leafa-tan no...”
“Sakuya-nee, what‘s going on?” Leafa nervously interrupted, feeling confused... Was perhaps her onii-chan not really here? He did seem like he was much younger... Then it was all a dream after all...
Seeing her superior’s serious expression, the blonde sylph let out a tired sigh...
[Dayone... It was just a wishful thinking on my part... No way onii-chan could be...]
“Well, you tell me? When you didn’t show up, I decided to go check on you, only to find the three of you sleeping...” said Lady Sakuya, lying through her teeth. It was ‘she’ who had actually plan-hoped for such a scene... Of course, she didn’t forget to watch every second of it play out with a perverted sense of excitement... She even recorded it as a ‘research material’ for later...
“Huh, where was I even... Wait, all of us? What do you mean?”
“Yeah, Otouto-kun and Tsuma-chan were in the onsen and you were lying on the...
”Wait, then they’re real?! I did not dream right?!!! Sakuya-nee!! You’re not kidding me right?! If you are, then I’m never going to even call you Sakuya-nee, let alone nee-san ever again!”
Hearing this, Sakuya looked really ‘hurt’ as she painfully said,
“Leafa! You can kill me but, never ever say things like that! What if it really comes true? Onee-san will wither away if that day ever...”
“Just answer my question already!” Leafa interrupted her annoying ‘sister’,
After looking at the tearful sylph, Lady Sakuya couldn’t keep up with her teasing as she then said reassuringly,
“Hai hai, your brother’s safe and kicking, Tsuma-chan as well. Sheesh Leafa! Would I ever lie to you about something like this? Am I that sadist of a wom...?”
“Then... Then... He is here! I didn’t dream at all! Yattaa!” She held her arms up in sheer happiness and excitement only to lose her short-lived euphoria, embarrassment filling it’s place as she came to the very real conclusion of...
”Then, that means...”
She blushed, steam coming from her elvish ears as she slowly remembered yesterday’s events... Which of them were dreams which of them reality, she didn’t know, but she surely was not intelligent enough to imagine...
Onii-chan’s hot, throbbing, hard... and smelly...
As Leafa was in the middle of ‘pondering’ over her memories, she noticed the system panel icon lighting on and off in the periphery of her vision, so she absentmindedly pressed on it with her left finger, looking at the screen in front of her as she read,
System Alert!
Due to drinking a potion with divine qualities, your vitality has permanently increased by 5.
“Potion?” Muttered the blonde sylph,
”What?” Asked the Faery Lord who watched her subject’s reactions with high interest.
“It says here that my vitality has permanently increased because I’ve drunk some potion, did you give me something when I was asleep?”
It was then that she noticed a strange ‘yummy’ taste inside her mouth. As she smacked her lips, tasting more of the lingering aroma in her tounge,
“Hmmm, strange, but delicious! Was there a potion this good? All the others taste like regular juice... It even raises vitality? Talk about cheat! Do you perhaps have more of that potion, Sakuya-nee?”
Lady Sakuya couldn’t keep a straight face as she failed to hold her laughter.
“Whaa? Why are you laughing? Is there something funny on my face?” She checked for anything funny but couldn’t find any, which only worked on causing the annoying sylph in front of her to laugh ever more heartily...
“Mooo, why don’t you just come clean... You bully...”
“Hahahaha..... haaa, ow girl, never thought I would laugh like that ever again...”
She then all of a sudden hugged the angry but equally embarresed girl, making the blonde her latest ‘victim’...
Thankfully, her breasts were here to ‘save’ the day, suffo(cough), distracting her sister.
Just how could Lady Sakuya tell her second-in-command that the ‘potion’ she had taken was none other than her onii-chan’s seed from his ‘penisu’ that she’d accidentally taken inside her mouth? It was simply hilarious, as well as hot.
Now that Sakuya thought about it, that Peeping spell was really worth learning from Alicia. Not only had she seen everything that had transpired among the two high-sylphs and Leafa, but she also relieved herself from her stress that she had accumulated doing deskwork for long hours... All thanks to masturbating like no tomorrow as she watched them going at it like rabbits...
My god! She’d never had a more satisfying masturbation session, like ever... The passion, especially the lust that the couple showed for each other was off the charts in any human sense...
She had never thought that the Tsuma-chan could make such noises... Even though Sakuya was quite experienced in sex both in the real world and in the Full-dive as it was one of the things she took pride in, it was the first time she felt aced by a junior in that department... This coming from a once sex crazed woman who even used to participate in regular orgies back in her high-school days...
Maybe it was because she was a high-sylph, or maybe it was because of Kirito-kun that made Asuna more of a sex beast than her...
Perhaps if she could gain the permission of the wife, then maybe she can ascertain it... God, having a taste of that cock? She really wanted it! Gaining vitality was just a bonus as she was more interested in having a piece of that high-sylph shota ass!
As she was lost in her own world, imagining herself the one who Kirito was plowing all day, Leafa interrupted her,
“What about the others?”
“Who?” She asked absentmindedly, her eyes unfocused...
“Who else would I be talking about? Of course Shin-chan, Silica, Klein-san And Lisbeth? Where are they right now?”
“Oh them? Haa... Then that was why Corte was so insistent...” Sakuya winced, as she whispered with understanding...
“Ha? What about Corte?”
Sakuya massaged her forehead as she didn’t know how to break it to her sister in all but blood,
“Ugh, how should I put this... I think I may have forgotten about them... Tee-hee?” She cutely stuck out her tounge, her right ‘paw’ playfully hitting her own head...
“Eeehhh? Then all this time, they’ve not been waiting, have they?”
“Hahahaha, of course not Leafa-chan! I’m sure my cute Sylphs were quite hospitable with them, don’t you worry~” Even the Faery Lord didn’t believe her own words...
6 hours prior,
“Corte, what shall we do with the ‘guests’?” The young male sylph tiredly asked his superior,
“I don’t know, maybe tell them to come back tomorrow?”
‘I’ve already did that, but they’re insistent on staying,” sigh...
“Then get them out of here, use force if necessary.” she said waving her hand dismissively, her demeanor as calm and sleepy as ever,
The boy nodded his head and headed for the waiting room, getting ready for the possibility of an aggression...
A SMALL PART OF KINGDOM OF TRISTAIN...(the blue thing to the left of the Legrue Corridor is Tristain Academy)
Spoiler: Spoiler
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my lil online journal! hehe its a sneak peek into my life u whoresin all seriousness this is very personal and even though i joke around these are my actual thoughts so id really like if you could at least read the most recent parts :)theres no need to respond but i wish someone is reading what i wrote lol hella typos sry, when i write in this theres always to many thoughts to worry abt writing like an actual educated teenim trash dont be surprised at first i thought i didn't want any interaction or commenting on this whatever you want to call it, but honestly feel free. i want to know what people think, so im encouraging it. but do fucking not, try to convince me otherwise. it doesn't do jack shit but make someone feel worse. ive heard the basic "theres more to live for" and "think of others" crap way to many times so don't piss me off more. but beyond that, please communicate if you want! i love hearing other people's thoughts!this is maybe one of the most embarrassing and out there thing i have ever written or revealed to anyone. these have my most intimate thoughts and experiences which im sorry if they seem overdramatic. i only have it here bc i was using it as a collective online journal that was easy to hide from people but i decided to publish it as a cry for help yay. (its been 2 hours and i unpublished the really embarrassing parts bc im a wimp)names can either be changed, modified, or just shortened bc im lazy but im a complete stranger so you'll never knowif the errors bother you suck it up if you want to keep reading ig but im not going to change anyhting if i dont feel like it oops
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