《The Dark Wish Maker》Chapter 10 Part 1
Title: Tanya School Problems
'Hey she is back....'
'Yea she is....'
'That bitch is back I see....'
'Shhhh!! do you want to die?'
At Nadeshiko High School, there is a small commotion that is happening at the front gate of the school. The reason for this commotion is because of a little girl that is walking closer and closer to the gate of the school, while all those students that stood around her move away from her like the plague because of their fear towards offending her in anyway.
They talk behind her back and averted their eyes when she look at them. As she kept walking into the school building, there was already no student that is in her sight or is hiding from her in plain sight.
The one they all fear is a little girl that had wavy golden hair and blue eyes as deep as the azure sky. She wore a black sailor school uniform and walk quietly into the school building in the empty hallway that are devoid of people because of her presence that is already announce to everyone in this school. And so they are hiding or is trying to avoid her the best way possible in order for them to make her not take notice of them.
This a regular routine to her that is perform by the student body of the school after the first month that she had enter the school. Which is now a common sight for her to see every time she had taken a step into the school building.
The person that they are avoiding is naturally, Tanya, because even though she made all the delinquent go away and beat them to a bloody pulp, which help the school terrible condition and improved it exponentially. Many of the students that was once a delinquent or graduated that was once a delinquent spread huge amount of rumors about her. Which made her famous before she even step into the school grounds. However the rumor that was spread about her is mostly negative and does not have many positive thing about it, because of how badly they were beaten up by her and so they call her a monster, a demon, a maou or something of the likes.
Which they had every right to be mad, yet held a deep fear for her at the same time. She once had beat them until they are unrecognizable to even their family members and even disfigure their bodies to such a degree that it can be call a permanent scar just so she could strike fear into the hearts of all the thugs that may go after her in the future. So in her last years of junior high, she did not even hold back in destroying them as throughly as possible and make it so that revenge is not even an opinion in their minds after she was through with them.
That was how her reputation had gotten so bad to all the student in the school that no one even know of her real name, because none of them had even dare to ask of her name and learn of it, in fear of offending her in anyway, shape or form from just getting close to her and asking her directly for it.
So all the student of Nadeshiko high school only call her names that they had invented behind her backs and never bother to actually learn of her name. So in the end she does not even have a single friend in school and people talk behind her back all day long. Which would suck if she was just a normal little girl, but she does not hate this life style at all before and even relish in those bad rumor about her, because before last weekend, she had to work and study, in order to get money to help her little brother with his medical fees. So to her, having friends is nothing more then a hindrance to her and Silvers plans for being successful in life though deceit.
So she even targeted remaining delinquent students to make a point across to them about not to mess with her when she is in the school building or else they would receive a worse being then ever before. Which lower her reputation within her school even further by confirming those negative rumors about her. So in the end, when she always go to school, she is alone at all time and had no one, but Silver to talk to the entire time.
However, after she had gotten all that matter settle out and Len health being recover to normal. s She no longer even need to work as hard as before and felt that there was no longer any need to go to school, but just work at part time or steal enough, so she can pay the rent for her apartment. In order for both her and Len to live in it peacefully together alone, while she go hunt criminals every night for their souls. That was her dream plan.... but it all came apart yesterday.
When Tanya was hand feeding Len that afternoon in his hospital room and beside his bed, because she does not want him to put even a little strain on his body after she had gotten rid of that damn shadow from his mind and body. He brought up a very troublesome issue for her.
“Onee-chan, don't you have to go to school today?” he suddenly has ask her a very annoying question that she does not want to answer. But she reply anyway and kindly to Len.
“Yea, but if I was gone, who is going to keep watch over you in case of something happening?” she ask back with the happiest smile that she can give him, but he only gave her a surprise look and then gave a sad smile to her.
“Onee-chan, is giving her future away for me all this time.... but I have only cause more trouble for her.. and now she is even giving away her opportunities in life for me....” when she saw that Len is beginning to look more pale as time pass and his self-depressing muttering becoming more dangerous she got anxious and panic immediately.
“NO LEN! It is not like that!! I just think that staying with you here is more important and comfortable, then me going to that place which has no future for me there.... so—Len don't cry!!” she said as she held him close to her as his face begins to tear up, because he is extremely worry for her and her future just as she is for him.
Len does not realize or understand that she is a X-User that can grant herself wishes and if she want anything then she can have anything if she was to just make a wish for it, though there are certain limits, it is close to almost anything. But his mind is still stuck in the past from 3 years ago, when he is 10 years old and did not know of what she had been doing for these past three years and is only thinking with the common sense of when he was 10 years old from three years ago. At that time she stress the important of education to him and how it give you hope into a brighter future, but now she no longer need that future nor need to stress it to him like before, with her parents killed by her and all the dept collector has been exterminated. So there is no other attachment that she has for this normal world of regular humans and is prepare to step into the world of X-User and duke it out with them.
