《Cosmic Creator》Chapter 2: Earth Part II
I watched Venus’ lips closely as she began explaining everything to me. Not only did I not want to miss a single word, but I also admired her beauty.
“Currently, you and I are standing in your very own Creation Plane. This space will be your new home where you can create universes from. There are a few rules and necessities though, like the requirement for you to place a device in it that allows you to view the events unfolding on your worlds. For example, a tv or computer from your world will work. Aside from that the entire space is your sandbox, free to be modified or changed however you wish. Any questions about it?”
Venus spoke excitedly about the Creation Plane and the way she described it had my mind blown. “You mean this white room here is the Creation Plane? If that’s the case then how do I change it?”
“Haha, silly boy.” Venus laughed at me in a teasing manner.
“All you have to do is think about what you want to appear or happen, then it will do just that. There are a few restrictions related to system functions, but for the most part, you can do whatever you want with the place using a simple thought. It’s called the power of intent. As long as you intend for something to be changed or appear, then it will do so. Go ahead and try now.”
I nodded, then closed my eyes to think. What should I do to the room? Change it into my living room back on Earth? Maybe...create a moon base? There were too many ideas that came to mind so eventually I settled on making the room into a high-end studio loft. Back on Earth I had always wanted to move into one after going to college.
After a few seconds of thinking about the details within my loft, I opened my eyes to see what would happen. The white room began to pull and stretch, appearing as if space itself was being warped. All around me the area expanded into the basic shape of my loft, with a large rectangular downstairs that had very high ceilings, as well as a bedroom loft overlooking it. When the white walls matched the general outline of the interior they began filling in with color, items appeared next as the entire space materialized from thin air like Venus had done before.
My living room was fully furnished with black leather couches, a coffee table lined with silver, and a giant flat-screen TV that measured 203 centimeters. Not only that, the kitchen was all black and given black granite countertops, a high-tech refrigerator, and all the other necessities like a microwave, oven, pantry, and dishes. I even took a look at the bathroom where I was pleased to see that it was bigger than my bedroom on Earth. It had a large walk-in shower, a massive bath tucked into the corner, a polished silver toilet, and a long countertop with an equally long mirror on the wall above it. Off to the side, there was a full spa ready for me to use too. This bathroom was even better than the ones celebrities had on Earth!
As the entire loft was finishing materializing I admired the look of it while beginning to wonder what the limits of this system at play were.
“This is insane! Can it even do...this!?”
With one thought I looked to the living room and created a back sliding door that led to a beach, only this beach was unlike anything from Earth. The whitish-tan sand was soft and magical, the dark blue waves calmly approached the land before retreating to the sea, and three gigantic spheres hung in the sky, overlooking whatever landmass I had just created. One sphere was bright orange and radiating warm energy, similar to the Sun from Earth’s solar system, but this sun was far larger. As for the other two spheres, one was glowing light blue while the other was glowing silver. They were closer than the orange sphere and smaller in size, but their compliment to each other was breathtaking.
“Oh yeah, I think we’re getting somewhere with this...” I admired the view outside through the glass door, simply awestruck at what just happened. Soon I recovered from my trance and stepped outside to experience the beach for myself. Immediately my whole body was hit with a relaxingly cool breeze. To my left and right endless sand and water filled my vision, as if the beach went on forever. The sky and sea also had a feeling of being neverending, the farther I looked the larger it felt. Strangely enough there was not a horizon, meaning this "creation plane" of mine was truly a weird place!
Although, what really surprised me was that when looking at the back door while standing on the beach, there was no house attached to it. Instead, the sliding door sat alone in the sand waiting for me to come back through. It honestly looked like an item lost through time, as if it appeared on this shore accidentally from a future time period.
“Come along Jay, this is only the beginning! There’s so much more to see and do!” Venus pulled me back inside from the backyard beach to prevent me from getting distracted again, after all, she was trying to do her job.
“You’ll have plenty of time to interact with the system after we finish the tutorial. Seeing as how you’re immortal now time will never be an issue again.” The casual use of the word “immortal” threw my head for a spin. Bob never mentioned anything about that!
Noticing a change in my behavior Venus stared closely at me before understanding my thoughts.
“Bob didn’t mention being Immortal to you? Even if he didn’t say it outright then you probably should have guessed such a thing based on the name ‘Cosmic Entity.’ Bob itself has lived on forever, which is way longer than your species thinks.”
These words were partially true, but still, it seemed a little unfair. All of this was brand new to me and vastly different from my previous life. Catching up on the little things wouldn’t be easy right away since the little things of being a Cosmic Entity weren’t exactly that little.
“I guess it’ll be easier to adjust over time, for now let’s just go with the flow.” Regaining my attention, I looked at Venus once more, ready to learn. “What’s next then?”
