《In Danmachi with Plasmids》New Year’s eve (Restructured)
'I woke up screaming on my bed.'
'Sweat slowly fell down my forehead.'
"What time is it?"
'I picked up the pocket watch from the desk and took a look at it.'
Did I oversleep?
'My entire body shook, making me drop my watch on the bed.'
"What just… AHHH!"
'Pain. A pain greater than anything I ever felt before.'
'As if my body was breaking into pieces…'
'A small green light shone on my forehead. And within a minute, the pain went away. But the light on my forehead flickered and disappeared.'
'Unfortunately, our hero didn't notice that.'
"My body… Seems fine."
'I just came back and this happened… Give me a break.'
"That wasn't a dream, no way it was."
"I have no physical injuries… Magic? Some sort of soul link? Did my thoughts materialize somewhere far away?..."
'Perhaps I should delve into magic research later and figure that out.'
"... Being realistic. That isn't an option. Such a thing may take decades to properly study. I am already full with what I have."
Perhaps I should talk about this with my future God, he/she might be able to help me with this.
'My belly made a thunderous sound…'
"Why am I so hungry? I ate a feast yesterday…"
Well. I will soon leave this Inn. Better enjoy it while I can.
/Sniff sniff/
It smells like a dumpster in here!
Did… Did I shit myself?!
I didn't.
But I still smell terrible. I need a shower right now.
"I am not really in the mood for a quick bath, I just want to soak in some hot water."
'Just like last time, I filled the bathtub and tried to enjoy a hot bath...'
'But my stomach requested food immediately!'
'With a bath taken and fresh clothes, I went down towards the first floor.'
'Before I went down, I decided to see if I could still access my inventory from that strange place.'
'And lo and behold!'
'I couldn't…'
"This is strange, my items are back. This can only mean one thing. That I have two separate inventory spaces now."
But this doesn't make any sense… The space should be directly connected with me… Not like I have that deep of an understanding of space to make assumptions…
"At least I have my stuff back."
'Taking out a small pouch filled with some coins and placing it in my belt, I got out of my room.'
'I only saw two people in the entire Inn.'
'The movement was quite small, perhaps because it will be soon the last week of the year?'
'The Innkeeper, whose name was Vycus, was cleaning some cups on top of the bar rail.'
'He noticed me climbing down the stairs, and he almost dropped the cup.'
'I sat down on the chair and talked with him:'
"Hey boss, can I have some food? Any will do, just make it quick…"
'His expression seemed conflicted but he ended up saying:'
"You seem quite skinny. I am not going to ask what you did this past week, but I hope next time you warn me. I thought you had died in the Dungeon, my daughter even cried a little."
"Hum?? Didn't I tell you I was walking around Orario?"
"That was last week! You disappeared one week ago… At least you are fine. Remember to pay up for the extra days though…"
"What… What is the date Vycus!?"
"I see you had quite the fun this past week… Today is December 31, New Year's eve."
(I don't know if they use another form of calendar in Danmachi.)
Did I sleep for an entire week?
So much for my promise of entering a Familia in a week... It's not like I was going to follow that anyway since I decided to enter either the Loki or Hephaestus Familia.
"HA! I know that look. That's the look from someone who can't remember shit!... This brings back memories of my younger days. I used to be an adventurer when I was younger you see. Every month we had a big party with lots of drinks."
"And every single time, I would end up forgetting everything I did in the past week, HAHAHA!"
But I didn't drink anything…
That explains why I was so smelly and hungry… Did my body stay here for a week? But I only spent around an hour there…
'While I thought about the subject, Vycus came to me with a big plate full of stuff.'
"Sorry for this, but this is all I have left, business is slow during this time, so I don't bother to restock. On the contrary, I just want to sell everything I have left."
'I dug into the food.'
"Sorry for not having anything of better quality. Here's your Orange juice…"
'I drank it all in one shot.'
"I will fetch some more…"
'After a big round of eating, I felt satisfied.'
"I needed this…"
"I can see that… Next time, drink less kid…"
"Like you are one to talk!"
'His wife came from behind and gave him a smack with a rolled-up journal.'
"Ouch!... Forgive me wifey…"
'The two kept talking over something while I just continued to eat another plate the boss gave me.'
'After some time, the woman just left, probably to fetch her daughter that was in a friend's house.'
'They weren't talking in a low voice, so I pretty much heard everything they said.'
"I can't eat anymore..."
