《Scourge of the System》Chapter 15 - Training


Noah walked out his room and picked a direction at random. He started walking, the corridors filled with people moving about quickly doing tasks that Noah couldn’t understand from his quick glances.

Walking at a swift pace down the corridor Noah walked to a room that had a sign above the door in some strange language. As he stared at the letters swam into a shape resembling English.

“ACAS, what’s happening here? Why can I read this?”

“The same changes that allowed you to gain stats, also made it so that you can read galactic common. It is to allow for easier transition to the galactic order.”

“Hmm I’m still not happy that I got messed with during this integration, but I gotta say, the stats are sweet.”

Noah glanced once more at the sign above the door and shrugged.

“So, this is the armoury, lets see what’s here I guess.”

With that Noah walked through the door and was greeted by another of Dakon’s race behind a counter.

“Welcome stranger. My name is Heidithas. We have individual training halls for a credit an hour. The public armoury is to your left. I would have to ask you to refrain from going through the door to my right. That is the armoury reserved for serving combat members. Your name would be?”

“Hi, I’m Noah. I’m new to the ship, gonna be travelling to the capital when we get going. So, you guys hire out training room for anyone to use?”

“well I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Yes, yes, we do. Training rooms are often hired by returning combat members. After mission, most of our forces have some new ability or technique that they would like to try out. The training rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art combat bots. Unfortunately, they do not give out XP. But nonetheless they are a good way to get more used to your new skills.”


“Ok, cool, can I hire out a training room then please? I got a new skill recently that I want to figure out how to use more effectively.”

“Of course, sir. As soon as your ACAS has transferred the funds, a digital key will be transferred to it.”

With a thought from Noah, ACAS sent the money and confirmed receipt of a key to a training hall.

“Your training hall is just behind you. There is a dashboard inside to summon different types and amounts of training bots. Enjoy your time here.”

Noah thanked the man and walked into the training room. Looking at the dashboard, he scrolled quickly through the different bots available and settled on a horde mode type.

Selecting them to be released, Noah faced them, Glavenius in hand. Relaxing, Noah searched within himself for that ball of anger that he had deep inside himself every hour of every day. He felt it, and let the feeling build up within himself, it surging through his body in time with his heartbeat. As the bots got nearer, he struggled to find out how to unleash it as he did when gained the [Scourge] Skill.

All of a sudden it clicked, and his emotional Mana combination manifested into a smoky red cape that flowed from his shoulders into a circle around him. In the next instant the combat bots hit the aura and started melting. The closer they got to him the more severe the damage. None of the combat bots held together long enough to take a swipe at Noah.

Not long after Noah understood the skill, the bots ran out. His aura reducing them to a metallic gloop. He slowly came out of his trance, as he did so his cloak of mana slowly dissipated. Exhausted Noah sank to the floor resting against the dashboard.


After a short while, Noah started to feel better. Getting up, he looked at the dashboard and selected a new set of opponents.

Moments later a series of humanoid combat bots walked towards him. They all had sword-like weapons in their hands. Lighting up the edge of the Glavenius with some angry sparking mana, Noah dived forward into the group. This time instead of using [Scourge] he simply used his weapon to slice, cut and bash his way through the group. Images flashed through his mind as he fought, the more he fought the more refined his attacks became. The images showing him how he should move the Glavenius to use it the most effectively.

All too soon he ran out of bots to fight, and his time in the room came to an end. Walking out of the training hall a cleaner robot sweeping away the debris that was left over.

“Hello there Noah, did you learn anything interesting in your time there?” the receptionist asked.

“Yes, I did thanks, I managed to control a skill better. Hey, I don’t suppose you know where the guys that specialise in identifying things are?”

Yep, I do, I’ve sent a marker to your ACAS, it will show up on your map, and your ACAS will also be able to tell you where to go.”

“Thank you very much, Have a nice day”

With that, Noah walked out of the armoury, grabbed some food from a nearby vendor and walked back to his room. As he had spent the whole day in the armoury training, he was physically and mentally exhausted. As soon as he got to his room he collapsed on the bed.

“ACAS, you have got the marker for the identifiers, right?”

“Yes, I do. They should be high enough level to identify your relics.”

“Awesome. We’ll go there tomorrow then.”

Moments later Noah was fast asleep on the large and comfortable bed.

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