《The Other Labyrinth》23 - Sponsorship and dream
Chapter 23
Following the instruction of the receptionist, they took the stairs located at the right of the counter, going to the first floor.
“Don’t be too stressed, kid, they will not eat you.” Said Nana to a restless Mikael.
I just hope they can’t see my abilities, I don’t want to stand out too much. He thought, trying to calm himself as to not make Nana worry.
The stairs led them to a new room with a desk and another receptionist.
“What is the matter ?” She asked, raising her head when she heard peoples coming in.
“It’s for an assesment and a sponsorship.” Answered Nana while displaying the document she got from the other receptionist.
“Second left door. Knock and wait.” She aswered shortly in turn, pointing toward a corridor at her right.
“Thanks.” Said Nana before following the indications, knocking on the door when she found it.
“...You can enter.” Answered someone after one or two minutes of silence.
The room wasn’t big nor tiny, maybe around 4.5 by 4.5 meters. Three chairs facing a desk, someone sitting behind it and a bookshelf against the wall, with a window at its right. The person was an old man in his sixties with grey hairs and tirred eyes, but sporting a soft smile on his face. Some paper was stored on the desk, the ink still fresh on the one Mikael could see.
Did we interupt him in his work ? He thought, concerned.
“Hello mister. It’s for an enrollment and a sponsorship.” Said Nana while presenting again the sealed document.
“Take place and please present me your badge.” He answered quickly while pointing at the chairs.
“Sure.” Nana took a seat and presented her badge to the old man.
Following her exemple, Mikael sat right beside her, staying quiet the whole time. Stressed, he felt his soul switch mode, becoming suddenly a lot more relaxed and distant to the scene, wainting to see what options it would yield for him.
The old man took the badge and placed it on on small stone circle.
“...Nathalie Narlock, rank B… I know you, you’re the part time butcher aren’t you ?” He finally said while taking his eyes off from the stone and back at her.
“Yes, indeed. I didn’t know my reputation would follow me here.” She answered with a confident smile.
“The first one to refuse a promotion to rank A. Of course I know you… If I may ask... why ?” He added with a causious voice.
“...Well, I’ve a family, yah see, and I wasn’t willing to throw that away. Rank B is good, not too much responsability, but a good pay, and I can take care of my kid.”
“Hum… Yes, a good compromise indeed.” He said with an understanding look.
“So the enrollment and sponsorship is for him, right ?” He asked while nodding toward Mikael.
“Indeed.” She simply replied.
“Good. Well, let’s do the formalities first. Name, age, birthplace, civil status please.”
Mikael looked at Nana before answering.
“Mikael Duval, 21 years old, I don’t know, and heee…” He looked at Nana again.
“Under my charge.” She answered to the last question.
The Chief Instructor wrote all the informations quickly before re-reading them and raising his gaze toward the young man.
“Duval ? You’re from a noble family ?”
Nana took the lead before he could answer.
“No no, he his from a place were everyone has a family name.”
“...Ho ? How peculiar. Well then, some mandatory questions before we proceed. Why do you want to enroll as a mercenary ?”
“...To become more powerfull, and to make money ? I mean, why else ?” He answered.
“It’s the main enrollment reason but from time to time I’ve seen other things.” He comment while noting something else on his sheet of paper.
“Good. We will now proceed to your assesment. We’ll use an appraisal stone to judge your current level, your classes, stats and abilities. Those informations are confidential and thus only disclosed to me, your sponsor…” He nodded his head toward Nathalie.
“...and of cours yourself. A record about you will be created and stocked here, in our vault, to be used as a base for your activities with us, and to study your grow. Do you agree with this ?” The old man asked.
Mikael looked again at Nana and aswered affirmatively when he saw her nodding.
“All right, let’s appraise you.” He took quite a big stone out of his desk and put it on top of the wooden surface.
“Proceed, please.” He said while pointing toward the stone.
Like the first time, Mikael put his hand on it, but this time Nana did the same, the Chief Instructor too.
[Level : 17 (73%) Available Key Points : 16]
[Ressources :
Health Point: 10/10 Stamina: 10/10]
[Body : 1]
[Mind : 1]
[Soul : 1]
[Capacity :
“...What ?” Exclaimed the old man, looking at Mikeal with a bewildered gaze after seeing this character sheet.
“Why can’t I see those capacities ?” The young man asked in return.
I hope my actor play is good enough. He thought, trying to make himself a victim of the situation has not to recieve too much attention.
“...You don’t know ? What’s going on with this, Mrs Narlock ?”