"And I can't cook anymore… My hands hurt."
'I took out my pouch and asked:'
"How much do I owe you?"
"Just give me a Thousand. I will round up for you since you didn't eat anything in the past week. Make sure to recommend our Inn to others if you can, haha!"
"Sure thing."
"... The Inn will close for the next few days. Do you have a place to stay? We still have your room. Just give me the coin and you can stay here until…"
"Thank you for worrying old man."
"I will look for another place to stay, one that includes breakfast and dinner. But take this, it should be enough to cover for another week in case I don't find another place to stay."
"Even if I don't, consider it as a gift from making you worry."
"I am not worried about you brat!"
'As he said that he took the money in the counter'
"Yeah yeah. Keep lying to yourself…"
"Get away from here!"
'I waved at him and left the shop.'
"Tsk! Kids these days… I am not old! I am 37!"
(His daughter is around 12)
"That's quite old." Said one of the men in the shop.
'Silver left the inn and made his way across the streets, he didn't really have a destination in mind.'
"Did you hear? The Loki Familia did their recruitment earlier this time!" Said an adventurer on the side of the road
"What? But it's New Year's eve… Don't they give their adventurers time to rest?"
"There is a rumor…"
What? The Loki Familia is recruiting?
Normally they would do that after two weeks into the new year.
That might be a chance.
Although the Loki Familia isn't the best option for me, it's still a pretty solid one.
'I picked my pocket watch and read the time.'
It's quite late… And tomorrow is the New Year…
Am I too late?
"Excuse me you two. I am sorry that I overheard your conversation, but is the Loki Familia recruitment still happening?"
'The two men looked at me with the one on the left talking first.'
"Yeah mate, they stopped quite early as well. But no worries. They will still resume it after the first week of the new year ends. You can also apply during this time, if you are lucky, they may accept you."
"But it isn't guaranteed, you may even piss someone off. I recommend waiting one extra week. Said the other man on the right."
"Thanks, friends, happy new year."
"You too friend." X2
"Looks like I was a little late"
"I still have a lot of time until they recruit again…"
Sigh… Might as well take a look around… Perhaps I can find a place to sleep that also serves breakfast and dinner.
'Walking down the street, I saw that every Inn was either full or closed. Dejected, I continued my way down the street and somehow, I found myself in front of the Hostess of fertility.'
(As I said previously, the street where his Inn is located is the same as where the HF operates.)
'Did I develop muscle memory for this place?'
"Might as well enter."
'But instead of the usual movement, the pub seemed dead…'
"We are already closed…"
'Syr, who was cleaning a table near me and stopped talking and looked at me. She looked incredibly surprised.'
"Its… It's you!"
'She ran to me and stopped a few feet away from me.'
That's a little too close for comfort lady…
"How are you miss?"
"Are you okay adventurer-san? You disappeared on us for an entire week. I was rather worried since Mama mia took out my extra pay..."
I have a name… What did she say at the end?
"Thankfully everything is good and in order with me."
"That's good… You probably came here to eat right? Unfortunately we are already closed for today."
"To be truthful, I didn't come here to eat."
"Oh! Could it be… Did you come here to see someone?"
"Yes in fact. I came here to see you."
'Syr's face quickly got red.'
(Syr is weak against teasing, even though she loves teasing others)
"Just kidding. I didn't have anything else to do so I just thought I would come here and take a look to see if you are open. But I guess it was a futile trip."
'Syr pouted a little but soon recovered.'
"It's quite cold, would you like to enter so that we can talk while I do my work? I can serve you a cup of warm water."
"Sure, if it isn't a bother for the other workers."
'I sat at a bench while Syr cleaned the table.'
"Where is everyone? Shouldn't they be helping you?"
"They should be back soon, Ryuu and Lunoire just went to take out the trash while Chole and Anya are cleaning upstairs. Mia and May are cleaning the kitchen."
(May does not appear in the anime, she is a catgirl that cooks behind the scenes. I wonder how she can actually cook for dozens of people though.)
"I see."
"I am quite curious. Why did you suddenly stop coming? Mama mia got quite sad…"
"Really? Was she sad that I stopped visiting or was she sad because she lost a well-paying customer?"
"Oi! Don't say that! Else you may lose your head!"
'I laughed a little and Syr did the same.'
"I… Had a commission to do. So I got occupied for around a week. After that, I went in search of a Familia."
"Wait. You don't have one yet?"