Venus smiled before gesturing to her side where a doorway appeared next to my couch. There wasn’t a door, just a frame with empty white space inside of it. “Follow me through here, let me show you the community space.”
Venus stepped through the doorway, disappearing into the white light. I followed closely behind her and was even blinded for a split second while crossing through. On the other side of the doorway was...even more white space. At this point between the Unknown and my Creation Plane I was getting tired of seeing white, hence the darker designs in my loft. What was Bob's obsession with white?
“This is the community space, where Cosmic Entities will be able to interact with one another face to face. You will be able to build things here just like in your Creation Plane, but you will have to meet certain requirements first to get a permit. Even with a permit all creations will have to be approved by the system first. However, once more Cosmic Entities start to arrive, the system will create several areas here for you all to interact in so that the community space is something more than just an empty white room.”
Hearing the part about the white room being done away with was a relief. Hopefully the white rooms would be gone for a while after this because as of now my experiences in these rooms were quite unthinkable.
“How will I travel to and from the community space? You brought me here through that doorway before, will I get one too?” The community space was self-explanatory, but the method of transportation between it and my Creation Plane was unknown.
“The doorway I created to get here was just one of many ways for you to get around. Any time you wish to leave your Creation Plane and come here or return from here back to your Creation Plane, all you have to do is create a method of doing so. Go ahead and try now. Think of a way to get back, but have your destination set in stone within your mind. Otherwise, things can get a little messy.”
I was curious about what she meant by messy but felt it could be left alone for now. Thinking of a way to get back, I decided on the rabbit hole idea from children's books. Something about "falling down the rabbit hole" amused me, which got me thinking about the future. "If this works out then I can do other random dumb/fun shit later on. Like create a magic treehouse, watch tv on the moon, or even...enter a renaissance painting!? So many possibilities..."
"Um- Jay?" Venus tapped me on the shoulder, a confused expression plastered on her face. "Everything okay?"
Feeling her tap my shoulder I turned around and gave her a glance, released from my mind where a flurry of ideas were running free like wild horses.
"Sorry about that, everything's fine. Let's get going!" Focusing on the ground, I watched as a hole appeared roughly two meters in diameter. Looking down into the hole I smiled because I saw the living room back at my Creation Plane.
“Hop in!” I turned around to Venus, facing my back towards the hole while gesturing for her to come with me. After which I proceeded to jump down into the hole while still facing her.
Back in my Creation Plane I appeared from the ceiling and began falling down from more than six meters up! Scared I would break something in my body or even die, I began panicking to myself.
“Holy shit! I know she said I was immortal now but does that mean immortal immortal, or only unaging immortal? Because if it’s the second kind then this is going to hurt!”
Right before I hit the floor I tightened my face and closed my eyes, ready to feel a pain like no other. What happened next left me perplexed. As I hit the floor with my legs and fell to my back the only feeling in my body was one of discomfort, no pain or any broken body parts!
“Awesome! My body’s unbreakable!” I stood up with my fists balled high over my head. There was a sense of accomplishment stuck in my heart, but I soon realized Venus was behind me.
“Your body is indestructible because you’re in the Creation Plane. While here you have unlimited energy reserves, an invincible body, and cannot die under any circumstances not relating to the system.”
“Thank- nevermind.” In my moment of relief I was about to say thank God, despite not being religious it was still an all too common phrase stuck in my subconscious. Only after thinking about it, I realized that God was Bob who also was existence. Even then, wasn’t I technically God now?
“Note to self, stop saying thank God.” A small laugh escaped from my mouth when a thought entered my mind.
“Wait, you said I’m indestructible because I’m in the Creation Plane. Does that mean I can still be killed outside of it?” Considering the fact that I was a fragile human before becoming a Cosmic Entity, the concept of death wasn’t anything shocking to me. I just wanted to know how careful I should be when leaving my safety net.
“Right on the money. You’re unkillable when here or on the infinity plane, but when descended on the mortal plane it’ll be possible to kill you. Incredibly difficult given various circumstances, but possible nonetheless should you get careless. If I were you I wouldn't worry about it. The odds of death are...low.”
“Low? Right...And by mortal realm I assume you mean the places I create, right? We can travel there!?” My face lit up in anticipation for an answer.
Venus nodded. “Traveling to your worlds or any of their realms only takes a thought, just like moving around here on the Creation Plane. However, when doing so you will be descending unto the world with your aura as a Cosmic Entity. Anyone you are near will feel a sense of power from you that gives them a very unique sense of warmth. This will make it hard to hide your identity as God if you so wish.”
I processed Venus’ words for a moment. It would be pretty hard to interact with anyone if they were constantly being affected by my aura, so figuring out a workaround would be important. There were all sorts of cool ideas for me to carry out, but none of those ideas would be possible if I was unable to have normal interactions with people.
