《Highborn (The Stormforth Chronicles)》Chapter 4
Standing in formation around his fellow men the dwarf watched powerless as his friend, Destin was dragged away by a number of orcs to be taken to the tower. As Goddar knew, at most, his friend would have until the end of day to live, and that was a generous estimate. He clenched his fists as a new found anger swelled through his entire body.
The dwarf’s plan of escape was going to take a while and multiple people to prepare accurately and he vigorously questioned if he would be able to pull it off single handedly. Knowing magic was real, and seeing possibly one of the last Highborn in the land being taken to the slaughter, he needed to act.
Knowing the reason for the orcs aggression was due to the inspection. He realized it was a matter of time before they were taken into the mines and back to working, which was exactly where he needed to be to get things in motion. Once the men were taken away to the fortress, the orcs marched the men into the mines to begin their days work. In this rare instance, Goddar was eager to get to work.
The flashback continuously replayed through his head almost nonstop. An hour had past and in no way was time on his side. Rushing as quick as he could under the watch of the orcs, he moved to the control panel of the machinery in the mines, this one particularly was for the smelters. He reflected on the years he spent rigging it for this very moment, he was going to destroy everything his people had built.
The dwarf strenuously pulled the levers while pressing the correct buttons to get the plan in motion. After this he would need to go to the main control panel to finalize the mechanics needed for the catastrophic explosion he was about to create. He double and triple checked his work ensuring everything was precise seeing as now was no time for error.
“Don’t fail me now.” He whispered looking up at the molten ore moving down the line to the smelter. The gargantuan cylinders carried the already molten ore, Goddar couldn’t help but recall when his father first showed him this as a child all those years ago. He said one final goodbye resting his hand on the control panel before rushing off to the main control panel.
The crossed through forgotten paths of the mines that even the orcs only knew little about. He ran past the forgotten statues and workmanship of his people almost feeling as those people, those family members were running beside him.
He walked up to the main control panel behind the main cavern where the slaves resided. He looked at the machery as the gears and belts worked effortlessly to refine the ore. The entire cavern was filled with machinery of all kinds each meticulously working it's job to perfection. One of a kind, and Goddar was about to destroy it all.
He began the final sequence to instate the overload. He checked his back hoping his malicious attempts of sabotaging the entire mine would go undisturbed. “You’ve been faithful to me for years! Now just be faithful enough to let me kill you!” He paused a moment realizing the phrase he had just said, still he rested his hand against the machine in solemn memory of the work she had done for the generations. Goddar was trained on every machine by his own father, and this was his moment to say goodbye. He gazed around the entire mine admiring the shafts, the glowing of the smelters, and all the moving parts simultaneously in sync working to create something truly remarkable.
“You, why are you here!” A gravelly voice sounded. Goddar without turning to face his accuser knew immediately it was an orc.
He carefully turned around in hopes to not have any sudden movements to spur an attack. “Aye, glad you’re here.” He casually played off, “Just checking up on the old girl for inspection. Making sure she runnin’ smooth for yer.”
The orc step closed, his metal boots clinking on the rocky surface with every step. He pulled out his sword from the sheath facing Goddar head on. “No, it's not time. You come with me now!” He yelled.
This was exactly what Goddar was worried about. Being taken away would put a halt to his work and he didn’t have the time to waste. To be taken away from the control panel would mean death to not only him but his friend. Quick on his feet, he responded, “Oye, let me show ya, take a look here.”
He moved to the side of the control panel taking off the side panel to reveal the inner workings where he kept his satchel hidden all these years for a moment like this. “Come over, just look at the gunk that has accumulated since the last clean.”
The orc was growing restless but followed over sword still drawn. Goddar went through his satchel as calmly and normal as he could allow. Until he recovered his small dagger. Wasn’t much but at this point it was better than nothing.
When the orc was close enough Goddar lept into action, taking the knife and stabbing it into the orcs knee. It swayed to one side roaring in pain when it swung it sword down full force. Goddar’s eyes widened, and instinctively dove under the orc who struggle to turn from the injured leg. Goddar let out his battle cry rushing the giant to tackle him, and with the collision it sent the orc staggering back, it trying to gain footing on the bad leg before ultimately losing his balance and falling over the edge down into the gears.
