《Alive》The holy city
Immaginary cold sweat was drowning the trembling skeleton as the carriage steadily approached the holy kingdom.
Thoughts were flying inside Dar'ith's skull as it tried to foresee what would happen in the near future.
Should I make a run for it? Did she set me up? Can I fight them? Why did this happen?
In fact, why was she even in Valian!? I remember the two kingdoms hating each other.
"A-ahem... By the way, princess, I don't think I ever ask you why you were in Valian."
"Oh, you didn't know? Well, I was on a diplomatic mission to enstablish the last agreements of the peace treaty." [Amira]
"Peace treaty?"
"Yeah, after nobody returned from the war, both kingdoms' military forces were left crippled. And after my father took the throne, he decided to propose for peace between the two kingdoms." [Amira]
"Sanctus has a new king?"
"Yes, after the last war, we decided to investigate a bit and found out that the last crusades sent by the previous ruler and a few before him weren't actually mandated by the Holy Lord.
They were using our great creator as an excuse to expand and gain more power, so the clergy forced him off the throne and elected the most trustworthy saint as the new king. And that is my father." [Amira]
"Ok, but why send the princess? Why not any other diplomat?"
"Well, at first, we did send diplomats to speak and make various agreements. Then one day Valian sent us their royalty as messengers saying that 'King Salvador Valore accepts the formalization of the peace between the two reigns' and put his royal children on the line, sending them to his previous enemy to prove it." [Amira]
"And the king did the same because he..."
"Oh no, father was against it, both the valian prince and princess agreed on father's opinion as Valian citizens, even if far worst at magic, were almost on par to our military in terms of martial skills and inside their empire they would've had the numerical advantage." [Amira]
"Then why did you go?"
"My pride, I felt like they were demeaning us and convinced father to let me go. We did get to the capital and we did formalize the agreements, but on the way back we understood that they were not lying." [Amira]
The princess shuddered before looking outside the window.
Meanwhile Dar'ith was putting together the next step to take based on its new informations.
The kingdoms are on good terms now, so I can in fact use Valian to get my way in Sanctus library.
But right now I'm directed to Sanctus... Can I use my connection to Valian with them? Would they know Gherman? Can I use Vincent Farrell?
Maybe if I escape now and return to Valian I can still follow the original plan, but how? Should I kill the princess? If I eliminate all of the people here then nobody will stop me from going back.
But that might damage the new relationship between the reigns, especially if they spot me... Can they spot us from here?
The skeleton tried to poke its head out one more time to try and gauge their distance to the nearest tower guard, but the princess opened her hand in front of the undead taking away its attention.
Inside her hand were four rings, a bit chipped but still relatively undamaged.
"Keep these with you, and when I tell you, put them on." [Amira]
"I can't sense anything from these, the mana is still there, but it's not budging... What are these?"
"I think they're anti-magic rings, although I'm not too sure myself. The bandits who ambushed us had them on, that's why our magic wasn't working on them and I had to resort to summoning magic." [Amira]
"Won't this stop my magic as well?"
"Probably, that's why you shouldn't wear them yet. The entirety of Sanctus is protected by a light dome made from one of the strongest light spell inside the holy tome.
I'm not sure you can survive inside it, but those rings seem to weaken or even stop entirely most of the spells. Including light magic, so I'm hoping they will lower the burden on you." [Amira]
"What if it doesn't?"
"I'll have you escorted back into Valian and find a way to get you some books, we do have an agreement after all." [Amira]
After a moment of reflection, Dar'ith began equipping the rings.
"Wait!" [Amira]
Dar'ith stopped.
"...the thing is... I still don't know if you'll be able to enter.
Nobody in the kingdom believes that an undead like you can exist, in fact I'm one hundred percent sure not even my guards believe you to actually be kind. As such, it is highly possible that the moment they know of your presence, the holy army will come to eliminate you." [Amira]
"And what am I supposed to do then?"
"In that case I'm going to need you to use your magic to get as far away as possible. But I am not allowing you to harm the army." [Amira]
"How can I get away safely without harming my attackers?"
"I'll try something." [Amira]
"This agreement is becoming less and less profitable."
