《The King is Back》Chapter 10 - The Raid
Braum’s group is currently in the forest on their way towards the bandit’s nest. Previously, Urada retrieved the armor she hid to disguise herself as a villager before so she is now in her usual appearance of wearing the Bridges Mark VI, the standard Yakana’s special forces armor.
“How much further is the nest?” Braum asked the group.
Urada opens a map in her tablet device that shows the approximate location of the bandit’s nest.
“Around…..1 kilometer ahead” Urada replied to Braum.
The breaths coming out of their mouth can be seen due to the cold temperature. The trees in the forest are not covered by leaves but instead snowflakes. Most of the animals or insects that are usually visible seem to be hibernating although this winter is unusual as some predators such as the Serpental Bears did not go to hibernate.
“You know, since I lived in the continent, the cold of the winter is a normal thing for me by now. What about you guys? Since you lived in a tropical country like Yakana where there were no snow.” Braum asked curiously.
“Of course, the people of Yakana would usually be quite sensitive to the cold since they have never experienced it. But for us special forces, we were trained to fight in any terrain, weather, and climate so we can stand this. Although I must say, the temperature control in this armor does help tremendously. ” Kelvin answered Braum’s curiosity.
“Oooh...I see... “ Braum muttered.
The group continues to make small talks for a bit until they finally have a visible view of the bandit’s encampment. The bandit’s camp is accurate to the prisoner’s descriptions, a testament of Kelvin’s abilities. But it seems as if the now dead prisoner did not manage to tell them one thing: The cave was just one part of the camp. Outside of the cave, there were wooden walls and tents.
“We have visuals…” Kelvin muttered.
“Hey... I forgot one thing. Can’t we be seen like this? Our uniform is black in color, which stands out in this snow.” Braum asked.
“I guess this is the perfect moment. Zed, push the small triangular button in your left gauntlet.” Kelvin told Braum.
Braum did as Kelvin instructed him to do and pushed the button. Suddenly, All parts of the armor, including the hood, has turned white, matching the colors of the snow perfectly.
“Perfect...can this imitate everything?” Braum asked again.
“Not everything. Our camouflage technology still needs a bit of work. The camo technology in this Bridges Mark VI can only imitate basic colors and can’t replicate complex patterns.” Urada, the team’s expert in military gear answered.
“Alright...how should we go about doing this" Braum asked.
In truth, he had planned everything in the bandit’s attack on the village from before until here. But he has not yet come up with a solid plan on how to attack the bandit’s camp. From what he can see, the number of guards here is way more than before and they could not use their previous methods.
“Alright, Zed...my turn now." Niko said smiling.
Niko then pulls out a small bug-like device from his bag and a tablet. He then throws the bug into the air and turns on his tablet device. The tablet shows a live footage of what the bug is currently seeing as it is flying.
"Kaz is the best in our special forces in terms of tactical espionage. He was especially an important part of our last operation of finding out the Militarists plans. He’s probably the reason why we’re here right now.” Kelvin explained.
Braum is astonished. Everyone in this group is the best of the best in their field. He had wondered why he was only going on this trip with 3 other people but this truly explains it. No one else was needed.
Niko just stayed silent while being focused on the live feed of the bug. He is currently studying the bandit’s camp layout. The live feed does not just show what a normal person would see but shows the temperature of the people in the camp and allows the ability to see through walls.
“Approximately 120 people. 30 people seem to be actively guarding the entire camp. 40 other people are doing different things from just sleeping to having a feast. The cave is probably where the higher-ups are, 30 people are deeper inside the cave. And….” Niko trailed off.
“And?” Braum asked.
“The remaining 20 people seem to be prisoners...probably people from other villages that have been captured by them. Mostly women and children, they are probably going to be sold as slaves. “ Niko answered.
“Tch. Prisoners. This is going to be harder than we thought” Kelvin muttered.
“I see what you mean. If they notice our presence and hold the prisoners as hostages, it would be harder to kill them.” Braum echoed Kelvin’s dissatisfaction.
“Do you have a plan, Kaz?” Urada asked.
Niko smiled. His current look is a far cry from his usual bored and uninterested look. His face is full of life and seems excited to finally show what he can do best.
“I have already made one. Here’s my plan.” Niko said and presented a map showing the plan in his tablet.
Niko’s Plan: https://imgur.com/a/LKqt7pf
“Kaz and Stef, you guys will be the one to charge inside the cave and find the higher ups. In the meantime, I will be the one attacking the main’s bandit camp. Rob, I will need you to stay here and help me by being my spotter for the enemies.” Niko said confidently.
“I think this is a good plan, except, it sucks. How the hell are you going to sneak into a camp of 70 bandits inside? I acknowledge your skills but that’s just ridiculous…” Braum said in a skeptical tone towards Niko.
“I dislike your underestimation of me...normally with full gear, I would be able to do this as easy as taking candy from a baby. But with the limited equipment I have right now, I’ll have to rely on the blizzard.” Niko replied.
“The blizzard?” Urada asked confused.
