《Femalekind Book Two》2.001 The Prodigal Daughter
Soaring on thermals, drifting free, I savour my last sweet breath of joy. Returning meant to be chained to his purpose and therefore I needed his purpose to match mine. While my heart and soul screamed vengeance, this form subdued such unkind feelings and in that single moment I wished for the return of the Griffon, untamed and unrestrained a natural inclination for hunting and the slaughter of any prey caught. Even the Harpy would be enough, in her nature cunning and planned, to best her prey and claim the spoils of victory. I needed to accept both those forms now in my past and only he, Azizos, could propel me forward, given Zeus’ betrayal.
What of Alba? Strangely quiet during my deliberations and while tempted to enquire, I choose peace instead of debate, although I wonder if she spies for Zeus still being his disciple. As a minimum I shield my thoughts from her, although my feelings are more of a challenge as I openly loathe Zeus. The reasons many of course, and I admit some imaginary although I can’t hold the rage, the Lammasu is a creature of help and healing dedicated to the destruction of evil and unfortunately there isn’t any pure evil on this world; callousness, selfishness and possibly personal gain, yes, a particular human revealed those traits to me as Griffon. True evil though, this form couldn’t find or detect, otherwise I would have acted in response. I learn then in that fleeting moment of thought, betrayal isn’t evil, simply opportunism and therefore I woefully naive for not realising the possibility and perhaps my Human Dominate 56% the telling statistic in this regard.
I need a new form then.
I ask the System. No response. My previous control revoked or perhaps lost when cut off from Azizos’ control and I became closer to Zeus, while within his Temple. To be expected I suppose and yet regret, under Azizos’ whims as well now. How did he choose the next form for me I wonder? Would he evolve me?
Time is up, the shining black basalt, the mockery of my original form greets me, the entrance open, a huge gaping hole in the black wall, like the maw of a devourer and I the willing meal. I beat my wings to hover, I still have a choice and yet I don’t as after a time the System will slay me to comply, my spirit returning to my Creator and upon respawn, fall more fully under Azizos’ control. Resigned, I glide into my fate.
{You have entered the Quest Dungeon of Azizos.}
The notification flashes as I set down upon the cold hard basalt floor of my Cavern and unsurprisingly a wall of black dull stone forms behind me to … erm keep me safe; I am certain.
“What have you done?”
His voice harsh and accusing, I have done many things, although not sure which one raises his ire.
“Nothing Master, I return as your humble servant …”
There aren’t any of his creatures in my Cavern, the width and height allow me to stretch my wings and I do so while awaiting the exercising of his intelligence, communicating as always in a charming way to ask another critical question, or perhaps not.
“A ripple of power, an arrival, rolled across the known world. What have you done?”
Oh, yes well, Zeus’ arrival perhaps, how shall I say this…
“I witnessed the establishment of a Grand Temple in the Town, maybe not a coincidence?”
A cold silence endured before he continued. “Like the Temple in the Frigid Lake Zone and yet this much more influential a statement of arrival or invasion … what of my Quest … will this help or hinder?”
A troubled Master. Perhaps I can assist?
“Evolve me Master, this form is … mmm too kind and if I am required to destroy, I would need a better influence …”
While not blessed to stand in his presence, all within his domain hear the whisper, the wheels slowly turning in the cogs of his thinking, laced with apprehension. The delay grows like a beast threatening to devour the morale of his minions. Therefore, I wait.
---Azizos POV
She returns and I am somehow relieved? I sense her being courted by another, the initial influence strong, and when her presence severed, I imagined loss and the great experiment done. If done, then the key to my purpose lost. Now I sense the external influence fading and a need for … rage, and yet her form doesn’t allow a full manifestation. Then she asks for evolution! Surprised and yet intrigued by the request, her present form ‘too kind’ for what she requires. What of my requirements? I begin the investigation and for the first time ever I appreciate her return, due to absence.
I ask the System for Living Construct Essence:
{Hominine Essence L10,
Avine Essence L10,
Feline Essence L9+,
Colubrine Essence L7+,
Lacertine Essence L4+,
Draconine Essence L4+,
Canine Essence L3+,
Caprine Essence L0}
Some gains and yet I would expect more, therefore I can only conclude her drifting to another inhibited the harvest of essence, pity.
