《The apocalypse happened and it was named- The system’s advent》Chapter 12- Strength is king and cooking reigns supreme
He took that to mean that it was a land type monster dungeon, which perfectly suited his skill set. His base stats were still far above the average demigod and there wouldn’t be any suitable weapons for a very long time. It was either down to making his own or depending on drops from the dungeon. He leaned into it and pushed open the door while grumbling under his breath about the trials of being the strongest. As soon as it opened an aura that locked him in place rushed out of the door. The screams and cries of beasts warped the very air with their intensity.
He started to sweat as a vast expanse of mountains and prairies spread out before his eyes with enormous monsters straight out of the legends waging war as far as the eye could see. There was no other term to describe what was going on other than a clash between two opposing armies of monsters. Sphinxes, ligers, winged tigers, dragons, unicorns, hydra’s, and so many more were all fighting for their lives right in front of him. The door closing with a boom right behind him brought him back to reality. He quickly hid himself as several beast looked in his direction. He quickly and quietly began skirting the edges while trying to make sense of what exactly he was seeing.
After nearly three hours of watching he couldn’t make heads or tails of it. No matter how he looked at it it just seemed like a total melee. The only good thing he had going for him was that the size difference made him comparatively hard to notice. With no warning he suddenly felt a huge sense of danger and without a shred of hesitation he scrambled. He dodged behind several trees and hid in a bush with break neck speed and without a sound but regardless of how hard he tried he couldn’t find what had set him off. After nearly an hour on full alert he quietly snuck out and away. He stayed on guard and used every trick he new to draw out whatever it was that tripped his survival instinct all to no avail.
A few days passed without another incident but he couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Once more he settled down for the night and prepared a meal with rations and some fresh meat he nabbed from one of the smaller monsters that had died on the edge of the battlefield. It was a very small fire but thanks to the cookbooks that were included in the supplies and his supercomputer level memory he made a meal that would have put most five star restaurants to shame. He was focused half on his surroundings and half on the food since he still couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Just as it finished he let his guard relax and took a bite.
“BOO.” And that was all it took for him to nearly choke to death and jump fifty feet in the air. He kicked away and landed on the other side of the fire but he could already tell he was surrounded. Sitting there eating his meal with a look of ecstasy was a woman who was about six feet tall, had midnight black hair, an hourglass figure that would put models to shame, and a pair of blazing red eyes that were locked on him and full of laughter. Sure enough out of the woods came another four people from both his sides and two more behind him that he could feel and they were all kingdom toppling beauties who just so happened to be busting a gut laughing at him.
“HAHAHAHA Oh my god, did you see his face? He was totally about to have a heart attack.” Said the one that was to the left and behind him. “I know right, he was worse than the secretary from Galen that she scared half to death.” As they kept talking i kept my focus trained on the women eating my dinner since she was the one letting off the most powerful aura. “So how’s the food Karen? Is it worth keeping him alive or should we eat him next?” His face became grim and his eyes sharp as he interrupted the women who was about to speak by first chuckling then full on laughing. “HAHAHA, you all are far beyond me and I can’t see past your stealth abilities but you all still don’t possess the capability to kill me. Someone as strong as you people definitely know how to read aura’s so you can roughly tell how big my mana is right?”
The question was rhetorical since they all could tell without trouble and he didn’t know any concealment techniques. “Since you all want to kill me then i’ll be sure to return the favor when I get stronger but this is goodbye for now.” He took one last look at the women who had a puzzled look then recognition and finally panic, as she opened her mouth he said “Godspeed.” and to their eyes he simply disappeared. He dumped a full ten million MP into it and boosted his movement speed to a point where even the flash would find it hard to keep up. He only had an hour till it started to wear off so he made the best use of it as he did his best to randomly change direction and shake off pursuers while hiding his tracks. It was destined to be a long night and even longer day tomorrow.
He still chose to stick around the edge of the battlefield and try to get a grasp on the situation he had noticed that every so often both sides would retreat and gather their wounded before continuing. His gut told him that he needed to understand what was going on before he could start leveling up. He kept running all night and continued scouting during the day. Soon he had the general shape of the battlefield mapped out and had found both sides base camp but the security was so tight that he couldn’t even dream of getting closer than a few miles. The mental fatigue of being on red alert all day every day made him significantly welcome his nights when he was able to find or make a good hideout.
