《Trapped On A Vampire Cruise With No Power!》24: So That's Where My Bra Went
It was time! Captain Hughes rushed down the hallways without trying to capture any attention. He had to ditch his Captain’s uniform for a standard coat in hopes of not being recognized. Things were getting bad, and there was no time to lose. His second officer was busy distracting the bridge crew while he himself rushed to complete this task.
The tropical storm was due to escalate into a category one hurricane, but for now the ship wasn’t in danger of capsizing. His chief engineer had found a way to cajole the secondary generators back to some small modicum of power. It wasn’t enough to bring the lights back on, but it would be enough to send out a distress call again; maybe even enough to restore some life back to the turbines. All they needed was a couple of knots, and they might be able to evade the worst of the storm.
But that wasn’t the immediate problem. The greatest concern was the lack of blood. No blood meant everyone was getting antsy. He himself couldn’t ignore the tell-tale signs of malnutrition. Without blood they couldn’t digest food, or control other inhibitions. His hands twitched, his eyes couldn’t focus, and his stomach ached something fierce. Walking was beginning to suck the life out of him. Soon, he knew he wouldn’t be able to control himself.
Captain Hughes went to the room that used to house the human woman. He knew it was wishful thinking that he would find her there, but he had to start somewhere. The room was empty, but he found himself fixated on something left behind. It would’ve been impossible for him not to have noticed it. In fact it was a miracle his other sailors, the ones who had been tied up, hadn’t seen it before. Perhaps it was possible that it had been lodged under the mattress, and the recent waves dislodged it. The scarlet red brazier peeked out from the corner of the bed post. Sweat strolled down his brow, and his stomach growled.
“Short skirts are amazing!” Rebecca chimed as she continually thrusted one skirt after another at the woman next to her.
The only thing Rose could do was feign a smile. Her mind was a gutter of confusing thoughts. For one thing, she couldn’t stop thinking about Rebecca. She wasn’t willing to admit it yet, but a small part of her secretly craved the vampires attention. That and the feeling of her teeth against her neck.
Rose did her absolute best to pretend to be grateful, even though it felt like she was being pampered like some kind of barbie doll. Her suitcase was ruined, it was soaked so thoroughly that all her clothes were a damp mess. Rose supposed she should’ve been angry, hell she should’ve been livid, but Rebecca’s positive attitude and broad smile seemed to redirect her rage.
The blonde vampire chose to wear a sleeveless top made of glossy fabric. Denim short pants exposed two luscious legs. Her skin was still much paler than average, but subtle amber layers were starting to warm her figure. Another thing Rebecca decided to wear, other than her necklace, was an additional choker around her neck. Somehow she made it look good, even though it seemed kind of gaudy to Rose.
Rose watched as her vampire frantically scurried through the luggage bags. It was kinda impressive that Rebecca could fit so much in so few suitcases. All the scrambling through her bags caused a couple of things to stick out. An old computer tablet, fishnet stockings, some cheap beaded necklaces, a couple small egg shaped vibrators…
Rebecca was fixated on the clothing, she didn’t even bat an eye when one of the pink toys rolled out from underneath a hidden pocket. She was all to eager to offer Rose pieces of her own wardrobe, maybe even a little too eager. The depths of her bags seemed to have no end, she kept pulling out one set of clothes after another.
“We’re running out of time,” Maggie groaned. The dark haired vampire wore a light rain jacket and sweat pants. The temperature had dipped a stunning ten degrees over the last hour, Rose still thought it humid though.
Kyle was outside, guarding the entrance to the door, waiting for them to come out. Sophia was with him, Rose figured she didn’t want to be anywhere near Rebecca.
Rose looked at the skirt thrusted in her face. Rebecca couldn’t hide her excitement, “You should try this,” the dark blue fabric seemed to be of high quality, but it was a little too short for her own good. Rebecca seemed to sense Rose’s hesitation and immediately found another skirt, “or how about this!”