“I don’t know more than yah. It’s the first time I’ve seen something like this…” She answer while frowning.
Well, it’s still better than them seeing my true capacities. Mikael thought, even if he was frustrated by this unwelcomed attention, but relieved it amounted only that much.
“...Well. Can’t really do anything about it for now. I’ll ask one of our specialist to take a look at this later. At least it seems that you have interesting stats. If you’re truly 21 you’re lagging behind others of your age but it seems you’re one of the few that can choose how to distribute your point like you want. I don’t know how you did live with such low stat until now, and it’s not my job to ask, but overall you seems interesting. And you never had a class, right ?”
“...Yes. How did you know ?”
“Because your sheet don’t even display a class folder. You see, your sheet only give you informations about what you’ve encountered so far. For exemple, you don’t have any mana, so you also don’t have the stat displaying your mana pool.”
“Good. Quick learning is paramount in this profession. As I always say, quick learning or quick dying.” He commented, satisfied.
“Now that this part is done, le’ts talk choices and sponsorship. Since you’re a versatile, you can technicaly choose any class you want to acquire. Still, I would advise you to choose something that fit your experience so far, and that let you take full advantage of your sponsor’s, Mrs Narlock’s own experience…” He said before being interupted by Nathalie.
“That’s how it normal goes but I would want a complete base training for him, so he can find what he’s the more at ease with.”
“...I can do, but it will cost you more sponsorship points.”
“I know, I’m good with it.”
“Understood. So a full base training and then a specialized training in what he choose, right ?”
“Yes, and I also want supervised field experience in a team.” She added.
The old man frowned.
“You’re sure you want to put so many eggs in this basket ? You won’t be able to sponsor anyone else in a long time after that.” He commented, skeptical.
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” She answered with confidence.
“Right, you’re a Rank B, you know your business. So a general training followed by a specialized one to be chosen, then field experience in a team. While we’re at it, do you want access to an appraisal stone, our library or to alchemical product ?”
“We’ll work on our own for the appraisal stone, but you can put the library and a rank C access to alchemical product.”
“...I’ll need to verify something.” He answered before checking Nana’s card.
“...With this, you’ll not have any sponsorship points left. You’re sure ?”
“Yes.” She simply said with a smile.
“Your call. Let’s seal this deal then.” He said while taking a shining sheet of paper out of his desk. He stayed silent five more minute, taking his time to fill in the form.
“Great, now I just need your fingerprint here, here and here please.” He asked them while putting a tiny jar of translucent powder.
Nana took the initiative, putting her thumb in the jar then on the form quickly three time. Without saying anything, Mikael did the same.
“Perfect.” Said the old man before taking the contract back.
“Your full basic training will start tomorrow at 10 in the morning. Take this…” He gave a badge to Mikael just like the one Nana had.
“...And present it to the instructor the will be waiting in the main square of the castle. He will scan it and take you and the others in is charge. Your basic training will take at least a week, maybe more. After that, you will choose whitch class you want to acquire based on the instructor’s tips and the informations we have on the library. If you want further information, go ask in the main room.”
“Thank you, Chief Instructor.” Nana said while taking Mikael with her, seeing how the instructor was politely asking them to vacate the place.
“Thank you.” Said Mikael in a neutral tone.
“So, how do you feel about this ?” Asked Helianthine, her gaze and her smile soothing him.
“...I don’t really know.” He answered, eating his meal mechanicaly.
“You’re not stressed ? Or excited or something ? I would.”
He looked at her and, smiling, something switched.
I really need to pay attention to this fucking capacity. He thought.
“Stressed ? Yes, a bit, but I am more excited than anything. Thanks for asking.” He said, his voice now full of emotions.
The dinner concluded at last, Nana spoke.
“Come with me two sec will yah ?” She asked Mikael before speaking to Helianthine.
“I’ll take him a bit, you can have it back to help you to wash the dishes after.”
“Undestood mom.” She answered with curiosity in her gaze.
The whole placed reeked of old tobbaco and parts of the wood had taken the classical sickening yellow color of it.
“Well boy, tell me. Yah can access your character sheet all by yourself, right ?” She asked him while lighting her pipe, seated in one of the chairs of her bedroom.
He frowned and looked at her, confused.
“What ?”
How did she know ?
“Don’t give me this, boy. I heard you talking about this to Heli in a less than subtle way, and your little show with the Chief Instructor did not fool me, even if it was quite good.”
He looked at her one more second in confusion before starting to smile meaningfully.
