《Alfegenia-Inline》Chapter 17: A Traitor, Spy or a Matchmaker?


It had been an hour since she had begun tailing after the sylph called ‘Enma’ who had split up from the group. And through all this she had made sure to keep a distance of at least 100 meters as a necessity for precaution.

Sinon was now in the inner northern district, in a sparsely populated area where her ‘target’ finally reached her destination. It was a small park of square shape, with trees and ponds of various sizes and shapes arranged neatly, creating a fine view for the Cait Sith ‘sensor’.

Sitting on one of the wooden benches which the sylph aide headed for, was a red-cladded male ‘salamander’ faery.

With her now “A+ ” vision, she could easily make out his facial features. She had to admit, he was very handsome for a middle aged man and looked very confidant and dependable with the high-end clothes he was wearing — probably appropriate for some inner circle members of the Salamanders — with his wide chin and high cheekbones, he made for an exotic ‘specimen’.

If she hadn’t met Kirito already, then this man would definitely be her type... Now, she was more into ‘cute’ boys like Kirito-kun.

Sensing that it would be unwise for her to be distracted any longer, she closed her eyes and focused on her ears as she then widened the radius of the tragus and helix of her blue cat ears which also functioned like an antenna, on the pair’s conversation from where she crouched down, hidden on top of a common tree far away from them.

~“My lord, wouldn’t talking about this in an inn be better for privacy then out in the open?”

[My lord? What are they, some role playing middle schoolers?]

Sinon held herself from letting out a chortle.

~“Don’t be foolish Enma, inns are the perfect places for spying, we may never know when some high level sensor decides to peep on our conversation. Parks like these on the other hand are not suited for this type of talk, which makes it the safest. Of course unless you are stupid enough to let someone tail you...”

~“No! My Lord, I tripple checked my surroundings on my way here. I also purposefully went around in circles to minimize any risks. So, you don’t have to wo...”

~“As expected of my dependable commander. It’s okay, I believe you Enma. I shouldn’t have doubted you, forgive me.” He looked slightly weary as he apologized.

~“You don’t have to apologize Gilgamesh-sama! I’m not worthy!”

~“I guess with everything that’s going on, I can’t help but be nervous... Especially now that we are having trouble reigning in the more than 700 salamanders... And that Mortimer fool just doesn’t get it...” He said, shaking his head,


~“Now now, it’s a topic for another time. Back to business, report!”

[By the looks of him, he must be really worried for his people... And for a very good reason as nearly all of the players in Salamanders are middle aged men who had a mind of their own... Quite the opposite to our Cait Siths who are mostly consisted of young girls... I wonder which will be more problematic... ]


~“Haii! Ehhh, sowing discontent among the ranks of the sylphs about the foolish second in command is going as smoothly as ever, especially with everything that’s happening, people want dependable commanders to follow as their lives are at now stake.”

To the satisfied nod of her superior, she went on with her report,

~“Lady Sakuya of the Sylphs still holds her influence among them even after everything, so removing her will be impractical any time soon.” She finished, slightly nervous

~“No worries, removing her will not be necessary as this is not a game anymore... Her existence is vital for our long term stability... What about Asuna of the Flash? Now with the barrier broken...”

~“No news on that front yet, my Lord. But it seems unlikely that she will be here...”

The woman was slightly agitated at her Lord’s obsession with ‘that slut’. She just couldn’t understand why he would be so obsessed with someone from that death game. Her Lord even sent her as a spy to the sylphs to learn more about that ‘slut’ and if possible, learn her real name and where she lives...

She didn’t mind if it meant that she would be of use to her Lord. Changing her race was out of option as she needed Lady Sakuya’s permission to change her race, and even if the Faery Lord permitted it, she would never gain the trust of her inner circle being a former salamander...

So she had to create a new character under a different account just for her to successfully infiltrate the sylphs and make contact with the Sylph in question, gaining her trust... But it was no easy matter as for some reason, that rapier woman always hanged out with the damn swordsman sylph with the Excalibur, never once leaving his side! Her attempts at talking to her failed spectacularly as she was considered nothing more than air by the blasted couple! Just how antisocial can one get? And there was the inconceivable fact that they were being regarded very highly by Lady Sakuya and that fucking second-in-command...

Seeing her Lord’s face grimace, the woman swiftly went with her report,

~“On another note, we’ve made contact with the locals in question. They were humans. Though because of the language barrier, we couldn’t figure out anything much, but it appears that there is some sort of a magic school nearby to the south-west.

~“Hmm, Were they friendly?” The man asked, deep in thought,

~“The locals were wairy of us as we were of them. Maybe even afraid of us... And considering that they had kidnapped an idiot sylph who wondered out alone, we are safe to assume that they are dangerous.”

~“Hmmm... Who was it, that got kidnapped?”

~“Hiraga Saito, the Pervert Sylph.”

~“Ah, that boy... Do you think we can pull him to our side?”

~ “Possibly, but why would you want to deal with such an idiot?”


The man gave out one of his charismatic smiles to his inferior as he said,

~“Who said that I would be the one to deal with him?”

