《The Dark Wish Maker》Chapter 8 Part 2
Title: Silver Vs The Shadow
“Lenny... Where are you, Lenny? Where are you.....” the shadow call out to Len inside a huge dark forest in the night. It moves about in the shadows and lurks in every corner to find Len like a pedophile bogeyman that hides in kids closet for whatever reason.
It move from one tree shadow to the next, in order to find him. It move through every cress and cracks imaginable to look for him. But in the end it still could not find him like he is hiding somewhere it could never find him.
Naturally this forest is not real, but is an imaginary forest that is created by Lens inner mind. Inside ones mind, everything is false, except you. Meaning one can create as many real images as one can ever think of, but they would never be real as one think they would be on the outside. So everything within a person mind, is false, except you. The reason why you is the only one true and real thing inside of the mind is because you are its creator, you are its god, there is no one that can contradict you in your own mind, so therefore you are the only one that is real inside of your own mind.
However, the shadow that invades Lens mind, is also real, because to be real inside of ones mind, it only need something to be able to think and contradict you. Which means even if Len can destroy or create what ever that exist inside of his head, it is only of his own creation, not something that was not created by him. So he can not banish the shadow and it is out of his control.
However, that goes the same for the shadow, because he is the invader in Len mind and so he does not have the authority to do whatever he please inside of somebody else's mind. Even when it was inject into Len, it never held the power to control Len mind, because if it did, it would not have need three who year to convince Len to obey him and to fuse with him.
The only reasons, the shadow was able to control Len mind to such a degree that it can create a mental space to trap Len mind for three years is because of two very important reason. One it overwhelm Len mind to such a degree that it force it into a Pandora box. Two it manage to convince Len own mind to trap himself, inside of himself like how he had wanted to, so he could not free himself of his own illusion. Where he could not escape and had to listen to its taunts and tormenting for three whole years that solidify into a reality inside of his own mind. That was why it could make Len obey him, while it had no control over his mind.
So to sum it up the mind is a very, very, very, confusing place.
The only thing that you need to know about the mind, is that, everything is false, and only you are real. However that is also debatable, so lets not go into such a subject, because the only real answer you can say is that everything contradict itself in one mind. So lets never go into the subject of the mind, because it can also drive the most sane person, insane.
So let's not go near the truth of the mind, unless you want to start questioning yourself of what is insane or not.
“Damn.... where the hell is he!!!” the shadow scream in annoyance at his inability to find Len, and is looking everywhere, but is unable to find him.
“Len, I will find youuuu!!!!! Shadow Division!!” after it said this, its body shone with bright red eyes from all over its body and then separated from the shadow body.
The Black tar like substance drip from all overs its body and started to morph into a inhumanly monstrous being. They had only one eye at the center of their face, and their body look like a mutated slime that has two arms sticking out of it.
“Go my minions! find Len for me!!!” the shadow screamed at them and they all disappear into the shadow and then they began to search all over this forest that is created in the mind.
“Oh! My whats here? A party just for me?” Suddenly a voice that the shadow had never heard before, enter it ears, but before it knew who that was.
It was suddenly trap inside a mental space and was unable to free itself. But little does he know that all the shadow that he had sent to find Len had been annihilated by the owner of this voice.
On Len side, he is running away... running away inside of the imaginary city of Tokyo.
What is he running away from?
The Super Shadow that once fuse with him. This shadow is the true main body of all the millions of negative shadows in Len mind and body. The one that is in the forest is its secondary body, it was made because if the main body was to die, its secondary body could eventually revive him.
Which would've been the case, if Tanya decided to actually kill both him and Len, since he could not actually separate from Len himself, because their fusion was to thorough and it resulted in a situation of some of his being becoming apart of Lens mind and body make up.
So now the Super Shadow can be call a dark version of Len himself. It has black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. As he leisurely walk through the streets of imaginary Tokyo. He smile while looking at the front of him, because he knows exactly where Len is hiding and is leisurely coming to get him. In order to show Len that it is futile to run away from him and make him knows that, no matter where he run to and from, it will always find him.