“Well yes, I can. I just don’t want others to know as to avoid attracting too much attention, and to keep an ace in my sleeve, you know ?”
“Ha, I totaly understand, that’s why I’m not even upset toward yah but, in the futur, trust me more. I’m your sponsor after all.” She said before blowing some smoke.
“Well then, you only wanted to talk about this ?”
“Nah. Your capacities, the ones the stone couldn’t read, you can, right ?”
“...Yes. But I’m not very in favor of showing them, you know.”
“Bah, they can’t be that special. Show them to me, it’s important for me to give you the best advice, so you can choose what class and all is best for you.”
I hope that’s true.
“...Fine, but don’t spread informations about them, please.”
She nodded and extended her hand that he took, before summoning his Sheet.
[Capacity :
Soul Duality Old Soul Sanctuary of Souls]
|Old Soul : your soul is old, very old even, it contains a thousand and one secrets and countless and varied life experiences. Acquisition conditions for all classes and capabilities are reduced. You can now learn things that only your Ancient can provide.|
|Soul Duality: Your soul is double, composed of two layers with different functioning. From now on, your soul state will automatically change between your two options depending on the environment you are in. Your two states are:
Steel Spear: You cut yourself off from your emotions, relying entirely on your Will to achieve your goals in the most direct and effective way possible.
Empathy fixed at 1. Resolve over-multiplied by 5. The capacity “Cold of Steel”. Other capacities and modifications may appear depending on the evolution of the capacity.
Bountiful Lake : You leave yourself to your emotions, becoming extremely sensitive to the people around you.
Empathy over-multiplied by 3. The “Warmth of a Beach” capacity. Other capacities and modifications may appear as the capacity evolves.|
|Cold of Steel: All contact with your soul is toxic to the Empathy-capable Entities, dealing them Irreversible Anthropic Damage.|
|Warmth of a Beach: All contact with your soul is good for Empathy-capable Entities, caregivers and soothers of all forms of damage.|
|Sanctuary of Souls : By any whim of fate, you have been endowed with one of the Architect’s artifacts. It is now part of you, and up to you to make it reach its full potential.|
She started reading it then stopped, silence envelloping the room.
“...Tock.” Made Nana’s pipe, falling on the ground has her mouth was gaping wide, speechless.
After several minutes where she stayed totally still, Nana finally managed to pull herself together. She then very carefully took back her pipe, before stuffing it with tobacco nad igniting it once more.
“So… this is why your mood don’t stop fluctuating.” She stopped to exhale a cloud of smoke.
She looked a lot older, and tired, too.
“It’s for the best that the Chief Instructor didn’t see your capacities.” She added, recovering more and more of her shock, going back to her confident state.
“Well, it seems they’re special, after all.” He said with a sad smirck.
“Indeed. It’s maybe the third time I saw over-multiplier this big in a capacity, and that’s not even the more shocking. You can hurt people soul directly…” She raised her head and cast her gaze on him.
“...Who are you, really ?”
“I’m Mikael. Everything I said to you was true, and I really don’t know much, minus the fact that I come from another world an that I’ve got overpowered capacities for one reason or another. I don’t know anything else.” He answered with a mix of fear and confusion.
She looked at him lengthily before a budding smile came to fruition on her face.
“Well. Helianthine really like yah, so I can’t do anything else than to help yah.” She finaly said with a long sigh.
“Let’s talk about your capacities, so yah can take the most out of them…”
“Let’s summarize : We’ll need to test of powerfull the effect of your Old Soul capacity is. Depending on the results, we’ll be able to make yah skip some low ranked classes to take you directly to the rarer ones. And I think you should at least take one class revolving around soul, like a priest or a holy warrior to use your Empathy and Resolve over-multiplier. Something around external support, maybe, since it would be dangerous for you to touch the soul of someone when yah’re in Steel Spear mode. Now to the more cryptic one. Can you explain your Sanctuary of Soulls to me ?”
“You’ve never heard of any Architect ?” Asked Mikael before answering the question.
“No, I’m sorry. The only thing I can tell yay is that it should be a very powerfull entity to be aknowledge by the system.”
“Thanks…” He said, before frowning and staying silent.
“...Well, what are yah waiting for, kid ?”
“I’m trying to search a way to explain the Sanctuary to you… But, if you don’t mind, I’ll try something before and, if it work, you’ll need less explanation. Can I ?”
“After ya, kid.” She answered with a nod of the head.
“Give me your hand, then.”
She gave him her hand, looking at him curiously. He took it and breathed deeply, focusing on his Sanctuary. He felt a feeling of fall and everything faded to black.