“That’s right, my tablet’s weather forecasting feature is detecting that there is quite a strong snow blizzard coming in under 3 hours. The bandits would not only have very limited visibility and awareness, the number of active guards they have will probably decrease. This way, I’m able to kill all of them.” Niko replied.
‘Amazing...to be able to take into account the weather and use it to this advantage. Niko Kaseli, you are something special’ Braum thought in his head.
“Alright, I’m convinced. We’ll do as you say and wait for the blizzard to come. Everyone agrees?” Braum asked the group.
“””Roger””” The three of them replied.
3 hours later, a heavy snow blizzard starts to occur. The visibility is greatly reduced and the temperature is getting even colder. The bandits who were patrolling starts to notice the arrival of the snow storm.
“Fucking shit ay it’s a bloody blizzard.” A bandit muttered.
“Imma fucking go inside the tents. No one would be stupid enough to attack now.” Another bandit said.
Just outside the camp, there is a hooded figure that can barely be seen due to the matching colors between the armors and the environment. This is Niko who is approaching the camp.
“Alright, Rob. How many are outside now?” Niko asked over the voice comm.
“Only 30 left are outside. The other 40 seems to be inside their tents.” Kelvin answered. He is currently laying down while holding a tablet across the river, the location of where the group planned the attack.
‘I’ll need to find a way to draw out the people inside the tents after I killed the ones outside.’ Niko thought.
Niko then started to approach the wall. 2 bandits can be seen guarding the upper wall of the front gate. The blizzard is still raging on so their visibility is greatly reduced. Niko starts to draw his gun and he flips a switch located on the side of the gun.
Niko shot one of the guards. This time, the gunshot almost didn’t make any sound, only a silent ‘pop’. Coupled with the loud sounds of the blizzard, the other guard didn’t notice a thing.
Niko starts to climb the wall and grabs the dead body and throws it to the ground below him. He then waits on the ledge. The other guard noticed the disappearance of his fellow guard.
“Bran!!! Where’ta fuck are ya?” The bandit shouted.
The bandit guard then starts to approach the location of where the missing guard should be. Suddenly, a hand grabs his feet and throws him to the ground below.
Niko shot the guard who fell below him while still hanging on the ledge. He then climbs the wall above.
‘Let’s see the situation’.
Niko pulls out a thermal scope and surveyed the surrounding. After having a full grasp of their locations, he jumps down inside the bandit camp and prone.
“Rob. Keep me updated on their movements.” Niko whispered over the voice comm.
“Copy that.” Kelvin replied.
Niko currently has his mana handgun on his right hand while his left hand is holding a knife backward. He is crouch walking slowly to avoid detection. His footsteps do not make any noise as if his shoes are specially designed to be sound absorbent.
Niko stabbed a bandit before he can react.
Niko then shot a bandit further away.
This goes on until the 30 people that are outside are all silently killed by Niko. He employed a variety of creative ways to kill them all. None of them managed to even make a sound before being killed by an unknown force. The blizzard is still going on so the other bandits do not feel anything out of the ordinary.
“Alright here’s the tricky part. Rob, what are they currently doing inside the closed tent?” Niko whispered over the voice comm.
“20 people seem to be sleeping in two tents so you’re lucky there. The remaining two tents have people awake. One tent has 14 people that seem to be playing some sort of game, probably gambling, in the middle of the tent. The one other tent has 16 people doing different things around the inside of the tent.” Kelvin answered.
“Copy that.” Niko replied.
‘I can kill people in their sleep easily. The one tent where they seemed to be gambling I can attack them at once before they react but the other tent is going to be quite tricky….’ Niko thought coming up with a plan in his head.
Niko then proceeds to go inside the two tents where people are sleeping and kill them in their sleep. This can already be considered mercy as they did not feel a thing before dying. Niko then prepares to enter the tent that has people gambling in the middle of the tent.
‘Well, hope this works.’
Niko pulls out his vibrosword that glows a red light under his mana aura. He also starts to use his battle force and a visible aura of red starts to cover his body. Niko enters the tent at an extremely high speed.
“HEY! That’s..”
Blood spattered everywhere around the tent. The heads of everyone in the room were decapitated by Niko in one swoop. One bandit that had a view of the entrance managed to barely warn the others but he was just too slow.
‘Well that was quite easy since they were huddled up together’ Niko thought.
Niko then exits the tent and heads to the final tent with 16 people that are not huddled up together like before but instead are more spread out around the inside of the tent.
‘I’m going to have to take a risk and attack them directly. Braum and Urada are probably already on their way inside the cave already so it’s safe to make a little noise. The blizzard is still going on anyway.’ Niko came up with the plan.
Niko then enters the tent at high speed and chaos ensues.
“You bastard!”
“ *gurgle* “
Sounds of dying and agony can be heard inside the tent for a few dozen seconds before everything goes to silence again. A bloodied figure can be seen exiting the tent, it was Niko. But those were not his own blood.
‘*sigh* that was tiring’ Niko thought.
“All team, the bandit camp is clear. I repeat the bandit camp is clear. I will now take measures to free the prisoners. ” Niko said over the voice comm.
“Roger. We are inside the cave.” Braum answered.
