《A Wolf's Way》chaos and carnage


A silence descended on the camp as the soldiers stared at the smiling child covered in blood and the wolves behind him. Suddenly the lord got hold of himself. “What are you doing?” he roared at the surrounding soldiers and the one remaining magician. The purple robed man was nowhere to be seen, "kill them!”

The soldiers moved slowly and warily towards the boy as he seemed like the less dangerous of the two options. How wrong they were. Within an instance the two swords were back in the boy’s hand. He moved like a typhoon slashing at anything everything within his range as if he were a wild beast. Panicked, the soldiers moved backwards trying to get some distance between them. Unfortunately they had forgotten about the wolves.

They were ripped apart instantly, not even given enough time to contemplate what had just happened. Cowering in fear, the remaining soldiers along with the lord, just watched in horror as the child and the wolves behind him slowly moved forwards towards them. “What are you doing? Create a barrier, shoot some spells do something! What do you think I’m paying you for?" screeched the lord to the remaining magician. The previously scared magician snapped out of his stupor and begun a low chant. As the chant intensified, the earth shook and sweat poured down the magicians brow finally as he completed the chant earth rose up creating an earthen wall encompassing all of the present party safely within "..It...is..done..my..lord..." The magician panted out between breaths. Upon hearing this lord Varet sighed in relief and moved around the circle checking for casualties when he stopped dead as he realised someone was missing. “My son.....where is my son?"


Outside the earthen walls the wolves snarled enraged. "Shit!" growled Laikos "Damn them, damn those cowards." The rest of the wolves growled in agreement as they pondered how to get to the humans within the walls. Sighing the queen emerged silently and walked forwards. “You waste your curses," came the voice of the queen’s mind-speak. "The human’s magic will run out before our patience does. We'll stand guard for three more hours at most before we leave. Clear?"


The order was met with a few good natured groans at the thought of sitting there for three hours, but most remained silent, just staring at the walls. "In the meantime, my son will investigate the rest of the camp checking for any humans left as well as any magical treasure. Any objections?" The wolves once again shook their heads silently except for Laikos. "That is fine my queen, but a word of warning young one," he said turning to address the boy. "The purple robed man remains unseen. If he appears run. Don't think about it. Don't even try to fight, just run." The boy nodded solemnly. Growing up with the wolves he knew how powerful Laikos was so if Laikos said to run he would. "Very good," grinned the wolf. "Now get going. Come back once you've completed your search." The boy nodded once more, smiling slightly this time, then faded into the shadows and moved towards the village.


Within the campsite, inside the second largest tent lay a boy of about eighteen winters, slumbering peacefully, completely unaware of the situation outside. His name was Elias Varet and he was lord Varet’s first born child. Just around the corner from the tent where Elias was sleeping serenely, a boy was quietly searching through all the belongings in the lords’ tent for any weapons or magical cores that might come in use, when he heard a sound. It was snoring from the tent next door.

Stopping what he was doing, the boy let off an evil smile as he moved towards the source of the noise. As the boy entered the tent, Elias woke up with a start and frowned as he peered into the gloom just about making out the shape of a boy he had never seen before. "What are you doing here?" questioned Elias, in a pompous tone. "Servants are not allowed in here without mine or my father’s expressed permission. I should have you flogged!"


The child made no move to turn around but instead, let out a low and threatening growl as he moved towards Elias "What are you doing?" Cried Elias who was suddenly feeling inexplicably nervous, he reached towards the sword on his bedside table as the boy drew closer still. "Stay away from me!" Just as Elias emitted that desperate shriek, the boy moved, faster than any speed a human should be capable of doing the boy appeared by the bed side and stuck his sword deep into Elias's chest. A look of horror appeared on Elias's face as he realised what had happened and as the older boy died the younger boy gave a deep sigh of regret. "I forgot to ask if he knew where the valuables were." he said cursing his own stupidity.

A quick search of the room revealed nothing too valuable. The boy turned to walk out of the tent and go back to the lord’s tent, when he noticed someone standing outside the tent, the man in the purple robe had arrived.


hi guys thnks for reading my fiction im especially loving all the comments im getting my favourite so far being "Fear me for i am gale of the shadow wolves lord of darkness and master of magic MWAHAHHAHAHAH" thanks for supporting my work and please comment on any mistakes or ideas you would like to see happen :)

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