《My pets train themselves》Ch 10: Evolution


Two months had passed since Linus's awakening and it was now the weekend. All the dark roses under Mr Wellington's care had mastered their racial skill dark petal to expert mastery while the three external skills had also reached expert mastery during this week under the teaching of his professional pet teacher friend.

Mr Wellington and Linus would take the ten dark roses with them to the Pet cultivator association's branch in the regional White Star City. This was because the branch in White Bone City didn't have the equipment to simulate a darkness element filled environment.

They had arrived in White Star City at noon and were now preparing the evolution experiment in the reserved simulation room. Next to Linus was also Nyx present as she could maybe learn something from the experiment.

The experiment was divided into three phases. During the first phase, two dark roses would try to evolve with the dark rose potion. During the second phase, two dark roses would try to evolve with the abyssal rose potion. Afterwards, the third phase would be adjusted according to the results of the two first phases and they would try to evolve as many dark roses as possible to verify if a new evolutionary or multiple evolutionary forms have been found for the dark rose.

The current hypothesis is that with the current investment, the evolution will be a failure or one or more evolutionary forms of the silver rank will be found for the dark rose. Linus continued preparing all the potions and checking the attributes of the dark roses until everything was double-checked.

He then announced that the experiment was ready for the first phase. Linus and Nyx then retreated from the room and entered the observation chamber as it was now Mr Wellington's turn to perform.

When the first phase started only two dark roses and Mr Wellington remained within the simulation room. Perfect purity high-quality darkness energy was being pumped into the simulation room and after five minutes the room was filled while the dark roses had started absorbing the darkness energy.

The dark roses started becoming saturated after absorbing the darkness energy and started using the enhanced dark cells skill to convert the extra absorbed energy into life force. When the extra life force reached a certain saturation level for both dark roses, Mr Wellington walked up to the two dark roses and injected both with his dark rose potion.

In the beginning, nothing happened, but after two minutes something happened. The two dark roses quickly started absorbing the darkness energy while some changes could be seen happening to their bodies. Their petals started becoming darker and larger, their physique became stronger and their thorns sharper.

Those changes continued for five minutes until they stopped and the absorption of darkness energy declined until they stopped absorbing it at all. Mr Wellington ended the first phase, and emptied the room from darkness energy before he invited Linus back in to document the changes and if the evolution experiment had succeeded.

After Linus and Mr Wellington studied all the changes together with the dark roses' power level. They determined that the evolution experiment had failed. The two dark roses were still restricted by their racial limit to the iron rank, but their power and bodies had successfully increased in power while the two skills dark petal and enhanced dark cells had reached perfect mastery.

Mr Wellington concluded that the two dark roses had experienced an incomplete evolution and that they could try again to evolve the two during the third or in an extra fourth phase depending on the results of the second phase.


Before starting the second phase, the two had dinner and Mr Wellington was amazed by Linus's appetite when he ate enough for three. Only half of his usual amount was due to the lack of training and exercise this day for both Linus and Nyx.

After returning, Linus prepared everything for the second phase and after confirming left the simulation room for the observation chamber. When the second phase started, the simulation room was again flooded with perfect purity high-quality darkness energy. The dark roses started their absorption and after reaching saturation started using the skill enhanced dark cells until the converted life force reached a certain level of saturation.

Mr Wellington then injected the two dark roses with the abyssal rose potion and they immediately started changing while their absorption of darkness energy increased many times.

At first, they started undergoing the same changes as the previous two dark roses until they reached the same height when suddenly another dark rose started growing. The two dark roses started birthing multiple dark roses on the original dark rose stem while their absorption of the darkness energy continued to increase.

These changes continued to happen until the original dark rose closed itself and started becoming bigger and bigger until suddenly everything stopped and the absorption of darkness energy declined.

After Mr Wellington confirmed that the changes had stopped occurring, he emptied the room of darkness energy and called Linus inside before they determined the state of the two beasts.

After a round of study, two conclusions were reached. The two dark roses had broken through to the bronze rank and successfully evolved from an iron rank race to a bronze rank race. Their form had changed from a single dark rose to a dark rose bush. There was, however, a big problem with the evolution was discovered.