I ask the System for Living Construct Evolutions.
{Hominine Essence L5+, Avine Essence L5+, Feline Essence L5+, Colubrine Essence L5+}
{Evolutions Available: Manticore, Nemean Lion
Mana: 500}
{Special Condition Met – Spellcaster profession
Special Condition Met – Healer profession
Evolution Available: Naga
Mana: 2000}
{Special Condition Met – Spellcaster profession
Evolution Available: Lamia
Mana: 1750}
{Special Condition Met – Spellcaster profession
Special Condition Met – Healer profession
Evolution Available: Couatl
Mana: 2000}
{Special Condition Met – Spellcaster profession
Special Condition Met – Female Evolution
Evolution Available: GynoSphinx
Mana: 2000}
I disregard flying creatures, if she wishes to leave again then walk, I decide, therefore no Manticore or Couatl. I have previously dismissed the GynoSphinx as a choice. The Nemean Lion reminds of a beast like the Griffon; not again. The choice then is between Naga and Lamia.
I ask the System to explain Naga.
{The Naga is a solitary, typically guardian type monster. Human head and torso with some variations atop the body of a serpent, the length of which ranges from 5 to 7 metres. Wise and patient they lay in wait to ambush. They have the ability to use magic and spit poison.}
Perhaps too grounded …
I ask the System to explain Lamia.
{The Lamia is a schemer, using illusion and subterfuge to gain the friendship of others before betrayal. Human head and torso with some variations atop the body of a snake, purely normal height replacement for legs and lower torso. They are accomplished magic users to aid them in their dangerous games.}
Similar, although the Lamia overall smaller and prone to mingle and plot with the enemy to lure them into death or perhaps gain trust and spread rumour and gossip, a true agent.
I will the System to evolve her into Lamia.
{Due to Evolution Request Please set Parameters:}
At each question I set the preferred parameter, I am familiar with the questions and answer them quickly and efficiently.
{Lock Dungeon Dominate Automatically when 100%? Enabled.}
{Automatically Evolve Living Construct when conditions met? Disabled.}
{Set Dungeon Roaming Range (Unrestricted/Proximity/Dungeon/Zone/Room): Proximity.}
{Harvest Living Construct Kills automatically, convert to Mana? Enabled.}
There is a serious debate within me, regarding this setting. I need the mana and yet allowing her to retain the mana and harvest essence would unlock other forms. I will experiment and determine under what conditions this setting can be changed.
{Gift Living Construct Skills? Disabled.}
{Evolution commencing ...}
--- Aphrodite POV
{Dungeon Master evolves your existence. No adjustments required.}
{Dungeon Master evolves your existence. +4% Dungeon Dominate, Total now 77%. +10% Monster Dominate, Total now 57% and “Able to Manipulate Monster Form” is acquired.}
{Living Construct is currently 77% Dungeon Dominate and will need to return to the Dungeon in 23 Days or suffer automatic respawning.}
An eggshell in unseemly haste encloses my body, I need to lower my torso and tightly fold my wings to ensure no extremities are loped off.
{Evolution paused ... searching for explanation ... due to Monster Dominate Parameter: “Manipulate Monster Form”}
{Monster portion identified: Feline quadruped torso. Retain Y/N. Warning: If retained will result in a lessor Lamia Evolution match.}
I will N with all my heart. I need to be as powerful as possible.
{Monster portion identified: Wings. Retain Y/N.}
I will Y with all my heart, the question alerting me to the fact he chose a form without wings, thereby trying to ground me, more fool him.
{Humanised portion identified: Head, Torso and Arms. Keep Lammasu/Revert to Harpy/Accept Lamia Keep/Revert/Accept. Warning: Capabilities of new form dependent upon humanised portion.}
I will Accept with all my heart, while humanoid, I will accept any differences to maintain the innate capabilities of this new creature, the Lamia.
{Innate Abilities granted:
Charm Person once per day
Copy Image once per day
Charming Voice once per day
Assume Sentient Form based upon Essence absorption twice per day
Able to utilise the Spellcaster Profession.}
{Form compatible, Anomaly Detected; resolving conflict.
