《The Pinocchio Update》Chapter 1 Courts, Factories, and Prison


January 13 2206 10:00 AM

Greater Capital Area Municipal Courthouse 5-B Courtroom 44

"Please rise." The bailiff called out as the judge readied to deliver his sentence The trial had been short and to the point, the evidence incontrovertible. The defendant had even taken a deal, everything was only a formality at this point.

"You have pled guilty to disturbance of the peace and minor damage to business operations, is that correct Mr. Murphy."

"Yes your Honor." Jason Murphy looked unafraid, his head held high at his actions.

"Do you have anything to say for your actions before I deliver your sentence?"

"I do your Honor. What I did, I did because we must change. Every year we advance, further and further in our creation and understanding of AI. Should we continue down the path, treating them without care or concern; how shall they respond when they finally understand? A new code of treatment must be established, so that we may one day look on our creations with not fear, but pride."

There were a few snickers from the surrounding audience. Officer Gatel shook his head, "Stupid kid, he never learns." He'd chased down the young man several times now, the most recent incident being just a step too far.

"I understand your political views Mr. Murphy. You have made them readily clear to this court on multiple occasions. While you are free to believe them as you so choose; you are not free to damage other's work, nor to cause such chaos as you have. You have several prior convictions for similar lesser offenses, and have always been let off with fines and probation. That will end today, because of your failure to learn from such minor punishments. I therefore shall sentence you to the maximum for these offenses. That comes out to three years and thirty days. Based on your payment of the due fines and compensation for the damages, along with your current income and the deductions from it for your confinement, you shall be housed as a class three prisoner. I hope Mr. Murphy that you learn to express yourself properly during this time."

The judgment was recorded and immediately preparations began. Computers automatically setting things in motion before the prisoner even stepped out of the courtroom.

Cidel Robotics Factory 557-A

Greater Capital Area

January 13th 2206 10:30 AM

A new order had arrived for a fresh android. A Seraphina-55 model with attendant accessories was needed at medium priority. The automated factory began to bring all the pieces together. Anyone watching would have felt that it was almost like watching a human be built.

First came the skeleton, a carbon fiber structure, coated in teflon. Because there was such variety and customization to each and every piece that came from the factory, every piece was fitted perfectly. Anyone even passingly familiar with human anatomy could see that this was nearly identical to a human skeleton as well. It was held in place by tiny wires as the eyes and central computer were added. Small bits of wire and components for food consumption, breakdown, and disposal ran all along the hanging model as internal system after internal system was put in place, each a mirror to those of humans


Once the guts and structure of the soon to be android were in place robotic arms came forward printing muscle and flesh atop the underlying structures. The newest innovations had developed a sythflesh, it's feeling identical to that of a human with numerous extra features. Even a fake heartbeat and warmth were easily achievable.

As the processes wound down the android lay in the air, the wires that had held it in place keeping it there as most of the machines pulled back. Save for its eyes, and the patterns on its skin that denoted maintenance access. It could easily have been mistaken for a young female human. It could walk, talk, breathe, have sex, eat and drink. There were even built in sensors along the synthflesh to detect pressure, damage, and temperature. While the base color of its skin would remain largely the same, small changes could be made, particularly when it came to reddening.

A small aperture on the skull opened and programming was fed in by a matching plug. Personality archetypes, user preferences, manuals of various kinds, and the like were all downloaded into the android. Once this was done the skull was sealed permanently. All future updates would be via a small wireless receiver. That done hair began to grow on the new android, opalescent, as indicated by data on its intended recipient.

A quick bevy of tests was done before the new Seraphina-55 was loaded into a capsule with a dozen outfits and several extra sets of undergarments. These were all Cidel Robotics owned designs, made on site for each new android. Once sealed inside it was moved out for delivery.

Fulgram Regional Penitentiary for the Greater Capital Area

January 13th 2206 3:00 PM

Fulgram stood stark on the backdrop of the city, eighty floors of confinement for low security prisoners of class two through six. The first three floors were for administration. Ten floors above that were for class six, ten above that for class five. There were thirty for class four, and twenty-five for class three. The top two floors were for the much rarer class two prisoners, all quite wealthy. There were only a few facilities in the country for class ones. Each resembled a resort more than a prison, and none could be found here.

Jason finally finished his processing and was led to the elevators. He'd been poked, given a full check-up, had all of his biometrics taken, and been made to wait around for hours. He was allowed to keep most of his personal effects. Some were even delivered from his home to ease his stay.

He stood quietly as the elevator slowly took him up. It could have been far faster, but allowing new intakes to view the prison was seen as a net positive. It permitted them to observe all those below them in the prison hierarchy, to know how fortunate, or unfortunate, they might be.