The evolution was incomplete as most of the darkness energy had surged into the closed dark rose from the original dark rose and if the abyssal rose potion hadn't run out, it would have continued evolving until it reached the silver rank but now its potential was exhausted.

While they had successfully evolved the dark rose, they would have to make sure the evolution completes itself to the silver rank as bronze rank dark rose bushes will not be capable of evolving again due to the exhausted potential.

After documenting everything and determining the current state and health of the two dark rose bushes, they both retired for the night and would continue with phase three and maybe a phase four the next day.

During the night Linus meditated to further improve his contract space which had reached the peak of the apprentice rank and now required a certain accumulation to breakthrough together with an opportunity. Linus was also anxious throughout the night as he hoped they found a way to complete the entire evolution as he would never allow Nyx to undergo an incomplete evolution and exhaust her potential.

The next morning after breakfast, Mr Wellington and Linus arrived back in the simulation room where they discussed how to proceed in the third phase and try to complete the entire evolution successfully.

They had learned from the first two phases that the evolution consisted of three changes. The first is the growth of the dark rose and its petals, the second is the manifestation of other dark roses until a dark rose bush is formed and the third is all the darkness energy gathering in the original dark rose which closes itself until the change is completed.

The first change can be reached through absorption of the dark rose potion and will not exhaust the dark rose's potential but isn't a big enough change to evolve to the bronze rank.


The second change can be reached through absorption of the abyssal rose potion, but will exhaust the dark rose bush's potential. It was nevertheless sufficient to reach the bronze rank

The kick start of the third change will also be reached with the absorption of the abyssal rose potion, but the energy will be exhausted before the change completes itself.

Linus and Mr Wellington came up with two plans on how to complete the entire evolution. The first was to complete the first change with the dark rose potion and then start the second change with the abyssal rose potion and if the energy were to still be insufficient extra abyssal rose potions will be injected until the change is completed.

The second plan is simpler as it only requires continuous injection of the abyssal rose potion until the evolution is completed. They would test both plans in three different ways on one dark rose each time.

They will start with a normal dark rose first inject it with a dark rose potion and after it is finished the first change starts injecting the abyssal rose potion. The second experiment is to start with a dark rose who was injected with the dark rose potion already and start injecting it with the abyssal rose potion. The last and third experiments is following the second plan.

After they finished preparing everything, Linus retreated to the observation chamber and started looking at the simulation room where only Mr Wellington and a normal dark rose were present. The same steps as during the first phase were followed and the dark rose completed the first change with the dark rose potion, but before the absorption speed declined Mr Wellington injected the abyssal rose potion.

The dark rose reacted intensely but more dark roses started growing around it until it completed the second change and the third change started. When the rose closed itself and all the absorbed darkness energy started gathering inside, the abyssal rose potion was eventually almost exhausted again and Mr Wellington injected another potion dose.

This continued the proceeding of the third change until the absorption of darkness energy stopped together with the opening of the rose. Inside of it had appeared a tiny figure which looked like a small child and clothes made from dark rose petals.

The third change was completed and after the room was emptied from all the darkness energy and Linus was called in, the two started checking the rose bush and the small figure after some tests they concluded that the dark rose had officially evolved from an iron rank race to a silver rank race and reached LVL 1 bronze rank.

It had undergone a special plant type evolution which lets a plant beast give birth to a special kind of life which humans have termed fairy birth as the plant beast gives birth to a little fairy that can control the plant beast's entire body while it can also learn to use some other skills not related to its original body.

Plant beasts which have undergone a fairy birth evolution belong to the most powerful types of plant beasts due to the versatility, power and potential that fairies possess. Those kinds of plant beasts or pets are called sacred plants, fairy beasts, sacred pets or fairy pets.

Linus and Mr Wellington were both excited by discovering such a rare, powerful and desired evolution. They still had to complete the research, however and proceeded with the second experiment this time with a dark rose that has already completed its first change beforehand.

This dark rose's reaction to the abyssal rose potion was even more intense than the one during the first experiment. Nothing special happened though and another complete evolution with a fairy birth happened.

