《Scourge of the System》Chapter 6 - Ruins of life before


Light filtered down through the hole that Noah fell through, illuminating the depths. In the distance small glimmers of light could be seen pinpointing areas of the ruins. From the hole above, tendrils of wines and foliage could be seen slowly creeping across the roof and dangling down.

“This place is massive, if this is a tomb whoever is buried here must have been really important”

Noah looked around the cavernous ruins mouth agape.

“I know there are some gigantic caves on earth, hell some even have their own weather system. This place has to be about the same size, I think I can see some clouds over there.”

“I do not know these caves that you speak of, but yes, this place does seem quite large” ACAS replied, sounding slightly distracted

“ACAS, are you ok? You sound off? A concerned Noah voiced.

“Yes, I just am slightly distracted, as I said before, this place seems to have not been included in the System’s records. I am doing a deeper search now.”

“Ok, have fun, let me know if you find anything”

As he got ready to start exploring, small flakes come floating down past him. Looking up the vines have grown longer but when they reached a certain depth they are incinerated preventing them from encroaching further.

“Holy shit, that could have been me. I wonder why the Featherfall spell activated instead of whatever that was?”

“I don’t know. I do not like this. The system knows nearly everything. Not knowing something is new for me.”

“Hopefully you’ll find out something soon, I know what you mean, not knowing is uncomfortable”

That said, Noah hoisted his rucksack back onto his shoulders, his hand gripping the handle of the machete tightly and started walking. As he descended down the incline towards the centre of the ruins, statues and buildings loomed over him, giving him an oppressive feeling.


The only thing that gave him any warning was a rumbling and clattering of stones as something unseen launched itself at him. Instantly he activated [Spectre Step] and the creature flew through him, the partial incorporeality of the skill mostly stopping it from hitting him. As it was, he was still knocked to the side.

Behind him he heard a loud crunch as the creature slammed into a stone wall. Quickly he turned and charged swinging his machete. He ripped the machete through the air slamming it into the back of the creature. It slid through easily, the creature shrieking in pain.

It turned quickly like it had no bones and struck back quickly claws scraping against Noah. It was a centipede-like creature, just fleshier and it had no eyes.

Enraged Noah swung quicker and quicker trying to finish it off before it could hit him again. Each swing connected, tearing great rents through the beast, [Brutal Swing] doing its job. Unfortunately for Noah, despite the creature not attacking as it was slammed back into the stone wall with each strike, barely seconds after it was wounded the flesh knitted back together. Evidently this creature fought by outlasting its prey.


Frustration and a burning desire to see tomorrow built up in his core and joined the ever-present anger that he usually kept such a tight lid on. With a scream of “DIE!” the heat that had built flowed through his arm and into his weapon, igniting it.

This time, as he hit the beast the wounds seared themselves open and did not heal. With such a boost to his combat abilities he started making headway into forging the death of the creature. One huge final swing impacted it and threw it backwards through the stone wall.


All of a sudden silence reigned and a flurry of notifications filled his eyes.

Level Up!

XP Gained - Level 15 Achieved

Tesopus Worm killed

Skill Gained

Ignite Weapon [Level 1]

You have started to learn how to channel your emotions into physical effects

Skill Levelled

Brutal swing – [Level 2]

Noah slumped backwards resting against the legs of a statue

“Well that’s a few notification” he said as he started going through them.


“Ok, so I’ve gained 5 levels, and 15 points to spend. ACAS, what do you reckon I should put points in?”

“You have started going down a good path when you first levelled. Endurance, strength, and perception are good picks, along with constitution. I would suggest you carry along the same lines. I would, however, suggest point more points into strength and endurance, with a smattering of dexterity. I think, judging by our surroundings your future may include some climbing.”

“Ok, that sounds like a good idea, cheers ACAS.” Point allocation was a quick task after his choices were made easier.

Level: 15
























Looking up towards the remains of the Tesopus Worm, Noah looked through the hole that he had created by smashing the body through the stone wall. Light came shining out through the hole. Looking inside Noah’s eyes had to adjust to the light filling the room. Light was reflected off every surface, some highly reflective surface covered the walls and floor. Opposite him there was a heavy imposing door set into the wall.

“This room is amazing, I must have hit a weakened section of the wall, otherwise I don’t think even with [Brutal Swing] being level two I would have got through."

Once his eyes adjusted, Noah’s face lit up as he saw the contents of the room. Coins littered various surfaces, armour and ancient treasures lay around as well. Pride of place was given to a Guandao type weapon. A statue kneeling, holding it horizontal in its hands, as if it was presenting the weapon to someone.

“ACAS, I think we have hit the jackpot. This lot should help me survive”

“Hmm I agree, you should [Identify] anything you wish to take before you do so though. Some may be dangerous”

Noah walked into the room, heading straight towards the weapon as he did so

“Uh huh ACAS, sure I’ll do that” he said as he reached out towards the weapon.

His hand touched the weapon, and all went black.

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