Goddar picked himself up off the ground and ran to the edge to peer down at the result of his charge. He volcally laughed running his hand over his bald head realizing that he somehow had just took down an orc, something he never quite imagined he could do. “Ha! And good riddance ya blaggard.” He moved back to finalize his work before any more distractions came.
He grabbed the satchel and finished the correct sequence, again checking his work. He looked around at the machinery one final time. His heart pounded in sorrow knowing the sacrifice he was going to make, at this point the time had come. “Oye ancestors, forgive me!” He pulled the a lever to prepare the claticlism that was about to erupt. “I know you would do the same.”
Everything was in order. “So long old friend... May we meet again.” He almost couldn’t bring himself to do it. He rested his shaking hand on the crane. “I promise, I will be back, and I will rebuild you to your glory!” He shut his eyes unable to look at what his hands were about to do as the lever pulled down to trigger the chain reaction.
The ground began to shudder, the pressure was building up with a subtle hum. He slowly let go of the handle looking back at the mountainous furnace burning as bright as it always had since he was a child. Knowing there were only minutes to escape, he stepped away with his solemn goodbye.
Checking his bad the dwarf noted the items he had stowed away for a number of years in secret. “Good, good, flint and stone, six sticks of dynamite.” He moved the items around continuing to look, “Hammer, torch and lock pick. Looks to be all there.” He said while the ground began to violently shake.
He gripped his bald forehead in instant regret realizing how fast the pressure built up. Goddar’s pace swiftly changed “Woah, Woah, WOAH!!!! She bitin’ back! She ain’t going down without a fight!” He shouted while breaking into a sprint down the cavern as shards of metal and rock flung past him with initial explosions from the pressure. The entire ground convulsed uncontrollably as the radiance of explosions filled the great mine.
“Hopefully I calculated everything correctly! If so, I should have about five minutes to get outside of this blasted mine!” He panted beginning to grow short of breath from the running, “But Alder give me strength, I am out of shape!!” He huffed, his hand resting on his knee, holding his arm out hoping to catch his breath. Rocks crashed around him, the clatter causing the other slaves and orcs to panic in the instant the great danger was noticed.
The tunnels opened up to the cliffside inside the mountain where the elevator slowly rose to the orcs and humans locations. A dozen orcs waited for the elevators as the multitude of humans shouted, fighting for their chance to safely ride down. “This is not good!” Goddar whispered to himself looking around for some sort of solution.
The orcs viciously fought the men back with their swords slaying anyone who got too close. They were claiming the elevator for themselves. It was fight or flight for the slaves, and in this case even if they happened to win this fight, odds are the exit would mark them for death as more orcs lied waiting. Men shouted and pleaded for their lives, to be allowed onto the elevator, but it was all in vain. The orcs boldly roared forcing the men back a few paces with the elevator stopped on their location.
One man flung a rock across the way scathing the side of an orcs head as black blood gradually trickled down. Without warning the orc pushed the fellow orcs out of the way, his roar echoing above all the noise and explosions. He charged into the crowd of humans slashing them down with his sword as they scattered. He grabbed a human by the neck and lifted him above the orcs head, it was the one who threw the rock. The glare into the human’s eyes terrorized him for his final moments until the grip tightened enough that the neck snapped. The human slumped over and dropped to the ground.
The slaves quickly realized they never stood a chance as the other orcs flooded in for the attack. Every single human was going to be slaughtered. Goddar realized time was short, still he checked inside his satchel to find what he felt to be a few supplies to help. He darted over to the massacre as fast as his legs could carry him.
An orc grabbed a human throwing him over the edge as another orc slashed his sword through the gut of another. The slaves could only cry out before their lives were ended. They did their best to retreat but as panic ensued they clumped into a mass chaos of madness.
Goddar knew the main elevator wasn’t the only exit, but the fastest. The fact remained that it was the only elevator that was currently in operations, but there was one other. He recalled years ago of a cave in that happened before the orcs captured the mines, and in that cavern was a second elevator.
