《Forced Immortality》Prologue


Jack was an average person who lived an average life.

He had an average job which he neither liked nor disliked but it paid the bills so he considered it pretty good.

He had an average family with loving parents that raised him with love and care.

Altogether, he had what many would consider a pretty good life.

He just wished there was more to life.

Jack read a lot of light novels and cultivation stories and he sometimes wished he could be in those worlds but jack wasn’t stupid.

He knew that he wouldn’t even survive a day in those worlds.

Alas, you should be careful of what you wish for or you might find yourself the latest victim of life’s twisted brand of humor...


Finishing up my shift at work, I left to walk back home. It had been a busy day so I just wanted to pass out on my comfy bed.

‘It’s a good thing my place is close by’ I sighed while looking at the bustling traffic.

It had been a pain in the ass to find an apartment within walking distance of my job but goddamn was it worth it.

Looking at the mirrored surface of the building to my left, I couldn’t help but notice my reflection.

I was of average height, around 176 cm tall, and kept my black hair short and my face clean shaven. The only other noticeable features were my dark brown eyes that almost looked black.

All in all, a pretty average guy, not handsome but not ugly which I guess is a blessing in its own way.

I stopped at the intersection waiting for the light to change and stared at the construction work being done across the street.

They’ve been working on that building for what seems like two months now and for the life of me I can’t see any difference at all. Most of the time, the construction workers just look like they’re idling around.


Guess whoever owns it ran out of money or something.

The light changed and I just started to cross the street when I heard the squeal of tires screeching against asphalt.

My head whipped around afraid I’d see the cliché truck headlights but instead I saw a truck veer off the road and crash into the building under construction.

‘Wow, I almost got-‘

I never got to finish that thought.

I’d say I felt like a truck had just smashed into my back but I’m pretty sure it was actually a truck

The pain never came or at least the pain I expected never came.

Instead, all my senses seemed to have dulled with the exception of my perception of time which increased substantially.

The moment I ‘felt’ the impact, everything slowed down and my perspective shifted.

I could see my body from a third person perspective almost like a bystander but I could still feel my body.

The moment I registered all this, my sense of pain sharpened and I felt every single bit of pain with such clarity that I could almost count every single bone that broke under the impact of the truck.

I felt every single blood vessel as it burst and every single broken bone as they tore into my various internal organs.

I felt all of this and for some reason it didn’t bother me.

I felt....detached, for a lack of a better word, from all of this.

Like it wasn’t my own pain and was instead someone else’s.

And yet I still felt every single bit of it....

It was a contradiction but considering that I’m basically going through what looks like an out of body experience as I see myself die, I’m not really putting much stock on what’s ‘normal’ or ‘logical’ anymore.


You’d think that getting hit by a truck would be enough but oh boy it didn’t stop there....

I watched as my body sailed through the air and crashed into the other truck that had crashed into the construction building

Welp, there goes the rest of my bones and I’m pretty sure that my insides are just meat soup at this point which honestly kind of makes me a little hungry.

Man, am I already losing it? Because that can’t be a normal thought...

The second truck, after crashing into my back, didn’t stop and crashed into me again sandwiching my body between it and the other truck.

Was this all necessary? I was honestly speechless.

Which god did I piss off?

Well whoever or whatever entity was apparently not done yet.

After my body got sandwiched, the building shook and from the top a couple thick steel rods fell and impaled my body and the hood of each truck.

‘How the hell is no one reacting to this?!’ I thought as I looked around.

What I saw made me freeze.

Empty, the streets were completely empty.

No people, no other cars and not even the sound of crickets.

An eerie silence blanketed the whole street.

Turning around, I noticed sparks coming off the hood of the trucks.

‘Oh you’ve got to be kidding me...’

I barely had time to complete that thought before a huge explosion blinded me and then everything went dark.


Jack’s death caused no ripples.

The next day, life went on as normal and the building was finished the week after that as scheduled.

There were no trucks or body found at the building and no one even knew that such an incident had even occurred.

As far as his family was concerned, jack just seemed to disappear one day and no amount of phone calls or searching yielded any results.

Reality just seemed to.....gloss over….jack’s death.

Jack was an average person who lived an average life but died an extraordinary death.

And this was just the beginning…

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