《I was Transmigrated to a Fantasy World with a System... Can I go home now? - Defiant Healer Who Fights Primal Monsters》I'd like to see YOU try to descale a primal beast! This stuff isn't easy, y'know? Survival is tough!


Dino steaks? Easier said than done. So... 'do or die' may have been a teeny tiny overestimation of my abilities.

I've tried enough random crap after watching youtube videos to know that most things that look and sound easy usually end up being incredibly hard, so it's not like I'm unprepared for this kind of thing. But...

Okay, yeah, I'm totally unprepared for this kind of thing.

Luckily, the tree in which I landed isn't the only tree around. I find plenty of fallen sticks and they're dry enough that I feel confident they'll light decently well.

Finding enough stones to build a fire pit is less simple, but I stand still for a few minutes listening for the sound of running water, then follow it to a stream, leaving a gash on the trees along the way to mark the way back.

(Yes, I've had my pocket knife on me this whole time, and yes, it completely slipped my mind in the heat of the moment, but I'm honestly not convinced it would have been much use against the dino.)

I'll spare you the Saga of Me Trying To Start A Fire, which was... various parts stupid, embarrassing, and which only succeeded in the end by sheer luck.

Suffice it to say, it takes three and a half hours, I end up completely drenched by the end of it, but I finally get a fire going. Needless to say, I don't really feel any pride in the outcome, though I am pleased to finally have a fire.

From there, things progress more smoothly. I'm familiar enough with building up already started fires to gradually move from small twigs and scraps of bark to bigger and bigger sticks. Though I don't have any proper logs, I do have plenty of sticks to feed the fire.


With some judicious application of my pocket knife to various other sticks, I manage to assemble a sort of spit to roast my lizardy steak on. I'm much better at construction than fire-starting.

I wonder if there's any sort of crafting profession in this system world? I wouldn't mind being a crafter. Maybe a woodworker, or an artificer. I could use my knowledge of earth technology to start a global industrial revolution!

...okay, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself a little bit. I don't even know if the world is inhabited yet, and for all I know I've spawned in a zoo or something and the world's a scifi utopia.

Anyway, step one: done! I have a fire. Now, while it builds up a good bed of coals for even heating, I'll tackle step two: get a steak.

A chill breeze reminds me of how wet I am. The sun is warm enough that temperature isn't much of a problem, apart from the wind, so I shed my tattered clothing and set it beside the fire to dry. It's not like there's anyone around to see me.

I stare at the big, dead dinosaur. It's... big. And covered in scales. And I have no idea what would be the tastiest section of it.

I do know I want to avoid any of the internals, because it'd be too easy for an inexperienced butchering attempt to contaminate the meat with hitting an intestine or something. So maybe from the side, or the leg.

I climb up on top of the creature and start in at the shoulder. It takes about a half hour to figure out how to pop the scales off quickly, and another to get through the layer of skin and fat, but finally I reach the rich meaty thigh beneath, and set to work carving out a nice steak.


The first steak ends up misshapen and a bit shredded around the edges, but I'm not the sort to give up easily. I stab it on the skewer and set it over the coals, add a few more sticks to the fire, then crack my knuckles and start in on the second.

The third turns out perfect, and I add it to the skewer. The next hour of watching, turning, fetching more sticks, checking on my damp clothing, and watching some more makes me miss my phone and the internet. Alas, of the things that made the transition with me, my phone is not one of them. It's probably still sitting in the basket at my mom's house, due to her insistence on a 'no device' policy for family dinners regardless of how old we are now.

At last, the steak reaches sufficient temperature that I'm willing to bet it's safe. That, and I'm starving and can't wait any longer. I carve off a bite with my knife, and it smells amazing.

Triumphant, I finally take a bite of my hopefully-safe-now meat. It's a bit stringy and a bit chewy and very bland, but it's edible and I'm starving.

"Not... terrible." I take another bite, grimacing a bit. "Needs salt."

A strange tingle rushes down my arm, and a tiny shower of white crystals pops into the air from my extended hand like I'd thrown a handful of confetti.


[Profession unlocked: Cook]

I stare at the now-salted dino steak, then at my hand.

"Class abilities."

No luck.

"Abilites. Skills. Show progression. Options. Menu."

Nothing, as usual.

I grumble, sigh, and say, "Status."

[Class: Healer (2)]

[Profession: Cook]

[Bravery Bonus: +1 to most-used stat. (Perception)]

Cook certainly isn't the profession I'd have chosen - much like Healer wouldn't be my first choice of class. And Perception is certainly not my first choice of stat.

"Well, isn't that just the most useless thing ever? Thanks for nothing, system. Again."

But, hey, at least I can create salt now. Consolation prizes are better than no prizes at all, I suppose.

Then something rustles nearby. Suddenly I'm made very, very aware of the fact that I'm sitting beside a potentially delicious dino corpse, in an unknown forest full of unknown creatures including but not limited to crocodile-mouthed dinosaurs.

"Oh, crap."

Maaaaaybe perception isn't so useless after all?

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