“Interesting, I’ll keep that in mind. Is there a way to bypass the typical descent option then? Like a way to descend in a new body or something? That way I can walk amongst my creations without worrying about my aura.” Look at me, already speaking like God without even making my first planet yet, how adorable.
“Yep, there are an infinite number of ways to do so if you create the proper universal laws. We’ll talk about laws soon enough though.” She responded laxly. “Now that you’ve seen the community space and have your Creation Plane suited to your needs, how about getting started with the big stuff?” A big grin formed across her face as she spoke.
I looked at Venus with eager eyes. “You mean world creation?”
She nodded with a ready smile, just as interested in getting started as I was.
“To get started with your first world all you have to do is pull up the Creator Store in your mind. You’ll need to buy a world from the store, but don’t worry about being broke. The system starts everyone off with 1,000,000 creator points and those points can be earned in a multitude of ways. We’ll talk more about earning points as we go on.”
“Seems simple enough.” Thinking of the words “Creator Store” within my mind, I watched as a menu appeared in front of my eyes. It was a fully interactive store menu with enhanced search functions, item categories, and much more.
“The only people who can view this menu are you and I. However you can permit people to view it if you’d like, but only you can spend points.”
Knowing that no one else could spend points made me happy since I had two younger siblings coming to live with me soon. I wouldn’t be worried about my parents accidentally buying stuff, but my siblings were trouble makers. One time they stole my dad’s wallet to use his card for buying currency in a mobile game. They ended up getting a spanking like never before and were grounded for a month. Thankfully the system wouldn’t allow anyone else to spend my points, or things could go bad fast.
“The creator store is going to be your best friend for a while. Anything you create on your worlds can be sold here to earn points, which also means you can buy stuff from here to implement on your worlds. Whenever selling you will earn 90% of the total price anything is sold for, while the remaining 10% is taxed by the system. Now that your menu is open go ahead and select the tab marked World Creation. Once inside you can purchase preset worlds or design your own.” Venus continued guiding me through the process while explaining the store a bit more.
I nodded and selected the World Creation tab using my mind. There were all sorts of listed worlds for me to buy, as well as an option for me to create my own.
// Please choose a world from the list of options below, or select “Custom World” to design your own. When you have a selection in mind just tap with your finger or select using your power of intent. \
Custom World (Price varies) - Create your own world from scratch without any limits. The price of the world will be dependent on the size and features you place on it.
Earth (200,000 points) - An exact replica of the planet Earth you come from, but untouched by civilization. [Home World Discount applied]
Small Forest World (100,000 points) - A small forest world with 50 million square kilometers of surface area. Most of the world is covered in thick forests, aside from several oceans, bodies of water, and grasslands. When purchased all features will be randomized.
Medium Forest World (250,000 points) - A medium forest world with 500 million square kilometers of surface area. Most of the world is covered in thick forests, aside from several oceans, bodies of water, and grasslands. When purchased all features will be randomized.
Large Forest World (500,000 points) - A large forest world with 3 billion square kilometers of surface area. Most of the world is covered in thick forests, aside from several oceans, bodies of water, and grasslands. When purchased all features will be randomized.
Small Desert World (50,000 Points) - A small desert world with 50 million square kilometers of surface area. Most of the world is covered in endless deserts. Oases, small seas, and rivers can be found in certain areas of the world. When purchased all features will be randomized.
My eyes closely read each and every option available. The descriptions for each world were pretty basic, but good enough to get a rough idea of their appearances.
Right off the bat, I noticed price differences between each world type. Like the desert worlds costing less than the forest worlds. I asked Venus about this price discrepancy and learned that the difficulty of life, abundance of resources, and many other factors played into the pricing of each world. Since the desert world was a very harsh environment with little access to resources it would obviously be listed for less than a lush green world ripe for life.
Aside from the options of a custom world, Earth, desert, and forest worlds, the list continued for several pages. There were worlds full of oceans, worlds that sat above the clouds, mountainous worlds, flaming volcanic worlds, and countless others. With so many options to choose from I felt stuck on what to select.
“If I choose one option now and regret it later, I’ll still be able to buy more worlds, right?”
I know that Bob mentioned creating entire universes, which obviously would be filled with worlds, but I just had to be sure that my choices now wouldn’t have drastic consequences.
“Yep, the option to buy more worlds will always be there for you whenever you feel like creating life. There’s also a reset button to bring about the end of any world you create, whether that be through an apocalyptic restart or a clean wipe of the existing species. Doing so will cost points though, as most other actions will. This is all just the beginning for you. When you meet certain requirements I’ll be able to tell you more about the potential of creation and the power of a Cosmic Entity. That’s when things will get really good.”
I was taken aback by this info dump from Venus as it had some major points to it. The buying worlds portion was already cleared up, but as for the reset button and “potential of creation and the power of a Cosmic Entity,” I was totally dumbfounded.