Braum and Urada are currently making their way inside the labyrinth-like corridors of the cave. They have changed their armors to be vantablack to blend them with the darkness of the cave. Occasionally, they would meet bandits who were easily killed by either Urada’s marksmanship or Braum’s sword.
After a while, they discovered a big door that has engravings in it.
“This must be where the higher-ups are” Urada muttered.
“Check the insides.” Braum ordered Urada.
Urada pulled out her thermal scope and surveyed the inside of the room.
“Quite a spacious room. 20 people. 8 are sitting at a long table while the other 12 seems to be guarding them.” Urada replied.
“Let’s charge in and kill the guards first.” Braum said.
“Roger.” Urada complied with the simple plan.
Braum kicked open the door and they entered. Everyone in the room seemed surprised, especially the person at the far end of the long table who seems to be the leader.
“WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?” The bandit leader barked.
Braum and Urada stayed silent and starts to attack the guards.
Their movements are inhuman and fast and every time the bandits managed to hit them, their swords just bounce off the armors that Braum and Urada are wearing.
“What the heck??” One bandit muttered.
Only a short period of time has gone by and the guards are all killed. The only people remaining are the 8 people sitting at the long table.
“SHIT! Lieutenants! Attack them!” The bandit leader barked orders.
6 people got up from their seats. They seem to be stronger than the usual guards. Only 2 people stayed behind: the bandit leader and another mysterious masked figure.
3 of the bandit lieutenants seemed to be able to use magic and started to chant while the other 3 carries swords and charge at Braum and Urada.
Sounds of swords clashing can be heard. The bandit lieutenants are more skilled than the usual guards and can wield the sword at an expert level. Unfortunately for them, they are only carrying normal metal swords.
“What??” One of the bandit lieutenants shouted.
His sword was cut in two after heavily hitting Braum’s sword.
“UUGH!” A bandit lieutenant did a dying scream.
While they are harder to kill, these bandits have highly inferior equipment than what Braum has, which are cutting edge Yakana technology. Braum managed to defeat the 3 bandit lieutenants carrying swords.
Meanwhile, the 3 bandit mages have finished their chants. Soon, fireballs, earth boulders, and a small wind tornado can be seen moving towards Braum and Urada.
Urada then starts to charge while expertly dodging the magic projectiles. After travelling a certain distance, Urada quickdraws her gun and shoot the 3 bandit mages at once.
The 3 bandit mages fell to the ground dead and their spells died with them. There are now only 4 people left in this room. Braum, Urada, the Bandit leader, and a masked individual.
“Disappointing. I thought you of all people Groll, would be able to protect his own camp.” The masked figure spoke. The voice was those belonging to a man.
The individual is wearing a full black uniform and a white mask that looks like a person constantly smiling. His presence is eerie, almost not belonging to a human.
“Wait!!! I don’t know who these people are!!! Please give me another chance!!!” Groll, the bandit leader, tried to appeal for forgiveness.
“Too late. You’re finished. I am more interested in these two individuals...or rather four individuals if you count the one outside?” The masked man muttered.
‘What? Did we know we were coming?’ Braum thought in his head.
The masked figure continues
“You people seem to be highly strong individuals….our organization would love to have you working with us. Of course, we would compensate your with tremendous wealth or anything you desire.” The masked figure asked Braum.
“Who are you?” Braum asked back.
“Now now, if you join us then we’ll tell you...how about it?” The masked figure replied.
“Not interested. If you’re working with the bandits anyway then I would not want to work with you.” Braum said.
“Ashamed. You will come to regret that decision.”
After saying that, the masked figure suddenly starts to disappear into a flurry of fluttering black feathers. There were no traces of his presence in the room again. It’s as if he was never here in the first place.
“You. Who was that? And why were you kidnapping the villagers?” Braum asked Groll.
“I-I-I can’t tell you! They’ll kill me!” Groll replied in fright.
“I assure you we will kill you as well in much, much frightening ways if you don’t tell us.” Urada said.
After some hesitation, the bandit leader conceded.
“O-okay. I-I’ll tell you. We were told by those people...to kidnap the villagers...This winter was the perfect time they said with the absence of the kingdom’s soldiers in this remote areas. We would extort villages of their money slowly until they can’t pay any more and then kidnap their people. But we didn’t sell them as slaves! We were just told to take them to a particular location and leave them there! I swear!” Groll revealed their reasons.
“And where is that location?” Braum asked.
“It’s around 5 kilometers to the east! In the middle of a forest, there is a magic circle in which we were told to leave the villagers tied up. We left after every delivery and did not see anything else!” Groll replied.
“These people...who were they?” Braum asked again.
“T-t-they’re called the order of-”
Before finishing his sentence, foams appear in Groll’s mouth. He starts to have a seizure for 10 seconds before he stopped moving.
“Check his vitals.” Braum ordered Urada.
“He’s dead. No signs of poisoning. Odd…” Urada replied after closely observing the dead body of the bandit leader.
‘Tch. there’s a greater conspiracy at play here.’ Braum thought.
He initially thought he would just find Toziro and his squad and return to Yakana, but little did he know there is something interesting happening throughout the kingdom of Estalia.
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