He saw all the cavern entrances around him and although it had been years since he had even thought of the passageway he was moderately sure he remembered where it was. He booked it down the cavern and began his way to escape.
As he ran other humans began to join alongside him. He figured it was a human’s survival instinct that kicked in, and he was happy for the help. With the cave in that blocked the elevator he estimated maybe two feet of rubble to get through. Did he have enough time? Goddar imagined he had maybe three minutes, otherwise his fate was sealed.
The cavern crumbled around them as the explosions from the machinery shook the entire mountainside. Everyone did their best to dodge the falling debris, protecting their own heads the best they could. It would run, he only hoped there wasn’t too much rubble to clear away as they turned the corner facing that very dead end.
“Ah, well atleast I remembered right where it was.” Goddar chuckled. “A’ight men, now it's time to muster your strength. Clear this, and our way out is secured!” Another explosion broke through as the light behind them disappeared instantly with the sudden rock slide. “And regardless now we are trapped, so let's get moving!” He pulled out a torch lighting and thrusting it into the ground as he turned to grab the boulders, thrusting them aside with all his strength.
The men joined in forming a line to move the rocks from one rock slide to another. Moving as fast as their arms would allow them, they attempted to clear the rocks from the top to bottom. Knowing he was in the final minute Goddar did his best to dig his way through. “Blasted wall! Couldn’t be another foot or fifty!” he whispered almost regretting this decision. Did he doom everyone to this fate? Did he really not think it through? His estimations couldn’t be that off. At most it must be maybe three feet max!
Goddar feared if the dynamite was used that it would only create more of a cave in and it would trap them to their fate. As a last resort he would decide to use them but it was not yet at that point. He continued to dig with his men with all his strength.
The men began to grow exhausted though their speed never decreased for fear of their lives ending. Goddar was increasingly growing frustrated the longer it took. The main mechanism was about to blow any second now. “Don't do this to me!” He slammed into the wall with no budge his heart sinking more into despair seeing next to no progress had been made. It was a worse cave in than he expected. He slammed it again in anger slightly cutting and brushing his shoulder. He didn’t even notice the pain.
“We made it! Push!” He victoriously shouted pushing as the bolder fell through exposing fresh air into the shaft. The ground shook as the rocks began to crumble down, the men rushing back to give it space. Goddar grabbed the torch waiting for the dust to settle. “Now men the elevator is just beyond here!”
Cheers echoed around the shaft as they began to follow Goddar, a newfound relief sweeping over them all. One more miracle was needed, the main furnace needed to hold out just a second longer. The cavern opened revealing a similar cliffside as they followed closely the metal gears beginning to populate the environment around them. He had found it, the elevator with the hatches opened and ready to go.
They rushed in as Goddar began to notice the torch slowly going out. The men closed the hatch, pulling the lever to begin their decent. The elevator shook with the rumble of the mountain. He figured it would still be strong enough to hold them for the descent. “Here goes nothing..” he mumbled to himself pulling the lever down to begin descent.
The cranking of the gears let out a screech as the long rested machinery began to function once more. Slowly they descended downward into the darkness. “Once the elevator makes it to ground level, the passage will quickly lead to a doorway for our escape.” He informed the men but it was more to attempt to reassure himself.
Goddar wondered to himself how much further they needed to go. He knew it went to the ground level but seeing as they were now in absolute darkness, knowing where they were was about as impossible to predict as their chances of survival.
Goddar and the slaves were thrown into the elevator walls. An earthquake erupted from the explosion of the machinery and the elevator violently shook. The men held on to the best of their ability but in the end if the elevator didn’t hold to the cords it wouldn’t matter what they held onto. It slammed into the wall numerous times clanging an echo through the entire chamber. Most of the men let out a panicked scream expecting this to be their doom.
The elevator suddenly dropped a number of feet as more screaming rang out only to be silenced by the immediate crash onto the ground floor. Goddar and the fellow men lied on the ground a moment groaning in pain from the impact. Observing where the piercing pain points were coming from on his body, he double checked to make sure nothing was broken. To his amazement he was without any major injuries.