The class six areas were pods, all centered around communal recreational and living areas. These were spartan. The lack of facilities or privacy was the closest to a 20th or 21st century prison that could be found here. In one corner was a small store, where items could be ordered at obscene markup. There were of course work areas for the prisoners, and the competition to use them was fierce, as all of these floors were for indigents. They were filled to the brim with men, each followed or accompanied by a Seraphina, all used and dated models.


The floors for class five prisoners were tiny single rooms. Their facilities were far and above those of the class six, and while they could not be called nice, they did have some color and comfort. The men here, along with their companions sometimes chatted and rested in the living areas.

Class four areas consisted of small single rooms with attached closets and bathrooms, and were the largest section of the prison. While the class five and six prisoners made up the majority, class three and four had the most space among those here. Every Seraphina on this floor was also new. None of the older, used models from the lower ones were seen here except with long term prisoners who simply refused to upgrade theirs.

Class three was for rather well off individuals who could not be called truly wealthy. They each had two rooms of private space with extra closets and of course a private restroom. These prisoners also had excellent communal areas, including a pool for every five floor block.

Though Jason would not see it, the class two areas were quite fancy. There were gardens and greenhouses with massive living spaces of four or more rooms. There were only a handful of class two prisoners, easily less than a dozen in the whole facility. Their money bought them extreme comfort, even here.

The Seraphina was the backbone of the prison system. Classified as companion androids they served as a mix of guard and girlfriend. Any one could easily overpower a prisoner attempting to harm another, or the facility itself, and was nearly impossible for them to do permanent damage to. They could also be instructed to act in a huge variety of ways, from cutesy to domineering, depending on the preference of their assigned prisoner. Many even purchased their Seraphina upon release, at least partially because they made excellent servants.

As for how these androids were treated, that varied wildly. Some of the men doted on their keepers like dolls or favorite pets, buying them extra clothes and the like to dress in. Some were abusive towards them. Many were tolerant, enjoying the company, but keeping them at arm's length.

Jason was led off of the elevator by the human guard, one of few in the prison.

"Morning Officer Henry," one of the men lazing on a couch waved. His Seraphina curled up in his lap. "You coming to our Italian night tomorrow?"

"Yeah Sanders, I'll be there. Won't miss the food for the world." Officer Henry was relaxed as he led the new inmate across the floor. There was no danger to him here, with the companion bots nearby to protect him if anyone tried anything even vaguely hostile. Opening the door to the room that would serve as his home for the next three years and change.

"Alright newbie, here's the rundown. You are class three, block three, floor four, room sixty-two. You are permitted to move about this block, and each floor has different recreation spaces. You are highly encouraged to explore and use them. If you would like a list or rules, you may consult your vidscreen. Any questions so far?" He had pointed to the screen behind him, capable of showing most media commonly consumed.

"No sir."

The guard nodded going over to the capsule that had been delivered only a couple of hours prior. It opened to reveal the undressed form of a Seraphina. "This is your Seraphina. You are required to be within ten feet of her any time you are outside your assigned living space. You may treat her however you like. Wanna screw her, fine, treat her like a doll, no problem, smack her around, nobody cares. So long as you don't do permanent damage pretty much whatever you care to do to her, you can. You may not restrain her with anything other than approved restraints, those can be purchased in the commissary. She will be able to break them if you try anything though. If you should try to damage our facility, attack anyone, escape, or cause major issues she will restrain you. She is stronger, faster, and more dexterous than you are, so don't try it. Any questions?"

Jason struggled to keep his head on the guard. This companion bot had been made based on all of the information that had been gathered by the megacorps on him over the years. Its body was, to him, physically perfect. The hair and cut ideal. Even its smell, for he could smell it now, appealed to him on a deep level.

"Um... clothing for the android?" He really wanted something that did not look like a beautiful woman standing stark naked in his living room.

"In the capsule. Most of it's based on what the megacorps think you would like, but there is one guaranteed 'normal' outfit. Handle that after I've left, because frankly I don't want to know what sort of weird porn you've watched over the years. You can buy more at the commissary, do not have her running around in some fetish gear or something in public areas. It won't make you any friends."

"Okay, nothing else then." Jason had used rental companion bots when he was much younger, but having one made to spec for him was still unnerving.

"Alright then. My advice kid, settle in, then go meet some of the others on your floor. Most are okay guys. A few are rotten though, so keep an eye out." With that advice handled, the older man left, closing the door behind him.

Jason turned to look at the android who would be sharing his room for the next three years. "I don't suppose you were given a name when you were made?"

"My model number is SER-055-CD-Q1742. Assigning a name can be done at any time." It's voice was pleasant, but emotionless. That lack of feeling was a bit unnerving to him.

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