《The Dragon Clan Revived》Chapter 5: A Happy Team? (End of revisions~)
Hello, I am sincerely sorry for the plot holes in the earlier chapters, I'm trying to not make anymore so please don't crucify me lol.
Also, sorry if my paragraphs get a little long, it's just how I write. If there are any revision necessary then it's all good. I just wanted to put that next to the title for shits and giggles.
Oh and I refuse to do a virtual kowtow to get a better rating for this fiction but it would be appreciated if you actually like this story to help bring this thing up to at least 4 stars...anyways please enjoy!
In an adventurers guild on the [Mazef Continent] in a human kingdom named [Faramar Kingdom] many adventurers can be seen in groups re-telling their stories of past quests. Most of these people would drink beer and laugh about the far-fetched stories that have been exaggerated since the 50th times it has been told.
The environment is lively and not including those groups there are also some who shuffle in and out, checking the daily quests to see if anything new is posted. Several quests are posted for the lower rank adventurers such as F rank to E rank. Small tasks villagers need help with, or some subjugation to either stop the monsters from attacking farmers or to eliminate a very dangerous monster.
However there are some higher rank quests that few would take because the risk is not greater than the reward. Still, it does not discourage some muscle-brains from decreasing their already short life-span. A prime example of the epitome of idiots is a B rank adventurer named Rexx. One can already tell from the name he is most likely lacking some brain cells needed to discern stupidity from outright suicide. The task he is about to accept is obviously the latter.
[A rank subjugation: Find the cave of the Golden Thunder Wolf and kill it. As proof of its demise, bring back its hide. Reward is 30 gold]
The Golden Thunder Wolf sounds like a fancy name for a lightning affinity wolf however if one knows about the details of this monster they would snort in disdain for whoever believes (in this case Rexx) that to be all there is to it. The ‘Golden’ part in its species name comes from its other affinity being ‘light’.
It is a dual-affinity monster that can heal itself after getting injured. It takes all three roles of a group by itself. The damage dealer, the tank, and the healer. It can shoot lightning, claw or bite, and then heal itself if necessary. The best way to end the fight against this type is to finish it quickly. A prolonged fight will only result in the loss of the foolish adventurer’s life.
A myth about them is that their fur turned golden from using the light attribute so heavily in every generation that it became hereditary and the golden glow of a light attribute spell gave their fur a golden look. Whether or not this is true, who is to say? It’s not as if you can ask about a wolf’s heritage in the middle or before the fight. Much less actually expecting them to respond or know the answer. At least for most humans that is what they believe. Monsters are more inclined to reply to fellow monsters. Perhaps if the scientific technology was up to Earth-standards they may find a way to solve the problem. Such a thing is merely a pipedream for now.
Back to the situation, Rexx with his arrogant demeanor and IQ that is so low its impressive, walks over to the receptionist counter and *Bam!* slams the quest paper and uses the moment to gain the spotlight so his ego can inflate to the size of a nazi zeppelin. After which he smiles with a haughty expression saying,
“I’ll take this quest, a gold wolf for some gold coins sounds like a good deal.”
Faced with this corny line and the fact that he just signed a death waiver, the receptionist was using every ounce of willpower trying not to roll over and laugh out loud. Nonetheless as a professional employee it wasn’t her call as to which quests he can or cannot choose. Only the rule of the guild for taking quests either one rank below or above max, is enforced.
Suddenly the whole guild went silent enough to hear a pin drop. At that moment Rexx has a smug look on his face like ‘Yeah, they know I’m awesome’. However the silence lasts a little too long and is interrupted with whistling and hollering. Turning around, Rexx tries to see where all of his attention went to.
Entering the guild is a man about 185cm in height with pale white skin and barely visible muscles that are seen under his clothes. If one has a discernible eye they can tell that those muscles aren’t in any wasted parts of his body. His stature is gives an aura of a natural predator or a dragon amongst men. If only they knew how close to the truth they were. His hair is black with an unrefined wild look that goes well with his charms, not to mention his endlessly deep feeling eyes that show intelligence and a subtle hint of a cold, calculating personality. Of course this is what the men see, the women just see a mysterious sexy man that they would drop their panties for in a heartbeat. Not to mention the noblesse outfit that matches his calm disposition. If they then saw him transform into a dragon, most likely the women would be like ‘As expected of my future husband’. Even the onyx serpent wrapped around his shoulders added to the grandeur displayed before them.