Which will make Len knows that he should not defied him, because Len right now is the mouse and he is the cat chasing after him.
“Len, you better come out now or I will get angry, and you would not like it when I am angry!” his scream reached to every location of the imaginary city of Tokyo. But Len still did not stop running, because he rather die then go merge with his dark version and harm his older sister again.
When they were fuse together, Len knew all that was happening, including the whole battle between the shadow and his older sister. But he was powerless to stop the shadow that was controlling his body, while he is trap in a dark prison only being able to witness what is outside, but he was glad that his older sister manage to defeat his shadow and drove the shadow into separating with him.
He never thought that his older sister was so powerful that she can drive this shadow that he had resisted for three wholes years to want to depart from his body.
So he must run and resist him to the end this time, and no longer bring trouble to his older sister, that gave him the chance to be free from this shadows control. He knows now that this shadow is the true master mind that had separated him from Tanya for so long and made him build resentment toward her in order for him to fall into his traps. And make him do terrible things like harming his older sister by piercing a blade through her stomach.
However, as he was about to run again, his neck was seize by the Dark Len and he was made to look into his red eyes that is compelling him to do something like he is mind controlling him.
“Come on, Len don't you see that I am your friend? That whore outside is not your older sister, but a monster and a X-User that does evil to everyone in the world!! so how could that being be your Onee-chan, huh? Because it care for you for a little while, it was all a lie Len, it is all a lie... your Onee-chan will not come to save you, nobody will, only me... see Len, you need me, without me you will just died a horrible death on the street, so come on Len, say yes to me, say that you and I can become one again!” Dark Len spoke closely to his ears and Len felt that his free will is being violated by this shadow of himself.
“I will.... will never become one with you again!!! even if Onee-chan is as bad as you say, she is a lesser evil compare to you and your this filth!!!” Len scream at him while he struggle to break free from his grasp on his neck.
However, Dark Len only look surprise at his out burst, then made a angry face and scowl at him and then tighten his grip on Len neck.
“I see, if this is your answer then I would have no choice, but to kill you, Len, it is a sad choice to let you go, but lets see how your Onee-chan like to see your corpse on the pavement road... it would be a nice revenge wouldn't it?” he said as he raise his other hand and got ready to pierce right through Len mental body.
If this pierce Len mental body, then he would definitely died, because if his mind think that he is dead, then his body would follow the same root, which will cause the death of his outside body.
So the Dark Len is smiling happily as he imagine the face of Len beloved older sister twisted in fear, horror, and anguish. At she waste effort in saving Len, but only to have him died in the end. While Len is still struggling to break free from his grasp.
A new voice suddenly intervene.
“It would be a nice revenge, but to bad it would not succeed..” the voice startle both the Dark Len and the true Len. But before the Dark Len can turn around to see who it was, his arm that was holding Len was slice apart by something that he could not even see or feel. But he knows that his arm was destroy by something that he does not understand.
After Len was release from his grasp, he was free from his fall by a pair of arms that had caught him in mid air. When he look behind him, it was a person that resemble his older sister. But instead of having her older sister blond hair and blue eyes, this person has silvery white hair and glowing red eyes.
However that is all he saw before his consciousness turn dark.
Unlike Tanya that has blond hair and blue eyes, Silver actual mental body has silvery white hair and red eyes. Whenever silver actually switch with Tanya, her eyes would also change color depending on how much control she is taking from Tanya. If she is merely controlling it normal movement, then it would not change her outer appearance that much. But if Silver completely took over the role as the main personality, then Tanya outer appearance would also be change to match that of Silver real image.
But, since Tanya, never actually let silver take complete control over her body, she can only manifest a minuscule amount of her feature. That goes the same with void, except void is just so powerful that she can override both of Tanya and Silver control at once. Instead of one of them letting her take control. But with Silver and Tanya they could control each other to a certain degree and they have a better mutual understanding with each other then with Void.