The men were slow to get up, moaning in pain from the fall. Goddar was slow to rise as well but kept his spirit high, “Oye! Few bruises and no new battle scars! Men we have survived!” He shouted in victory. The men groaned in response still barely moving to get up. He didn’t have time for the pointless lollygagging, he had a mission and if there was any day to cheat death, today was the day! He relit his torch with the flint in his satchel and charged into the darkness in hopes of finding the forgotten entrance.
Oddly enough wandering around the darkened cavern he found the entrance with ease. A sigh of relief was felt by everyone especially Goddar as he rested his hand on the doorway before opening it. “The worst of it is over men. We’ve made it.”
The metal door screeched open revealing the gray day with the mass of the slaves fleeing around fighting for dear life, the orcs hunting them down one by one. No one was safe as Goddar just watched in horror. With the great slaughter happening next to the destroyed mountainside all he could do is watch, time seeming to stand still.
The mass of men ran around with little to no direction as to where to go as the orcs sliced them away like cattle to the slaughter. The archer towers treating it almost like a game with the copious amounts of prey to hunt down. Goddar carefully studied the opposition at hand hoping for a change of luck for his dash to the fortress.
The men around him witnessing the calamity saw no clear way out, and in turn sprinted into the open field at a chance of survival, the majority being picked off almost instantly. Goddar closed his eyes in pain gripping the mountain wall for stability his legs weak.
Survive. He needed to survive by any means. Men were falling around him but it would not be his fate, he would not allow it to be that way, even to defy the Gods if they so sealed it as his fate. He rose up with new found determination, his eyes on the fortress guarding the black gates.
“Few hundred yards. Oddly short legs comparatively. My reward for skipping cardio day for over two decades. What do we got to lose?” He reminded himself, although it was obviously apparent his life was at stake. He dropped the dead torch on the ground. Checking his stachel he carefully counted just how many supplies he had left. He gulped, “Here goes nothing…”
In hopes of moving as fast as he could Goddar took out four sticks of dynamite with his flint and steel. The satchel dropped to the ground with the hammer. He gulped and dug his feet into the ground to get ready for the sprint. Controlling his breathing to the best of his ability he stared down towards the ground until his heart calmed down.
The moment he looked up the dwarf broke out into a swift sprint. With all his might he charged to the fortress striving to make it to the front door. Orcs and humans were battling around him as he hoped to go unnoticed. The archers fired arrows all around him, narrowly missing his body as they impacted the ground. He rolled on the ground picking up a steel knife from a fallen orc.
The orcs fought around him, Goddar diving under swings and using his small stature to his advantage. The men collapsed while he ran, always keeping his eyes on the fortress. The final hundred yards. The majority of the battle behind him. He was going to make it, until he noticed a final roadblock. The doorway was locked shut, or at least he assumed the orcs would do so in attempt of keeping everyone encaged for the slaughter. Vertrock proved to be merciless to its occupants and it was time for the people to show just how unforgiving they were.
Checking his surroundings, Goddar took out his flint with the stick of dynamite and begun to light it with his steel dagger. Knowing the orcs patterns it was apparent that the door would be locked but behind the door would be a number of orcs guarding incase someone like Goddar broke through. He slide against the wall of the fortress safe. Looking back at the battle surprised he made it cleanly though the majority of the battle still occuring.
Bracing himself against the wall away from the doorway, he took the stick and tactically threw it towards the doorway. The explosion sounded shaking the ground around him briefly. He looked around seeing if he had drawn any attention to himself.
The smoke kicked up causing little sight. This was his moment. He lit the second stick of dynamite and waited a second to time the blast correctly before throwing it around the doorway into the room he was about to infiltrate.
Another explosion followed, Goddar charged in through the smoke hoping to, if anything sneak around the survivors before they realized what was going on. He was correct in assuming a few were instantly killed from the blast but the remaining few were disoriented from the noise and in shock from the explosion. Almost by second nature, he flew around without so much as disturbing the smoke in the room as he entered into the adjacent hallway.
