《Governor》Chapter 16


After handing off the cards, Robin rushed into the dining room, a pang of hunger pain gnawing at her stomach. Upon reaching her destination, two figures were standing idle at the edge of the long table.

Stunning would be an understatement, looking at the pair of identical siblings. Horns protruded from the side of their heads resembling that of a ram. Ardat Lili and Irdu Lili were their names and of Mesopotamian roots known best as being succubus/incubus.

Robin remembered the pair well since they were part of a themed gacha banner when she started the game. The pair came as one, Ardat being the female and Irdu male. They dressed in fine quality leather, Ardat bearing a tight leather mini skirt with fishnets, while her chest hid little to nothing for the world to see. The long pinkish hair curled delicately near her midsection, round oval face accompanied by large eyes with equally long eyelashes and pink petal lips as the cherry on top of her unearthly appearance.

The brother of the pair fashioned the same leather outfit, very tight leather pants with patches of tight-fitting leather wrapping around his chest area and abdomen. Elaborate detailing was engraved in every corner, compared to Quinn’s militaristic themed dress, but it offered a cool vibe oozing out. His pink hair gave away the fact that Ardat was indeed his sibling, however his eyes were less enlarged and more narrow causing sirens to blare in warning if you were to approach even three meters inside his space.

This will work for sure…

Robin had not expected Quinn to pick a pair of sex demons as the face of their start-up business however, looks were more powerful when it came to life landing third just before experience and intelligence. That was according to what she looked on the employee applications.

She gave a mental applaud to the game developers and their team of freelancing artist who sculpted these almost Adonis-like figures. Their looks would definitely sell and both men and women will flock to them like moths to a flame.


“Perfect. This is exactly what I want. I thank you for the help Quinn.” Robin got up and went to examine them more closely, only to stop a meter away.

“I hope you don’t mind taking up an important mission that requires human interactions and beguiling your way into the upper echelon of nobility.” she simply explained, simplifying what was going to be in store for the pair of twins. Maybe it sounded like underhanded prostitution, but Robin was not less different.

If selling her body made her just a tad closer to her goal, she would view it as a small price to pay. Looking back at the times when she started as an intern, her dignity lied in what she could do for her brother, rather her sense of morals and dignity were twisted in an uncanny matter.

“We shall gladly obey, milord,” Ardat kneeled, her silvery voice was light and clear enough to be superb in customer service. It brought Robin back into the present, smiling at the pair of twins though her eyes were not.

It was fortunate that there was a makeshift blackboard that allowed her thoughts and ideas to be better portrayed by the other party in the dining room.

It must have been Quinn’s idea.

“You will disguise yourselves along with a few other servants as rich entrepreneurs into Xaexaviel. There may be a few legal implications at first from setting a shop, but minimally using your abilities wouldn’t cause any harm to help establish yourselves in the capital. Furthermore, you must promise not to do anything risky that will reveal your true identity, unless granted permission to do so.”

She wrote it down on the board before conducting on how business transactions work, advertising through the use of free samples, and handling competition. As for restocking, it shouldn’t be much of a problem with the help of Blair’s ongoing research.

Quinn quietly entered the room and settled a cup of steaming tea for Robin. Besides the floral scent of the tea, a different scent emanated from Quinn.


Robin couldn’t help but curiously ask, “Did you change perfume Quinn?”

Quinn’s heart thumped loudly in her chest at the sudden question but muttered shyly back, “Yes, Master. Is the fragrance not to your liking?”

“Oh no. I was just asking. It smells nice so you don’t have to worry so much.” Robin replied not realizing what she had done, allowed a million flowers blooming inside of Quinn. She didn’t realize the small ting of red dusting the violet-haired woman’s ears.

Ardat watched at the sidelines, glancing at her Master’s obliviousness toward Quinn’s deepening affections. As a succubus, she didn't’ know what was love and felt a bit of envy rising up knowing Quinn had the pleasure to feel something so amazing. Irdu glanced at his other half and closed his eyes knowing full well what Ardat was feeling currently and silently scoffed.

Robin held the chalk in her hand but paused before it touched the board. Another idea sprouted in her head, but couldn’t really recall it until she took another whiff of the fragrant tea and the lingering scent of Quinn’s perfume.

Perfume! How could I forget?

Perfumes were forgotten on the list of commodities, so she quickly wrote it at the edge of the blackboard. Many more ideas would eventually pop back into her mind, but perfumes would definitely be a hit within the circle of noble ladies and also well off middle-class ladies.

As for the particular group she wanted to target, the wealthy class was their main focus and maybe the richer middle-class population. The lower class were a different problem, but will eventually be addressed at a later date. For now, she needed a good brand name for her goods, something elegant foreign but easy to identify.

In the end, she named it Laoen in remembrance for her brother; the username in which he used.

“Master...this name…” Quinn’s head buzzed like static. The name was familiar, but an unnatural force kept her from recalling the significance of the name. The more she attempted to recall this name, the static became more prominent in her head.

“It’s my brother’s name...and it will be the shop’s name and future brand of our company.” Robin quietly spoke.

Quinn eerily glanced at the chalky written name, an unnatural foreboding rushing through her veins. She said it was her brother’s name, a new piece of information that connected her existence and also her Master. An urgency to question her Master filled her, yet no words were uttered out from her mouth. It was as though she became mute; the same unknown force preventing her or even threatening her from being too curious for her own good. It’s as though they were mocking her into knowing her own place.

She helplessly watched.

“Ardat and Irdu will come travel with me to the main capital in the coming month, however to keep discretion, I’ll have to keep my distance to prevent our relationship from being discovered unless necessary.”

Robin sat down and began to eat her dinner, having forgotten her hunger until now. She felt too weak to continue the conversation, her hands trembling and her body aching in fatigue. There were so many little details needed to be traced over, a wrong step may lead to an unsightly problem.

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