Dual Spellcaster Professions enabled:
Sorcerer at Adept Level from Human Spellcaster Essence previously absorbed
Magician at Level 8 from Evolved Creature ability}
{Incompatible Profession Detected: Priestess of Zeus, attempting removal; failure due to Excommunication. Downgrade to Healer Profession attempted, failure due to Excommunicated Priestess Profession.
[System error … Profession removal method incompatible with Profession object.]
[System recalibration … New Profession method Created … Calibrating … Naming … Allocating parameters … Assigning]
{Profession Prophet enabled
Godhead: To Be Determined
Realms: To Be Claimed
Holy Symbols: To Be Decreed
Healer Skills (retained): Treat Wound, Treat Disease, Treat Poison, Lore (Plant), Lore (Animal), Find Plants, Brew Medicine
Priest Skills (retained): Oratory
Priest Skills (modified): Theology (Faith)
Faith Magic (retained): Far Sight, Magic Sight, Locate Enemy, Locate Magic
Faith Magic (modified): Locate (Worshipper), Locate (Non-Believer)
Divine Magic (retained): Soul Sight
Divine Magic (modified): Sanctify Area (), Worship ()
Realm Magic (modified): Assess Aspirant ()}
{Second Soul detected … Evolution commenced (Alba) … Evolution failure … searching for explanation … No Body Mass}
[System recalibration … “No Body Mass” Evolution method Created … Generating Options … Naming … Allocating parameters … Restart Evolution]
{Second Soul Detected … Evolution commenced (Alba) … Offering No Body Mass Alternatives:
Sorcerer Familiar
The choices enter my mind and I know from my Lammasu conscience the creature forms offered are truly evil, hateful of life, either destroying to make more of their ilk, possession, or utter destruction. Discarding those I momentarily consider Sorcerer Familiar; except I am yet to comprehend the end result and my promise to Alba gnaws at the back of my mind; provide her with a new life. In fact, if another body accompanied me, then perhaps Alba could now be evolved. This revelation raising the question of what, and I’m not sure, although anything would be better than bound to a ring and I realise I must try to deliver on my promise now I possibly have the means, so I will Cancel and believe this is for the best.
Distracted answering questions I only now realise darkness encloses me and the single part of body which doesn’t suffer through pain are my wings. The greatest pain is reserved for my mind and the amount of knowledge and technique I absorb. The modification from Priestess to Prophet a forewarning as Zeus’ Divine Blessing is stripped away during the evolution and the sudden loss of self-worth almost crippling; I no longer have a Divine purpose and don’t serve a being greater than myself. The loss forces me to face the fact my one chance of re-uniting with my creator is destroyed, simply said, Zeus sent me here and I always surmised Zeus the single being able to return me. I screamed my silent scream and let flow imaginary tears and once again swore vengeance. This time the rage built within me and stayed, my new form welcoming the promise.
The Spellcasting lurked in the background while Lammasu and yet now manifested in a near lifetime of learning and manipulation of skill pressed upon my mind. Receiving Divine guidance as a Priestess simple in comparison, due to faith and belief, the combination enabling me to become a conduit of Zeus’ power and the single requirement, to call upon his Divine gifts. The Sorcerer requires the acquisition of knowledge and skills, the learning of spells and rituals and finally the piecing together of the final puzzle to end at the final result, no guidance or power from a Divine Being, the success or failure resting in the mind of the practitioner.
The Magician a totally new concept or variation of spellcasting, although well suited to the evolved form, easing the learning. This type of spellcasting required the learning of discrete spells, each mastered separately and memorised, my mind becoming overloaded and yet the excess pleasantly tumbled out. Each spell named and the restrictions, casting and results predictable and largely unchangeable. The number of and type of spells castable limited by the capacity of my evolution conditioned mind.
My body long ago transformed, the wait due to the completion of the Magician in perfect synergy with Sorcerer, while both tolerant of Prophet. The capability of Prophet though greatly reduced, the Divine Magic and Realm Magic would be single use, like when I initially worshiped Zeus, which left Faith Magic at my disposal. In a sense much like Magician, a limited number of memorised spells and I wondered then if they would compete for accommodation within my mind, perhaps even Sorcerer spells would and yet I sensed for Sorcerer spells to be manipulated my mind would need to be uncluttered.
