《Before the Day Is Done》Chapter Seven


"They're on their way, your Majesty." A guard came into the throne room. His voice echoed around the room.

Rekema had Mari perched on the throne, Rekema was either unaware or unconcerned at how uncomfortable it was for Mari. Mari acknowledged it was beautiful, but what did it matter if it was beautiful when it was bad at doing what it was meant to? Her mind was wholly devoted to the question. Well... as much of her mind as she could use in her current state.

Her concentration was disturbed by the Seven's movement behind her. She had been on the throne for a while, waiting for the people Rekema sent for. Apparently, they were important. Rekema had called them scholars. Muraad told her they were intelligent humans who had answers for them. Mari's mind drifted to these people and their answers. She wasn't sure what questions Rekema was going to have her ask, but Mari had a few of her own. Although, she doubted she'd get the chance to voice them.

Mari heard herself speak, "It is in everyone's best interests that you bring them now."

With the way Rekema's voice sounded to Mari, she wouldn't want to be the scholars when they found out how long Rekema had been waiting.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The guard stepped out of the room, keeping his head down.

Rekema was completely still, her claws resting on the back of the throne. Muraad was on her right and Bidkar her left. The twins climbed over Mari and everything else they could get their hands on. Balak paced, and Apep leaned against the wall.

Everyone stopped moving when the doors started to open. Rekema pulled Mari up straighter, and the headpiece slid, in danger of falling off at the next movement.

Several guards came in with a man and woman dressed in long, dark clothes. The woman's eyes narrowed at the sight of Mari. The man reached out and caught her wrist. It seemed to be a strange gesture, but Mari shrugged it off.


Rekema pulled Mari out of the chair, and she staggered toward the new arrivals. Rekema cleared Mari's throat and said, "I sent for the smartest scholars in this land, and they bring me you."

"Your Majesty, we have dedicated both of our lives to the pursuit of knowledge. I am Aeary and this is my husband, Prentiss," the woman said.

"What can you tell me about the history of magic in this city?" Mari was maneuvered closer, and her voice filled the room. Had she ever been so loud before? Wait... history? She didn't know what Rekema wanted with magic history, but Mari hardly ever understood why the Seven did what they did.

The man, Pre—? The name was starting to slip from her grasp. He coughed and said, "There's not much really, magic is much stronger in the other, eastern kingdoms. Occasionally, in times of crisis, the rulers of this kingdom would call on those with magic for help, but very rarely."

"Tell me, what kind of spells? Where were they cast?" Rekema asked through Mari. Mari's feet slapped against the cold floor. The guards backed away. They looked at each other, readjusting their grips on their weapons. The woman, Aea—? Her fists clenched. Mari's head swam. This time it was worse. She could hardly hold onto any independent thought.

"We don't know," the woman snapped. An image of a fox with its teeth bared, snarling, appeared in her head.

Mari was stopped in her tracks. She felt her shoulders roll, and Rekema tsked through her. "You don't know?"

Her stare chilled Mari to the bone.

The man held the woman's hand. Why?

A few more steps, and Rekema and Mari spoke, "Alright, I'll give you one more chance. If you can't tell me that, then tell me everything you know about the eastern kingdoms' magic forces."


The pair exchanged a long glance. Mari remembered what happened to the fox.

The man squeezed her hand and gave her a nod.

"We don't know anything about the eastern kingdoms and their magic forces." The woman smirked, keeping her head held high. Bared fangs.

"See, why don't I believe you?" Rekema let go of Mari. Mari pitched forward; arms swaying. The headpiece crashed onto the floor. Her head throbbed. She blinked, unable to remember what was happening. Rekema said, "Bidkar, take it from here."

"Gladly." Bidkar stepped forward. Mari rolled up as Bidkar took over, losing her senses. With a small smile, bright eyes, and a vicious cry, Mari lunged forward.

The fox, Mari recalled. It had taken Mari days to get the red out from under her nails.

The man screamed. Mari shut her eyes, but heard a crack. Several more cracks. Mari realized Bidkar was breaking fingers.

Bidkar had her drop him and stumble towards the woman. The woman stared her down. Bidkar dug Mari's hand into the woman's shoulder, but she didn't cry out. The sounds were sickening as well as what she felt beneath her fingers. Bidkar squeezed Mari's hand tighter; the woman's knees buckled. Bidkar pushed, and the woman fell.

Bidkar pulled Mari's hand away. Her hand was soaked; it dripped. She had Mari grab the woman by the hair and pull back. Her shriek clawed at Mari's ears. Something grabbed at the hem of her dress. Without sparing a glance, Bidkar took Mari's hand and smacked the man, knocking him back.

"Do you know now?" Mari heard herself ask. The woman tried to pry Mari's hands off her hair. Her nails cut into Mari's hands.

She coughed, spitting onto the ground. "No."

"Oh well," Bidkar and Mari said. Mari knew Bidkar was the farthest thing from upset.

Faster than Mari could follow, she slammed the woman's head into the ground. The man yelled in the background. Her head throbbed.

After the third slam, Rekema ordered, "Back off, Bidkar. We want them alive."

With a noise of disgust, Bidkar had Mari drop the woman. The man crawled towards the woman, saying something, but it was too distorted for Mari to understand. Maybe it was her name. Mari felt she should know it, but she couldn't remember it.

Bidkar smirked, and Mari watched her foot connect with his head. It snapped back, and blood dripped from his nose. Without missing a beat, Rekema took over. Mari's mind clouded even further. They called out, "Guards! Take them to the dungeon, and separate them."

The sound of her feet echoed through the room. Rekema had her scoop up the headpiece before marching her back out of the room. It turned red.

"I know that wasn't what we wanted..." Mallory started as Mari was walked up the stairs, fighting the sick rising in her throat.

"But that was fun," Meeko finished.

Mari had only heard the word a few times before, but she didn't think she liked this fun.

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