“There’s more to this already?” I couldn’t help but sigh inside. “That’s a lot to process, but I’ll manage in time. Let’s keep moving forward.” My gaze returned to the world selection screen where I skimmed through the information about each world carefully.
Venus was just as eager to begin as I was. Her body language oozed anticipation since she couldn’t sit still next to me. Her body was bouncing up and down subtly while her eyes were locked on the same menu as mine.
“Alright, alright, don’t worry I got it,” I said confidently. I smirked at Venus before tapping the option I wanted on screen.
// You have selected Earth for 200,000 points. Would you like to finalize your purchase? \
With my first world I decided to replicate Earth for three reasons. One, the goal with this Earth was to make it more interesting than the one I lived on. Whether that be through magic, demons, intergalactic wars, or some other fourth thing, I had yet to decide. Two, since this was my first world I felt being familiar with its geography would help me get adjusted toward the whole Cosmic Entity thing. And three, Earth received a “Home World Discount” that made it cheaper, although the original price was unknown it wouldn’t make sense to not take the only item in the entire store listed on sale.
In the future I would definitely explore the other options available to me and even create my own worlds from scratch, but right now I needed more experience.
After selecting Earth the store menu disappeared and was replaced with a confirmation screen. All I needed to do was think yes and it finalized my purchase, causing the store menu to vanish abruptly as if a forced tutorial mission in a game was about to set in.
“Earth? Not bad, I kind of like your world, but how about we make it cooler than before? No offense but the stories and movies your people made were so much better than your actual lives.”
My curiosity was peaked as I wondered how Venus knew about Earth. The only way for me to get an answer though would be to ask her directly.
“I had the same thoughts, but how do you know about Earth? Was the knowledge ingrained into you when you were created?”
“Mhm, whenever a Cosmic Entity creates their guide all previous knowledge about the entity’s homeworld is added into the guide’s brain. This makes it easier for Cosmic Entities to get along with their guides and find help with ideas. I’m personally in love with the Indiana Jones movies from your world, same thing with the Mummy movies!”
My eyes widened in surprise for a moment, quickly returning to normal when I realized her movie interests came from her love of adventure. “The logic behind the system makes sense. And I love those movies too! My dad is a huge movie fan and showed me them when I was younger.”
“Well your dad has great taste in movies, I can’t wait to meet him. Oh! By the way, forgot to mention this. Bob filled me in about the deal with your family already.” Venus rubbed the back of her neck and shrugged.
“Bob totally gossiped to you during the materialization process, didn’t he?” Raising one eyebrow I looked at Venus with a smug expression. Based on his behavior when we met I could tell that Bob was the gossip type, and there wasn’t much to gossip about yet aside from my family affairs.
“Totally,” Venus said before bursting out in laughter. I joined in for a bit until we calmed down and proceeded on with our original plans.
“Moving along, with a world in hand all you have to do is open up your inventory and select it. This only takes a thought as you can assume by now. Once selected the world customization screen will appear. With that screen you can choose the universal laws at play on the world, like if it’ll be a technological world, a magical world, or some other option you like. Aside from that, you can change every little feature about your world from the amount of gravity it has to the species that live on it. Any alterations made will cost you points.”
I thought about an inventory appearing which resulted in a menu popping up once again, this time it was a big black hole floating in front of me. Floating around that black hole was a mini replica of planet Earth, slowly spinning around. I could’ve selected my planet with a thought, but I wanted to test something instead.
With my left hand I reached out into the black hole and gently grabbed planet Earth between my index finger and thumb. Its current size was no bigger than a ping pong ball.
After grabbing the planet my inventory immediately disappeared, being replaced by the world customization screen.
// Welcome to world customization. Here you will be able to adjust any features about your world that you’d like. Anything can be changed or manipulated in one way or another, but it’ll come with a price. Furthermore, some things can only be altered through specific methods not available on this setup. Note that this is just the first available menu, more options will be available after creating the planet.
World Name: Earth [↗]
World Size: 510.1 million km^2 [↗]
World Owner: Judai
Planet Rating: Grade 2
Description: An easily inhabitable world with multiple large continents and bodies of water. There are many types of ecosystems and resources readily available around the entire planet.
Universal Laws: None [Must choose] [↗]
Higher Beings: None [Must choose] [↗]
Afterlife: None [Must choose] [↗]
Sentient Races: None [Must choose] [↗]
Animal/Monster Species: [↗]
Natural Forces: [↗]
Biological Forces: [↗]
Physical Adjustments: [↗]
Please assign all required items. \
The information here was more than meets the eye. Every arrow option next to a line of text included another menu with things for me to change or choose from. For instance, natural forces had an endless stream of sliders, numerical values, and insertable options for things like gravity, weather, magnetic poles, and more. Pretty much anything you could learn about Earth in science classes was changeable under both the Natural Forces and Biological Forces menu.