"Just believe in my father, unlike the old ruler he's incredibly open minded. I'm sure he'll understand. And if anything goes wrong, I will help you out however I can.
I do not entirely believe you either, but you did save Ele and held your part of the agreement. So I'll try what I can to hold mine. Ok?" [Amira]
Dar'ith answered with silence as in its mind it was thinking about which spell to use in order to cripple as badly as possible its future pursuers in case of failure.
Accepting to go along with the current plan, the carriage finally arrived to Sanctus. The princess asked her aide to relay a message to his father, and the two waited in the carriage for news to arrive.
A few more minutes passed and an army following the aide came back. After being reassured it wasn't the holy army, Dar'ith interrupted its chant and put on its disguise and the rings.
After putting on the fourth ring, Dar'ith noticed that it was having difficulties moving its left hand, the place were all of the jewelry was equipped. And its movements were unnoticeably slower, but while unnoticeably for any living being, it was enough to worry Dar'ith.
Remembering its training in resisting the sun, the skeleton held its hand inside the dome. Starting with its left hand, Dar'ith felt a bit of pain before noticing the mana calming down around its limb.
While the dome was forcing the mana to move erratically, the rings were forcing it still, creating a small bubble around the skeleton were the mana would move in a more natural way.
A sliver of hope passed through its mind as the two effects cancelled each others out and removed the negative effects from both.
I can move normally now, did she plan this?
No matter, can I use magic? The mana seems to scatter after going ten centimeters away from me...
Ten centimeters... I'll only be able to use still magic to defend myself... I don't feel slow anymore so maybe I can fight them by sword or martial arts.
"Hey, can you tone down your aura?" [Amira]
"Yes, the disgusting waves you're giving off. You may be able to fool those who never saw an undead into thinking you're just a really tall person. But most if not all of the royal guards along with the nobles, royalty and scholars are trained in the art of light magic and undead slaying. You'll be spot the moment you step inside." [Amira]"
Dar'ith stared at its limbs, trying to see his 'aura'.
"I cannot see anything, how do I do that?"
"I don't know, it's something only monsters and demons have so I thought you would know about it... Let me think of something." [Amira]
At this point, the princess' aide spoke up.
"There is no need to worry milady. The king made sure to create a path for us where we would not be able to encounter any of the more sensible people. In fact, the escorts his majesty provided us are knights that cannot sense undeads." [Aide]
"Really? Thank you Ele, those are great news." [Amira]
"You're welcome, milady." [Ele]
"You're in luck... erm... Kshkck?" [Amira]
"Kisct, but my name is Dar'ith, if it is easier."
"Yes, you're in luck Darrit, my father knows of your race and seem to have accepted that you are in fact different from other undeads." [Amira]
"Let's hope that's the case."
The group weaved through a maze of houses, across the city, avoiding people and walking quickly.
As they got closer to the center, the homes improved from simple wattle and daub to bricks and stone, schools were larger and churches improved in numbers.
Golden statues representing their god were erected everywhere, the road was more polished, everything was more and more grandiose, all leading to the finale: the castle.
Only called "Cattedrale", the royal home was an enormous castle church, adorned in gold and made in marble white.
Neatly trimmed bushes created fences for the breath taking flower gardens, two imposing golden statues dressed in platinum clothes and adorned with lapis lazuli blue stood guard at the side of the main entrance.
They both held large, floating bright yellow crystals in their hand, holding it out as if to present it. From the crystals, a pillar of light rose to the sky, encountering other pillars and scattering around, creating the light dome protecting the city.
...two, three, four... Six pillars in total, if I destroy them the spell should break.
I hope I won't be needing this information, but just to be sure, let's calculate where the other four might be...
The inside was just as impressive as the outside, with large, stained glass windows allowing in substantial amounts of light and illuminating the halls in golden and bright colors.
On the columns and in the frames were sculpted scenes of stories from their holy book, and on the floor was depicted the supposed day when humanity was created.
Engravings and paintings of the sort decorated the whole castle church, from the entrance hall to the king's hall, its final destination.
Revising all its backup plans, Dar'ith prepared itself to meet the king.