A few weeks later he found himself in the foothills of a mountain on the far side of the battlefield from where he had started and he found a fairly small cave opening that provided good shelter and a defensible view that would all but eliminate the sight of a fire from anyone that wasn’t right on top of it. It was also angled down enough that he wouldn’t have to worry about the smoke so he set up his sleeping bag quickly went and found some fresh meat before starting a fire. Similar to last time he kept up his vigile and paid attention to his surroundings while he cooked.
He guided his way by smell and the sound it made while it was cooking but focused his other senses outwards in case of a repeat from what happened before. Lo and behold nothing happened so he let out a sigh of relief and started digging in. Not ten seconds later he heard footsteps and sniffing from behind him. The cave ended in a blank wall but even as he turned and watched the entire thing rippled like water and a tiger with a neon blue unicorn horn that was six feet at the shoulder stepped out from behind it.
He was well and truly stunned until it locked eyes with him and started grunting at him in a distinctly not tiger like manner. He felt like his brain broke as he just stared blankly as it tilted head at him. He seriously gave thought to when he had started dreaming as it then twittered like a tweedy bird at him. “Do you understand me?” Finally it started speaking english and he couldn’t help but say “A tiger can speak english?” It suddenly looked really happy as it spoke in what was a very deep woman's voice. “Ah so you speak the common tongue? That’s great, so I was asking if by chance you were the source of that heavenly smell?”
He shook his head and said “Ah you mean my food? Yes, I made it. Would you like some?” The tiger nodded “If you don’t mind I would love some.” He quickly built up the fire to about five times its former size and started cooking a much larger piece of meat for his guest. He paid special attention this time so that the taste was even and there was no drop it quality. When he was done the tiger was ceaselessly drooling and fidgeting. He couldn’t help but laugh and put it on a plate but as he turned back around the originally six foot tall tiger started shape shifting.
Its fur grew shorter and its build got smaller as it grew more compacted until yet another world class model stood right in front of him dressed in what he could only call a furry amazon battle bikini. It was a stunningly sexy cross between a bikini and armor that showed so much skin you would dream of it on a sword wielding amazon. He could only stand there in dumb shock at this heavenly scene in front of him. It was probably his imagination he could have sworn that she preened a bit as she took the plate. He snapped out of and blushed all the way to his hairline as he picked up his food that was still a bit warm and started eating.
Despite her portion being five time the size of his she still finished before he did. After eating they enjoyed the feeling of a good full belly and a warm fire on a dark night. “So did you just arrive here or what’s your story?” She finally asked. He thought about it then said “Well I’ve been here for about two weeks now and I’m still trying to figure out why they’re all fighting on that plain. As for my story, I’m afraid even if I told you you wouldn’t believe me. Suffice to say I’m the first of my human race that is able to see demigod class dungeons but due to a price I had to pay I sacrificed some of my most powerful skills and change my fighting style so now I’m on a training journey for the most part while I level up and get stronger.”
There was dead silence so he looked up from the fire and almost didn’t dare to breath. She was looking at him like he was a buffet in front of a starving man. “Your a human!? And your a man!!” She nearly had to stop and swallow as she licked her lips. He got the distinct feeling that something was wrong with how she said that remark. “Um, yeah.” He subtly leaned back as she started panting lightly and inching towards him. Dafuq is up with this??? He couldn’t count the number of questions going threw his head but he was also currently tongue tied because she was really pouring on the sex appeal and even though he knew what was going on that didn’t mean he could do jack shit about it.
“Uhhh, could you please explain what's going on?” He slowly started inching away until it seemed like she suddenly got a hold on herself. After she sat back down and avoided his eyes she explained how over 90% of population on Likos was composed of females and most men had a lower standing than women who were the dominant party. Most men were either super strong powerhouses or kept as sex slaves. The powerhouses were essentially like world class celebrities in this place since what they valued above all else was strength. He suddenly realized just what had happened with those five girls before. Now their odd expressions made sense. He had managed to give away a lot of information before he escaped and now their wording suddenly took on a different meaning.