The world was white and wide, the core hanging in the void as always. At his side, floating like him, Nana looked around in confusion. Well, not Nana exactly but a younger version of her, her back a bit more straight, with just that bit less of wrinkles, she looked more like a young mother than a old matrone.
“How do you feel ?” Finaly asked Mikael, a deep and warm aura surrounding him.
“W-what’s happening ? Were are we ?” She asked, her voice smoother, missing the coarsenessgiven by the tobacco after smoking so much.
“Welcome to my Sanctuary. I’m happy you’re here, I didn’t know if it would work.” He answered with a smile like his aura.
“...What the fuck have yah done ?”
“Well, if my hypothesis is correct, I brought your Soul and Mind in here and, if you wonder where ‘here’ is, I was told it’s a pure Mind and Soul dimension that was created in an unknown crevis of the Omniverse to work as an independant world. That’s my last capacity you were wondering about.”
“...Your ...your last capacity is a whole fucking world ?”
“Indeed. I didn’t know how to explain it to you, to make you believe in it so I thought that taking you here would be better.”
Nana looked at him and was ready to ask another question when she turned her gaze toward something else.
“W-what’s that ?” She asked, pointing her immaterial finger toward a deep blackness far from them.
Ho fuck, please no. Mikael thought before he started flying as quickly as he could toward the black thing. Nana followed him rapidly, finding the trick to fly in no time.
What awaited them was a big mass of some kind of viscous black fluid. They did not have ose in this dimension, but their Souls could feel it reek like a putrefied carcass.
“What’s happening ?” Asked Nana with her body of a young mother.
No aswer came from Mikael, nothing but a feeling of uneasiness as she sensed his aura changing, switching even. It stay as deep, but the warmth let place to the coldness and sharpness of a weapon, altering the very world around him.
“Step back.” He said in a voice like his aura, a freezing inferno unleashed in his eyes.ù
He started advancing, not by flying but by taking step on the void, walking on nothing like it was natural. He soon touched the black corrupted material that froze and became dust in the wind. Seeing this, the young man walked deeper and ddeper in this mass, letting Nana behind him.
Finaly, he found what he was searching. Naked, Lauryne had her face distorded by pain and fear, a hint of madness too, and long black volute englobed her from everywhere, eating at her soul to grow more and more.
Well, looked at the state of this tiny girl. What a great big brother you are to her, no ? If I was you, I would try to find how to partialy materialize her in the real world, to let her discharge all this corruption, traumatism and insecurity. If not, she’ll be devoured by them, becoming a tourmented soul, a monster. Good luck.
Ignoring the voice for now, he extended his hands and, very peacefully, started to crush those volutes, ignoring the pain that hit him, letting the terrifying entropic power emanating from his finger destroy the black tumor growing on the little girl. When freeded, Lauryne slightly opened her eyes and, before Mikael could do anything, used the last bit of her strength to lean on him. The heart of the young man jumped in his chest but he quickly settled down when he saw that his Steel Spear mode wasn’t harming her.
...Aren’t you capable of empathy ? He thought, worried but happy that he could take her against him.
Tightening his arms around her, he protected her while he left the collapsing mass of darkness, the fetid substance unable to pierce his steal-cold aura.
He finally emerged while the sphere behind him turned into dust, vanishing quickly now that its source was totally taken out of it. Seeing them, Nana got closer swiftly, stoping before the two of them. Her gae fell on the girl and her eyes became round like plates.
“L-Lauryne ?” She said, bewildred when the girl turned her own gaze toward Nana.
“Nana ? You’re here ?” Asked the girl with a weak voice.
“yes. Yes, I’m here !” She exclaimed before extending her arms toward Lauryne. Touching Mikael’s aura, her ginfertops froze instantly before becoming dust and vanishing.
“AAAAH !” She couldn’t refrain her scream of pain, taking back her hands against herself.
Mikael gritted his teath seeing that.
“You need to go.” He simply said before making her vanish from his world, not very sure about what to do with her injuried fingers.
He looked around him, focused.
It seems that my intuition was right. The proprieties of my world change based on my soul. He thought, noting how the space was becoming colder and colder, harmonizing with the aura his soul created here.
He looked at Lauryne that, once Nana vanished, had gone back to sleep.
Materializing her in the real world… This voice is really difficult to deal with, she coulmd have said it earlier…
He kept Lauryne in his embrace a while more, letting his aura flow on her to help her control her traumas, before letting her go and going back to his world.
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