'Syr's eyes seemed to be shining for some reason.'
"Unfortunately, I don't. That's why I took my time to search for one."
"And did you find it? Are you in a Familia?"
"So you should find one as soon as possible!"
"Yes I know, that's why I tried going to the Hephaestus Familia last week and why I am going to apply to the Loki Familia next week."
'Out of nowhere, Syr dropped a glass cup.'
"Oh no! How clumsy of me…"
'Her eyes were quite scary.'
"Tell me, why the Loki and Hephaestus Familia?"
"They just have anything I need. Resources and people that can help me progress further down my path."
"I know blacksmithing, so I was hoping to join Hephaestus and perhaps join a combat-oriented group."
'Syr just agreed with a monotone.'
"Is something wrong?"
"Nothing! In fact, everything is great. How couldn't? It's new year's eve and I am here cleaning instead of…"
Calm down, girl!
'Before Syr could continue her rant, Ryuu and Lunoire came back.'
"Who are you talking with Syr?" Asked Lunoire.
But she soon noticed me and for a moment she stopped and thought.
"... It's the pretty boy!"
'Me, Ryuu, and Syr looked at Lunoire speechlessly.'
Is this the extent of my impression in your eyes?
"Haha! Look at your face. I was just kidding."
"Syr. You shouldn't take clients at this hour. Mama mia will punish you if she sees this." Said Ryuu.
Quite cold and rude to me you know…
But she isn't wrong, better leave before that gorilla comes, it would be a shame to pass the new year unconscious...
"So I guess this is my time to leave. Thank you for the water."
'Ryuu noticed the implications of her words but before she could speak I said:'
"I only came here to say hi, it was me who ended up making trouble, so don't blame her. Anyway, see you all next year. Happy new year!"
'And I left quickly.'
'After Silver left, the girls looked at each other speechelessly.'
"That wasn't cool Ryuu. You shouldn't say such a thing to Syr's crush. Said Chloe from upstairs."
"Chloe?! Were you hearing our conversation in secret?!" Said Syr
'As she said that, another head popped up from the corner.'
"She is right nya."
'It was the cat girl, Anya.'
"Even you Anya?!"
'Syr ran away in embarrassment.'
"Annd there she goes…" Said Chloe.
"What does that man even have? He is handsome and knows how to talk a little but…"
"He is missing that "Humph" you know." Said Lunoire
"You're not wrong, I guess having a strong partner is good?" Asked Chloe
"To each their own. Perhaps several days of talking and a small disappearance were enough to catch her heart?" Said Anya.
"Don't be stupid. Syr isn't as innocent as you think… There might be an insider story. We need to interrogate her later!" Said Chloe
'Ryuu was completely silent the entire conversation, she was clearly feeling quite guilty.'
'Chloe ran down the stairs and hugged her friend.'
"Ohhh! Don't be down my little forest elf! I am sure he will be here again. At that time you can apologize."
'Ryuu's lips curled up into a small smile.'
"You are right…"
'Mama mia barged out of the kitchen and said:'
"Come on! Let's finish these all so we can enjoy New Year's eve properly!"
"Haii… X 5"
'Silver continued on his night walk, eventually making his way to… Nowhere.'
'He just kept walking, following his heart to God knows where.'
'After half an hour…'
'He ended up back at the Hostess of Fertility.'
"... How did I come back here?"
(Zoro vibes)
Is this what you want my heart?...
I should just go find a place to sleep. Is there an Inn open at this time?
Perhaps... Should I go back to the old man?... Nah, I don't want to be made fun of...
Only in my grave will I allow that guy to make fun of me.
'Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my shoulder.'
'I quickly got in a combat position and maneuvered myself to counterattack. But the enemy was too strong. He didn't even move from his place even after I exerted force.'
'Just when I considered whether or not I should just use a Plasmid…'
"...I am sorry."
'I looked behind me to see a beautiful elf girl with green hair.'
'Her beauty seemed to be enhanced by the moonlight.'
I understand now why Bell was mesmerized by her appearance, her beauty is almost supernatural.
Her hands… Did she just touch me? Isn't she one of those Elves who don't like skin contact? Although she is wearing gloves ...
"Did Syr tell you my name?... I guess it's only proper to introduce myself now."
"My name is Ryuu, Ryuu Lion. Allow me to once again for being rude earlier."
'She bowed.'
"It was nothing really."