The princess' aide entered first and announced its arrival.
The doors swung open.
And Dar'ith couldn't move anymore.
"Hey, you can walk now." [Amira]
The skeleton snapped out and nervously stepped into the hall.
It stood wary as it tried to understand what happened just a moment earlier. None of the worries and fear that paralized it were there anymore, did it just imagine it?
The moment it saw the king, the skeleton felt an incredibly oppressive feeling, as if it couldn't breathe, as if it actually needed to breathe.
It felt every bone on its body freeze, and every soul inside it scream of fear and danger.
But now, it didn't feel anything, other than the sharp looks from the guards surrounding them, everything seemed... normal.
its escorts kneeled and Dar'ith followed.
"You may raise your head." [King]
A strong and powerful voice reverberated throughout the hall, it carried with it the dignity of rulers and the tone of wise men.
The king was a man in his forties, with hair that reached to the base of his neck in grey and golden colors, perhaps he was blonde before his hair began to whiten.
He had a rough beard of the same colours that gave him a stern look and a few wrinkles near the eyes to show his age.
His left eye was blind, being slightly closed, enough to just about let the people see a faded silvery iris.
His sacred atmosphere was completed by his white and golden robe, adorned with illustrations of holy symbols and a jeweled pope hat.
"...Yes, I can indeed see that you are undead." [King]
The entirety of the forces stationed in the room jumped into their stances while the mages began incantations of light spells.
"Hold." [King]
Everything in the room stopped as his voice travelled across the room.
"...Please, take off your disguise." [King]
Dar'ith complied and slowly took off its mask, hood and gloves, revealing its fleshless body and gaining more animosity from its surroundings.
"I heard that you saved my dear daughter and her escorts in Valian. Is that true." [King]
"Yes, that is the truth."
"And that you wish only to learn and therefore wish access to the royal library for knowledge. Correct?" [King]
"Yes, that is correct."
"Mm... You sound believable, but this does not change the fact that you are an undead, and as the holy book states, 'The darkness that by light has been vanquished, will find way to return in those whose life has been extinguished'.
Undead are known to kill indiscriminately, but straightforward approaches are not their only tactics. Liches are known to lure people into traps and use their prey's loved ones against them through necromancy, undead lords are incredibly adept in the arts of war and are quite the formidable strategists.
And let's not forget that vampires are almost untrackable and are able to control their victims in order to get more innocents to kill.
I am giving you the benefit of doubt, but how can I know for sure that you're not just acting?" [King]
"What could I possibly gain from becoming an empire's enemy? After waking up from my death, I didn't even know what I was, knowledge was what answered my question and I believe that knowledge will answer the rest of them.
I am willing to prove to you that I'm not acting by laying down all my weapons and be unarmed throughout my stay in the city. If you wish, you can keep me under surveillance during my whole stay."
"I see, then please, start proving it right now by disarming yourself" [King]
Dar'ith took off its weapons and poisons, laying them down on the ground as a display.
Then it noticed the air change as the feeling of animosity grew and the sound of clanking armor began to fill the hall.
"Jarret's sword... He's the one that killed him..." [Knightess]
Jarret? Dar'ith thought, it didn't know anyone with that name. Surveying its weapons, the undead pondered about which one the knightess was talking about. Most of its daggers were looted from the camp it lived in, and the sword it didn't replace was also one of them...
Then it hit it.
The two handed magic sword displayed right in front of it.
I have made a mistake.
"Monster! You killed him!" [Knightess]
The knight jump out in anger and attacked the skeleton, but she was unable to even budge as the two beside her held her in place, ordered by the king raising his hand.
His voice was colder, but no anger could be felt from him.
"May I ask you how did you get a hold of that?" [King]
"Do not lie." [King]
"I... have looted it from a man in the camp I was living in."
"What happened to this man?" [King]
"...he died."
"Did you kill him?" [King]
Rage assailed the guards as all of them gripped their weapons and shifted ever so slightly forward.
"Monster! He killed him! He killed Jarret, we have to avenge him! He's defini-" [Knightess]
"Quiet." [King]
The king massaged his beard and studied the undead.