But it seem that Len had still not comprehended that.
“Um... Len there is not need for you to worry—Oh, please don't cry any longer.....” she said tiredly as she saw that his sobbing became harder, the more she try to consul him into thinking that she is fine with him being a burden on her and that he was not a burden at all.
“Onee-chan, do you still remember the time that mom and dad was with us?” when he said that she froze up instantly and turn to look at him in great surprise.
What Len meant about Mom and Dad, is not referring to those abusive parents that she had killed, but his and her genuine parents that gave birth to him.... and her as well.
“No” that was all she could say, because she truly had no memories of ever meeting with her genuine parents, neither did her twin sister and the only people, who had known anything about them is dead. Her big brother and their abusive step parents.
However, to her surprise Len said something that she had never known about them other then the fact that they are dead or at least in her mind.
“I had once ask Onii-chan about them you see.... he said that they were a pair of great teachers, mom was a math professor and father was a literature professor that both taught college students at an amazing college.....” when she heard him say that, her shock was just as incredible as before, because she had never heard of this story before. But it would explain why Len is stressing her now about school and not just the fact that she had stress it to him three years ago.
Since she had never tried asking her Onii-sama about this at all, because she was the one that was the busiest children after her Onii-sama and so she did not have the chance to ask him. Due to all the chores that she had to do in the apartment.
“I see...” that was all she could say, when she lack the knowledge to reply about the subject.
“He said that they were still alive.....” once she heard Len say that, she felt like her mind had just froze in time for a moment.
“Are..... they?” Once she had heard him say that, what she felt was not relieve or happiness that her birth parents were alive, but a burning hatred for them that greatly surpass that of Satan in hell!
Since if they were still alive then why did they have to give them up to those horrible people?
Even if they were force to give them up, why couldn't they have just taken care of her twin sister instead? Or even Len as well? instead of giving them all away to all those horrible people. If she was to meet them on the street then she will kill them as well without mercy unless they could give a great reason as to why they had to give them all up to those people.
“I know what you are thinking Onee-chan, but I don't believe that they had actually willingly given us up to 'them' and neither did Onii-chan, because when me and you and Shera-Oneechan was born they show great joy at giving birth to us or that is what Onii-chan has said to me.”
“However, he did not explain why they had abandon us to them, but only said that one night when he was sleeping, the next thing he knew was that those horrible people had awaken him and told him that our parents had given us up to them.... then the next thing he knew was that he and us was forcefully taken to Japan by them. But he had heard from step-mother directly that they were alive somewhere. However that is all he could get out of her.” when she heard that from Len, her hatred for them lessen.. but it did not extinguish until she had heard the answer from them directly.
“So Onee-chan, if our real parents turned out to be alive and can explain to us why for what they had done to us, then I want them to be proud of us for following in their footstep or make a better future for both them and us. So that we can become a family once again..... and does not have to live a life that has only the two of us in it....” then when Len had said that to her she look to him and saw that he had a longing gaze to be like those family that can joyfully smile with each other and did not have to suffer like they had from those abusive parents...
This had cause her to feel a guilty pain in her chest, because she felt so powerless for not being able to fulfill his wish, even though she could make a wish to know about certain things like saving her brother from that shadow or get obtaining knowledge about her powers. She could not actually wish for something like all the knowledge in the world, but only knowledge from something that is within her vicinity and it does not work on people that she have no knowledge about beforehand.
So in the end her wish could not help him, and her martial art prowess don't posses such sensory ability to help either. So she could do nothing, but remain helpless at what she should do and how she could help him at all. And this made her feel useless as the older sibling and as a sister that wants to fulfill her brothers wants and needs in order for him to be happy.
“Onee-chan... you don't have to blame yourself I know that you only want what is best for me, but please think about yourself a little.... and try to find your own happiness instead of only fulfilling mine, Okay?” when she heard him, she was surprise to hear that from him, but she was happy as well and is surprise that he still have that extreme understanding of another person thoughts and feeling like he have some type of superpower that allow him to do so within him already.
However, the world of happiness is a foreign world to her and one that she had never been to because she was tied down by the obligation of helping her family, so they did not have to suffer. But in the end, two of them had perish and one was sent to a coma for three years.. So in reality, she had fail even her obligation and had never actually understood the word happiness and can only gaze out of the window to only see the little children walking down a side walk with their parents that bought them ice cream and lovers that had their moments in the park.