The new skirt was dark black with a tinge of red, it wasn’t enough to notice on first glance (even for a vampire), but Rose could see it upon closer inspection. It was a deep scarlet caught in midnights embrace. A string of fake pearls were attached along the waistband and settled along the sides. It was trendy, and looked expensive without it being so. Rose had an impression that it was something she could purchase at a ‘Scorch Topic’ for under thirty dollars. Like the other skirt it was shorter than she would’ve liked.
Rebecca just kept pressing the skirt toward her, “Please this is so exciting, try it!”
Rose sighed, “Fine but don’t make fun of me if it’s too skinny.” After getting a good look at the vampires naked body, it was evident that Rebecca had a slightly leaner frame around the hips. As Rose put on the tight skirt, it squeezed around the waist. Her butt cheeks poked out from underneath the fabric.
Rebecca could barely contain herself, “Ooooh, thats so fucking hot! Here put this on too!” The shirt she threw at Rose was a low cut blouse, it was vivid blue and surprisingly soft.
“That doesn’t even match,” Maggie criticized. She had all her bags ready to go next to the door and held them in place by leaning against them.
Rebecca scoffed in annoyance, then grabbed something else, “then how bout this?” She held out another blouse without skipping a beat.
Rose accepted the silver shirt, on any other occasion she probably would’ve loved spending time trying on clothes. Being trapped on a ship full of vampires…naked in a cabin…with water leaking into the room…well it definitely killed the mood.
Rose’s ample breasts were also swarming with goosebumps. As she tried on the blouse, sliding it over head, it was easy to feel that it was a little too big in the front. “Um Becky, I think this is a little big?”
“Hmmmm,” Rebecca pondered for a moment. She crossed her arms underneath her own breasts, which helped to squeeze them in front of Rose. The room seemed to grow steadily more chill, and Rose had a hard time breaking eye contact from the pair of darts poking against Rebecca’s shirt. All the while, the sound of the wind created an eerie backdrop for them.
Suddenly Rebecca had an epiphany and reached over to search through the layers of clothes, her hands quickly found what they were seeking. “then how about…this?”
Rose watched as Rebecca pulled out two things that she didn’t expect. An adorable short denim jacket, followed by a padded bustier. The jacket sported an odd logo on the surface of its breast pocket, Rose realized it was a cute smiley faced kitten. The padded bra on the other hand was firm and thick, its straps were made of a thin leather.
“That should fit, it was one of my training bras.” Rebecca struggled to remain still in her seat. Her excitement was the only thing warming the room.
Of course it was, damn she is huge! Rose should’ve figured thats what it would take, the vampires was too well endowed for her to borrow anything else.
“Why did you bring that!” Maggie stammered in confusion.
Rebecca shrugged, “Just in case you needed to borrow anything Maggie, but luckily your both similar sizes!”
Rose felt how soft and durable the padded material was in her hand before pulling off the loose shirt and strapping on the bra. The leather straps felt comfortable against her skin, and the padded material cradled her supple twins delicately. “isn’t it a bit revealing?” She asked. On one hand it did fit he frame better, but it also sported a healthy amount of cleavage and her entire midriff.
Rebecca just licked her lips while looking at her, “Nooooooo.”
“Does it matter? Who cares about your jugs?” Maggie’s attitude was growing steadily worse by the hour. Rose raised an eyebrow while glancing over to her. It was at that moment that she realized Maggie’s stomach was grumbling.
I mean…they are nice aren’t they? Rose thought to herself while putting on the denim jacket. “How long has it been since you’ve had any blood?” Rose asked Maggie curiously.
Rather than answer, Maggie leaned against the wall and rubbed her temples. For a few seconds she didn’t seem keen to respond, but when she did her voice cracked. “You’re talking is giving me a migraine…need more booze…”
“What you need is a nice hot bath, while I give Rosie a nice long massage…” Rebecca’s voice was unbearably suspicious.
“Don’t tell me you’re thirsty again?” Rose asked her vampire in annoyance.
The vampire chuckled playfully before shaking her head. “Nah, I’m fine. I’m just admiring the view.”