Aside from that and making physical adjustments, everything else required me to purchase something from the Creator Store, so I went down the list one by one. Thankfully I had Venus at my side to explain each setting that needed my attention, otherwise it would have been a disaster.
First were Universal Laws. Venus described these as the all-powerful forces that governed the world. Everything from magic to those custom descent options I asked about earlier could be made possible through them. They were very overarching and had limitless possibilities.
// Universal Laws are special additions to your world that change the way they operate. From here you can assign laws that allow for magic to be used in your world, monster taming, advanced technology, or anything else you’d like.
Custom Law (Price varies) - Create your own law to be input on your world.
Cultivation World (50,000 points) - Sentient beings on your planet will be able to cultivate in various martial arts to enhance their abilities. This law comes with over 100,000 unique arts for your people to learn with varying power and difficulties. Restrictions can be placed on these arts or even new ones added.
RPG Life (50,000 points) - Your world is given game-like properties from a magical RPG game. There are classes, guilds, kingdoms, and many other aspects that can change the way the world works. All of these can be changed in whatever way you see fit.
Advanced Technology Progression (50,000 points) - Rather than focusing on any mystical or magical elements, your world will be driven by technology. As time goes on your sentient beings will be able to create new inventions that push them further and further into the future with the universe being their limit.
Monster Apocalypse (40,000-250,000 points) - Your sentient beings will be given a set amount of years to prepare before waves of monsters begin appearing to feed off them. Whether you choose to have technology, magic, enhanced beings, superpowers, or some other power law in play is up to you. Monster strengths can also be changed and even new ones added. This law is easily customizable but can become very expensive depending on how much you customize it.
Expandable Magic Laws (500,000 points) - A law that allows for a plethora of magic types to be used in your world. There are several special energies added as well which are unique to certain powers that can be discovered. Mana is the core energy that is used however. One special feature of this law is the lack of a limiter which will allow for the magic of your world to continuously evolve and change with no end.
Please select a Universal Law to use for your world. Note that you are limited to one option for now, but after creating your first world you will be free to add more. \
The first thing that came to mind when looking at the list of laws was using the custom law option. There were all sorts of cool and mysterious things for me to choose from, but I had an interesting idea pop in my head that was calling out to be used.
I chose to create a custom law, after which a series of menus and options appeared for me to play with. Venus guided me through the process and summarized each function available for me to edit. The best part about designing my law was the voice command feature that allowed me to describe whatever changes I wanted to be made rather than inputting them manually.
It took me a while but eventually Venus and I created a pretty well thought out idea with the help of the system. Thankfully the system pointed out any flaws or loopholes, this made things go smoothly. When I finished I was given the option of naming my new creation, and ended up deciding on the name “Soul Powered Monster Law.” Boring, I know, but the name did its job.
The Soul Powered Monster Law functioned similarly to a magical world, but instead of mana the energy that allowed people to use their abilities was soul power. This energy would reside inside a person’s soul realm, a special place within their body. The shape and color of a person’s soul realm held a lot of meaning too. For instance, a green soul signified low amounts of soul power with poor quality. Whereas a purple soul signified the exact opposite. As for the form of one’s soul realm, that would vary depending on their constitution, bloodline, and training.
With soul power, sentient beings would be able to fight against monsters that roamed the planet and harness the souls of these monsters to become stronger. Not only that, but the law included various crafts and techniques to work with soul power aside from just the combat system. These included runecrafting, alchemy, soul refinement, and more.
According to Venus the knowledge required to progress this law was quite complex, so it would probably take countless years for the beings on my planet to get to the minimum point of using soul power.
The monsters created through this law were ranked using rarity, had elemental typings, and their own unique powers. Plus, to make it so that my planet’s beings would have to continuously progress, I made it so that monsters could evolve and mutate to grow stronger, even allowing them to create new species in the process.
Another interesting feature of my law were the elements of the world that acted as typings for soul power and could impact the environment around them. There were many base elements as well as advanced ones, but all of them worked alongside soul power. This would make it so that “elemental zones” could form, or areas where high levels of a specific element caused physical changes to the environment.
In all honesty, it would have taken me days of work to create a good law to be used if it weren’t for the help of random generation. While making my law I realized it would be necessary to create every single ability, design every monster, and rationalize the processes that made soul power work. Instead of doing it all manually I decided to let the system make most of it. My job was mainly creating the basics and really cool stuff. Venus even introduced me to a special feature called the freedom tool which would allow soul power practitioners on Earth to create their own abilities, meaning that they would have even more potential with this law.
Power stages were also a major aspect of my law and the power levels from which they derived from. Any living creature with access to soul power would be assigned a power level that reflected their overall strength. These power levels were also sorted into stages to represent strength more easily.