In the dark I explore my body to distance myself from the pain in my mind. My lower body coils about me, the snakeskin supple covering a hidden strength. Muscular humanoid upper abdomen joins and squirms upon the pliable appendage. My breasts heavy confirming my … the words rest at the tip of my tongue and yet fail to fall past my lips, frustrating, my memory fails me. I smack the surface of the shell until my fists register pain, there is no forgiveness. My wings wrap around to comfort me, an automatic response and welcomed. Pointed teeth hint at carnivorous inclinations, while subtle snakeskin across forehead and down the back of my neck allude to my origins. My self-exploration ends as I sleep, no warning, like falling off a cliff, on the edge and then over the edge.
---Azizos POV
I survey the latest group to invade. Two bears with huge shields and mauls, two dogs with bows and one badger tending their wounds. Over the past three weeks the different beasts have begun to co-operate and this past week one always acts to co-ordinate and heal any wounds, typically a badger, occasionally a cat. The healing enough to stop bleeding, although occasionally, usually upon retreat an Intruder will completely heal a limp leg or weak arm. My losses mount as the groups muster outside, my whimsy of the riddles separating the entry of the groups, the only relief preventing mass assault. There are enough entering to register as continuous Intruders and prohibit the relocation of traps, which to my dismay are well marked out and now avoided, even though reset. The roof denizens have all been accounted for which means the Intruder progress through the Stalagmite Field is void of risk and most importantly denying me of mana.
The Bear Kin advance, one flank protected by the Cavern wall, their huge shields locked as a wall, trying to approach the Boulder Bowl with enough angle to allow the Dog Kin archers to snipe at the waiting Ogres readying the boulders they plan to throw. Fortunately, the angle not enough and the subtle slope leading up and into the bowl enough to disrupt their prefect protection. My relief is soon extinguished as another group approaches from the stairs and I return to her, helpless as they advance through the Stalagmite Field.
Multiple visits to her fruitless, she slumbers within her shell, which is resistant to Ogre Bodyguard bludgeoning. I admit to myself I am desperate, although trying to keep my voice bland and stable I yell to her.
“Attend to me Servant! They invade! Wake and free yourself …”
--- Aphrodite POV
His voice stirs me, a knocking upon my mind. Summoned. The black surrounds me. I unleash the chitinous tip of my tail at the shell rewarded with a deafening crack, like thunder. I am free. I follow the rough-hewn passageway from my Cavern to where …?
“Direct me Master … and I thank-you for my wings, they seem alien to this creature so I appreciate your thoughtfulness, which will be repaid shortly.”
A mixture of frustration and relief resonates through the grunt of acknowledgement I receive. His failure to speak a consequence of wanting to ask a question I feel and yet he doesn’t wish to ask due to a quandary. I know full well he doesn’t desire me to have wings and yet I have a pair and furthermore I praise him for the consideration. Now I promise to reward him with a victory utilising the appendages his despises, so he is trying to reconcile how I am with wings because of the certainty they weren’t due to him, while hopeful of being saved.
I follow his directions until I emerge behind several Ogres with boulders. Alba remains distant, although her presence confirmed within the ring and with that assurance, I cast a Magician Spell [Invisibility] and take flight. I spiral high into the Cavern above the Boulder Bowl and then glide towards and between the stalactites sprouting from the Cavern ceiling.
My snake lower half wraps around and squeezes until I am secured upon a large stalactite. The size large enough to hide and shelter my torso, while allowing me to observe. The five Beast Kin jog-run through the Stalagmite Field. They are confident and arrogant, most likely prior visitors given unaided, they avoid the Master’s traps, several of which have planks across their width. The Master favours pit traps, apparently.
Innately I know the range of my Magician Spells can’t be extended; therefore, I need to wait. I choose a trap almost directly below me and on a well-worn trail and wonder if these little Magician Spells will surprise as intended. With a snap of my wrist I cast Magician Spell [Minor Illusion] on the far side of the trap, the illusion matching the ground already there perfectly. Waiting for the last to begin their passage over the wooden planks I snap my thumb and finger and cast Magician Spell [Mage Hand] and shift a plank from under foot, to one side.
