《Dreamers Insanity - Pokemon fanfic》Missions Call



Jared held up a pokeball, "Do you know what this is Bulbasaur?"

Bulbasaur shook his head, but he eyed the object with suspicion anyway.

"This is a device that allows humans to reduce the food consumption of their pokemon partners, and will let you to find me if we get separated... Will you allow me to use it on you?"

Seeing Bulbasaurs reluctance, Nyx expanded his form menacingly, "Pathetic weakling, even I bound myself to one of his evil slave devices, you dare think yourself better than me?"

Jared shook his head, "It's not a slave device, you aren't helping Nyx!" Jared turned to a more reluctant Bulbasaur, "I don't have the money to easily replace these... are you willing or not.

...Well, let's not force it, he did agree to join me, so there's no need to rush things...

...I've been taught that the fastest way for a pokemon to become stronger is through defeating new opponents. No matter how much negative energy I gave him, Nyx never evolved, and it was only until he defeated that Nocturn that he became a haunter... Still, those lessons with Koi are paying off... I wonder how he's doing now...

Away from the charred battlefield, Jared commanded, "Nyx, spread out your form, see if you can find something for Bulbasaur to fight, there isn't much daylight left, but time waits for no man."

Grumbling, Nyx did as asked, and it wasn't long before Jared heard Nyx's voice in his head, "A couple of rats are hiding underground."


Soon Jared and Bulbasaur stood near a small burrow. Jared looked to Nyx, who was floating impatiently, "Is this the only entrance?"


Jared scratched his head, ...I could have Nyx smoke them out, but I don't know which direction they will go... Oh well, I'm still too ignorant, let's try this...

"Nyx, see if you can pull them out, but be careful to not hurt them, as they are not your opponent this time."


Two high-pitched squeaks were heard, and soon two plump rattatas were pulled from their underground home, and unceremoniously dropped in front of Jared and Bulbasaur.

The moment the two small rat-like pokemon were released, they immediately tried to flee, but Nyx grabbed them again with annoyance, and he held them up in midair. The two creatures frantically tried to bite the strong tentacles, and wriggle out, but Nyx didn't seem to feel it. The bites were not infused with elemental energy!


Jared shook his head, ...This won't do, they have no fighting spirit whatsoever... defeating them like this will serve no purpose.

"Nyx... just let them go, this was a mistake."

Finally free, the two creatures hurriedly scurried off.

Jared watched them go, ...Live and learn I guess.

A few minutes later,

"Human, the two rats are following behind... and now there are ten."

Jared scratched his chin, but didn't turn around, ...Ten is a bit much, but Bulbasaur is still unwilling to be captured by me... maybe I can...

With a sly look, Jared spoke, "I found some opponents for you... Bulbasaur."


Two rattatas emerged from the brush, Bulbasaur scoffed, he recognized them from earlier.

Jared saw Bulbasaur nonchalance and shook his head.

In Bulbasaurs mind, he felt he was strong enough to travel these forests alone. He had seen the creatures that inhabit it, and he felt he could handle its dangers.

Jared smiled as he watched Bulbasaur headlong charge into the two rattatas. He whispered too quiet for Bulbasaur to hear, "Nyx, get ready to intervene if Bulbasaur is knocked out."

"Hmph," With that, Nyx faded into nothingness.


Seeing the charging Bulbasaur the two rattatas scurried back, but Bulbasaur continued his pursuit.

Suddenly, Bulbasaur felt an impact on his right flank, which toppled him over.

Six rattatas now had him surrounded, while four more were keeping a wary eye on Jared!

Using his vine whip, Bulbasaur flipped himself on his feet before the six Rattatas could continue their assault.

The surprise attack didn't finish off the foe, so the six loosely surrounded Bulbasaur from all sides. They were like a pack of wolves, just waiting for their prey to make a mistake.

Bulbasaur was young and easily flustered. Hearing the menacing squeaks and provocations, he used his vine whips to lash towards the closest rattata.

In response, the rattata in question simply moved back. With his vines preoccupied, the other five charged in with quick attacks.

