《Building my faction in another world》Chapter 07 - Mountains


AN: String of uploads? The beginning is the easiest part to write...


I'm in my room, getting ready for a long day of work and more.

“Master Kain, do you really intend to go to the mountain?” Adelia asks me. “Isn't it going to be dangerous? Spring is the season when monster activity is at its peak. And hungry beasts will be looking for food.”

“True. But I need to find some ore. Without ore, the smithy will be useless and I won't be able to construct better buildings.”

One of the restriction of my power. Constructing a building is useless if the building isn't productive. In appearance it looks like making all tier 1 buildings will allow me to make tier 2 buildings, but no. All tier 1 buildings must be active.

“And it's not like I'm going alone” I add. “Dramar and his hunters will be coming with me. I believe the dangerous creatures won't be at their peak because of the lack of food during winter. I must go now when springis just about to start. It's the time when the cold is bearable and yet the number of potential enemies is minimal.”

“... I understand... But please be careful.”

“I will” I say as we exchange a kiss.

As she leave the room to get to work, I go to the study room. With spring coming, I am certain my little hamlet will attract a lot of beasts and monsters. And I'm worried about monsters more than beasts. I need to increase my fighting force, both for the base, the protection of the mine I intend to build, and to secure the path between the mine and the base. Because I was able to store a lot of food during winter, I can recruit a lot of people.

First, I recruit 20 people to work in the 2 farms I built during winter, and 6 to work in the original one. One of the farm is specialized for crops, with wheat, barley, flax, peas, bean, and onions. I'mhappy to be able to grow onions, because I love them. The other farm is specialised to raise animals. Sheep, cows, chiken and pigs. I put Nathan in charge of the one specialised in crops, and Marta in charge of the one specialised in animals. Those 2 are now managers of the 3 farms I have.

Then, I recruit 30 people for security. I have them build houses and defenses towers. They will be trained in the use of the bow, spear and taekwendo by the milicians. Finally, I recruit 5 people to make another fishing cabin at another spot of the river, where they will be working. I left a few instructions with Adelia just in case, and move to meet the hunters team.

“Good morning, master” say Dramar as I meet with him. “It looks like we are going on an important mission today.”


“That's right. We have 2 goals. The first one is to find ore veins. The second one is to see what kind of creatures lives in those mountains. With spring about to stat, I want to know what kind of trouble we may face in the future. So, all of you, keep your eyes open and your ears sharp. Let's go!”

Armed with hatchets, bows and spear, I leave the base with the 6 hunters. We all have 3 days worth of rations with us, and we move toward the mountain. I intend to do my search layer after layer, slowly gaining altitude. As time pass, we move slowly because I don't want to be surprised by a predator. Some of the hunters have their eyes on the ground, while the other keep an eye on the trees and the sky.

I've seen many movies, series, cartoons and animes where the armed group never look above their head, until something fall. And at that itme, it's usually too late. But on the second day of search, even with my cautiousness, there are still things I can't do anything about. Like extremely well camouflaged creatures.


The only warning we got was a blurred motion. Still not enough time to react. The hunter to my left is struk in the chest. His clothes, skin and flesh are torn, and his blood splashes on my face as he is lifted in the air by the strenght of the blow. With a blood curling groan, he travels in the air above our group and heavily falls on the slightly snowy ground. He remains unmoving.

Instead of turning my eyes toward the threat, like the other hunters, my gaze remain fixated on the victim. I barely register the screams and warnings of my men, they sound extremely distant. It's only when Dramar shoves me to the ground that I become aware of my surroundings again. As we hit the ground I feel something passing above us at high speed, making a “whooosh” sound. I realise I was nearly struck in the back by the thing that hit my hunter, and I instantly break in cold sweat.

It's the first time I truly experience the dangers of this world. It's the first time my life is targeted by another living being. My heart that was as calm as a lake before, is raging like the sea during a storm. The little training I had in martial arts finally shows its result. My focus rise to its peak, and I act.

I roll away from the monster, dragging Dramar with me, and stand up, my hatchet in one hand and the wooden spear in the other. The monster that attacked us look like a giant frog, almost as tall as a man , but with small limbs barely able to support it. However, it has 4 tentacles growing on its back. They are as thick as an athletic man's arm, and around 4m in lengh. They are covered in sharp scales and thorns. The mouth of the monster has more row of teeth than a shark, and big enough to hold my whole upper body.