Not distracted by the surprised scream, I cast Magician Spell [Push Dirt], my hand moving as if to shift a pile of dirt. While not exactly achieving the outcome desired, I am satisfied. I manage to scrap a hands depth of semi-packed soil into the pit underneath the illusion while leaving enough to support the end of the plank in the time it takes the leading four Beast Kin to halt their headlong run, look back in confusion shining several lanterns until they note their companion is missing and watching stupefied as the trap resets before their wide eyes. I then eavesdrop on their conversation while positioning the majority of my upper torso behind the stalactite.
I sense the disbelief in the tone of the first voice.
“Useless plunderer missed the plank.”
“No, he knew the trap layout and has traversed the planks many times.” Replied another, and I note he begins peering about the Cavern, his lantern light aiding.
“Do we retrieve his body?” asked a third, joining the second gazing into the dark, although not looking up which delights me.
“I guess I have the Mace, so I will give the trap a tap and check,” said the fourth, his voice clearly resigned.
I peer around the stalactite myself and with apprehension my eyes follow each of his steps towards the edge of the trap. He missteps, his eyes fly wide open and I delightfully smile as he crashes forward, begrudgingly acknowledging his lightning reflexes befitting a Panther Kin, successfully grabbing for the crossing plank. He dangles above the array of spikes and immediately looks down. His body shudders and I can only imagine the sight of the dead eyes of his former companion shocking. His black furred jaw opens and closes until finally able to scream for help while desperately clawing into the wooden plank.
Music to my ears as I crane my head to gaze upon his companions.
One companion raises his hands in frustration, not the response I expected, although possibly typical of a Lizard Kin. The other two, Fox Kin, sprint to his aid, seemingly determined to cross the plank, as he hangs on, closer to the opposite side of the pit now. Single file the leading companion missteps and stumbles forward managing to grab the plank before falling, needing to release his bow. I salute him in silence with a nod. The following companion, mouth agape reaches out for his sprinting partner, I know not why, perhaps instinct to try and save what can’t be saved? He tumbles forward grabbing the plank and hangs beside the other, although he begins using one boot to scrape at the side of the pit.
The final companion amuses me, approaching the pit trap warily, his boot toe tapping the ground. He closes in upon the pit and two boot lengths away from the edge of the pit, surprise, surprise, the path sinks, while appearing complete. Unbelievably, ignoring the screams of his companions hollering for rescue, he continues to trace out the ‘hole’. He places both boots through the illusion and bends his knees to be certain testing the solid ground underfoot and once satisfied, drops to his haunches, and places his lantern beside him. Hand on chin, he surveys the pit, the plank, and each companion.
The two Fox Kin try to hand over hand work their way towards the Lizard Kin, a great deal of effort for little progress.
“What a fine pickle you guys are in now, keeping coming and I will grab you …”
Time is wasting, my snake portion enables my upper torso to manoeuvre around the stalactite and I release an arrow aiming for the back of his leathered head, the force hopefully enough to propel him forward off his haunches and to my delight not only that he reaches with his hands to the arrow shaft. I snap my fingers and cast Magician Spell [Mage Hand] and assist by pushing him from behind, his hands flailing, bumping off the plank as he plummets forward.
I enjoy this game.
The three dangling companions instantly stop their screaming and shouting gaining my attention. In silence their eyes track their saviour dive upon the spikes impaling himself, issuing a final spasm in protest and then rest. With his body conveniently away from the edge of the pit lantern light spills into the pit, highlighting the satisfying panic upon the three remaining furry faces below me. The hand over hand struggle along the plank a flurry of activity and while tempted to impale one arm and then the other, I decide to not play with my prey and in turn I ensure an arrow sprouts from each upper body, chest or back, and as their strength fails, I watch each plummet in turn to join their companions. Five slain and many more to go, although I pause and wonder how many worshiped Zeus thinking I probably should have checked to ensure I kept proper count of my revenge.
- In Serial677 Chapters
Ranker's Return
In the early days of the virtual reality game, Arena, meleegod was the strongest ranked player! He deleted his character and suddenly left. In order to restore his bankrupt family, he returned to Arena!"Do you want to create a character?"