However he is not the only one who was an accomplice in stealing the apparent limelight of ‘Rexx the Idiotic Slayer’. Following behind the mysterious stranger is another breathtaking figure that this time captivates the men and at the same time overloads their minds with lust filled intentions. This woman who is of the Naga race based on the scales shown is a beauty who could even sway the heavens to do her bidding. Well not really, anyhow her mature aura she unconsciously exhibits makes even the most faithful men forget about their wives at home. The violet exotic hair and equally exotic scales that makes stripes along her body seems to beg for one to follow the violet scaled road to see where it ends. The imagination of adventurers with weapons and uncontrollable lust is a dangerous combination. What is even viler about these men is their thought process that leads to the conclusion of her being a slave that the noble-looking man bought for a huge price. Including the fact that she is blind makes her an easy target that for them will be easy prey. Such is the way of the humans in this world, if you cannot have it, you steal it. Or, if the person is weak then you use force to make it yours. This twisted logic will be their downfall. A perfect example shows itself.
“Hey mister how about you give me that Naga tribe girl, I’ll pay you twice what you got for her kekeke.”
The 'mister' who this imbecile is referring to is of course Xaramax who decided to visit the human kingdoms to look for an unpolished gem or diamond in the rough like Nikki was. His thought process was that while they are looking for a person they might as well join the adventurer’s guild and rank up to get quests which will tell of locations that could lead to powerful monsters that could become his minions. Of course he could just look at the quest board that has the details and then leave but he thought it’s no fun to do that. Plus if he acts as a human part-time, the information gathering could prove to be invaluable. Furthermore, a childish dream he had when he was human before was to go undercover someday…
Anyways the mood as of now is as tense as a prison inmate’s butthole during a shower. Xaramax decides to play along with the situation since their flight from the cave to here took several days and the boredom accumulated was near-astronomical.
“How about a counter-offer? If you can defeat her in a battle you can keep her without paying, however if she wins, she gets to decide what to do with you.”
After his offer the whole guild cracks up laughing, not paying attention to the calm faces both Xaramax and Nikki show. Unknowingly they stepped on a dragon’s tail. Well, stepped on a hidden dragon’s trap.
“Ok ok, are you sure though? She can’t even see! Anyways it’s your loss, sure I’ll take the offer. Let’s go outside to the guilds training field!”
Once he says that the perverted idiot nonchalantly strolls out of the building and the two strangers follow. Rexx, who is now like background music in an elevator also follows along. As dim-witted as he is there is a reason that he’s still alive and at B rank level. It’s his discernable eye that tells him ‘Those two aren’t simple’. Fortunately the last part of his thoughts are omitted due to the stupidity that might plague the human population, resulting in a loss of competence amongst others. Truly an enigma better left alone.
------In the training ground outside of the guild-----
The receptionist from before has taken it upon herself to judge the seemingly ridiculous and one-sided match between the two. Everyone besides Valexii and Xaramax believe that Nikki will end up as a sex-slave by the end of the day and feel pity. Not pity for Nikki however, pity that they weren’t the first ones to stand up and propose this duel first. As if thinking ‘Damn, now I’m going to have to pay a lot more to buy her afterwards’. Xaramax can obviously tell what they are thinking and can’t help but plastering a rare smirk on his face, mocking the conclusions the puny humans reach in their minds.
To the battle at hand, the pervert and Nikki are standing 15 meters away from each other and ready for the duel. The pervert and his mighty degenerate wisdom decides his sword is the best weapon to rip the clothes off of his opponent whilst attacking during the match. ‘A hidden motive such as this will bring pride towards his title’ is what his subconscious sentient advisor tells him.
On the other hand, Nikki doesn’t bring out any weapons at all. This confuses the crowd and at the same time solidifies their conclusion of the perverted victor. Only they don’t know that the hybrid other-world martial art Muay Maga doesn’t need a weaponized object to attain victory. The practitioner’s extremities are a weapon themselves. Lethal, quick, and no wasted moves. The epitome of hand-to-hand martial arts [Polareuse] has yet to see.
“Before I beat you down, you should know my name, it is Gerald I’m C rank! Don’t worry after hurt you, I’ll fix you up real nice kekeke”
After the introduction of the perve—um—Gerald, a thought runs through Xaramax’s mind: ‘Typical villain cliché.’