“Who are you?!?!?” The Dark Len ask back, while holding his arm that had been cut off and then molded a new arm with that black tar like substance. But Silver only glance at him once and...
“I will deal with you in a Second, you filth(Snap)” she then snap her fingers and encase him into a mental space that she had instantly created to stop him from moving at the moment. And allow her to bring Len to a safe place before she goes to battle with him.
When Dark Len was trap inside of the Mental space that she had created, she examine if Len was okay or not. And.... he wasn't.
Although that shadow did not manage to pierce Len, part of Len mind is already contaminated with the shadow to the point that it can no longer be removed and is apart of his existence. Meaning Len right now is no longer a human, but to be more exact, he is now a Half-Z Monster and Human. However she does not care about this minor detail, because if he can talk like Len, Act like Len, and Feels like Len, then who cares about what he is now?
He actually maybe better now them compare with three years ago or before in a coma, If Len can control the power of the Z-Monster that is inside of him then maybe she can let Tanya be more at ease with Len being alone and independent in later times. Since Len would be able to protect himself and not experience the same situation as that time three years ago due to their absence, when he needed them the most. Since they can't always be together, especially now that they have got involve with the X-User world. There is no going back and their maybe others that will aim at her little brother, so if he can protect himself, then it would make Tanya be more at ease.
That is what she will tell Tanya after she has dealt with this shadow of Len. She then look at Len sleeping face, as she had cause him to faint at the lasted moment when she had save him, because she did not want to deal with the questioning of Len before she dealt with the shadow in front of her at the moment.
She then created another Mental Space for Len to sleep in for the moment and relax in a nice dream and not have to deal with this nightmare.
Which she is about to erase from existence.
Suddenly in two location, the space in front of her crack and shatter to pieces. The two mist of darkness swirl around with each other and merge into one being.
This time the shadow did not take the appearance of Len or anyone else, but just now became a faceless humanoid figure. Then suddenly two glowing red eyes pop out on its head, and a mouth that look like a void in space open in the middle. It look at Silver in the eye and roar so loudly that the imaginary space around them shook from it.
It roar with anger at the fact that somebody has interfere with its objective and now it is completely mad without any reasoning like the shadow and beast that it truly is.
Although this might frighten normal people, Silver only look at this scene with a bored expression.
“Is that the best you can do?” she ask it with a mocking expression.
“HOW DARE YOU INTERFERE YOU FILTHY X-USER!!!!!” it scream at her, then rush toward her with full speed that surpass the human limit and try to grab her head with it claw like hand to crush it.
“How boring, if it is a beast like this then I rather trade places with Tanya at the moment. Well, better finish this quickly or else Tanya will be call a pervert for making out with her little brother for this long outside, though that would be funny in a way, but her body is my body, and I don't want to deal with the nonsense that is going to come if I don't hurry this up.” she said as she move into a position, that resemble a person holding a machine gun.
“Have fun eating Bullets!!” she said as a machine gun literally materialize in her hand and she started to fire it off in automatic mode.
The bullets blew holes through the shadowy monster and knock it back to a building wall. While black tar like liquid spew everywhere.
“How.... how does your attack work on me... I should be impervious to physical attacks...” the shadow said weakly as it actually felt the pain of being shot by a machine gun, which should have been impossible because he had no pain receptors or brain to receive the signal of pain. So why does a machine gun fire hurt him so much, it is beyond his understanding.
“Physical attacks? The fuck is that? We are in the mind of my little brother right now, there is no such thing as a physical attack, it is all mental attacks, so in this mental world you are far weaker here then on the outside.” Silver then told the obvious truth to the shadow.
“I don't have a mind either, so that should not have work—” it try to say but suddenly he got smite by lightning that fell on him like a rain storm, except there is not a cloud in the sky for this to happen.