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Useless Strength In The Modern World
Zhuge Lian, modern genius, just got rejected from all of his favourite dream colleges. Driven by depression and anger, he jumps from the balcony of his apartment in Guangzhou. However, as his nose hits the pavement, everything turns white. The Modern Strength System has arrived in his life, and after failing, Zhuge Lian will rise up once again! update schedule is 5-7/week 1k-2k word chapters
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Papercuts to Fell Immortals
Qing Shen is a girl from the counrtyside, forced into a role she never wanted by a Young Master who's infamy is spread throughout the land. As a Cultivator in the path to immortality, Qing Shen has to deal with her own problems as well as the mysteries surrounding her Young Master. Things, however, are not as they seem, and the young girl finds that sometimes the truth is more unbelievable than the lies we often follow. . . . If you want a less hidden-meaning summary: This story is about the struggles of one girl as she tries to become an Immortal. There won't be any meaningful romance, but there will be a plot that spans most of the story, and violence. Oh the violence! I'm not going to say that my ideas are 100% original (because hoo boy are there a lot of Wuxia), but hopefully I can write something entertaining. Guaranteed things: 1. Cliche events with a twist (I mean, it's literally in the description) 2. Important Characters will have backstories and motivations that will hopefully make them not one-dimensional (honestly, that's just normal stuff...) 3. Untrustworthy characters (everyone in the story lies, even me, so don't trust everything you read... but at the same time, trust everything you read) 4. Goodish grammar (not gonna say mine's the best, but it's readable in most cases) 5. Plot! (Everywhere!) 6. worldbuilding? (Should be there somewhere, but I probably won't do blatant info dumps... probably) 7. Character development? (Its there... at some point...) 8. The story gets dark at some points (if you don't like characters dying, then this might not be your cup of tea) 9. A strong main character? (She'll be strong, yes. However, her enemies are also strong. If everyone is strong, then is she no longer strong? My brain hurts) 10. Wow, this list is going on for awhile... uh, Believable and reasonable Action? (I mean, I'm writing for mainly my fun, so if I want a fight scene, then I might craft a scenario to explain it... or I might suddenly throw in a Dragon and call it a day) This story also goes by the same name over on Webnovel.com, but I'm going to be updating it here because, well I want to. They are both by me, and created by me. If there's anything that seems like a copy of another work, then that's just the genre being saturated by everything under the sun.
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"In my defense, I hadn't actually been trying to get hit by a truck." Artemis wakes up alone in a giant futuristic facility with no hint of where she is, how she got here, or what this means. Yet within two weeks, she is shot at with all the guns, a voice is beginning to speak in her head, and she is tormented by a seemingly sentient and possibly trollish space Roomba. Her only hope is Scarlet, another girl who is a complete stranger and almost shot her in the head. Oh, and she has fox ears and a tail. That is possibly worth mentioning. Artemis is not a nerd. She has never heard of the isekai genre, she can't fight worth a damn, and the blue-collar skills she learned at her community college are absolutely useless in a universe where technology is often indistinguishable from magic. She only has one thing going for her: A mysterious ability to interface with highly advanced technology left behind by the Antecessors, the long lost precursor civilization with technology that no one has been able to adequately replicate. Finding herself in a universe where civilizations are locked in an interstellar Cold War, where societies are so stratified that the aristocracy commands fleets of starships while slaves wash clothes with their hands, Artemis decides to run away from it all. She has a ship. She'll find a crew. She'll find a way to make a living at the fringes of civilization, learn how to cope with danger, and survive the affections of a universe where everyone is a cute girl with animal ears and tails. Welcome to Intercessor. AKA Kemonomimi Yuri Space Fantasy. Commissioned by Shaderic. Please leave your sense of shame at the door.
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Dave And Bambi ¦ Best Friends..? (DISCONTINUED)
Im backBtw dont say bad things of this I'm not happy about it. After all, I'm working for you.. There's labor, but there's no recompense. I'm just saying don't write bad comments. Imagine moldy giving up and making Dave bisexual..Then what are you going to say?.. Or you guys say again "Dave still going straight".. Come on guys..Respect people's ship 𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝𝕝Do you think they're going to be bff or something? Start: wednesday-January,19,2022Finish: i dont remember lmaoIf you want faster episodes, press vote andddd done lol
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Love You Forever
hey guys check my second story ...❤❤...a cute nok-jok 🤗 , cute scenes 😍 ......peep in . . .
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