With excellent coordination, the five rattatas impacted Bulbasaur all at once, and knocked him ten meters forward!

Bloodied and bruised, Bulbasaur retracted his vines, to defend himself, and help himself to his feet.

He was once again surrounded by the six snarling rattatas and fear was beginning to take over, he had lost his fighting spirit!


Jared, who was watching the entire fight, finally gave a shout, and it was loud enough for Bulbasaur to hear, "Do you no longer care for your mother? Are a few weak foes already the limits of your hatred?"

Furious at the mention of his mother, Bulbasaurs fear vanished.

Keeping his vines close, Bulbasaur taunted the six rattatas in the pokemon language.

Seeing their foe was heavily wounded, yet arrogant, the six rattatas charged in from all sides.

Like an oak tree in the wind, Bulbasaur braced for the quick attacks, and using the vines whips he kept close, he wove them around two of the rattatas.

Bound by the vines, and flailing in the air, the two rattata shrieked and squirmed.

Bulbasaur was now bloodied, but his gaze was firm.

The rattatas had to come in close to attack, and now that he got a hold of two of them, he would finally deliver sweet payback!

Jared smirked, ...That's a better look. Even if he can't win, I can tell he wants to take them down with him. That's the mindset an avenger should have...

With the two rattatas in his grasp, Bulbasaur began slapping them against each other.

The remaining rattatas were not idle during this, they continued to quick attack and tackle. Bulbasaurs vines soon retracted, while the two unlucky rattatas dropped to the hard forest floor like limp ragdolls. They would not get back up.

"Nyx, NOW"

Bulbasaur thought he heard something before losing consciousness, but it was indistinct.

His ally had mocked him and left him to die. He was unwilling, but sleep was calling him.


Waking up to a crackling fire, Bulbasaur felt good as new, although hungry.

Straining his eyes using the only light source to see, Bulbasaur found Jared sitting on a log, watching him.

"Hey, you, you're finally awake."

Bulbasaur scowled

"Did you really think I was going to let you die?"

Bulbasaur looked away as he laid back down.

Jared placed a bowl of food next to Bulbasaur, then turned away, pointing into the blackness, "The forest is more dangerous than you thought huh?"


Sitting back down on the log, Jared remarked, "I used the last of my potion on you, if you still refuse the pokeball, then I won't be able to save you if you get badly injured again. The pokeball won't heal you, but it will prevent your state from worsening, it's got many uses.

Seeing a grudging nod, Jared meandered over to Bulbasaur, "I don't have much money... so if you break it..." Jared laughed, "Then I'm gonna make you pay for it, so don't resist!"

Jared tapped Bulbasaur on the head with a pokeball before he could change his mind.

Immediately the ball began shaking in Jared's palm. Jared felt a flash of panic, if Bulbasaur breaks out, he would lose the pokeball!

However, his fears were unfounded, the ball soon calmed down.

Bulbasaur was caught!

Releasing Bulbasaur from his ball, Jared nodded, "See, it's not scary."

Bulbasaur just squinted back.

...He's been quiet since his mother's death, but how can I blame him, nobody gets over death in a single day... especially when it's a loved one... I need to keep his mind focused on something else because it's easy to slip into... other memories, and lose yourself to despair. I know this well...

In response to the unamused look, Jared said, "If you want to avenge your mother, then there is a price to pay, what's a pokeball or two between achieving that?"

Nyx's voice echoed from the darkness, "Weaklings don't deserve revenge."

Talking past Nyx, Jared focused on Bulbasaur, "I can't offer you much, and I'm ignorant on the methods to train you, but this really isn't a bad deal for you. I can feed you and provide medicine when you are injured, so the only thing you need to do is focus on getting stronger. "

Bulbasaur was unconvinced on the first half of the sentence, but, by the end, he gave a firm nod.

"I received a message from my employer. We don't have much time to train tomorrow, and I'm out of potions regardless, so eat up quickly... Nyx is going to float us to town now that you are finally awake!"

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