Nikki decides to spare no words to Gerald and instead brings her hands up and gets into a fighting position. Seeing this, the receptionist starts the duel.
“The rules for this duel is no killing, and the loser is the person who is knocked unconscious or unable to fight. Begin!”
Nikki begins to lightly bounce on her bare feet. She wears no boots so she can maintain maximum control and speed during fights. This is true even when she is not fighting and has had this habit since the beginning of learning Muay Maga from Xaramax.
Taking no time to question to himself why she is bouncing, Gerald closes the distance quickly and strikes downward from above. Sporting a smug smile he shows many openings that only an amateur would make. Nikki can hear his footsteps and feel the disturbance in the air so she dodges to the left while Gerald is in mid-swing.
After dodging she does a Muay Thai elbow strike to the face, stunning him momentarily. Taking the small opportunity she follows up with a Krav Maga punch combo to the side of his head, the ear. After striking four times with the fist to his ear, she finishes it out with a palm strike thus disabling one of his ears.
Now Gerald’s swing is finished and he has been taking the combo after it ends he tries to step back and gain some distance. Unfortunately the whole right side of his head is messed up and he tries to look over to see where Nikki should be. Since his hearing and some of his vision is blurry he never realized that after Nikki finished the combo she swiftly got behind him, thus not able to counter the power angle kick that hits right side upper body near the kidney. Given power and the sufficient time to release the devastating Muay Thai kick she sent Gerald flying a few meters.
At this point the silence is tenfold more significant than when they entered the adventurer’s guild. The crowd who were counting how much gold they could afford to spend buying her later on are now trying to hide it like a teenager would a porn magazine. Xaramax however is thinking, ‘She was only using 50% of her power, if this were a death match it would be over before he knew what was happening.’ Fortunately he was not speaking this, otherwise these men would probably be inclined to even put a notice on the quest board for a Naga tribe ‘monster’ subjugation request on her…
The crowd was in an uproar now that it was over and some of Gerald’s friends picked up his now unconscious body to take away like some sort of medieval paramedics. Once things started to cool down, everyone went back in the guild and continued to drink beer and talk about the duel. Rexx walks over to the counter with a deflated ego, and starts to accept the mission. However Xaramax with Nikki interrupt.
“Did you say you were going to go and kill a Golden Thunder Wolf?”
Rexx who knows that there isn't a point in acting arrogant in front of these two who are most likely as strong, or stronger than himself replies.
“Yeah it’s an A rank quest that I’m going to complete. Why?”
Xaramax understands this is an opportunity asks:
“Is there a way we can join you to help finish it? We can hold our own against a monster like that.”
Indeed, they absolutely could. During training in the mountains albeit unknown to them they have killed many A rank monsters. Every time they see a monster who has A rank strength they go and either kill it for food and materials or Xaramax tries to tame it. Unfortunately the A rank monsters they meet would rather die before kneeling to someone else in which case they end up as dinner.
Furthermore there are some A rank monsters that have human-like intelligence even though it’s extremely rare, and opportunity to go to one they already know the location to is not a chance to be cast away. So far A rank is the highest they have found in the wild, and both are eager to see if they can ‘recruit’ the animal to their team. Some A rank monsters can even human-form which could be an extra perk added. His other thoughts are if the other guy gets in the way they can just kill him and go back to the guild saying he sacrificed himself for them to get away or some other excuse.
The receptionist uses this moment to speak about the situation.
“Well if you join Mr. Rexx you can go along since he is qualified to accept the quest. Know that the only reason you can join his party is because of his qualifications. The rules say that at least one member has to be a high enough rank to accept the quest. Also you need to register to the guild first.”
Rexx decides to put away his petty pride of thinking he can take on anything by himself and allows them to join his party for the time being. Maybe his stupidity is not everlasting?
“Alright you can join the party but I’m the leader so you listen to me got it?”
Apparently it is.
“If you can sign here and put your name and race then drop a little bit of blood on this card you will be ready to go. The cost for the guild card is 2 silver.”
The receptionist explains the registration and both of them do as she says. Valexii doesn’t count since they believe her to be an average tamed pet. It is to be expected however, as she compacted herself to be small enough to sleep on top of Xaramax shoulders. Once Nikki and him pay the fee with money taken from the bandits 10 years ago, they exit the guild with the ignorant Rexx to go hunt the Golden Thunder Wolf.
So should I kill Rexx or keep him? hehehe
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