《A Wolf's Way》A little flattery goes a long way


It had been almost one week since Mervyn had taught the lesson about the inter-school competition and tomorrow the one week break before the competition would start. Lessons were as usual and Lupos had hung back at the end of the day to find and talk to Lucio. Finding him still sitting at his desk Lupos approached. "Excuse me Lucio I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?"

Lucio looked at Lupos and nodded. "Of course, what can the great me do for you?" Lupos paused a minute and swallowed down his distaste, he really did sound like the dead Lord Varet and that brought back some bad memories.

Swallowing down his irritation Lupos continued to speak. "Well Lucio, I'm really worried about being a dead weight for you in the competition. Seeing as you are so skillful, I wondered if you could help train me so that I could support you."

Lucio turned to him with a smug face. "Of course, it is my duty to help someone less talented then me, you may spend the holiday training with me so as not to burden me." Lupos swallowed down the urge to punch him in the face. "Patience Lupos, patience" he thought to himself as he tried to smile gratefully towards Lucio.

"Thank you for your generosity, I will see you tomorrow." Lucio waved at him as he left and Lupos dashed into the forest desperate to get away from the irritating noble. Finally arriving at the clearing that had become his sanctuary he sat down on the ground and groaned.

Although he knew sucking up to the Noble and infiltrating his house for information was part of the plan he was almost regretting the decision upon realising how hard it was going to be to keep his self-control in check and pretend to respect the nobles.


Lupos was about to get up and leave when he heard Jormugand's and Fenrir's laugh in mindspeak. "Wow master I had no idea you had such respect for the upper class" said Jormugand in a sarcastic manner. "Yes master, you must make sure to train hard so you don't....burden the young master Illio." laughed Fenrir. "Shut up" said Lupos in a sulking manner, but he too was smiling at the idea of losing to Lucio, who left so many openings it was harder to find a place that wasn't open when he attacked.

"Anyway," said Lupos "Fenrir have you got the black and white core you found so we can take it with us and use it for the summoning?" Fenrir suddenly appeared before Lupos with the crystal in his mouth and nodded "very good.""Why don't we just summon another spirit here?" hissed Jormugand who had also slithered into the clearing and was curling himself around Lupos' body.

"It's because it's only been a couple of weeks since we summoned you here. The main reason they didn't get here quick enough to find me last time was because we had the element of surprise. If they felt such an energy pulse again their first reaction would be to come here. It may also take some time as the crystal we're using is unknown and if I summoned something too powerful I may need your two's help to subdue it." Jormugand and Fenrir nodded in understanding.

"Anyway while we're at Lucio's house, Fenrir I want you to be with me at all times as Lucio already knows you as my summon." Fenrir nodded "Of course." Smiling Lupos continued "Jormugand I want you too search for as much information on Mervyn Oakshield as you can find, if they've already uncovered what one of his other spirits is then it's probable they have been investigating him a long time - so see what you can find."


Jormugand nodded. "Right then last thing, I'm going to need you both present when I attempt the summoning so we'll do it at night. Any questions?" "No Lupos." Lupos smiled at both his summons "OK then, let's head back to the dorm."


In another part of the empire

A man sat in a large room upon a golden throne. On the floor in front of him a man dressed completely in black knelt before him. "Is there still no news on the child's whereabouts?" the man on the throne asked. "No sir, we have searched every country yet found nothing." The man on the throne cursed "damn that bitch for hiding the child from me, we must find him. It's been eight years already damn it." The man in black nodded. "Find him for me, you know the consequences should you fail."

The man in black started sweating slightly "yes my Lord. I will do everything in my power to do so." After saying this the man in black disappeared leaving the man on the throne alone staring of into the distance. "What happened to the boy," he murmured under his breath "and where is he now?"


Author's note

Hi guys sorry for the short chapter I promise the next one will be longer hope you enjoyed it :)

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