《Building my faction in another world》Chapter 04 - Hunting


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In the afternoon, while the women are fishing, the men are transporting the material for the hunting cabin to the edge of the forest. The Command Center has made short wooden bows and arrows with the materials available, and there will be no shortage of arrows. But of course, those are basic quality goods made for hunting, not for battle, thus the power is weak. It's the same for the wooden spears made for fishing.

Still, I have all the men get a wooden spear, and the 2 people I chose to be hunter have a bow and a quiver of arrows. I myself have a spear, a bow and arrows, even though I never used something like a bow before. I accompany the men to the forest, I'm not really worried because the area is supposed to be safe enough.

'… I bet there aren't many dangerous monsters around because the village was abandonned. With no villagers, no food would grow on the fields, and with no food to snatch from the fields, the herbivorous beasts wouldn't stay near, and without human or herbivorous beasts around, the carnivorous ones wouldn't be around either. The land itself is poor, so still not enough food for animals. But they should show up a while after we start hunting and farming...'

As the men gather the material at a certain spot, I decide to do a bit of scouting. After an hour, I find a spot that will be nice for the construction of the hunting cabin. I mark the place and go back to where the guys are gathering the materials.

“You. Come with me” I say to the scarred were-kin. He follows behind me as we leave the group. When I reach the spot I had chosen, I speak to him again. “What is your name?”

“My name is Dramar, master.”

Dramar, a demon of the werebeast subrace, panthera species. He is around 180cm tall, with a skinny yet toned body. He has black hairs reaching his shoulders, round brown slightly cat-like eyes, a large grecian nose, and the horrifying scar going fron the left side of his forehead to the right side of his chin.

“Dramar is it. This is the place where you guys are going to make the hunting cabin. And once the cabin is done, you will be in charge of the hunters, understood?”


“M-master?” says Dramar with a shocked expression that made him look uglier than normal. “I-it will be a honor master. Once the cabin is complete, I will definitly not let you down” he adds with his face radiating with gratitude.

Thus, we went back to edge of the forest and I leave the men with their work. For the rest of the afternoon, I explore the surrounding of the abandonned village some more, and come across a place that will make a good quarry, just like when I found the spot for the hunting cabin. I'm puzzled because I don't know anything about hunting, masonry or prospecting. Then it hit me.

“I see, my special ability help me discover good places to gather ressources. In video games, it's usually quite apparent. Here, I guess the Command Center use me, and maybe even my subordinates as well, as probes to find good locations. Or maybe it's enhancing some of my ailities, or plainly giving me the ability to recognise ressourceful places...”

I shake my head as I move back toward the base. “Whatever, there is no need to think about the how. It works, it's usefull, end of the story.”

I reach the base before sunset and go to see the fishing women. I call the one I had chosen to be a servant and lead her back to the Command Center.

“What is your name, woman?”

“It's Adelia, master.”

Adelia, a human woman of 18 years. She has brown hair reaching beyond her shoulders, a triangular face, downturned blue eyes, a hooked nose with a high ridge and small lips. Beneath her ragged clothes is a thin pear body reaching around 165cm, with B cup pointy breasts and a round apple butt. Overall, her looks are bellow average, but she is the most charming woman around for the time being. Since she's still malnourished, I hope her looks will improve later on.

“Then, Adelia. From now on, everyday before sunset, you will come here and prepare hot water for everyone to get cleaned. While the others are washing themselves, you will be preparing diner. You will bring me hot water and diner to my quarters as well. Also, from tomorrow onward, every day at noon you will prepare lunch for everybody. For those working away from the village you will have to prepare something for them before they leave. Now go get the hot water ready.”


Dramar and Adelia. They are among the ones with 3 stars in intellect, and they seem to be the smartest of the group. When I first summoned them, they were the firsts to offer their greetings and their thanks, meaning they are the most quick-witted. That's why they are the ones to whom I directly asked their names.

I'm bound to have a lot of subordinates later, and I don't want to bother learning all of their names since I won't spend that much time with them. I've decided from the start that I will only care about those I will put in position of authority, or those I will keep near me.

After leaving Adelia, I go into my office and have a look at the magic screen. In games, one can see the map of the area explored, and I want to see if that applied to my ability, especially since I can locate ressource-gathering points. And indeed, on the map I can see the area I explored. And unlike my territory, I can't see what happens there in real time, like there is the so-called fog of war.

I focus on my territory, then on the fishing cabin. I can see the other 2 women still diligently working. The territory around the fishing cabin is around 100m in radius, and in this area, fishing will be improved for them. I can see that they've gotten a lot of fishes and that the food supplies will greatly increase. After only 2 days, I'm satisfied with the results.

A little later, Adelia knocks at the door of my study. She has brough the water for my bath. When she turns around and leave, I'm surprised to find my gaze lingering on her behind. Even though she is bellow average, her buttocks are definitly nice. And they will be even better once she get healthier.

A wash myself with my penis half erect, aroused by the idea of having a girl with a nice ass following all my orders. When she come back later to give me my meal, I almost grope her. I'm a little scared by myself. I know I'm the master, all powerfull in the area, and that those people are basically mine. I can literally do whatever I want with them.

She may not be a good looking girl, but I'm a healthy young man stuck with just what is available. Now I'm thinking back on those novels I read where the protagonists would refrain from eating the fruits that were available for them to enjoy. I would sometimes curse at them, calling them pussies, cowards, gutless beta males. And here I am, having a woman near me with whom I can do anything, and I'm restraining myself.

“True, she isn't a beauty, but I'm not in a fucking novel with a hot babe just waiting for me to pop her cherry. Besides, in this corrupt and chaotic world, the hot babes are most likely heavily targeted by the powerful, and only the ordinary or broken ones are left... Fuck... Let's just wait for her get more meat on her body, then I'll definitly eat her.” I say with my body heating and my determination rising.

“Not a goddess? Who cares? Fuck that! I'm stuck with average looking people until I get strong enough to conquer other areas! How long will that take? I should just take what I can when I can instead of being a picky bitch. Start low, finish high, thats how things go! My 20 year old lust will be satisfied, and it's not like it will keep me from getting beauties later.”

The next day, I help the men carrying the material to the construction spot and building the cabin. Because my physical ability is superior to them, the construction advanced faster than when they worked on the fishing cabin. At the end of the day, the hunting cabin is already completed. Dramar already knows what to do from then on. Smoked or salted fish will be regulary delivered there so the hunters can focus on getting more game without going back to the base.

From the following day, Dramar and his colleage spend most of their time in the forest. The women are fishing, and the rest of the men are gathering stone. At the beginning I wanted a man at the fishing cabin, but seeing the amount of fishes the 2 women can get, I decide to send him gather stones instead. The place I've found is slowly but surely turning into a quarry. I've had to make a cart for the men to transport the stones back to the Command Center.


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