“Oh,” Rose blushed. Her heart skipped a beat.
The sound of Maggie’s foot tapping added a measure of somberness to the room. “lets just get out of here, its starting to flood.” Maggie wasn’t wrong, the rain was thick and pooling on the floor.
“You bet it is,” Rebecca added sarcastically. Rose knew she wasn’t referring to the rainwater.
“Keep it together,” Rose planted her hands on her hips, she felt the urge to pay back her vampire with some light teasing of her own, “Once we get to Sophia’s room, you can pin me down and cuddle me then.”
Rebecca dropped her bag and squealed in excitement.
“Why are you afraid of storms?” Rose felt it necessary to ask the question. The group had left their room and advanced cautiously down the HMS Sanguines halls. Each time thunder struck Maggie seemed to jerk.
“Pff I’m not afraid, just hungry.” Maggie tried to brush off the question. She looked at Rose’s luggage then back at her, “I can’t believe your dragging that with you.”
The group had been making steady progress towards Sophia’s empty room. The ship’s twists and groans were growing more alarming by the minute. Technically curfew was still in place, but there were dozens of guests venturing out of there rooms. Rose couldn’t help but notice the hunger in their sunken eyes. Rebecca kept herself close to her as they wandered the halls. If it were not for her, Rose doubted she would be safe walking these halls.
“I’m not leaving behind my clothes,” Rose shot a curtesy glance at Maggie who walked behind them.
“But its ruined,” Maggie tried to interject.
“I’m still bringing it!” Rose ended the argument. Strangely the change of clothes felt good to her. The humidity no longer sapped her energy, and the attention it drew from her blonde vampire was appealing. Every time Rose looked over her shoulder she would catch Rebecca giving her a sultry glare. At times Rebecca would cradle Rose’s arm in her hands or try to interlock their fingers. This time Rose didn’t interject when she felt the vampires hand take hold of hers.
“Whatever,” Maggie sighed. There was something off about the way the dark haired vampire walked, her steps were getting heavier…more awkward. “Were still going to the pharmacy first right?”
“But I thought,” This time it was Sophia’s turn to speak up. Sophia’s voice instantly drew Rebecca’s attention. “Do you have something to say Sophiaaaaa?” Rebecca’s voice was a hateful knife cast through the dark. It was more than enough to make Sophia squeal in fear and then promptly keep quiet.
Maggie wasn’t about to let anyone else have a say, “No! we are going to the pharmacy now!”
Rebecca slowed her step just enough to walk alongside her friend, “But were carrying all this stuff?”
“I can’t get pregnant!” Maggie’s fear was palpable. Rose couldn’t help but silently agree. Just the thought of carrying a vampires baby made her hands shake. She gulped and looked forward to Kyle, to his credit he was trying to remain the calm one among them.
“Its not like it’ll be such a big deal,” Rebecca tried to sound comforting for Maggie.
“Are you kidding me Reby?” Maggie’s voice was a whimper.
“What?” Rebecca nuzzled alongside Maggie playfully, “It’ll be so cute! If its a girl we’ll name her Andronica, after my favorite character in Plague Of The Plant People! And if its a boy we’ll name him…Greg.”
“Greg….really just Greg?” Maggie frowned, her entire demeanor grew dismal and ashamed. Rose just watched as the dark haired vampire looked over to Rebecca in disapproval, “What am I saying? I can’t get pregnant!”
“Not that its my decision…but I’m not ready to be a—“ Kyle was cut off before he could finish his sentence.
“Baby daddy?” Rebecca teased.
"Dad yet…” Kyle finished.
Rebecca sped up her pace to walk alongside Rose again before responding to Kyle, “Then you should’ve thought about that before raw dogging my Maggie, time to take responsibility!”
It was likely that Rebecca was only trying to stir chaos, but her insinuation was enough to force Kyle to stop in his tracks and cry out, “For the last time it wasn’t intentional!”
“I’m pretty sure it was,” Rose couldn’t keep silent anymore.
Kyle looked at her in shock, “It wasn’t.”