"... May I ask you why you are here again… Apologies! That was rude of me again…"
"No it's fine. It's quite embarrassing, but I was just walking aimlessly, but I ended up back at this place. I was about to look for an Inn to stay at."
"It seems that after taking this road every day in the past month, my body just gravitates towards this place haha..." Said Silver awkwardly
"... If it isn't too much, would you like to stay in the Pub? We have more than enough rooms available."
"Thank you but I was just looking for a place to stay that could provide me with breakfast haha... There is no need to bother yourself with me."
"You should reconsider. At this time, there aren't any open Inns accepting new people. Most are already filled to the brim. Much less those that offer breakfast."
"If it isn't too much, I can cook you a plate on the morning as an apology."
"Isn't that too much?..."
"I will make it work, but that's my problem. I promised something and I will deliver it."
"That's putting too much pressure on you for something so trivial."
'She smiled a little.'
"Thank you for being considerate, but I am sure none of them are going to care. Syr might even be happy…"
'She said that last part in a low voice.'
"What did you say?"
"Come inside." She said as she ignored Silver's question
'And she led the way to the Pub.'
'Silver looked at her as she entered the barely lit pub.'
Staying in the HF... That's a privilege that I am sure very few have actually enjoyed.
'There wasn't anyone in the bar/restaurant part of the Inn.'
'But the moment we entered, someone opened the door of the kitchen.'
'It was Mama mia.'
"Ryuu? Why did you leave so… Ah I see."
'She looked at me with a serious look.'
"What is this about Ryuu? First, it was Syr, now you?"
'Ryuu bowed a little, and I followed her, knowing what she was going to ask.'
"Please, let him stay here for the night."
'I followed after Ryuu and said:'
"... Sigh… Damn kid! What sort of spell did you use on the girls?!"
'She went to me and slapped me on my back.'
'As she slapped me, my pocket watch fell on the ground, making an unhealthy "crack" sound.'
'But Mama Mia didn't seem to have noticed it… Or she ignored it.'
"Do as you wish! But I warn you kid! If you do something…"
'She picked a sausage that was on the ceiling and snapped it in half.'
One month in Orario and I already received a threat from a Level 6 adventurer...
"I promise to not even leave the room you place me in."
"I hope so. For your own good..."
"HAHAHA! Smile a bit more kid! It's almost New year!"
"Tomorrow I will cook a great dish for you... At a cost of course."
'And she left.'
'Ryuu chuckled a little seeing my reaction.'
"You seem to really fear her, what happened to the confident men that always eat for 4?"
"That and now are different. In there, the only thing at stake is my money…"
'Ryuu had a small smile on her face.'
"Follow me, I will show you the room."
'She guided me to the second floor, there were a lot of rooms up here.'
"You can stay in this room. We open at 8, but we normally wake up earlier."
"Thank you, really. I will repay you some…"
'She picked a spoon and placed it in my mouth.'
"No need… See you tomorrow then… Adventurer Silver."
"Goodnight… Waitress Ryuu. Happy new year."
"... Happy new year..."
'The door was closed and locked from the outside.'
Okay, that was unnecessary…
"So first, how about a hot bath?"
'There wasn't a bathtub here, so I will have to make my own.'
'My hand turned brown with some twigs sprouting out of it.'
'Manipulation of wood. It isn't as strong as you imagine. There are many better ways to use it for both combat or other areas.'
'Slowly, the wood on the floor morphed into a rather crude bathtub.'
"Good enough."
'I just repeated all of the steps I had done earlier in the Inn from here.'
'After I finished taking a bath I went to take a look at my clock whose pointers were not moving.'
'Taking out my toolbox from my inventory, I opened up the clock.'
"... One of the gears fell out of place and the pointers are dysregulated… Pretty easy to fix. At least there are no scratches."
Done… But what time is it?
'I opened the window and took a look outside, there weren't any clock towers on sight.'
(I assume they exist since Gods invented even Plastic. Although guns don't seem to be a thing. Not that they would be useful.)
"Looks like I will have to use the moon."
"... Around 10 Perhaps 10:30?"
I will just overestimate, for now, better wake up earlier than being labeled as a lazy ass.
Now I'm going to sleep, I am pretty tired.
"… I am not going to that place again right?..."
'For the next hour or two, I just got pretty concerned about this fact, but I eventually went to sleep.'
'Something that didn't help was the laughing sounds of the girls in the room next to mine. They were certainly having a small party.'
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