《Alive》Peaceful days: human
A beautiful day was shining outside.
The sun was lighting the world, giving life to the beautiful green of the leaves gently swaying on the rhythm of the wind and the lush meadow dancing just outside the village. With the music of birds' singing and the tempo played by the town's activity, a delightful painting was being drawn.
In this wonderful scene, the flora was blooming and the fauna was thriving. People were laughing, flowers colored the land, animals played around and a small cloud of dirt and grass flew to the sky as Dar'ith's skull violently smashed the ground.
"Hahaha! That was close, but you're still very predictable." [Gherman]
"Close? How? None of my attacks ever connected and I believe this fight ended a lot sooner than usual."
The skeleton looked up to the still flowing hourglass.
"It's not even halfway through this time."
"True, but we started sparring just a week ago and you already managed to parry and counter my attacks. I'm pretty much forced to go all out to beat you now." [Gherman]
"Knowing that I kept losing to someone who wasn't even trying doesn't really make me feel better."
"Don't worry, I'm just a special case. If you were fighting anyone else then you'd be able to easily beat them with your eyes closed... Actually can you even close your eyes? How do you see?" [Gherman]
"I have no idea, I'll write this down as something to find out. Also if you're this strong how did those bandits take over your village?"
"I can easily defend myself, but no matter how skilled I am, I can't protect so many villagers from that many enemies all by myself. I'm only human after all, and my age didn't help either. My skills have rusted, I don't have my old speed or accuracy anymore." [Gherman]
"Rusted? You 'heroes' get scarier by the tale."
"Oh please, don't call me by that title. I'm a hero no longer, right now I'm just an old man who'd like to live his last days in tranquility." [Gherman]
"Fair enough."
Having tired of hugging the ground, Dar'ith got up and dusted its robe. A good month and a half have gone by and the skeleton integrated quite nicely with the community: while at the beginning, many people were wary and afraid of it, as time passed they got used to it and eventually started to speak or befriend the undead. Thanks to this, Dar'ith was able to learn something about the human culture and nature.
But because of this calm and friendly enviroment the skeleton worried about the growth of its fighting abilities, and seeing what happened so far, that was a very important skill for its survival during the journey.
And so it asked Gherman, who the bandit leader treated like a legend, to spar with it in order to perhaps learn some tricks or gain some combat experience as to prepare for its upcoming travels.
Dar'ith got much more than it bargained as the old man revealed to be far more than what met the eye: he was a valian hero, a title given only to those whose fighting prowess were exceedingly high, known as "The holy hunter". In his prime, Gherman seemed to have stopped almost single handedly, if not with the help of the village's seniors, many of the numerous crusades sent by Sanctus.
"Actually, recounting your legends, I can see how your skills rusted with age."
"Oh, those are exaggerated stories, pay them no mind." [Gherman]
"So is it safe to assume that you never actually slaughtered an entire platoon through battle by yourself?"
"Well, I did, but not by facing them head on. Not all of them at least. I made sure to whittle down their number through ambushes and assassinatons before drawing my sword." [Gherman]
"...are you sure they're exaggerated?"
"Yes." [Gherman]
"Heeeeeeey!" [Sara]
Cutting in during their conversation was a cheerfully running Sara.
"Dar!" [Sara]
"As puntual as ever."
"What are you doing?" [Sara]
"Training with Gherman."
"Cool, who's winning?" [Sara]
"Hahaha, you're weak!" [Sara]
"No, he's way too strong."
"True, he's just a bit inexperienced, but he's quite powerful himself. After all we've only been clashing swords, I wouldn't stand a chance if he started casting magic." [Gherman]
"Excuses!" [Sara]
The two humans broke into laughter.
"...I don't think I get the joke."
"Don't mind it, don't mind it. But jokes aside, you should go and rest, Sara." [Gherman]
"What!? But I just got here, and I'm not tired!" [Sara]
"True, but don't think you can fool me, I can easily see that you have a fever right now." [Gherman]
"...I don't know what you're talking about, I feel great!" [Sara]
Gherman approached the little girl with lightning fast movements and felt her forehead.
"...go rest." [Gherman]
"But-" [Sara]
"Just go, don't make me repeat myself." [Gherman]
"Fine." [Sara]
"Dar'ith, can you accompany her? Her temperature was higher than I thought." [Gherman]
"No, I have no reason to."
"Her sister's really skilled in medicine, you may be able to learn a lot about the plants' properties. And I believe she'll be more than willing to teach someone who saved her little sis, not to mention the village." [Gherman]
"...I'll accompany her."
"Can I get a piggyback ride?" [Sara]
"What if I faint from the fever? Sis might get angry if I get hurt." [Sara]
"Yay!" [Sara]
Dar'ith began its walk to the girl's house. Even without skin, it could feel the child's temperature being higher than usual but that didn't stop her cheerfulness as she kept talking throughout the trip. Thankfully she did get slightly quieter as they approached their destination.