He had been to focused on what she was saying and suddenly realized that she was right next to him. He no longer resisted as she started kissing, he did have Nina’s approval after all. To be completely honest he was fully aware that this woman could totally whoop his ass and for him that was a total turn on so he didn’t need any more incentive. With their physic the cave didn’t stand a chance and quite a few new holes and cracks were in the wall and floor when they were done since she liked it rough. After they had relaxed and chilled on his sleeping bag for a while made them some more food which he could barely eat thanks to her completely not bothering to dress and sitting cross legged with the occasional moans to accompany the food.
This of course led to another round he deemed as punishment. He wisely decided to stay there for a few days while he decided what he was going to do from now on. He couldn’t kill anyone because contrary to his first thoughts the so called war he watched the whole day was simply the beasts version of a melee style competition, there were no actual casualties. While this was great on several fronts it presented quite the headache since he was reluctant to just give up on nearly a month of work. He was sitting at the cave entrance and quietly talking to himself like usual when the tiger who he now knew was named Kalen took a seat beside him and said “Well if you need to kill things to get stronger then why not go to the dark lands and participate in the real war there?”
He froze for a second as he thought about how she had mentioned that what he saw in front of him were just the practice bouts between two different cities, but she had never said practice for what. “What war? You never said anything about it before.” She blushed quit prettily as she ignored his second question and explained his first. “It’s a war we are always fighting against the demons who are invading our lands through a dimensional tear. It seemed like they just appeared one day out of a wormhole in the sky and no one seems to know how. Within a month of their appearance the land closest to their stronghold started to die and wither. They somehow set up an enormous obelisque of flesh and blood inside the fortress and are constantly bringing troops over. So you would have no shortage of enemies to kill and the more you do so the better you could have better relations with the cities.”
When she was done he finally understood. It was simply that this dungeon operated by a different rule set. Instead of a simple maze and monster set up it was more similar to an endless war. He instantly felt an enormous headache since this was simply an absolutely perfect setup if he hadn’t given that damn egg hit two main abilities. After grumbling for a minute he asked for some lessons on unarmed combat and started getting some training. At first the fights lasted seconds but over the course of the first week he could mostly hold his own, the second week he could fight evenly with her and during the third week he was able to land some counter blows.
He felt he now had a good foundation so he had his clone learn all the abilities it had bought. He spent another few days solidifying his new knowledge into his battle rhythm. He offered Kalen to come and surprisingly she agreed. She was a power and defense type of brawler so he intended on asking her to watch over his main body and using as many of his clones as possible to farm for experience. The crutch was on whether he could handle controlling all those clones at once without his mind collapsing or getting injured. Soon he had her lead the way and with his newfound familiarity and control of his body he was much faster and quieter than before.
Unfortunately no sooner had they left than those same five girls from before popped out of nowhere and had them surrounded. He wasn't sure of their strength but they didn’t seem to mean them harm so he simply waited for them to speak. After making sure they weren’t gonna run the leader girl stepped out slowly. “Hello, my name Nicol Bolas and i’ve been searching for you since we last met. I was able to tell that your not from this plane from our last meeting and wanted to apologize for startling you. If you would allow me then I would be glad to expl-” she suddenly cut off as he saw Kalen shift and get down on one knee while bowing her head. He knew kalens attitude so it was simple to deduce that this woman had a very unique background.
He simply waited and looked at the woman named Nicol with a blank face like he wasn’t impressed. The other four all looked at each other with surprise while studying him. With a blush and a cough Nicol seemed to regain her bearings to continue “Well leaving out all the BS and flattery I came with one purpose. How much would I need to pay you to work for me? If you can guarantee a quality like what I sto- cough- like what I borrowed before then I will pay any price.” She was now blushing furiously and had to keep swallowing in order not to drool. He knew from Kalen that his cooking was far from ordinary but this was beyond all his expectations. He narrowed his eyes and glared at Karen as she blushed all the way down her neck and refused to look at him.
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