"May I ask you why you killed them? I am willing to hear you out as gratitude for saving my daughter." [King]
"They attacked me and so I fought back to survive."
"You could've just ran away, couldn't you?" [King]
"They did not allow me to leave."
"Of course. That is what we have been taught for ages." [King]
The windows are pretty high up, if I strengthen my legs with still magic I may be able to reach it by using the column as a platform.
If my calculations are correct I should land close to one of the statues in the back, and if I'm lucky I can get myself a weapon from a passing guard.
"Please take off those rings." [King]
"...I'm afraid I cannot do that."
"This dome is made to ward off those who possess evil intents towards humanity. It will not harm those who don't." [King]
"With all due respect, your highness, but that is not what it does..."
The air grew heavier.
"'This home will shield those who from the first came and ward off those that from the darkness are birthed'. Are you insinuating that the holy book is lying?" [King]
"No, that was not my intention."
"Take the rings off, now." [King]
The king slammed his scepter on the ground and stood from his throne.
That's it, I've been here long enough.
Dar'ith opened its mouth and began chanting a spell, then in its vision appeared the sight of its left hand floating through the air, cleanly cut.
The knightess managed to free herself and severed its ringed hand from its arm.
An instant later pain assailed it, pain it grew sick of feeling, as painful as the last light spell it used if not more. Feeling as if the sun was engulfing its body, burning it, melting it.
But this time the skeleton wasn't as worried, as it imagined many scenarios in its skull and this was one of them.
In other words, this time Dar'ith was prepared.
Using all its will, Dar'ith forced its body to stay toghether, stalling the effect of the spell. Shoving its hand inside its robe, the undead crushed a mana crystal and forced the released mana to explode in a wave.
The wave made the erratic magic inside the dome move normally for a split second, enough time for the skeleton to drive a punch into the knightess stomach, sending her flying before making for its severed hand.
Dar'ith put the hand back in its place and after forcing the two parts back together, the rings' effect spread once again all over the undead.
Should I grab the magic sword? Use the daggers? If I burn the tahra plant with venom I should be able to make a poisonous cloud.
"They are real, no more you will cast your shadow over them, and no more you may claim their flesh as your flesh..." [King]
The king chanted.
Dar'ith understood the words, and all of its being seemed to instinctively move toward him.
All its souls were screaming in fear, to run, to escape.
But something unknown, somewhere deep inside it, something was screaming something else.
Strange visions overlapped with the king: a terrifying monster of flesh and offal, standing, ripping off the flesh from Dar'ith's body and breaking down his soul, watching as it all happened, unmoving, uncaring.
The thoughts of escaping, of running, of surviving were all gone.
HE could only imagine HIMSELF ripping apart the man in front of HIM, taking back HIS flesh, HIS soul, HIS posessions.
Anger was boiling in Dar'ith, why? HE didn't know, right now the undead had a different form, HE wasn't Dar'ith anymore, HE was...
"Darrit, run!" [Amira]
With a jolt, the undead woke up from its maddened imagination.
It checked its arms and noticed that they were still boney, the king was intimidating and was shining brightly but he was still a normal human being.
Searching the princess with its eyes, Dar'ith noticed her at the entrance of the hall, keeping the doors open while her escorts tried their best at holding the rest of the guards back.
"Quickly!" [Amira]
"...and all your reflections shall be made fuel for our growth." [King]
But it was too late, the king finished its chant.
Incredibly bright lights shined from every part of the room, as if the sun entered the building, one light moved from the king toward Dar'ith.
The light held humanoid shape and approached the undead, holding his hand out, the figure tried to grab Dari'th.
The room was breaking off and rebuilding itself, piece by piece, renewing, rotting, changing.
Everyone in the room was currently still, held in place by cages of light, only the undead wasn't caged but it still couldn't move because of the oppressing atmosphere.
The figure put his hand over the skeleton's skull and asked in magic language.
"What do you have to say in your defense?" [Familiar voice]
The voice was weird, it sounded old yet young, feminine and yet masculine. It was strange but Dar'ith felt that it had heard the same voice just recently, and it said.
"...I have spoken those words, stand down."