At the house, the skeleton was greeted by a beautiful woman in her twenties with long blond hair flowing down her back, charming green eyes that complemented her alluring gentle smile, all completed by her stunning well endowed body. An incredible spectacle that would make any man skip a beat. If they had a heart or cared for appearances.
"Oh, the hero, what a surprise. My name is Maria Raleani, to what honor do we owe your visit?" [Maria]
The woman bowed, and from behind Dar'ith, Sara's head poked out and greeted her sister with a tired voice.
"Hi sis..." [Sara]
"Sara!? Is something wrong!?" [Maria]
"She appears to have a fever, I brought her here to rest."
"Oh, thank god it's just a fever. Please come in, we need her to lay down on her bed." [Maria]
Dar'ith enterd the house: the place was smaller compared to the book store or the chief's house, but the furniture decorating the place gave it a kind of familiar charm and the diffused light coming from the windows only gave more warmth to the home.
The skeleton layed the little child on her bed and tuck her in while her sister brough in some food and a greenish concoction in a vial. Sara wasn't as energetic as before, but that didn't stop her from complaining about the medicine after eating.
"No, I'm already feeling well, I don't need that." [Sara]
"That's not true and you know it, now drink it." [Maria]
"But it's super bitter!" [Sara]
"That means it'll be more effective." [Maria]
"Lies!" [Sara]
"Do you want the fever to worsen and force you to stay home tomorrow or do you want to go outside and play?" [Maria]
"..." [Sara]
"Drink." [Maria]
The girl reluctantly ingested the concoction before making a disgusted face and complaining some more. After that, Maria closed the curtains and made her go to sleep.
"Thank you for always taking care of that child and sorry for the troubles she causes." [Maria]
"That's fine, you may show your thanks by telling me about your knowledge on medicine."
"Oh? Are you interested in medicinal plants?" [Maria]
"I'm interested in knowing everything, and this is part of it. Was what you said about the taste correlating with the effectiveness true?"
"Yes, the stronger the taste, the stronger the properties inside the medicine." [Maria]
The woman looked at the sun, gauging the time.
"There're still a few hours before night time, follow me, I can teach you better in my lab." [Maria]
"Lead the way."
The sound of flipping pages resounded in the quiet book store interrupted by the occasional villager intent on buying a book. As it read through the day, Dar'ith began to feel something amiss. The room seemed different and it started paying more attention to the people entering the store. But the furniture and the layout was the same, even the customers acted as always.
This annoying feeling kept stabbing its mind, making it unable to concentrate. What was different?
The skeleton closed its book and surveyed the room in search for discrepancies: the place for some reason seemed quieter, less populated and darker. Darker? Dar'ith looked outside and noticed that the sun was close to setting.
"That's because she's sick." [Gherman]
The unded shifted its attention to the old man.
"Missing her company?" [Gherman]
"No, annoyed by the broken routine."
"Sure, why don't you go visit her? It would make her really happy." [Gherman]
"Why would I?"
"Because you're annoyed by the broken routine." [Gherman]
"Do you humans also train in word fights?"
"Who knows, but are you going?" [Gherman]
"Yes, but I don't know the reason why."
And so Dar'ith once again made a trip to Sara's home.
"Who is it?" [Maria]
"Dar'ith Kisct."
"Dar who? Oh, mr. hero, nice to meet you again. Have you come to visit Sara?" [Maria]
"Seems like it."
"Please come in, she's resting in her room, I'll lead you to her." [Maria]
Careful not to make too much noise, Maria opened the door and checked on the heavily breathing child.
"...what is... it?" [Sara]
"I just came to check, how are you feeling?" [Maria]
"...my head hurts... I don't... like it." [Sara]
"Don't worry, you'll get better in no time." [Maria]
"Ok..." [Sara]
"Cheer up, you have a visitor." [Maria]
"Visitor..?" [Sara]
The little girl moved her feverish gaze beyond her sister, trying to figure out who the mysterious man was. A small glint lit up in her eyes as she recognized the peculiar appearance of a non living giant monster.
"Dar..! Good afternoon...!" [Sara]
"Stay calm, that would only result in your state worsening."
"You came... to... visit me!" [Sara]
"Yes, although I don't know why, I won't gather any informations by staying here with you. And yet I'm doing such an irrational thing. I believe you and the old man are to blame."
Its complaint was met with a quiet giggle as the child beamed a delighted smile.
"I'm... really happy... only uncle Gher... man... ever visited me when... I was sick." [Sara]
"...then you should listen to him more, you should show your gratitude just as he shows his... love."
Dar'ith was feeling weird: strange unknown feelings swirled in its mind, it wasn't uncomfortable, but neither it was pleasant. How did he know Gherman was showing his love? Why did her statement make its thoughts stutter for a second? These distressing feelings were stabbing its mind with questions of unknown answers.
"I guess I'll leave now, Sara, don't give him too much trouble and don't stay up all night. I'll be in my lab if you need anything." [Maria]
Kissing her little sister goodnight, Maria exited the room.