Covered in soot he wiped the residue from his eyes to better his sight. “One stick left. Better make it count.” He gripped it tightly as he continued to navigate his way through the hallways towards what he hoped was Destin. Knowing the layout from previous visits, he predicted that the tower’s chambers would be the best bet.
Still, there were four different towers one watching each direction, and with his knowledge of the fortress layout, he didn't know if there was a way to determine which was where his friend was. His guess was as good as any. “East!” he said beginning to head that direction. He considered the east to be his favorite direction to travel and didn’t see any argument on where else to go otherwise.
He walked stealthily knowing that the amount of orcs in the fortress far outnumbered what he could take on by himself. Dagger in hand, he prayed silently that he wouldn’t have to use it any time soon. Sure, he had killed an orc once already, but he didn’t want to press his luck more than was needed.
Time was still of the essence but this still was out of his control. Minus the doorway he broke past the security of the entire fortress was relatively low but he guess it was that way due to the humans running rampant just below him in the valley. He continued to follow the hallways and stairs to his destination.
The fortress was strongly constructed and massive in size. The amount of time it took to regularly navigate to where you wanted to go was substantial compared to other fortresses in the land Goddar quickly remembered. The dwarfs wanted to secure the mines for themselves without opposition causing this to span east to west between the canyon opening. Some of the fortress stretched onto the mountain towering above the land below.
Careful to check the corners he still spotted no one, which was causing him to think he was going to the wrong tower. The sweat on his brow occasionally landed in his eye with a slight sting of irritation, wiping it away he continued to move.
Like a stone wall the revelation hit Goddar, he was in the wrong place. Looking around sporadically he tried to find any clues to help him. “Ah! Window!” He shouted a little louder than he would have liked. He peered out finding each tower in its respective location checking each window for any escape of light until he saw it. The North tower! The glow from the torches in the highest room gave a glow easy to track and with the lights still permeating there was someone there.
In a heartbeat he reached the tower, the orcs numbers were much more apparent. This was it. Goddar moved from hallway to hallway avoiding any chance of being spotted. Still, less opposition than he previously considered he was going to face. He was cautious now more than ever his footsteps lighter than a feather.
He had come all this way not to fail now. He would either find his friend or go down trying. A loud clatter echoed through the hallways when Goddar heard orcs running his way. He opened the nearest door, as the orcs charged on by to the noise. The dwarf checked the room with a reluctant sigh seeing no orcs in the room. He thought a moment to consider what the orcs could be charging to when it occurred to him that the humans had broken into the fortress below him.
He was sure the constant thunder of his racing heart would give away his position but regardless, he pressed forward until arriving at the stairs. It was the only reasonable way to get to the top, but also the most dangerous. If he was caught there would be no flight, only fight.
“Go!” He told himself to muster up enough courage to actually move his feet up each step. The twisting stairway seemed to reach into oblivion never ending. For reference he would glance out each window in passing to see just how much higher he was going. “Almost there!” he panted hurriedly growing more exhausted with each step.
Soon after the dwarf made it to the final steps peering around the corner to see two orcs protecting a doorway. This had to be where they were keeping Destin assuming that he was in the room. If not the cells were near enough that he could make it over without anyone noticing. He lit the final stick of dynamite the light bouncing off the walls in the rotating stairway, giving away his position.
The orcs moved forward to investigate the mysterious light until the light came to them. The explosion sounded throwing the orcs against the wall and doorway. Goddar peaked around the corner to check if they were dead. They crawled, slow to get up. The dwarf gripped his knife charging in at the orcs.
Leaping into action he stabbed the one against the wall in the neck, his black blood spraying the wall before his final collapse. The other orc lost his senses in terror getting up banging on the door. Goddar stood in dismay, not believing what he was seeing, an orc in fear! The door failed to budge, a more aggressive hit followed opening the door a crack before being slammed shut.
Goddar walked up to the orc who was forcing his way through the door but to no avail. He stabbed the orc in the neck, slitting the throat from ear to ear. It gasped for air in its final moments gripping his neck before dying. The dwarf wiped the blade on the orcs pant leg before giving a casual knock on the door.