~“Eh? Then who... Wait, you don’t mean...”

~“Yes, you! I couldn’t entrust this mission to any one better.”

~“Ugh... Haii, my Lord.”

Just what was her Lord thinking? First the rapier flash, then the second-in-command, now the hentai sylph... But if it’s what her Lord desired, then who was she to question him...

But for some reason, she felt that this wouldn’ be the end, so she let out a sigh as she finished her report,

~“That is all, there is nothing further to report, Gilgamesh-sama,”

~“Thank you as always, Enma. I think you better get back quickly before anyone suspects something.”

~“Haii!” she saluted just like they used to back in the army, before taking off for the Headquarters.

[What the... Even I’m embarrassed of their role-playing, how can they keep a straight face while doing that?]

Sinon shook her head as she decided to leave quickly before she was spotted.

“But nevertheless, they are plotting something... The Salamanders... I better report to Alicia and Sakuya...”

She let out a sigh as she murmured,

“Is it naive of me to really hope that he is here? Of course it is... Maybe I followed this woman for the sole reason to avoid facing reality...”

“Kirito... Please be here...”

Meanwhile Silica, Lizbeth and Klein were currently at the Sylph Headquarters, ‘patiently’ sitting in a waiting room for any news about Kirito and Asuna. Unlike the other sylphs in their group who were granted access to report to their Faery Lord, they were kept here ever since...

Nobody in the reception was in anyway helpful as they had too many burdens already.

Klein blurted out, “ow man! Just because we’re not sylphs, they’re treating us like this?”

“They probably have a lot on their minds to deal with us, Klein-san.” Silica spoke out, the others could easily make out the worry in her voice.

Wanting to rise everyone’s spirits, Lizbeth teasingly said,

“maybe they didn’t want a salamander in their lair, especially if it’s someone like Klein. I know I wouldn’t...”

“Oy oy! As harsh as always Lisbeth...” The salamander hopelessly retorted, ‘basking’ in his latest bashing by the opposite sex.

“Liz-chan! You’re bullying him again!” Silica cutely reproached the leprechaun girl, then turning her head which had become quite a ‘nest’ for her Pina back to the hopeless ‘romantic’ man as she bashfully cried, “I would definitely want Klein-san in my lair!”

She hadn’t had the slightest idea what her words which had caused Klein to loose consciousness implied as she helplessly watched Lizbeth laugh her ass of... Not to mention the weird looks she was now getting from a couple of sylphs in hearing range...

Name: Gilgamesh

Race: ???

Gender: Male

Age: 35

HP: Healthy-???-YAOE-

MP: 485/485

Press on this button for lesser details.


Marital Status: Single


Strength: 226 Vitality: 105 Defense: 55 Eye-Sight: B+

Agility: 55 Speed: 90 Dexterity: 72 Hearing: A

Intelligence: 170 Stamina: 85 Charisma: 130+21 Smell: C

Press on this button to gain access to detailed info.



Elements: Wind: C- Water: C+ Earth: B+ Fire: S-

Special: Dark: A Primordial: C+ Gravity: C- Scanning: C- ???: B+

Press on this button to gain access to detailed info.


Not enough skill/magic to view.

Name: Enma

Race: Sylph

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Hp: Healthy-YAOE-

Mp: 205/205

Press on this button for lesser details.


Marital Status: Single


Strength: 40 Vitality: 84 Defense: 3+1 Eye-Sight: B+

Agility: 48 Speed: 80 Dexterity: 67 Hearing: A

Intelligence: 124 Stamina: 64. Charm: 75+8 Smell: C+



Elements: Wind: A+ Water: D Earth: D Fire: F

Special: Dark: B+



~WIND~Wind Needles: 5MP

Ek skýt tuttugu smár striða.

After the incantation is completed, twenty small, shining, emerald needles are fired from the fingertips of the caster’s stretched out hand. Although the needles do not home in on their target, their large quantity makes it hard for the target to dodge them all.

~WIND~Concealment: 10MP+(1MP per 10 seconds)

Þik sér óvíss grœnn lopt.

A wind-attribute spell that creates an invisible green membrane over the caster and close allies, hiding them from the sight of monsters and other players. As soon as the incantation is complete, a light green atmosphere emerges from beneath the caster's feet and slowly covers the hiding place of the caster with a green membrane that takes the appearance of the surrounding environment. For example, a fake wall can be created in a cave, thus allowing the caster to blend in with the environment. On the casting side, touching this projection softly will make it ripple. The spell only prevents a user from being seen, but not from being heard, therefore speaking louder than a whisper or moving through this projection will cause it to fade away. The spell will periodically drain a large amount of mana when in use. This hiding spell, like other hiding spells, can be penetrated by an enemy with a high-level «Scan» ability (such as a Searcher) or a penetration spell.

~DARK~Peeping: 2MP

Hlíta raun svik far saklauss.

A spell that summons and attaches a familiar on the target player, allowing the caster to steal a look from the target's perspective. A debuff icon appears on the target's view for a second when the spell is cast, but can easily be missed by most players.



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