ZAP!!!!!ZAP!!!! ZAP!!!!
“AAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!” like before the shadow felt the pain of being repeatably smite by lightning and fried him with electricity. Which confuse him even more.
“HAHAHAHAHA!!!! THIS IS SO FUN!!! I NEVER HAD THIS MUCH CONTROL IN REALITY AS I HAVE HERE!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!”Silver laugh at the pain the shadow is feeling.
The reason that she could hurt him so much and materialize objects in the mind of somebody else, is not some special ability or wish, but just a very simple misunderstanding. One only need to believe that what they made, will make the other party believe that it is real. Once they do, it will become real to them as well. Since everything in the mind is fake except yourself. However, silver take this to a whole new level, she doesn't just make other believe her, she also believe what she is doing and making is real, while is not. In the battle of the mind, it is not about powers or abilities that one can have, but just who has the stronger believe in what they doing or making inside of it, that it will cause others to feel and believe the reality that is inside of the mind, where everything is fake.
So with this, she could then..... burn him in Lava, crush him with a bolder, Impale him with spears, shred him inside of tornado, melt him in acid, beat him with stick, Blast him with solar rays, throw him into a black hole, and crush him like a mosquito in her palms.
When all that is over the shadow is lying there or everywhere as it is already exhausted by her repeated execution of mental attacks.
“How..... just how..... how can you be this powerful here in someone else's mind!!!!!” it scream at her, but he only saw her snap her fingers again. And all the pieces of him came together again, but this time has turn him into a ball.
“LETS PLAY BALL!!!!!” she scream happily and as she materialize a baseball bat struck him like a baseball and sent him flying into the sky. Which made him into splatter when he hit a building.
Then she repeated this with different sports like football, soccer, dodge ball, ping pong, tennis, basketball, etc. with the result of the shadow being turn into a black tarry mess on the floor and walls each time.
“Well, I had my fun, it is time for you to die! Lets see... which way should I do it with? AHHH!!! THAT ONE'S PERFECT” Silver then materialize another object with a snap of her fingers, she made a incinerator that roars with burning flames like those from hell on the inside.
“No! No! No! Please don't!!! no more!!!!” shadow now sense the fear of death and is not willing to die yet.
But no matter how it tries to struggle, he can't get over the believe that he will died, if he falls into that incinerator and he can't get over the believe that he is weaker then her inside of the mind. This is what had spelled his defeat in the battle of the mind against silver.
Though the battle between him and silver inside of the mind, isn't even a fair one, because silver was born Tanya mind, so she understood the mind and its components far better then the shadow that is only a bunch of jumble up residue of dark emotions from others that had perish. So the moment that it met Silver, it was already a losing battle for him.
However, that is when everything started to go wrong for her.....
Silver suddenly felt a threat coming closer to her from another location that she can't detect. But she feel it is not searching for her, but the thing that she is holding, namely the shadow that is in her hands.
The space around her crash and from the sky of this Imaginary world there is vortex that had open up from out of nowhere.
The vortex began to suck everything inside of it like it is searching for something.
(What the hell?!! the hell it is going on?!?) in Silver mind, she is confuse by why there is a vortex opening up in her little brothers mind...
When she stare above that vortex, she can feel a familiar gaze look down upon her. She knows this gaze all to well....
“WHY.... WHY IS HE HERE?!!!?!!?!?!” she thought out loud, because this gaze can only belong to one person.
Long Ao Qin..... but how?..... how can he come into someones else's mind like this?
However, to her surprise the shadow was freed from her control and was drag into the vortex. Even though she try to chase after it, the Vortex closed before she can get to it.
So in the end what she grab was only emptiness.... and her red eyes burn a terrifying flame inside of them.
This is the only day that Silver had felt this much humiliation and defeat for letting her enemies get away like that.
However after a few moment... she calm down and release Len from the mental space that she had created and began to wake him up.
Part 2 End
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