"Hey... Dar..." [Sara]
"...What is it?"
"Can you... read me a book?" [Sara]
"Can you not read it by yourself?"
"Yes, but... I can't hold... it right now." [Sara]
"Why don't you read it when you get better?"
"...please... I want... you to read... it." [Sara]
"Hmm... where's the book?"
A gentle smile appeared on her face as she pointed at the desk on the opposite wall.
Dar'ith recognized the book: it was the same one the girl was holding during their first encounter. Quickly flipping through the pages, it discovered that it was nothing more than a picture book for children.
To think that I despaired so much over a children's book... What's done it's done I guess.
Bringing the chair with it, the skeleton sat near the sick girl and showed her the book.
"Is this the one?"
"Yes. That's the... story that mom always told... me before going... to sleep." [Sara]
"Is that why it's so precious?"
"Yes..." [Sara]
"Then I'll be careful to tell it without ruining the feeling."
"Thank you..." [Sara]
Dar'ith began reading the book out loud: it was a story of a man, he was no hero nor was he special, he lived in peace in a small kind town but evil was coming to end his little paradise. And so he journeyed through the whole world in order to stop the imminent disaster.
He found many obstacles that stopped his tracks: sometimes a boulder would block his way, perhaps a kingdom would obstaculate him, an enemy too strong would threathen his advance. And everytime he would fail to overcome them. But he would tackle them again, and again, and again, until his journey would finally continue.
Without giving up, no matter the pain and the hardships he ran into, he would always go forward. Until the moment he met the great evil. Without strenght nor skill to face the monster, the man trudged against it over and over again and when he was finally about to give up, all the enemies he encountered in his quest came to help him, moved by his will to protect what was precious to him.
The undead closed the book and gazed at the child. She was asleep with a peaceful expression.
This story was too simple and the ending was a bit of a stretch... But I'll admit, I liked the story.
Dar'ith began looked once again at Sara, she had began heavily breathing, gasping for air.
Whispered orders to the magic around it escaped the undead's mouth, using the alteration mana now abundant thanks to the night, it morphed the surrounding mana into what it needed. It didn't understand how sicknesses worked yet, but it did learn how medicines functioned and how the body fought the maladies.
As the air filled with fluid magic, its preparations were complete: using fluid mana, the undead strengthened the girl's system, all while using pure mana to feed her soul the necessary energy for the operation. Lastly, as the mind greatly helped, Dar'ith used alteration magic to mess with the child's thoughts.
"Dream of life for life is yours."
The sleeping Sara smiled as the darkness showed her a pleasant dream.
Quietly closing the room, Dar'ith was met by the figure of Maria standing near the door.
"Stay assured, alteration magic can do more than just killing."
"I know, I would've stopped you the moment the black mist appeared if I didn't. I actually wanted to thank you." [Maria]
"You can thank me by teaching, I'm confused by my actions and I need to distract myself."
"There's nothing confusing, you were just being human." [Maria]
"I'm not human."
"That's just an expression we use to indicate someone being compassionate." [Maria]
"Your compassionate hero wanted to kill all the people in the village for knowledge, you know?"
"Yes, I'm not stupid and neither is Gherman, we noticed the way you killed the fake Damien. You never cared about us, not at the start at least." [Maria]
"And you decided to let me in despite that, why?"
"I don't know, you'll have to ask him." [Maria]
"Why do you humans make such dangerous decisions? Why, did I do such a random act..."
"No reason, that's another thing about being humans. We have ideas and sometimes we just act them, why? Because we can, no other reason is necessary." [Maria]
"...then what about these feelings? What are they?"
"Who knows. Happiness, sadness, anger, love, we know them and feel them every day. We always give vague descriptions of them, but if you think about them carefully then nobody really knows what they're talking about." [Maria]
"Then how do I learn about them?"
"You don't, it's something you'll find an acceptable answer for, in the future. Right now you should let them go, time will do the rest." [Maria]
"Is that how humans do it?"
"Pretty much." [Maria]
"Are you telling me to follow the human way despite not being one?"
"You sure act like one though. If you had flesh, skin and were a little smaller, you wouldn't be any different from any other person, all the way down to the thoughts." [Maria]
"...I'll accept this answer for now, but know that it does not satisfy me."
"That's ok, come back anytime, I'll be here to hear you out. And our lessons on medicine are still far from done." [Maria]
"Hmph, Gherman taught me the pleasures of reading and I believe to have learnt the pleasures of conversing with you."
"Hehe, are you hitting on me?" [Maria]
"As if."
"Well that hurt my feelings. Next time I'll teach you about a woman's heart." [Maria]
"Is there a difference from the male one?"
"Come back if you want to know." [Maria]
"Ha! Then I guess I'll see you soon."
The next day Dar'ith was tackled by an even more energetic Sara than usual. Annoying was what it thought, but even then, he felt a bit happy.
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YouTuber Ego Oneshots & Imagines (REQUESTS CLOSED!)
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8 206