To prevent Earth’s inhabitants from being wiped out right away I created the first monsters in the world to have a power level ranging from 1 to 100, 100 being the temporary universal limit which I could raise at any time.
Soul power didn’t have major effects until reaching that 100 power level, meaning that the monsters could still be killed with early weapons and tools. However, after passing 100 power level the only options for killing monsters would be more powerful weapons or using soul power to fight back.
“This is going to be so fucking cool.” I couldn’t help but marvel at my law after confirming it, but I was soon hit with heartache after seeing the price needed to add it to my world.
// Soul Powered Monster Law (250,000 points) - A law that allows for sentient beings to battle against monsters through the use of soul power. Soul power can be used to enhance one’s body, use powerful attacks, and even create beast spirits to morph into. The upper end of this law has limitless potential, allowing for maximums and limits to be freely changed as you see fit. \
I had already spent 200,000 points to buy Earth, and now it would cost another 250,000 to add my law into the world. That would be nearly half of the total points I started with.
Venus was off to the side helping me customize my world, and when she saw the price it didn’t even phase her. She encouraged me to buy it still.
“I’d say buy the law. You’ll be able to earn more creator points in the future after the world is created anyway. The more you invest now the better, trust me. Besides, because we made the law to start with extremely weak powers it decreased the price by a lot. Had we made it easier to progress or have stronger monsters at the start then the price could’ve reached upwards of 500,000 creator points.”
Venus had a serious tone when saying trust me, as if me not doing so would be a grave mistake. She was my only companion at the moment and extremely helpful, so of course I would listen to her advice.
I nodded with a resolute look and bought the Soul Powered Monster System before adding it to Earth. This brought my Creator Points balance down to 550,000, and I still had to buy higher beings, an afterlife, sentient races, and access to the first set of monsters.
My only saving grace was that Venus told me animal and plant species would naturally grow and evolve when my world was created. So unless I wanted to create or add any species there was no need for me to spend points on them.
With my first Universal Law in place I moved on to adding higher beings. These would be some of the strongest forces on Earth, capable of impacting the world with every move they made.
// Please choose an option below for the higher beings that will oversee your world.
Custom Higher Beings (Price varies) - Create your own higher beings to watch over the world.
Basic Gods (250,000) - Create gods whenever you want and add them to the world. All gods will require a name, godhood, power summation, and domain to reside in. By including this higher being package in your world you will be adding “Divinity” to the available energies if it is not already present. Additionally, godhoods can be purchased for a flat fee of 10,000 Creator Points while powers and abilities can still be acquired through training or special methods.
Chosen Ones (100,000) - Chosen Ones are unique people that will be born from the sentient beings in your world. From birth their talent will be far above their peers, to the point that they totally eclipse them. After reaching a certain peak in their lives the Chosen Ones will ascend to Andahba where they act as immortal overseers that protect the world, but are not quite on the level of gods. By purchasing this world you will be creating the realm of Andahba as well.
Council of the Above (150,000) - The Council of the Above is a group of higher beings with near god-level power. Unlike gods though, they do not receive prayer or worship. Instead, the Council of the Above exists in secret to protect the world from threats. They are a secret group by default, but secrecy does not matter in their endeavor. Rather than creating beings, the Council of the Above is composed of sentient beings that are chosen to join the council. Only you may choose who is assigned to the council unless the power is given to someone else as well.
All of these options were quite appealing in nature, especially the Council of the Above which sounded epic to say the least. However, after thinking about the perks that came with the use of gods I couldn’t help but spend the 250,000 points on them. According to Venus, the gods would be able to help manage my world so that things would be easier to handle. And considering the fact that I used to be a normal human with no knowledge of universal creation, it made sense to have the help of literal gods while transitioning into a cosmic entity.
Next up on my list was choosing an afterlife. It sounded depressing but many variations were anything but!
// Please select an afterlife that will function in your world.
Custom Afterlife (Price Varies) - Create your own afterlife for the dead.
None (25,000) - The dead will have their souls walk amongst the living until the end of time, destined to never find rest. Some will eventually turn into evil spirits that attack the living while others will fade from existence.
Heaven and Hell (75,000) - After death all beings will be sent to the gates of heaven to be judged by angels. Those deemed worthy will be sent to heaven to live on for eternity in happiness, while those deemed unworthy will be sent to hell to suffer at the hands of demons. With this afterlife you must create a general outline for the judicial process, as well as design the angels and demons. Please note that one sentient race must be assigned as angels and another one as demons. By including this afterlife in your world you will be adding “Divinity” and “Demonic Energy” to the available energies if they are not already present.