From its appearance I can tell that it has low movement speed, however its tentacles are quite fast, and probably sturdy due to the scales. The sharp edges and thorns can easily shred flesh. Once a prey comes near, it can unleash devastating attacks before finally eating.

“Keep your distances! Target the eyes with your bow!” I order them. “Someone check the wounded and keep an eye on the surroundings, I don't want another surprise!!”

“Yes master!!” answer Dramar. “Ondur, check on Kimal and keep your eyes open. The rest, shoot this thing where it hurts!!”


Keeping a distance of 10m with the monster, we draw our bow, aim for the eyes and shoot at our convinience. With its 4 tentacles, the monster is able to defend against all 5 of our shots.

“Listen!!” I shout. “Ranged attacks will only distract it, not hurt it. I will attack from the front. Once I get close to the range of his tentacles, you guys shoot at its eyes from the sides. If it keeps trying to strike me it will lose its eyes and retreat due to the pain. If it defends against the arrows it will be wide open for me to strike. Either way it will lose!”

“Master Kain, let me do it instead!!” retorted Dramar. “I can't let you take such a risk!”

“You're all better archers than me” I answer. “I'm better at close-quarters-combat. No more discussion. Get ready!”

“... Understood master. Please be carefull.”

“I will!”

We quickly get into position and I advance toward the monster while the other spread to the sides with their bows drawn. As I reach a distance of 5m from the creature it suddenly leap toward me with its tentacles ready to strike. I did expect to be attacked at that distance, but I though it would be a tongue attack. I didn't expect those small limbs to be able to propel this huge body like that.

The monster surprised us for a second time. The shots completely miss the eyes due to the sudden movement, and Im completely within range of all 4 tentacles. I can only helplessly dive to the side, narrowly dodging 2 whip-like strikes. However I can't dodge the third attack and have to use the hatchet to defend.

Those tentacles really have a lot of power within them. The strike was so powerful it sent my hatchet flying away. My whole arm become numb, and my hand, wrist and shoulder hurt. However, I use the power of the strike to spin and plunge my wooden spear deep into its eye. Even the eyes are tough, as I felt a lot of resistance when I pierced it.


The creature scream in pain, which makes me feel good. But my joy is short lived as I'm sent flying by another tentacle strike. I completely forgot to retreat after my successful attack. My stomach and chest are burning me, and soon after the wind is knocked out of my lungs as I land hard on my back.


“Argh!! Cough, cough... Shit!”

“Master, are you alright?” ask Dramar, who is next to me with panic evident on his face.

It makes him look even more frightening than his usual ugly face, and I feel the urge to slap his face away from my sight. As I look at my body I see a gash starting at my stomach and ending at the right side of my chest just below the armpit. The flesh is torn and it's bleeding a lot. Thankfully, the wound isn't deep.

“I will be fine for the time being” I answer with irritation. I'm mad at my own blunder, and at the beast. “Somebody sneak behind it and hack its leg while the other distract it! Strike the side missing its eye!”

“Leave it to me master” say Dramar.

As they fight with the monster, I go and retrieve my hatchet. The blade and the handle are severly damaged. It has become useless. Back to the fight, Dramar manage to wound the limb of the monster, and as it tries to counter attack, Dramar jump on its back and plunge his wooden spear right in the middle of the 4 tentacles. The wooden spear easily pierce the body and enter deep within.

I'm surprised. The monster is supposed to have avery tough skin, so I don't understand why Dramar's spear managed to pierce it so easily. The monster slowly dies while weakly trashing around.

“... Just how did you manage to wound it so easily?”

“Ah, master? Ah, it's because I noticed the skin looked really soft at the base of the tentacles. There were no scales there, it looked very flexible, so I though it may be more tender than the rest of the body.”

“... I'm impressed by your observations! Well done, Dramar. Well done.”

“Thanks for the praise master Kain.”

“How is the wounded?” I ask.

“... Not good master. The wound is too deep, and he is losing too much blood. He won't survive.”

“... Put an end to his suffering... He has experienced enough painfull moments in his life. All of you have. At least let him leave this world with as little pain as possible...”

“... That's right... Besides, we should go back to the cabin to take care of master's wound. We don't have what is necessary to properly take care of you here...”


AN: No more updates for a while (maye 1 or 2, who knows, I have other fictions I've neglected too much

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