Silence filled the air before the figure's chest burst out, opening itself, revealing an enormous vertical eye with a bleeding red iris and a bottomless black pupil, staring down at the undead, through its very soul as the person's whole body slowly melted and changed, convulsing in a disgusting and maddening way.
Along the sound of ripping and bubbling flesh, a deep, rough and demonic voice thundered. Speaking in a fatherly and caring tone able to bring fear and discomfort to the most disciplined and bravest of the heroes.
"ƒ◉⋓ͷ⊳ ¥◎u"
Everything was back to normal, in the blink of an eye everything was back in the right place.
The walls were ok, the light was normal, the figure disappeared, Dar'ith was kneeling on the ground and everyone was stunned.
The previous scene could've been dismissed as a feverish dream and nothing would change.
If anything was different, it was that Dar'ith forgot the last few moments of the spell but a strange terrifying feeling remained.
What happened after I answered? Why do I not wish to remember?
"...What... No, where did you learn those words?" [King]
Suddently Dar'ith remembered what was happening and dashed for the herbs and poison on the ground.
"Wait, answer me first." [King]
The king dropped his scepter and raised his hands.
"If it's what I think then..." [King]
Still wary of its surroundings, Dar'ith grabbed the ingredients and prepared to chant a spell.
"I heard them."
"From who?" [King]
"I do not know, a person in my dreams... I think."
A thunderous sound exploded in the hall, Dar'ith began chanting but stopped moments after as what it saw was way different from what it imagined.
The sound came from the countless soldiers, knights and people in the room that kneeled before the undead.
One last sound took Dar'ith attention.
The king slammed his scepter before kneeling himself.
"Please, oh great Holy Lord, creator of mankind and protector of the innocent. We have committed great sins against your messenger." [King]
Dar'ith was confused and frantically tried to find an explanation.
"I... Do not follow."
"Oh, forgive me, the lord sends signs but they themselves often do not understand. The words you have spoken are unpronounceable, not only by humans but by any living or undead being. Only those allowed are able to speak them." [King]
"Yes, the Holy Lord has chosen you for a great task. He has forseen your need for these words and has allowed you to speak the words of innocence.
You are his champion, our... no, humanity's saviour." [King]
"...So, what will you do now?"
"We will serve you the best we can, sir or... How do you wish for us to call you?" [King]
"Just use my name, does that mean I can access your library and I won't be attacked by your guards?"
"Yes, if you wish for it, we will bring you all the knowledge that the entire empire possesses, anything you ask shall be done." [King]
"A-all of the knowledge?"
"Yes, all of it."
Dar'ith was trembling with joy, never would it thought for this to happen, and now it controlled a very important empire.
Thanks to their influence it could probably access travel routes and books from places outside of the reign.
And to top it all it had the protection of said empire.
"...before that, I hope that you don't expect me to... 'purge' heretics or teach others the 'greatness' of your religion. Because if that's the case, I don't care what your shining god says, I will not do anything like that."
Dar'ith once again prepared to chant.
"Oh, no, if the Almighty Holy Lord has not told you to do that, then that's obviously not your role. We will not force it upon you." [King]
"I will not join you in your crusade nor work for you in any way."
"Of course, we would never push ourselves on you... Erm... Master Dar'ith." [King]
"Good, then if everything is done, I will go to the library."
"Ah, yes, of course. Someone escort Master Dar'ith to the library, everyone else is dismissed." [King]
The people in the hall hastily gathered themselves, giving orders, exiting the room and generally rejoicing at the news.
Other than the person preparing to escort Dar'ith, only the earlier knightess was unhappy with the happenings and was being brought to the infirmary as her armor was heavily dented and was causing her to suffocate.
"Ah, just one last thing, Master Dar'ith. The Holy Lord's messengers have been few and sparse, and we know that their actions always serve the greater good in the end, so we won't question yours.
But some of them have been seen speaking to the Holy Lord in the past, so if you ever need to speak with Him, let me know and I will bring you to the Eye where you'll be able to speak to Him. That was all, now please enjoy your stay." [King]
Dar'ith was stunned for a second, it didn't like the idea of talking to such person, but.
Did he just say I could speak to a god?
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