Valhalla (75,000) - Whenever someone dies they will be sent to Valhalla where their living standards are destined upon the life they lived, however warriors are highly favored. The stronger the warrior, the more respected they will be. The spirits of warriors in Valhalla may be called upon and used in battle, but the more they fight the more they fade until finally reincarnating. Eventually, they will cease to exist after exhausting enough power. Any spirits that do not live in Valhalla as warriors will be able to reincarnate after a period of time is spent in the afterlife. Unlike other afterlives, souls that are taken to Valhalla will recreate their physical body after death. This means they can still eat, drink, breathe, and so on so forth. Additionally, a sentient race will be required to oversee Valhalla and ferry souls into the afterlife.
When it came to this feature I ended up deciding on the Valhalla option because of how cool it sounded. Calling upon warriors in the afterlife to fight once more? Who wouldn’t be interested in that? It was a pretty easy choice.
With the majority of my laws and such out of the way all I had to do now was add sentient beings to my planet as well as buy the first set of monsters that would roam it.
Before working on the sentient beings I checked the price of my monsters. Seeing the price I heaved a sigh of relief because they only cost 1,000 Creator Points. My guess was that because of how weak these monsters were their cost was equally low. After buying them a little goblin figurine appeared in my inventory, ready to be used as a creation mechanism for monsters on Earth.
“Last but not least are the sentient beings, then you’ll be able to start the world!” Venus was still watching me from the side, ready for the big unveiling.
On the sentient being screen I was greeted with a new menu I had not seen yet.
// Please select sentient beings to inhabit your world, they will be your main focus in the future. Also, note that their special traits will be adjusted to suit your world if you do not do so.
[Slot 1] [Slot 2] [Slot 3] [Slot 4] [Slot 5] [Slot 6] [Slot 7] [Slot 8] [Slot 9] [Slot 10]
[Slot 11] [Slot 12] [Slot 13] [Slot 14] [Slot 15] [Purchase more slots]
Custom Being (Price varies) - Create your own sentient beings to inhabit the planet.
Standard Humans (1,000) - Bipedal beings with relatively weak bodies but high ingenuity. They can easily adjust to any energies or laws you have on your planet. [↗]
Dwarves (5,000) - A small bipedal race roughly one meter tall. They are extremely capable when it comes to things like forging and problem-solving. [↗]
Elves (5,000) - A race naturally loved by various energies, whether they be mana, ki, or some other type. Elves enjoy living in forests and seek to protect nature rather than extort it. They have human-like appearances but with different skin tones and pointed ears. [↗]
Giants (10,000) - Giants are eight meters tall on average and bolster immense strength. Although not very intelligent they are still capable of basic civilization without external help. They resemble muscular humans on a larger scale. [↗]
Unlike my previous choices I was actually able to modify existing options to change them to my liking. Each menu for changing a species had an assortment of options and even stats, although the stats were for my knowledge not the inhabitants of Earth.
Even though I had 15 slots available for sentient beings I ended up buying seven for right now. Six to inhabit Earth and one to watch over Valhalla. There were also some minor tweaks made to the races I chose, that way their lives would be more tailored to Earth and its Universal Laws.
// Sentient Beings: Humans
Species Name: Humans [↗]
Male to Female Ratio: 1.06:1 [↗]
Average Lifespan: 70 years [↗]
Unique Traits: Adaptability, Ingenuity [↗]
Strength: 6 [↗]
Intelligence: 9 [↗]
Comprehension: 8 [↗]
Speed: 7 [↗]
Agility: 6 [↗]
Stamina: 7 [↗]
Genetics and DNA: [↗]
Male Template: [↗]
Female Template: [↗]
// Sentient Beings: Elves
Species Name: Elves [↗]
Male to Female Ratio: 1:1.49 [↗]
Average Lifespan: 210 years [↗]
Unique Traits: Beloved by Soul Power, Nature’s Protector [↗]
Strength: 5 [↗]
Intelligence: 9 [↗]
Comprehension: 9 [↗]
Speed: 6 [↗]
Agility: 8 [↗]
Stamina: 7 [↗]
Genetics and DNA: [↗]
Male Template: [↗]
Female Template: [↗]
// Sentient Beings: Dwarves
Species Name: Dwarves [↗]
Male to Female Ratio: 1.2:1 [↗]
Average Lifespan: 64 years [↗]
Unique Traits: Natural Blacksmiths, Ingenuity, Masters of Handiwork [↗]
Strength: 8 [↗]
Intelligence: 6 [↗]
Comprehension: 11 [↗]
Speed: 3 [↗]
Agility: 2 [↗]
Stamina: 9 [↗]
Genetics and DNA: [↗]
Male Template: [↗]
Female Template: [↗]
// Sentient Beings: Atlanteans
Species Name: Atlanteans [↗]
Male to Female Ratio: 1:1.02 [↗]
Average Lifespan: 94 years [↗]
