《ARC》Book 1 Chapter 7 Abducted


"Damned woman, which way did she go?" Noah cursed to himself as he ran towards the prismatic beam of light.

The glowing iridescent light beam had moved noticeably closer during this fruitless side quest. At some point, Noah realized that the cat was too lazy to chase after him. He began to slow down his pace into a fast walk to catch his breath. He glanced behind to make sure that he was safe to stop. He clutched his hips as he drew in deep gasping breaths while tilting his back as sweat dripped from his brow onto his already drenched shirt.

"She's going to pay for that when I find her. She didn't help with the cat or lead me to the beam of light, and she even took my share of the crystals." Noah muttered darkly to himself.

After walking for a time, Noah's back began to ache painfully as he remembered that he was injured by the cat's attack. He reached behind his shoulder to feel that an extended shallow cut had formed across his back. He hissed in pain after touching the wound. He then brought his hand in front of his face to discover that blood was soaking his fingertips.

I should be able to make it to the beam of light in another ten to fifteen minutes, then I'll find out if Rachel was at least telling me the truth about that.

A short time later, he encountered the beam of light slowly making its way along the road in front of him as the sky began to darken. The prismatic beam of light seemed to be heading directly towards him as he resumed walking in its direction. Up close, the beam seemed to make a sizzling sound that announced its arrival. The light appeared colourless with occasional prismatic shimmers of colour running through it.

Phew! just in time, it looks like it's starting to get dark. It's hard to guess the time with no sun or moon in the sky.


"Oh well, time to see if Rachel didn't lie. Here we go," Noah took in a deep breath of air as he prepared himself to enter the beam.


Noah entered the radiant beam of light to find himself in another world. After he entered the prismatic beam, the world around him disappeared while he appeared to be floating in a black empty void. A light was shining down on him like a spotlight. He couldn't see its origin when he looked for the source. The voice of the System once again appeared within his head, informing him about his current situation.

[User has entered the Store.]

[All transactions shall be completed using what you call crystals obtained from creatures or with Merit.]

[Crystals have a base value of ten for grade one, increasing in multiples of ten for each grade above that.]

[Merit is obtained through combat at a rate of five times the grade of a creature slain while being awarded a lesser amount based on your performance in battle if an opponent yields.]

[Merit is also obtained by acquiring Roles or abilities naturally.]

[A merchant has been summoned and shall appear presently.]

[Current Merit value: 2,020]

An additional beam of light appeared in front of Noah. He was unable to see inside the spotlight clearly. He could only see a vague, shining humanoid silhouette.

『Welcome customer.』

The merchant of an unknown species facing him spoke out in a completely alien language foreign to Earth, yet its meaning was correctly translated inside Noah's head by the System.

『As it is still currently the trial phase in training district: Earth. All goods will be discounted by fifty percent to be more obtainable for aboriginal life forms.』

『Oh, what's this? Omega Role』 The creature let out a sound of surprise.

『You are the first customer I've had, which has obtained a Role. That means I will be able to show you my exclusive items.』


The creature's tone became noticeably warmer after it discovered that Noah possessed the [Omega Role].

"What does the Omega Role mean?" Noah asked the alien merchant.

『It means that you have done something out of the ordinary, which has impressed the System. Although it is marginally easier to obtain during the Trial Phase as each Pylon has a quota that it needs to distribute to aboriginal life forms throughout the training district. A Pylon is what you would recognize as the spacecraft the System arrived in, each one is independent yet unquestionably obedient in performing their duties.』 the merchant explained.

『It is still impressive nevertheless.』

"So, how does it help me?"

『All users possessing a Role have access to the Store's trial phase exclusive item inventory. This offers them no small advantage over their peers. Even disregarding the other benefits a Role provides.』

"What other benefits?" Noah asked.

『The System will have already explained it to you, you will gain a greater understanding of a role's significance in time.』

"What are all the roles?"

『There are four Roles, although the last one is actually an absence of a Role. They are Alpha, Beta, Omega, with the final being classified as subordinates. A creature can only possess one role. They are bestowed by the System through exceptional performance.』

"What are the soulless?"

He had many questions he wanted to be answered. He didn't know when he would get another opportunity like this.

『Soulless are Users that have died during or after the process of Alteration. Reanimated occurs through the Origin each creature possesses, concluding Alteration, dying. An Origin contains an advanced artificial intelligence governed by the Pylons on behalf of the System to receive broadcasts or conduct Rites. An Origin also stores the lifeforce used to power abilities. They are simply referred to as 'Crystals' or 'Origin Crystals.' The soulless purpose is to encourage aboriginal life forms to advance their own lifeforce and overcome mediocrity.』

"So, you're telling me that everyone has those crystals in their head?" Noah exclaimed.


"If I die in a random accident, will I still turn into a soulless?" Noah was shaken by what he had just learned.

『Correct, if your Origin is not harvested. Do not fret, it will take a long time for a user who hasn't been polluted by a soulless to reanimate, with higher-grade Origin Crystals remaining dormant for longer. A soulless bite or scratch will only result in increased infection. The Cursed User must still die first or succumb to the hivemind.』

"What do you mean, higher grade crystals, hivemind?"

『Crystals advances in grade after collecting enough lifeforce. Higher grade beings are more powerful than the grades below them. Soulless act on instinct but are governed by a consciousness which replaces their previous intellect.』

"What was that pulse of light that passed through everything?"

『That was the first wave of Alteration. The beginning of the Trial Phase.』

"We don't need to be altered! Are we just lab rats for you to conduct science experiments with no regard to whether or not we survive them?! To take us up inside your spaceship to probe us?!" Noah was losing his calm.

『Alteration is beneficial for all users. I have also undergone Alteration.』

"Why do you keep saying User, what's a User?" Noah took a deep breath before continuing.

『We are all Users. A User is a creature that hosts the System. Categorized by possessing an Origin Crystal after Alteration. Upon conclusion of the Trial Phase, the User will have access to more information within the Store at a price.』The silhouette tilted its head as it patiently explained.

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