“Oye, no answer… No matter,” He frankly stated as he stepped away from the door igniting the final stick, “Guess no one cares to answer, not like I’m selling anything!” He threw the stick at the door and hid down the stairs waiting for the boom.
The explosion sounded as he dashed into the dust cloud ready to face whatever waiting on the other side. He dashed in, knife at the ready when he saw a piercing light through the dust cloud. Immediately, he recognized the Highborn shouting out, “Wait!”
He felt the piercing pain of the blade in the tip of his nose. He winced in pain opening one eye to view the damage done. Luckily, he recognized the damage to be minimal at best while a smile cracked, “Oye, Gods be praised that you are a weak lil’ Highborn! You can’t even properly kill me!”
The face Destin held was priceless. The dwarf figured it was due to the complete shock that he had made it that far, and honestly Goddar felt the same way. Dumbfounded, Destin asked, “What happened to you?”
“In short?” He stepped behind the doorway and reaching to the side pulled around the slain orc. “It was hard fought, but a promise is a promise and I’m here!” Goddar looked to his right to see the goblin face down on the ground, “Though I’ll admit lad, it looks like you don’t even need me to help you escape.” He let out a hearty laugh.
“You’re serious?” Destin questioned further. Goddar saw Destin smile slightly while laughing to himself, “But why did you come out of your way to save me Goddar? You had a much better chance of survival without risking to save me?” Destin questioned.
Goddar found his lack of trust to be bothersome, “Lad, you don’t get it. A promise is a promise and I’d be damned by the Gods themselves if I didn’t keep my part. You have a destiny much larger than any prison camp can provide and it's time for you to prove it!”
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The Edge of Endless
Due to some unforseen and significant life events, this story will be on hiatus for a time. Reborn into a strange but familiar world, Alex makes it his mission to uncover the mysteries of governments, gods, and the arcane realm known only (and inaccurately) as the Unending Depths. Slowly but surely, he grows in ability and meets new and interesting people. tEoE is an epic fantasy LitRPG with a focus on plot, writing, and hopefully original twists on the standard formula of 'MC picks cool class, levels up'. Give it a read if any of the following appeals to you: > 3000-5000 words per chapter, chapters released at least once per week, usually several times. Expect good grammar. > Story focus on illusions, secrets, and traps (along with the usual combat and character stuff). > Progression fantasy, but one where progress is meant to feel earned, moderately paced, and reasonable. Some advantages, but not big, unfair ones. > If a random reader can work out that putting a big rock in a bag of holding, lifting it, and then dropping the rock is free energy, then so could an adventurer who's owned a bag of holding for twenty years. Side characters have brains too. > Blue boxes! Levels! [Classes]! [Skills]! Loot! > No uncomfortable sexist undertones. Ambivalent about including relationships. Definitely no harems. There are a number of arcs planned and this will be ongoing for some time. I am very appreciative of the kind reviews and comments left so far.
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Plunder (The Pirate King Series, Book 1)
He just wants her booty, but she'll end up stealing his heart. *****After pirates kidnap seventeen-year-old Ana in a case of mistaken identity, the orphaned housemaid prepares for the worst. Instead, between a shipwreck, mutiny, and her growing feelings for her captor -- the dashing Pirate King of the Caribbean, Alestair Kincade -- Ana soon realizes the secret she keeps is far from the most dangerous part of her new life. But playing the wholesome daughter of a Spanish admiral among rag-tag buccaneers isn't easy either, and to avoid both discovery and the gallows she'll have to learn to rely on more than just her wits and her charm. But is Alestair Kincade really on her side? Or will his protection and his love both disappear the moment he learns the truth? Book Two of The Pirate King Series is called SCUTTLE (formerly The Reluctant Pirate Queen)[Now an audiobook from Hachette, Powered by Wattpad][[word count: 90,000-100,000 words]]PLUNDER (Book One in The Pirate King Series) © 2014 by R.S. Kovach. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced without the author's written permission.
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