Rose scoffed, she found his pathetic excuse ridiculous. “You can get away with saying that for the first time, but just how long were you too having fun?”
Rebecca couldn’t contain herself, she interjected in her own charming way. “I think what Rosie is asking you Kyle, is just how many times did you stuff my best friend full with your genes?”
“Jesus christ its going to be like this all day with you isn’t it,” Kyle groaned.
“Shut up!” Maggie tried to cut them all off, “Pharmacy now!”
Rose looked around, it was obvious they were attracting all the attention in the hallway. Occasionally a door would open and a pair of eyes would peer out. Those few guests walking around couldn’t help but look their way. Some of them were chuckling at their expense as if sensing the source of the argument. One awkward bachelor overhead Maggie’s last outcry and blew a whistle, he also offered Kyle a high five as they passed.
Rebecca smiled, “Don’t stress out babe, you know it won’t be good for the baby.”
“Your incorrigible,” Maggie groaned in frustration.
“I’m just excited is all,” Rebecca grabbed hold of Rose’s hand in delight. It made her blush but Rose found herself tightening her grip.
Maggie halted in the middle of the hallway for a second, her hands were balled into fists. “Go screw you’re human girlfriend already!”
Even Sophia seemed to have enough of the back and forth, “Will all you guys just please—“
“What was that Sophiaaaaa?” Rebecca snarled.
“…Nothing never mind…”
“Oh good. We best hurry then.” Rebecca pressed closer to Rose defensively. The group kept mostly silent after that…until Rose found herself having to stop in her tracks. Only a minute passed before all the vampires in her company had frozen, even Rebecca seemed to tense. Rose looked ahead and caught a glimpse of what captured their focus. A bright red bra waved stood out in the gloom. It was strapped to a pole as if it were a makeshift flag, its bearer was a scruffy looking man in a plain sailors coat. Rose thought she recognized the man from his beard but his eyes were lost in a fever dream.
“Human!” The bearer cried out while waving the red brazier at them.
“Oh wow, so thats where my bra went…” Rose didn’t need to be told, she merely took a step back and looked over to Rebecca. Her vampire was already about to lunge forward at the crowd.
- In Serial76 Chapters
My World To Live
[Do Not Read this version, New FINAL version uploaded August 9th, 2021 as separate fiction, click to link here on RR. Essairyn had never felt truly alive on Earth. It felt like something was missing ever since she was born, but even after nearly 20 years of mundane living, she could never pinpoint what this or the emptiness in her heart was. Suddenly, she awakens in a grandiose, primordial forest and encounters both demons and spirits in a parallel world called Sol'h'meyr. She befriends, in particular, a sassy fox-spirit named Akari who just reincarnated after three millennia. Essairyn is an abnormal human with elemental powers, and Akari is being chased by those of her dark past. Together, they set out on an adventure in a world of magic, danger, mystery, and intrigue. But this not a game. That simple adventure is actually the modest beginnings in a chain of disruptions that tear even the dimensional fabric of time and space. No one, not even Essairyn, was who she thought she was. And not even the gods can change the destiny of the universes... A single promise shook eternity’s existence. — Fantasy || Adventure || Romance || Action || Mystery || Drama || Science Fiction — The My World To Live (MWTL) series, the alternative short name is Canaan, is comprised of three books symbolically named My World, To Live, and My World To Live. Two years prior, the entire story had been planned and detailed out from start to finish before actual writing. Thus, the story will never be dropped. While the genre is largely Fantasy, the book is comprised of many other elements including a School Life (Magic Academy) story portion. MWTL has a lot of scattered symbolism and allusions, hence, the mystery aspect. The science fiction elements progressively become more pronounced, and the slow romance is a late bloomer. The female lead is strong and independent, and her backstory and identity unravel as drivers of the plot. Expect lots of action/fighting throughout and scattered philosophical and psychological themes arising. It's a human journey to find the essence of one's living and purpose. What kind of world do I wish to live for? Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I hope to share the journey with you~! Canaan's Original and New Covers: If you're curious about my art and the various covers I made for this series and other authors, I have a RR thread that makes free covers and shows art processes. [October 1, 2020 Notice: Hello, I aplogize to all followers for suddenly taking an extended hiatus. Life threw a lot at my face and then the pandemic happened, so I hadn't been able to write until around the last month when I decided to challenge myself and finish the first book in this series. I am ok now, and thank you for your patience and understanding. No words can express how much every reader means to me. RR was the first writing platform that I ever felt accomplished to any small degree, so I am forever grateful to it. Multiples changes have been made since this final revision and writing of the ending, so please see the latest chapter detailing the update. This also includes my decision to submit this story to the 2020 Wattys contest (the deadline was Sept 30th). That means I will not be posting the updated version of this story on here until the contest is over (since I doubt I'll win anyway lol). And so, if you want to read the full, now completed (woohoo!) story, please go to my Wattpad. Thank you once again, and wishing you all the very best health and happiness! FINAL UPDATE, March 7, 2021: The complete story has been re-posted after the Wattys. This version that was on Wattys is the one being re-posted. However, the Final Version (which will be on a separate book from this to remain organized, and is technically the fifth version of the story xD) will be released May 2021. For more information, please read this update linked here. Thank you to all readers for taking this two year journey with me!
8 187 - In Serial16 Chapters
They called him "Keter"; The Top-Most; The Crown. An unsurpassable, unstoppable, unkillable soldier. Etched with a twisted set of morals and studded by an impossible drive for lachesism, Keter terrorized the world for ages. But time, you see, is a most patient thing. As sure as it gives, so does it take. Even the Crown saw the eternal spindle drawing on him. He blinked, for the last time, and saw a world anew. Synopsis. So, basically, I’ve gotten tired of all these stale mcs that keep popping up left right and center. Either they are painstakingly good-natured or horribly written ‘evil’ characters. So, here’s my take on the concept of a Villain. Someone ruthless, cunning, and not shy of seeking darker means to an end. Hell, as long as it’s effective, he’ll prefer the blacker side of business. The new world will be, like many others, one in a medieval-type setting with traces of magic and the like; though I hope to make better use of this than most others who simply steal ideas from classical novels or other sources.
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The noble thief is known to take from the rich and give to the poor. The thief's tale is known throughout the kingdom of Ronan. However, the thief made a mistake. She stole from the wrong person. With his family now dead, he will seek reprisal. Nevan Prima will make the thief pay whatever the cost. Money, he can easily replace. But for the loss of his family, he will demand retribution.
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Her breath linked her heart's rhythm, and some blood petals that spewed from her vanquished foes turned her rosy cheeks rose. Just as her heart was beginning to soothe due to the brief respite with in sea of blood and torn armor. A man in red and black heavy steel stood in front of her, taunting her with a massive halberd that seemed to half the heaven's from her abyss like pearl eyes. With her remaining mana and stamina, she positions her blade at the front of her chest, twisting it to the side and gazing at the dark warrior. She chanted her skill. "...point grace..." Author Note: Um hello, I'll say it now its very rough this is basically like the alpha version and i'll update it after the release of vol.1 even if its the only vol. this story will ever receive
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The Dragon of Dreams
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what they wouldn't do | DAREDEVIL
Sarah is a secretary at Orion, a shady company previously owned by Wilson Fisk. When Daredevil begins investigating Orion, Sarah accidentally discovers his true identity, and he's not pleased. Despite her best efforts to avoid him after figuring out who he is, she quickly finds herself on the receiving end of a Daredevil interrogation in a dark alley. Post S1, Eventual Matt/OC.playlist made by @one_mor_winter: https://open.spotify.com/user/callawaysa/playlist/6gzBVduyUSHYi0FfJ91V1j?si=zkaDAzKF&nd=1*** DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A REUPLOAD OF A FANFICTION FROM FANFICTION.NET. I DO NOT CLAIM THIS AS MY OWN. ALL CREDIT GOES TO ORIGINAL AUTHOR!! 💛
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