The only time she came close to feeling this happiness, is when she met Mikaelina and her first crush that made her heart flutter, her master, that taught her martial arts. But Mikaelina was always busy and she could not see her regularly, while her master was killed by her in order for her to save Len. Which she does not regret, but she still have this lingering feeling of guilt about what she had done.
So she had never actually felt true happiness in her life for what she had done right and only felt helplessness for what she had done wrong, which led to bigger catastrophe along the way.
“That is why Onee-chan need to go to school!!! it is not only about the education!!! but just have a friend or even a lover that would walk with you from home to school and have something to share together in secrets. So you don't have to bear the pain and burden all by yourself and can share it with me and others that care for you.” when she heard him say that she felt even more sorry to be his helpless older sister because what he said to her is already a sunken ship that she had sank herself.
However... she did feel happy about what he had said to her about wanting her to be a little bit more selfish and get a friend.
“I see Len... but I will return to school after you had been discharge from—” when she is about to say here, Len hands covered her mouth with both his hands and said.
“No! Onee-chan will go back to school tomorrow!!!” he told it to her face, while giving her a hard look and tough gaze, which made her, think that is he her father or something?
“But I—” when she was about to explain that she only wanted to protect him until her could be by himself. Since if she was to move away from him, she felt that she might lose him again. Which would really drive her to insanity that is beyond what she had shown up to now.
“I know that Onee-chan wants to protect me.. but to let go of the time that you could have spent trying to make friends in school just makes me feel sadder and not happier, so if Onee-chan wants me to be happy then you should go to school tomorrow and I will stay here for one more day, alright.” when he said that and look at her with a softer look and a kinder gaze. She could only remain and slowly nod her head in obedience.
Since there is actually no way to not fulfill one of her little brothers demands and just make her want to spoil him more after she had been missing him from her life for the last three years.
“Thank you Onee-chan! I hope that you would meet that special someone soon... because then maybe I can become a uncle!!” but when she heard that from him. she almost spit out all the blood in her body and her face had turn deep red and she look to him only to see that he is laughing at her tomato red face.
“Oh.. you little rascal....” she said as she hugged him so tight that he almost suffocated and had fun messing with his hair and face then gave him a kiss on the forehead after he went to sleep. After that she left the hospital building, but not before giving Len a part of her Ki to protect him physically from harm.
However she could not do anything about his mind, since she does not have any mental protection ability that can be given to others. So she could only give him the minimum protection that she could give him. And left the hospital building in order to wash herself and get ready for school tomorrow.
However... she had never gotten the chance to say to him about her status in school, because she knows that he would only be upset after hearing it. Since he wanted her to make friends in school, but she had scare them all away with her delinquent hunting and destruction. So let alone a lover or even just a single friend... there is not a person in Tokyo that would be willing to approach her after knowing about those rumors surrounding her.
So in end, she could only look at all the people that had chatted happy before she had arrive at the front gate of the school to run away and hide the moment that she had came close to them. But when she was about to arrive at her classroom.
She felt that something was off.... and Immediately felt that she was in great danger.. Then suddenly....
A beam of violet light blasted away her left arm. In the exact moment that she had try to avoid it and it scorched away the lower half of her left arm the moment that she was careless, but she manage to avoid certain death from just a couple of milliseconds away. Although her left arm is in serious pain, but it is not like she could not handle this amount of pain.
So she immediately avoided the next one that attack her from where she was standing before.
(WHO!?) She thought as she turn around to find a..... a priest with grayish hair, pure white eyes like he is blind, and a gray beard.
“Who are you?!” she asked knowing that she would not get a answer from him. Though she wonder how did this priest manage to get behind her. Even though she is careless, she was definitely not careless enough to actually not notice a priest that is standing out of place inside of a school environment.
“....” the priest did not say anything and only made a sour face like he did not expect her to able to avoid his attacks.
“If you don't say it yourself then I will beat it out of you!!” she said, as she made a wish to regenerate her left arm and release her Dragon Ki, because this priest is not just abnormal, since even her instinct are telling her that he is a dangerous opponent to face.
Dragon Slayer Art Second Form- Dragonic Scale Armor.
After that her pale and smooth skin, was then cover by golden dragons scales that is made from her Dragon KI. Although this form is weaker then her third form, it has the strongest defense out of the 4 of 12 Dragon Slayer Form that she can use at the current moment.
So with this, the Battle between Tanya and the Priest begins, while inside of the school that has now turn empty and into a giant battle area. But this battle is a mistake that Tanya will come to regret soon in the future....
Chapter 10 Part 1 End.
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