Unique Traits: One With the Sea, Adaptability, Ingenuity [↗]
Strength: 6 [↗]
Intelligence: 8 [↗]
Comprehension: 9 [↗]
Speed: 6 [↗]
Agility: 9 [↗]
Stamina: 8 [↗]
Genetics and DNA: [↗]
Male Template: [↗]
Female Template: [↗]
// Sentient Beings: Shikar
Species Name: Shikar [↗]
Male to Female Ratio: 1.3:1 [↗]
Average Lifespan: 89 years [↗]
Unique Traits: Desert People, Heat Resistance, Birth Tattoos [↗]
Strength: 9 [↗]
Intelligence: 6 [↗]
Comprehension: 9 [↗]
Speed: 6 [↗]
Agility: 9 [↗]
Stamina: 6 [↗]
Genetics and DNA: [↗]
Male Template: [↗]
Female Template: [↗]
// Sentient Beings: Zamboo
Species Name: Zamboo [↗]
Male to Female Ratio: 1:1 [↗]
Average Lifespan: 50 years [↗]
Unique Traits: People of Colors, Animal Whisperers, Animal Techniques [↗]
Strength: 6 [↗]
Intelligence: 6 [↗]
Comprehension: 6 [↗]
Speed: 8 [↗]
Agility: 10 [↗]
Stamina: 10 [↗]
Genetics and DNA: [↗]
Male Template: [↗]
Female Template: [↗]
// Sentient Beings: Valkyries
Species Name: Valkyrie [↗]
Male to Female Ratio: 0:1 [↗]
Average Lifespan: Unaging[↗]
Unique Traits: Warriors of Valhalla, Spirit Couriers, Natural Fighters [↗]
Strength: 10 [↗]
Intelligence: 8 [↗]
Comprehension: 9 [↗]
Speed: 8 [↗]
Agility: 10 [↗]
Stamina: 10 [↗]
Genetics and DNA: [↗]
Female Template: [↗]
The six I chose to inhabit Earth were Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Atlanteans, Shikar, and Zamboo. The first four were self-explanatory, while the other two could use a bit of explanation.
Shikar were much like humans but lived in desert regions due to their enhanced stats in such areas. They were also born with natural markings on their body that resembled tattoos. Then there were the Zamboo who lived nomadic lives and had a bit more unique look. The Zamboo were roughly the same height as short humans and also bipedal, but they had the ability to run on their hands and feet like a quadruped. Additionally, their skin tone could be any color. Blue, pink, red, green, purple, Zamboo would be all of these colors and more depending on what region they lived in. They had a natural talent for being able to interact with animals as well, which made me curious as to whether or not that ability would carry over to monsters.
As for Valhalla, the beings I chose to inhabit it were called Valkyries, because Valhalla. Unlike the Valkyries in Norse mythology, these ones would collect the spirits of all people on Earth, not just warriors. This is why I designed the “Spirit Couriers” special trait for their race, as they originally could only ferry the souls of warriors into the afterlife.
All Valkyries were also created to be women and resemble humans with wings on their backs. As for procreation, that would not be necessary as Venus told me that there was more than one way to add sentient beings to a world. Hence she and I came up with a plan to implement the Valkyrie into Valhalla and then continue creating more of them.
The total for all seven sentient races cost me 46,000 Creator Points. The Zamboo and Shakar cost 5,000 each while Atlanteans cost 10,000 and the Valkyrie cost 15,000.
With all of the requirements met for my first world I was left with 178,000 points out of 1,000,000. There wouldn't be any new worlds for a while, that's for sure.
Everything necessary for the creation of my world was now done since I had no plan on changing physics, the process of evolution, or any sort of physical features on the planet. All that was left was for me to do was confirm the creation of Earth.
One thought of confirmation later and my tv suddenly turned on in the living room, causing the menu in front of me to disappear.
On the screen was another textbox with a loading bar on it.
// Planetary materialization is underway. Please wait… Progress: 1% out of 100%. \
Venus shouted out in excitement as she ran over to the couch and sat down to watch the progress bar fill up.
“Come sit down it’s about to happen! Once the world is done being created I can teach you about world management!”
There was too much excitement in the air so I smiled and sprinted behind the couch before hopping over the back of it, landing right next to Venus. We ended up making eye contact for a second before both looking away and blushing.
“Sorry about that, let me scoot over.” Any respectable gentleman would’ve done the same. When I moved over Venus attempted to say something before stopping herself and returning her attention to the screen.
Funny enough it only took ten seconds for the progress bar to finish, who knew building a world would take less time than going to the bathroom?
// Planetary construction is underway. Please wait… Progress (99% out of 100%). \
// Planetary construction is underway. Please wait… Progress (100% out of 100%). \
// Planet Earth has been created. Feat accomplished: The First of Many. \
Chapter End.
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