《Harry Potter and the Seer's Ambition》Daily Life at the Moons


Lily tightened her hold on Harry as she continued.

“My mother, luckily, was on my side and screamed at him, but unfortunately, there were more people in the family who thought like my father than like my mother, so there was not much she could do. I crawled back into bed and sobbed myself to sleep, but deep into the night, my mother woke me up. She told me to stay quiet and smuggled me out of the house,” Lily said. Her emotions seemed much more even. “I knew my mother was doing whatever she could to keep me safe, so I cooperated with her. She brought me to her sister’s house and begged her and her husband to adopt me. My aunt and uncle were more than happy to take me in after she explained what happened.”

She took a deep stabilizing breath and then continued, “My aunt and uncle couldn’t have children of their own, so they adopted me as their own and gave me all their love and affection. My mom contacted Professor Dumbledore and after explaining the situation to him, they got my name legally changed from Lilith Thorpe to Lily Moon, which is why even the Hogwarts registry has me listed as Lily Moon.”

“Wouldn’t your father’s family look to your mom’s sister? Seems like the first place to search for you,” asked Harry.

“Officially, my aunt doesn’t exist in the wizarding world,” replied Lily with a bitter smile.

Lily glanced at his face and answered his unasked question. “My aunt is a squib. The moment she turned eleven, and they realized she was a squib, they threw her out of the family. Luckily, my grandmother was just as loving as my mother, so she secretly helped my aunt out and got her settled into the muggle world. She even comes and visits me now and then,” replied Lily fondly, “Once my mother was old enough, she would help my aunt out as well so they were actually extremely close, which is probably why my aunt agreed to take me in so easily.”

“Pure-blood families are looking worse by the minute,” gasped Harry.

“My mom is still stuck in that house. If not for her family being as powerful and influential as they are, they would have disposed of her already,” said Lily.


“Why didn’t she just go into hiding with you? And not to mention, if her family is so powerful, wouldn’t they protect too?” asked Harry, “You are a witch after all.”

“It’s not that simple, Harry. If I had gone into my grandparent’s family, I would be in just as much danger, if not more. There are plenty of people who would do something just to earn some favor from the Thorpes. Mostly people who aren’t well off in my grandparent’s family,” she said, “If something happens to my mom though, they would start a war, but not for me. I’m already considered a disgrace by most pure-bloods, mainly because of rumors started by my father and brother. So for now, my mom is safe, but I really want to get her out of that house. She must be so miserable there, and I miss her so much.”

Harry hugged Lily tightly, and she tightened her grip on him even tighter.

“I promise, I’ll help you in any way that I can to get her back,” said Harry. “before you know it, the two of you will live a happy life together.”

Lily looked up at Harry’s face, and a beautiful smile bloomed on her face.

“Thank you,” she whispered as she leaned in and kissed his lips.

Before Harry knew it, they were lying on the bed. Lily broke their kiss, smiled as she gazed into his eyes for a few moments before she placed her head on his chest with a content sigh.

Moments later, Harry noticed she had dozed off. He chuckled lightly and caressed her head a little before the day’s events caught up to him and he drifted off as well.

Harry awoke to a squeal and blearily opened his eyes and saw a figure at the door.

He blinked a few times and finally he could make out what woke him up. Standing at the door was Lily’s aunt, Ava with her hands covering her mouth with unconcealed mirth in her eyes.

Harry heard her giggle uncontrollably and knew he had to say something. “Uhm, Ava, this really isn’t what you think,” started Harry, only to be interrupted by the giggling woman.

“There’s no need for excuses Harry, I completely understand,” she said in between giggles, “Now, breakfast is ready, so freshen up and come downstairs, even if you two are especially… tired.”


She slowly closed the door with a smirk and Harry could hear her giggles as she made her way down the stairs.

Harry just chuckled and shook his head as he looked down at Lily, happily snuggling into his chest.

The noise seemed to disturb her sleep though as moments later; she opened her eyes a little and sleepily rubbed them. “What’s happening…?”

She looked around a little and then looked back up at Harry before smiling a little and gave him a peck on the lips. “Good morning,” she said.

Harry replied in kind, “as for your question of what happened,” he started, a mischievous glint in his eyes, “your aunt just walked in and she’s now convinced that we did… stuff.”

“You’re kidding…” Lily blanched visibly.

“Nope. She walked out a few minutes before you woke up.”


Lily clutched her head and buried her face in the pillow. Harry’s chuckles punctuated her embarrassed screams.

She then got out of bed and rushed into the washroom, quickly freshened up, and ran downstairs.

‘Did she even brush her teeth?’ Wondered Harry.

Laughing to himself, he followed in her wake after freshening up himself. Unlike Lily, Harry headed downstairs at a leisurely gait.

Harry walked into the kitchen to an amusing scene. He could see one girl yelling with a red face and an older woman who could not be more amused.

“I’m telling you, nothing happened between us! We just slept in the same bed!” Yelled Lily.

“Of course, Honey. Nothing happened,” winked her aunt.

“Argh, why won’t you listen to me? Not to mention, what were you even doing walking into my room without knocking?”

“That was the guest bedroom, dear. How was I to know you work so fast?” Giggled Ava.

Harry grinned at the two as he took a seat at the table next to Jacob.

“Good morning, sleep okay?” Asked Jacob, ignoring the bickering ladies.

“Yup, best sleep in years,” laughed Harry.

Jacob smiled at that. He glanced at his wife and niece, neither of whom seemed ready to back down, before turning back to Harry.

“Don’t hurt her,” he said gently.

“I would never,” replied Harry seriously.

Jacob’s smile got brighter as he nodded.

Harry turned back to the bickering ladies with a wide grin.

‘Things could be much worse,’ thought Harry.

A few days go by and Harry couldn’t be happier if he tried. Ava and Jacob fussed over Harry as much as they did Lily. Lily and Ava got into another bickering session when Ava found Lily sleeping in Harry’s room the next night as well. Though it was more Lily yelling and Ava teasing her niece.

Despite the teasing, Harry noticed Ava looked incredibly pleased. She had taken Harry aside and questioned him at length, and only once she was pleased with his answers did she let him go.

Harry and Lily kept getting closer. They would spend hours every day talking about their lives. He told her all about how his childhood was with the Dursleys and she told him about her life with the Thorpes, though most of her stories centered on her mother.

Harry then told her the actual stories behind his adventures every year and they then spent a while comparing his stories with the rumors that Lily was familiar with.

It wasn’t until the fourth day that Harry was at Lily’s place that their fun life was interrupted by something unexpected.

It had been a fairly normal morning. Lily was already used to waking up in Harry’s arms and her aunt had finally stopped teasing her, now that she couldn’t get much of a rise out of Lily. Even the rest of their day was just as uneventful.

The normal was only until that point, however. They had all been in the living room, drinking tea and chatting and as the time approached evening, they heard a knock on the door.

Jacob, being the closest to the door, answered it.

“Harry, Lily! Could you guys come here for a second?” yelled Jacob.

Harry and Lily looked at each other quizzically before walking to the door. Ava followed behind them curiously.

The moment they reached the door and looked out, they couldn’t help being surprised. Standing outside their door was a group of people they didn’t expect to see.

“Professor Lupin…?”

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