After testing and comparing both fairies, no significant changes were found except that the dark rose that had completed its first change beforehand required more darkness energy than the one that didn't. The second fairy was also more exhausted from evolving but it wasn't weaker.

The only thing that could be learned from this was that a higher chance of failure existed for those dark roses if insufficient darkness energy was provided or insufficient abyssal rose potion doses were provided.

Linus and Mr Wellington then prepared the third experiment and after Linus entered the observation chamber, Mr Wellington started the third experiment which only used the abyssal potion.

The first and second changes successfully occurred and after a second dose, was provided after the first was almost exhausted, continued the third change without any problems. Some changes did happen though, the incubation of the fairy took longer and another abyssal rose potion dose was required.

When the fairy was successfully birthed some changes could be observed. The first was that the fairy's dark rose clothes were slightly darker while its character was also slightly different as it was easily angered and more temperamental.

After testing its power and comparing it with the other two fairies. The following conclusion was reached. The second fairy's rose bush body was 10% more powerful while its control over darkness energy was also higher.

The fairies' second racial skill due to them being bronze rank beasts was dark plant manipulation which allowed them to control the dark rose bush and also other plants of the darkness element but with significantly more effort. This skill also allowed it to speed up the growth and recovery of the rose bush allowing the bush to temporarily overgrow many times the greater area at the cost of a lot of darkness energy and life force from the skill enhanced dark cells.

This compared to the racial skill of the incompletely evolved dark rose bush is many times more powerful as the dark rose bush's second racial skill only allowed it to grow a rose thorn shield to increase its defence, while the skill dark plant manipulation can do the same and many more things.

After Linus and Mr Wellington had concluded that of all three experiments, the third was of higher quality, they finished their research trip in White Star City by evolving the remaining four evolvable dark roses. One was another dark rose from the first phase and the other three hadn't been experimented on yet.

The two then returned to White Bone City using the inter-city train and onboard they documented all the observations and evolution data in a research rapport. The results and conclusion of the research were the following:

'Two possible evolution methods for the iron rank dark rose have been tested and proven successful without repercussions if all requirements are followed. Both methods require the iron rank dark rose to have reached the peak of the iron rank while also expecting it to have reached expert mastery in the skill dark petal and learn the three external skills sharp blossoming, charming petals and enhanced dark cells to expert mastery.

To successfully evolve a dark rose without repercussions an environment filled with enough perfect purity high-quality darkness energy or above has to be used as the evolution site. the dark rose has to then start absorbing the darkness energy until saturation is reached, before using the skill enhanced dark cells to covert the extra darkness energy into life force until it fills the entire dark rose's body.

then the dark rose has to be injected with the evolution potion to start the evolution process that consists of three major changes. An incomplete evolution which only has a completed first change can still be fixed by starting another evolution using the required evolution potion. An incomplete evolution when the second change has begun will result in an incomplete third change and the exhaustion of the dark rose's potential. The dark will, however, have successfully evolved into a bronze rank race while also reaching the bronze rank itself further evolution will however become impossible.

To complete the entire evolution either a combination of two types of evolution potions or one type of evolution potion described in the research report has to be used. The first method will require one regular potion dose of the first type of evolution potion directly followed by an injection of the second type of evolution potion which contains two regular potion doses. The second method will require three regular potion doses of the second type of evolution potion to complete the entire evolution while more darkness energy from the environment will be absorbed.

The results and differences between the two evolution methods is a successful fairy birth evolution of an iron rank race dark rose into a silver rank race dark rose fairy. The fairy birthed through the second method will be more aggressive and temperamental but the beast or pet will also be 10% stronger.

The two methods also differ in cost for the potion materials and cost for concoction from regular low ranked professional pet cultivators. The first method would cost a person at least 1 100 000 FD while the second method would cost at least 1 500 000 FD.

From the differences observed between the two evolutions, a hypothesis that is dependent on the amount and quality of the used darkness energy in the second potion a difference in the strength and character of the fairies can be found. Further study is required in the evolution of iron rank dark roses into silver rank dark rose fairies.'

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